






安装 Installation

1.设置Linux环境 Set up your Linux environment

设置Ubuntu 18.04框或VM。这应该包括ffmpeg 3.4.4和OpenCV 3.2。Set up a Ubuntu 18.04 box or VM. This should include ffmpeg 3.4.4 and OpenCV 3.2.

还需要安装asio Also install asio:

  • sudo apt install libasio-dev

2.设置ROS环境 Set up your ROS environment

[安装ROS2 Dashing Diademata](和ros-dashing-desktop。Install ROS2 Dashing Diademata with the ros-dashing-desktop option.

如果您安装二进制文件,请务必同时安装 [开发工具和ROS工具](从源安装说明。If you install binaries, be sure to also install the development tools and ROS toolsfrom the source installation instructions.

安装这些附加包Install these additional packages:

  • sudo apt install ros-dashing-cv-bridge ros-dashing-camera-calibration-parsers

3.安装tello_ros Install tello_ros

下载、编译和安装tello_ros Download, compile and install tello_ros

  • mkdir -p ~/tello_ros_ws/src
    cd ~/tello_ros_ws/src
    git clone
    git clone
    cd ..
    source /opt/ros/dashing/setup.bash
    # If you didn't intall Gazebo, skip tello_gazebo while building:
    colcon build --event-handlers console_direct+ --packages-skip tello_gazebo




查看一下功能包,启动驱动看一看,发现超时(time out)。







运行 Running

遥控 Teleop

驱动程序提供了一个简单的启动文件,允许使用有线XBox One游戏手柄飞行无人机。The driver provides a simple launch file that will allow you to fly the drone using a wired XBox One gamepad.

打开无人机,通过Wi-Fi连接到“TELLO-XXXXX”,然后启动ROS:Turn on the drone, connect to TELLO-XXXXX via wi-fi, and launch ROS:

  • cd ~/tello_ros_ws
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch tello_driver


如果没有运行source install/setup.bash,会出现如上错误提示。

按下XBox One 菜单按钮取下,然后按视图按钮降落。Hit the XBox One menu button to take off, and the view button to land.

如果您没有XBox One游戏手柄,可以使用ROS2 CLI发送命令:If you don't have an XBox One gamepad, you can send commands using the ROS2 CLI:

  • ros2 service call /tello_action tello_msgs/TelloAction "{cmd: 'takeoff'}"
    ros2 service call /tello_action tello_msgs/TelloAction "{cmd: 'rc 0 0 0 20'}"
    ros2 service call /tello_action tello_msgs/TelloAction "{cmd: 'land'}"
    ros2 service call /tello_action tello_msgs/TelloAction "{cmd: 'battery?'}"




还可以发送cmd_vel消息:You can also send cmd_vel messages:

  • ros2 topic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist  # Sends rc 0 0 0 0
    ros2 topic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "{linear: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.2}}"


tello_ros是Tello和Tello EDU无人机的ROS2驱动程序。tello_ros is a ROS2 driver for Tello and Tello EDU drones.


4个ROS包 There are 4 ROS packages:

  • tello_driver 是连接到无人机的C ++ ROS节点 is a C++ ROS node that connects to the drone

  • tello_msgs 是一组ROS消息 is a set of ROS messages

  • tello_description 包含机器人描述(URDF)文件 contains robot description (URDF) files

  • tello_gazebo  可以用来模拟[Gazebo](中的Tello无人机, 有关详细信息,请参阅该包中的 can be used to simulate a Tello drone in Gazebo,see the in that package for details

接口 Interface

概述 Overview


驱动程序使用Tello SDK与无人机通信,具有以下几个优点:

  • SDK已记录在案,并且围绕它进行了相当多的开发活动,因此它很可能是稳定的。

  • SDK是基于文本的,这意味着tello_ros可以很简单,但仍然可以通过传递提供对SDK的完全访问权限无人机的任意字符串。





Tello无人机拥有先进的视觉测距系统和机载IMU,但这些内部系统访问量极低 。驱动不发布里程计消息。

The driver is designed to very simple while making it easy to integrate Tello drones into the ROS ecosystem.

The driver communicates with the drone using the Tello SDK, which has several advantages:

  • The SDK is documented, and there's quite a bit of development activity around it, so it's likely to be stable.

  • The SDK is text-based, which means that tello_ros can be simple but still provide full access to the SDK by passingarbitrary strings to the drone.

Many Tello commands (e.g., takeoff and land) are long-running, and the drone returns ok or error on completion.For now, the driver provides the ROS service tello_command to initiate commands,and the corresponding ROS topic tello_response to indicate command completion.This may change when ROS2-Dashing is released.

Per ROS convention, the driver also responds to Twist messages on the cmd_vel topic.These are translated into rc commands and sent to the drone.Velocity values are arbitrarily mapped from [-1.0, 1.0] to [-100, 100].This may change in the future.

The driver parses telemetry data and sends it on the flight_data topic.The presence of telemetry data is a good indicator that the drone is connected.

The driver parses the video stream and sends images on the image_raw topic.Camera information is sent on the camera_info topic.

The Tello drones have a sophisticated visual odometry system and an onboard IMU, but there's minimal access to these internal systems. The driver does not publish odometry.


  • Tello无人机不发送rc命令的响应,也不发送驱动程序的响应。*驱动程序在启动时发送commandstreamon命令以启动遥测和视频。*如果遥测或视频停止,驱动程序将尝试通过发送commandstreamon命令重新启动。*在cmd_vel消息中忽略Roll(Twist.angular.x)和pitch(Twist.angular.y)。*司机没有跟踪状态,因此即使它在地面上,它也会很乐意向无人机发送“rc”信息。无人机只是忽略了它们。*您可以通过tello_command服务向无人机发送任意字符串。*如果15秒内未收到任何命令,Tello无人机将自动着陆。在12秒的静音之后,驱动程序发送一个rc 0 0 0 0命令以避免这种情况。

Additional notes:

  • Only one command may be running at a time.

  • If a command (other than rc) is currently running, incoming cmd_vel messages are ignored.

  • Tello drones do not send responses for rc commands, and neither does the driver.

  • The driver sends command and streamon commands at startup to initiate telemetry and video.

  • If telemetry or video stops, the driver will attempt to restart by sending command and streamon commands.

  • Roll (Twist.angular.x) and pitch (Twist.angular.y) are ignored in cmd_vel messages.

  • The driver doesn't keep track of state, so it will happily send rc messages to the drone even if it's on the ground.The drone just ignores them.

  • You can send arbitrary strings to the drone via the tello_command service.

  • Tello drones auto-land if no commands are received within 15 seconds.The driver sends a rc 0 0 0 0 command after 12 seconds of silence to avoid this.

服务 Services

  • ~tello_action tello_msgs/TelloAction

订阅主题 Subscribed topics

  • ~cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist

发布主题 Published topics

  • ~tello_response std_msgs/String

  • ~flight_data tello_msgs/FlightData

  • ~image_raw sensor_msgs/Image

  • ~camera_info sensor_msgs/CameraInfo

参数 Parameters

默认设置适用于单个Tello无人机。 The defaults work well for a single Tello drone.

Name Description Default
drone_ip Send commands to this IP address 将命令发送到此IP地址
drone_port Send commands to this UDP port 将命令发送到此UDP端口 8889
command_port Send commands from this UDP port 从此UDP端口发送命令 38065
data_port Flight data (Tello state) will arrive on this UDP port 飞行数据(Tello状态)将到达此UDP端口 8890
video_port Video data will arrive on this UDP port 视频数据将到达此UDP端口 11111

Devices tested 已测试设备

  • Tello

    • Firmware v01.04.35.01, SDK v1.3 固件v01.04.35.01,SDK v1.3

  • Tello EDU

    • Firmware v02.04.69.03, SDK v2.0 固件v02.04.69.03,SDK v2.0


The h264decoder is from h264decoder来自:

Resources 资源

  • Tello User Manual 1.4 Tello用户手册1.4

  • SDK 1.3for Tello, see the errata below

  • SDK 2.0for Tello EDU, see the errata below

  • Tello EDU Mission Pad Guide (SDK 2.0)for Tello EDU

  • Tello Pilots Developer Forumis a good developer community Tello Pilots开发者论坛

Tello SDK errata

  • Tello drones do not respond to rc commands (the SDK suggests that they return ok or error)Tello无人机不响应rc命令(SDK建议他们返回'okerror`)








