How to be Interesting - Step 2

Step 2 Share what you discover

And be generous when you do. Not everybody went exploring with you.

Don’t just associate with folks who do what you do. Seek out those with different passions, you’ll be able to experience exponentially more.

exponentially:  use exponentially when you want to say that something's increasing quickly by large amounts. Your friends and colleagues will be pleased to hear that your vocabulary is growing exponentially.

When we meet with someone who is different from ourselves, we will be either interested or indifferent to them. As I am growing older and see more bad news, I am getting more and more afraid to get along with strange people. Cause I am afraid that I will get in trouble. This kind of feeling also decrease my interesting memory. Maybe I can be more confident about human’s kindness.

Do not wait until tomorrow.

Say, do, or make it now.

Go where you need to be. Do not wait to be invited places. Host your own parties. Do not sit by the phone. Pick it up. Spread the word. Press the buttons. Buy the tickets and enjoy the show.

This part reminds me of Elon Musk’s phrase - go or die, never give up. What I want to do or need to do, I just take actions to do and see the results. Thinking less about the possible results but thinking more accessible methods to ensure the success.

Offer to help.

What you have is worth a lot.

Seek out the people who need it. What’s know to you is often a mystery to others. Your old fact is someone else’s new lesson. Your simple task is someone else’s impossible chore. Your mind is full of treasure that no one else has seen. Pass them on. An idea shared is not diminished. It’s multiplied.

Since more and more people are shamed of telling their shorthands, like me. I thought it useless or rude to help others without asking. It has been a long time since I ask help from others. To be honest, I have never asked help from others shamelessly. I thought if I ask help, I was informing others that I was bad and unqualified. I was not skillful at this.

Don’t be shy.

Bring others into your world.

Be a link not an endpoint.

Don’t just tell. Don’t just listen. Make introductions. Set up strangers. Pass on what you know. This is how ideas snowball into events. Laud what you enjoy. Praise the people who excel in novel way. Do it publicly and often. Strike up conversations when you can.

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