之前学习OpenCV时是从于老师的书本教材开始的,所以一直使用的接串口就全是其于C的,但越使用越觉得C接口不其方便,再者使用C++应当是大的趋势所向,所以,又只好对相应的C++接口进行学习和使用,真心烦燥! 浪费了一些时间不说,关键是c++接口中的一些函数的使用和要求,与C的有些出入,按之前C的方法去使用,有时会出些莫名的问题,解决起来老费劲!
今天就讲讲reduce() 和 findContours()的使用陷阱。
PS:再反复调整项目配置的时候顺手试了一下,项目--属性--配置属性--C/C++--常规--多处理器编译--选择 是(/MP),果然能快不少,呵呵,原来我之前一直在无形地浪费着i5!
二,reduce() 的使用陷阱。
函数原型:void cv::reduce(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int dim, int op, int dtype=-1)
对dtype采用默认值方式使用函数reduce(),出现了点异常问题,然后追加try-catch,发现输入输出的数据类型不匹配,于是就结合着reduce() 原代码做进一步分析,先是尝试着将输出创建为各种指定的格式,不行! 原因在于对下面这条语句没有理解好:
if( dtype < 0 )
dtype = _dst.fixedType() ? _dst.type() : stype;
上网、上Q,折腾许久,终于想到了要把 dtype指定一个初值! 由于输入的数据类型是8U,对于求和操作CV_REDUCE_SUM,那么输出是32S就可以,对应的 dtype=CV_32S 就行,此时输出的矩阵也就只需要定义一下就行,不必再进行其它操作。例如:
Mat matIn=imread(''lena.jpg",0);
Mat matOut;
reduce(matIn, matOut, 1, CV_REDUCE_SUM, CV_32S);
以下为函数reduce() 源码,方便对照学习。
void cv::reduce(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int dim, int op, int dtype)
Mat src = _src.getMat();
CV_Assert( src.dims <= 2 );
int op0 = op;
int stype = src.type(), sdepth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels();
if( dtype < 0 )
dtype = _dst.fixedType() ? _dst.type() : stype;
int ddepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype);
_dst.create(dim == 0 ? 1 : src.rows, dim == 0 ? src.cols : 1,
CV_MAKETYPE(dtype >= 0 ? dtype : stype, cn));
Mat dst = _dst.getMat(), temp = dst;
CV_Assert( op == CV_REDUCE_SUM || op == CV_REDUCE_MAX ||
op == CV_REDUCE_MIN || op == CV_REDUCE_AVG );
CV_Assert( src.channels() == dst.channels() );
if( op == CV_REDUCE_AVG )
if( sdepth < CV_32S && ddepth < CV_32S )
temp.create(dst.rows, dst.cols, CV_32SC(cn));
ddepth = CV_32S;
ReduceFunc func = 0;
if( dim == 0 )
if( op == CV_REDUCE_SUM )
if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32S)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_64F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(op == CV_REDUCE_MAX)
if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_8U)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_16U)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_16S)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_64F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(op == CV_REDUCE_MIN)
if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_8U)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_16U)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_16S)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceR_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_64F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceR_ >;
if(op == CV_REDUCE_SUM)
if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32S)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_64F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(op == CV_REDUCE_MAX)
if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_8U)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_16U)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_16S)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_64F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(op == CV_REDUCE_MIN)
if(sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_8U)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16U && ddepth == CV_16U)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_16S && ddepth == CV_16S)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
func = reduceC_ >;
else if(sdepth == CV_64F && ddepth == CV_64F)
func = reduceC_ >;
if( !func )
CV_Error( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
"Unsupported combination of input and output array formats" );
func( src, temp );
if( op0 == CV_REDUCE_AVG )
temp.convertTo(dst, dst.type(), 1./(dim == 0 ? src.rows : src.cols));