首先解析亮度分量和色度分量的ALF Flag、滤波器个数以及每个class对应的FilterIdx,主体函数void HLSyntaxReader::parseAPS(APS* aps)
//解析Slice Header中的参数
void HLSyntaxReader::parseAPS(APS* aps)
uint32_t code;
READ_CODE(5, code, "adaptation_parameter_set_id");
AlfSliceParam param = aps->getAlfAPSParam();
param.enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Y] = true;//亮度分量是否ALF的标志
int alfChromaIdc = truncatedUnaryEqProb(3); //alf_chroma_idc
param.enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Cb] = alfChromaIdc >> 1;
param.enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Cr] = alfChromaIdc & 1;
//解析滤波器种类数numLumaFilters ,最多MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES=25种,此处为何存在滤波器种类少于25的情况,原因在于Filter Merge技术,之后再进行介绍
xReadTruncBinCode(code, MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES); //number_of_filters_minus1
param.numLumaFilters = code + 1;
if (param.numLumaFilters > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES; i++)
xReadTruncBinCode(code, param.numLumaFilters);
param.filterCoeffDeltaIdx[i] = code;
memset(param.filterCoeffDeltaIdx, 0, sizeof(param.filterCoeffDeltaIdx));
alfFilter(param, false);//解析滤波器参数的主体函数,解析亮度分量的滤波器参数
if (alfChromaIdc)
alfFilter(param, true);
25个ALF滤波器的参数存储在Slice级别,所以,先解析Slice级别的滤波器参数(filter coeff),解析滤波器参数的主体函数为void HLSyntaxReader::alfFilter()
void HLSyntaxReader::alfFilter( AlfSliceParam& alfSliceParam, const bool isChroma )
uint32_t code;
if( !isChroma )
//alfLumaCoeffDeltaFlag :numLumaFilters 个是否都传输了Filter Coeff(意思是有些滤波器没有传输参数)
READ_FLAG( code, "alf_luma_coeff_delta_flag" );
alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaFlag = code;
if( !alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaFlag )
std::memset( alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffFlag, true, sizeof( alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffFlag ) );
if( alfSliceParam.numLumaFilters > 1 )
//alfLumaCoeffDeltaPredictionFlag :Filter Coeff之间是否采用DPCM的方式编码(差分编码)
READ_FLAG( code, "alf_luma_coeff_delta_prediction_flag" );
alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaPredictionFlag = code;
alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaPredictionFlag = 0;
alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaPredictionFlag = 0;
// derive maxGolombIdx,根据颜色分量获取滤波器形状,色度5x5或亮度7x7
AlfFilterShape alfShape( isChroma ? 5 : 7 );
const int maxGolombIdx = AdaptiveLoopFilter::getMaxGolombIdx( alfShape.filterType );
READ_UVLC( code, isChroma ? "alf_chroma_min_eg_order_minus1" : "alf_luma_min_eg_order_minus1" );
int kMin = code + 1;
static int kMinTab[MAX_NUM_ALF_COEFF];
//滤波器种类数numFilters ,色度统一使用一个滤波器,亮度分量根据解析的参数赋值
const int numFilters = isChroma ? 1 : alfSliceParam.numLumaFilters;
short* coeff = isChroma ? alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff : alfSliceParam.lumaCoeff;
for( int idx = 0; idx < maxGolombIdx; idx++ )
READ_FLAG( code, isChroma ? "alf_chroma_eg_order_increase_flag" : "alf_luma_eg_order_increase_flag" );
CHECK( code > 1, "Wrong golomb_order_increase_flag" );
kMinTab[idx] = kMin + code;
kMin = kMinTab[idx];
if( !isChroma )
if( alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaFlag )
//如果numLumaFilters个滤波器均传输了Filter Coeff,获取某个滤波器是否传输Filter Coeff
for( int ind = 0; ind < alfSliceParam.numLumaFilters; ++ind )
READ_FLAG( code, "alf_luma_coeff_flag[i]" );
alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffFlag[ind] = code;//第ind个滤波器是否传输了Filter Coeff
// Filter coefficients
for( int ind = 0; ind < numFilters; ++ind )//逐个解析滤波器参数
if( !isChroma && !alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffFlag[ind] && alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaFlag )
//若亮度分量情况下,不是numLumaFilters个都传输了Filter Coeff,且第ind个滤波器未传输Filter Coeff,则直接将当前Filter Coeff置0
memset( coeff + ind * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF, 0, sizeof( *coeff ) * alfShape.numCoeff );
for( int i = 0; i < alfShape.numCoeff - 1; i++ )
//否则,解析Filter Coeff
coeff[ind * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + i] = alfGolombDecode( kMinTab[alfShape.golombIdx[i]] );
void DecLib::executeLoopFilters()
if( !m_pcPic )
return; // nothing to deblock
CodingStructure& cs = *m_pcPic->cs;
if (cs.sps->getUseReshaper() && m_cReshaper.getSliceReshaperInfo().getUseSliceReshaper())
CHECK((m_cReshaper.getRecReshaped() == false), "Rec picture is not reshaped!");
// deblocking filter
m_cLoopFilter.loopFilterPic( cs );//DF
if( cs.sps->getSAOEnabledFlag() )
{ //SAO过程
m_cSAO.SAOProcess( cs, cs.picture->getSAO() );
if( cs.sps->getALFEnabledFlag() )
if (cs.slice->getTileGroupAlfEnabledFlag())
// ALF decodes the differentially coded coefficients and stores them in the parameters structure.
// Code could be restructured to do directly after parsing. So far we just pass a fresh non-const
// copy in case the APS gets used more than once.
AlfSliceParam alfParamCopy = cs.aps->getAlfAPSParam();
m_cALF.ALFProcess(cs, alfParamCopy);
void AdaptiveLoopFilter::ALFProcess( CodingStructure& cs, AlfSliceParam& alfSliceParam )
if( !alfSliceParam.enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Y] && !alfSliceParam.enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Cb] && !alfSliceParam.enabledFlag[COMPONENT_Cr] )
// set available filter shapes
alfSliceParam.filterShapes = m_filterShapes;
// set clipping range
m_clpRngs = cs.slice->getClpRngs();
// set CTU enable flags,CTU级别的Flag
for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++ )
m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx] = cs.picture->getAlfCtuEnableFlag( compIdx );
//根据Slice级别解析的滤波器参数重建Filter Coefficient
reconstructCoeff( alfSliceParam, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA );
reconstructCoeff( alfSliceParam, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA );
PelUnitBuf recYuv = cs.getRecoBuf();
m_tempBuf.copyFrom( recYuv );
PelUnitBuf tmpYuv = m_tempBuf.getBuf( cs.area );
tmpYuv.extendBorderPel( MAX_ALF_FILTER_LENGTH >> 1 );
const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv;
int ctuIdx = 0;
for( int yPos = 0; yPos < pcv.lumaHeight; yPos += pcv.maxCUHeight )
for( int xPos = 0; xPos < pcv.lumaWidth; xPos += pcv.maxCUWidth )
const int width = ( xPos + pcv.maxCUWidth > pcv.lumaWidth ) ? ( pcv.lumaWidth - xPos ) : pcv.maxCUWidth;
const int height = ( yPos + pcv.maxCUHeight > pcv.lumaHeight ) ? ( pcv.lumaHeight - yPos ) : pcv.maxCUHeight;
const UnitArea area( cs.area.chromaFormat, Area( xPos, yPos, width, height ) );
if( m_ctuEnableFlag[COMPONENT_Y][ctuIdx] )
Area blk( xPos, yPos, width, height );
deriveClassification( m_classifier, tmpYuv.get( COMPONENT_Y ), blk );
Area blkPCM(xPos, yPos, width, height);
resetPCMBlkClassInfo(cs, m_classifier, tmpYuv.get(COMPONENT_Y), blkPCM);
m_filter7x7Blk(m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, COMPONENT_Y, m_coeffFinal, m_clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], cs );
for( int compIdx = 1; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++ )
ComponentID compID = ComponentID( compIdx );
const int chromaScaleX = getComponentScaleX( compID, tmpYuv.chromaFormat );
const int chromaScaleY = getComponentScaleY( compID, tmpYuv.chromaFormat );
if( m_ctuEnableFlag[compIdx][ctuIdx] )
Area blk( xPos >> chromaScaleX, yPos >> chromaScaleY, width >> chromaScaleX, height >> chromaScaleY );
m_filter5x5Blk( m_classifier, recYuv, tmpYuv, blk, compID, alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff, m_clpRngs.comp[compIdx], cs );
重建滤波器系数主体函数void AdaptiveLoopFilter::reconstructCoeff( )
void AdaptiveLoopFilter::reconstructCoeff( AlfSliceParam& alfSliceParam, ChannelType channel, const bool bRedo )
int factor = ( 1 << ( m_NUM_BITS - 1 ) );
AlfFilterType filterType = isLuma( channel ) ? ALF_FILTER_7 : ALF_FILTER_5;
int numClasses = isLuma( channel ) ? MAX_NUM_ALF_CLASSES : 1;
int numCoeff = filterType == ALF_FILTER_5 ? 7 : 13;
int numCoeffMinus1 = numCoeff - 1;
int numFilters = isLuma( channel ) ? alfSliceParam.numLumaFilters : 1;
short* coeff = isLuma( channel ) ? alfSliceParam.lumaCoeff : alfSliceParam.chromaCoeff;
if( alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaPredictionFlag && isLuma( channel ) )
for( int i = 1; i < numFilters; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < numCoeffMinus1; j++ )
//Filter Coefficient采用DPCM编码方式
coeff[i * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + j] += coeff[( i - 1 ) * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + j];
for( int filterIdx = 0; filterIdx < numFilters; filterIdx++ )
int sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < numCoeffMinus1; i++ )
sum += ( coeff[filterIdx* MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + i] << 1 );
coeff[filterIdx* MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + numCoeffMinus1] = factor - sum;
if( isChroma( channel ) )
for( int classIdx = 0; classIdx < numClasses; classIdx++ )
int filterIdx = alfSliceParam.filterCoeffDeltaIdx[classIdx];
memcpy( m_coeffFinal + classIdx * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF, coeff + filterIdx * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF, sizeof( short ) * numCoeff );
if( bRedo && alfSliceParam.alfLumaCoeffDeltaPredictionFlag )
for( int i = numFilters - 1; i > 0; i-- )
for( int j = 0; j < numCoeffMinus1; j++ )
coeff[i * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + j] = coeff[i * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + j] - coeff[( i - 1 ) * MAX_NUM_ALF_LUMA_COEFF + j];