Html5 在 Android/IOS 浏览器不自动播放视频


  1. Chrome for Android 从版本54开始支持静音视频自动播放
  2. Safari for iOS 10 从版本602开始支持静音视频自动播放
  3. Autoplay, whether muted or not, is already supported on Android by Firefox and UC Browser: they do not block any kind of autoplay


系统/浏览器 是否支持自动播放
iOS 9 Safari 601 no
iOS 10 Safari 602 yes (with muted + playsinline attributes)
iOS 9 Chrome 54 no
iOS 10 Chrome 54 yes (with muted + playsinline attributes)
iOS 9 Opera Mini 14 no
iOS 10 Opera Mini 14 yes (plays fullscreen)
iOS 9 Firefox 5.3 no
iOS 10 Firefox 5.3 no
Android Chrome 43 no
Android Chrome 54 yes (with muted attribute)
Android Opera Mini 20 no
Android Firefox 49 yes
Android Samsung Internet 4.0 no
Windows Phone 8 IEMobile 10 no
Windows Phone 8.1 IEMobile 11 yes
Windows 10 Mobile Edge 14.1 no
Windows 10 Mobile Opera Mini 9.1 no
