


1. docker:
开发语言:Go  18,761 Stargazers支持者  3,861 Forks被拷贝次数
Docker - the open-source application container engine,这个就是docker本身了。


2. dokku:
开发语言:Shell  8,230 Stargazers  662 Forks
Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash这个是由Deis发起的最小PaaS实现。


3. fig:
开发语言:Python  4,473 Stargazers  386 Forks
Fast, isolated development environments using Docker,这个就是著名的Fig项目了,使用docker的快速,隔离的开发环境。


4. drone:
开发语言:Go  4,354 Stargazers  428 Forks
Drone is a Continuous Integration platform built on Docker,构建在Docker上的一个持续集成平台。


5. boot2docker:
开发语言:Shell  4,141 Stargazers  347 Forks
Lightweight Linux for Docker,为Docker而生的轻量级Linux。


6. shipyard:
开发语言:Go  3,150 Stargazers  286 Forks
Composable Docker Management,可组合的Docker管理工具。


7. weave:
开发语言:Go  2,769 Stargazers  129 Forks
The Docker Network,Docker网络管理工具。


8. kitematic:
开发语言:CSS  2,565 Stargazers  117 Forks
Simple Docker management for Mac,Mac上简单的Docker管理工具。


9. baseimage-docker:
开发语言:Python  2,243 Stargazers  273 Forks
A minimal Ubuntu base image modified for Docker-friendliness,一个为Docker更友好而修改的最小版本Ubuntu基镜像。


10. dockerui:
开发语言:JavaScript  2,235 Stargazers  218 Forks
A web interface for docker.,一个Docker的web接口。



Docker —— 从入门到实践:






docker 每周都有周报进行更新,有一个网站列出了从开始2015年1月30日的一些有价值的链接:



在Azure上一个CoreOS集群上安装Weave Docker虚拟网络

Crate with Docker & Weave

Weave features

Weave has a few more features beyond those illustrated by the basic example:
•Virtual ethernet switch
•Application isolation
•Dynamic network attachment
•Host network integration
•Service export
•Service import
•Service binding
•Service routing
•Multi-cloud networking
•Multi-hop routing
•Dynamic topologies
•Container mobility
•Fault tolerance

Using Weave to create a Docker container network

How Visi uses Weave and Docker

How to Network Docker Containers with Weave



  • "Dockerizability" is better than "dockerized" by Behrooz Nobakht (added 05 Dec 2014)
  • Basics – Docker, Containers, Hypervisors, CoreOS by Greg Ferro (added 04 Sep 2014)
  • Docker: an introduction by Kristof De Middelaer (added 18 Aug 2014)
  • The Frontend Developer's Guide to Docker by Bryan Braun (added 17 Jul 2014)
  • Find out more about Docker, the next big thing in cloud computing by (added 03 Jul 2014)


  • Containers, microservices, and orchestrating the whole symphony by Uri Cohen (added 15 Dec 2014) New
  • Docker vs. VMs? Combining Both for Cloud Portability Nirvana by Thorsten von Eicken (added 11 Sep 2014)
  • Reproducibility in Science - Nextflow meets Docker by Maria Chatzou (added 11 Sep 2014)
  • Why Docker... and why now? by Matt Asay (added 04 Sep 2014)
  • Five Ways Docker is taking over the World by Serdar Yegulap (added 29 Aug 2014)
  • What does Docker provide if not virtualization? by Thomas Crowe (added 18 Aug 2014)
  • Virtualization is dead, long live containerization by Phil Wainewright (added 10 Jul 2014)
  • Cloud Trends to Watch: Structure 2014 by Charles Babcock (added 03 Jul 2014)
  • “Will the future be Dockerized?” A discussion on Docker, containers and the future of application delivery by (added 03 Jul 2014)


  • How To Deploy A Docker Application Into Production On Amazon AWS by Mark van Holsteijn (added 30 Oct 2014)
  • Microsoft Brings Containers to Windows, Azure by Charles Babcock (added 29 Oct 2014)
  • Docker Plugin for OpenStack Heat by Lars Kellogg-Stedman (added 04 Sep 2014)
  • Docker intercontainer networking explained by Attila Kanto (added 21 Aug 2014)
  • Docker Containers Take on VM, shipping on Google App Engine by (added 25 Jul 2014)


  • Powerstrip-weave: a docker networking extension by Michael Bridgen (added 30 Jan 2015) New
  • Docker Virtual Networking with by Ryan Wallner (added 22 Jan 2015) New
  • Docker, Weave, Raspberry Pi and a bit of Networked Cloud Computing! by Alexander Grendel (added 15 Dec 2014) New
  • Future of Docker Networking by Milos Gajdos (added 13 Nov 2014)
  • SDN and Dockerfiles for Clocker, the Docker Cloud Maker by Andrew Donald Kennedy (added 16 Oct 2014)
  • Weave - the Docker network by Zettio (added 18 Sep 2014)


  • Data Packed Volume Containers: Distribute Configuration by Jeff Nickoloff (added 03 Jan 2015) New
  • On Docker Container Composition by Jeff Nickoloff (added 27 Nov 2014)
  • Persistent volumes with Docker - Data-only container pattern by Container 42 (added 27 Nov 2014)


  • Snippets for tweaking and troubleshooting docker by Calvin Giles (added 29 Jan 2015) New
  • Putting Data in a Volume in a Dockerfile by Jérôme Petazzoni (added 22 Jan 2015) New
  • 24 random docker tips by Csaba Palfi (added 22 Dec 2015) New
  • 6 Dockerfile Tips from the Official Images by Adrian Mouat (added 22 Nov 2014)
  • Docker Layers cost by Manuel Velcet (added 13 Nov 2014)
  • Fugu by Matthias Kadenbach (added 10 Nov 2014)
  • How to use a local persistent Docker Registry on CentOS 6.5 by Josh Grey (added 30 Oct 2014)
  • How to Optimize Your Dockerfile by Maxime Hekel (added 23 Oct 2014)
  • Eight Docker Development Patterns by Vidar Hokstad (added 23 Oct 2014)
  • Docker Cleanup Commands by Calazan (added 09 Oct 2014)
  • Storage Concepts in Docker: Network and Cloud Storage by Mark Lamourine (added 23 Oct 2014)
  • Storage Concepts in Docker: Persistent Storage Mark Lamourine (added 16 Oct 2014)
  • Storage Concepts in Docker: Shared Storage and the VOLUME directive by Mark Lamourine (added 09 Oct 2014)
  • Docker-based multi-container Software Development Life Cycle environment by Spiddy @ Harbur (added 07 Oct 2014)
  • Edit files in Docker containers by Lajos Papp (added 03 Oct 2014)
  • Lightweight dev environment with fig & boot2docker on OSX by Martin Naumann (added 25 Sep 2014)
  • Running GUI apps with Docker by Fábio Rehm (added 18 Sep 2014)
  • Docker Do's And Don'ts by Vincent Viallet (added 29 Aug 2014)
  • Dockerfile examples by Alen Komljen (added 27 Aug 2014)
  • Docker Cheat Sheet by Will Sargent (added 27 Aug 2014)
  • Some Docker Tips and Tricks by Wouter Danes (added 27 Aug 2014)


  • Setting up a private Docker registry by Michelangelo Chasseur (added 29 Jan 2015) New
  • Remove Docker image and container with a criteria by Arun Gupta (added 05 Dec 2014)
  • Execute commands in a Docker sandbox by Chris Rock (added 09 Oct 2014)
  • Libswarm in a nutshell by Brian Goff (added 17 Jul 2014)
  • 10 Docker Remote API Commands for Images by Flux7 (added 17 Jul 2014)
  • Docker Remote API by Flux7 (added 03 Jul 2014)


  • A Docker Image for Graph Analytics on Neo4j woth Apache Spark GraphX by Kenny Bastani (added 5th December 2014)
  • Getting Started with Java Development on Docker by Matthias Lübken (added 11th November 2014)
  • Deploying NGINX and NGINX Plus with Docker by Rick Nelson (added 23th October 2014)
  • Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy for Docker by Jason Wilder (added 16th October 2014)
  • Build great JRuby apps with Docker by Rocky Jaiswal (added 18th September 2014)
  • How to Create a Persistent Ruby Gems Container with Docker by Phil Misiowiec (added 18th September 2014)
  • Apache Hadoop 2.5.1 on Docker by Janos Matyas (added 18th September 2014)
  • Easy MySQL - A docker container to provide MySQL databases on the fly by Nane Kratzke (added 13th September 2014)
  • The Smallest Docker Web Service That Could by Graham Jenson (added 11th September 2014)
  • Docker: Howto monitor your servers with Nagios by Tiago Pires (added 21th August 2014)
  • A Week of Docker by Daniel Martins (added 21th August 2014)
  • Build Debian Docker Image from Scratch by Ahmed Ossama (added 18th August 2014)
  • Building a Tor box by /dev/blog (added 18th August 2014)
  • An easy way of GlusterFS deployment with Docker by (added 18th August 2014)
  • How to build a Jenkins Master by Luke Woydziak (added 25th July 2014)
  • Docker 1.1 Released and With It A New "Ignore" Functionality by Alex Willimas (added 10th July 2014)
  • Dart meets Docker, How to Dockerize Dart Apps by Nane Kratzke (added 3rd July 2014)
  • Simple echo server written in Go, dockerized by (added 3rd July 2014)


  • Simple Monitoring for Docker (Part I) by Christophe Labouisse (added 20th November 2014)
  • Resource management in Docker by Marek Goldmann (added 18th September 2014)
  • An Updated Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers by Wes Felter, Alexandre Ferreira, Ram Rajamony, Juan Rubio (added 17th August 2014)
  • Collecting Docker Container Data with Fluentd by kiyototamura (added 17th August 2014)
  • Monitoring Docker part II by (added 17th July 2014)
  • Docker performance monitor by (added 3rd July 2014)


  • Creating SSL/TLS Certificates for Docker and Docker Swarm by Matthew Bajor (added 22 Jan 2015) New
  • Docker Secure Deployment Guide by Quentin Grosperring (added 15 Jan 2015) New
  • Safer Local Docker Networks by Jeff Nickoloff (added 08 Jan 2015) New
  • Securing Docker with HTTP Basic Authentication by Ahmet Alp Balkan (added 30th October 2014)
  • Docker 1.3 arrives with improved security by Steven Vaughan-Nicols (added 23th October 2014)
  • How Docker Changes Cloud Security by Lucas Carlson (added 23th October 2014)
  • Updating your Docker for Shellshock by Brian Christner (added 3rd October 2014)
  • Bringing new security features to Docker by Daniel Walsh (added 4th September 2014)
  • Docker security with SELinux by Daniel Walsh (added 25th July 2014)
  • Is it safe to run applications in Linux Containers by Jérôme Petazzoni (added 25th July 2014)
  • Securing Docker's Future with SELinux and the Open Source Way by OpenShift (added 10th July 2014)



  • OpenShift, Kubernetes, Docker and Apache Hadoop YARN by Arun Murthy (added 3rd October 2014)
  • MesosCon Highlights: Apache Mesos 0.20 and Docker Support by Isabel Jimenez (added 11th September 2014)
  • Akka Cluster with Docker containers by Nepomuk Seiler (added 4th September 2014)
  • Docker on Mesos 0.20 by Timothy Chen (added 4th September 2014)
  • Service Discovery Part II by Antoine (added 29th August 2014)
  • Service Discovery Part I by Antoine (added 29th August 2014)
  • Managing HA Docker Cluster Using Multiple Mesos Masters by Deepak Mdass (added 21th August 2014)
  • Getting Started with Docker Orchestration Using Fig by (added 18th August 2014)
  • Mesos, Docker, and Chef by Jón Tómas Grétarsson (added 18th July 2014)
  • Fig: Fast, isolated development environments using Docker. by (added 25th July 2014)



  • Tutum - Build, deploy, and manage your apps across any cloud (added 30th October 2014)
  • Clocker – Creating a Docker Cloud with Apache Brooklyn (added 16th October 2014)
  • Kubernetes (added 29th August 2014)
  • Mesoshpere: Mesosphere brings Google-scale compute to everybody (added 29th August 2014)
  • Project Atomic: Deploy and Manage your Docker Containers (added 29th August 2014)
  • Panamax: Docker management for humans (added 24th August 2014)
  • CoreOS: Linux for Massive Server Deployments (added 25th July 2014)





  1. GitHub上关于docker的项目排名前十个介绍,同时推荐下两本gitbook
  2. 国外一些有价值的docker相关的文章
