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1. 要退出屏幕保护但不知道密码,可以:(      )
A 按下CTRL+ALT+DELETE健,当出现关闭程序对话框时,选择"屏幕保护程序"然后按下"结束任务"就可以终止屏幕保护程序
B 按下ALT+TAB切换到其他程序中。
C 按下ALT+ESC切换到其他程序中。
D 以上都不对

2. 选用中文输入法后,可以实现全角和半角切换的是(      )
A 按CapsLock键
B 按CtrI十圆点键
C 按Shift十空格键
D 按Ctrl十空格键

3. 设在C5单元格存有一公式为SUM(C2:C4),将其复制到E5后,公式变为()
A SUM(C2:C4)
B SUM(C2:E5)
C 5UM(E5:C2)
D SUM(E2:E4)

4. 在Word的编辑状态,执行“文件”菜单中的“保存”命令后(      )。
A 将所有打开的文档存盘
B 只能将当前文档存储在原文件夹内
C 将当前文档存储在已有的任意文件夹内
D 建立新文件夹,再将文档存储在该文件夹内

5. 下面以( )为扩展名的文件是不能直接运行的。

6. 以下十六进制数的运算,(  )是正确的。
A 1+9=A
B 1+9=B
C 1+9=C
D 1+9=10

7. 软件( )不是WWW浏览器。
A IE6.0
B C++
C Mosaic
D Netscape Navigator

8. 计算机通信协议中的TCP称为(      )
A 传输控制协议
B 网间互联协议
C 邮件通信协议
D 网络操作系统协议

9. Word中使用键盘移动插入点,要将插入点移至行尾使用(      )快捷键
A PgUp
B End
C Ctrl+End
D Home

10. 在运行一些应用程序时,长时间没响应,则退出该应用程的正确方法是:(      )
A 按Ctrl+Alt+Del键,在"关闭程序"对话框中选定该程序并按"结束任务"按钮
B 连续按两次Ctrl+Alt+Del键.
C 按Ctrl+F4
D 重新启动Windows98

11. HTTP是一种(      )
A 网址
B 超文本传输协议
C 程序设计语言
D 域名

12. Windows98是一个多任务操作系统,这是指:
A Windows98可以供多个用户同时使用
B Windows98可以运行很多种应用程序
C Windows98可以同时运行多个应用程序
D Windows98可以同时管理多种资源

13. 在PowerPoint中,幻灯片文件的扩展名为()
A .ppt
B .pts
C .pot
D .pps

14. Excel2000最多允许指定( )个关键字进行排序
A 2个
B 3个
C 4个
D 5个

15. 在Word编辑中,要移动或拷贝文本,可以用(      )来选择文本。
A 扩展选取
B 键盘
C 鼠标
D 以上方法都可以

16. Excel中,下列说法错误的有( )。
A 求和操作对同列同行的数据都能进行
B 求和操作只能对同行的数据进行
C 求和时要多选中一个空白格,以便保存结果
D 求和操作对同行同列的数据都能进行

17. 硬盘与软盘相比,硬盘具有(      )的特点
A 价格便宜
B 携带方便
C 速度慢
D 容量大

18. 在Word 2000 文档窗口中,若选定的文本块中包含有几种字体的汉字,则格式工具栏的字体框中显示(      )
A 空白
B 第一个汉字的字体
C 系统缺省字体:宋体
D 文本块中使用最多的文字字体

19. 在单元格中输入:=Average(10,-3)-Pi(),则该单元格显示的值:(      )
A 大于零
B 小于零
C 等于零
D 不确定

20. 下列哪一项不属于窗口的组成(      )
A 标题栏
B 状态栏
C 标签
D 工具栏

21. Internet使用的主要协议是(      )。
C X.25

22. ()都是系统软件。

23. 在Excel中,已知工作表A3单元格与A4单元格的值分别为"中国"、"北京",要在A5单元格中显示"中国北京",正确的公式为(      )
A =A3,A4
B = A 3+ A 4
C =A 3&A 4
D =A 3;A 4

24. 下面合法的IP地址是:(      )。
A 129,1,150,115
D 24.128.12

25. 下列选项中,( )是绝对引用的书写方式。
A A1:A5
B $A$1:$A$5
C $A1:A$5
D $A1:A5

26. 使用"磁盘扫描程序"可以:
A 查看磁盘上有多少可用空间。
B 修复文件错误。
C 修复磁盘物理损坏
D 查找病毒。

27. (      )键可以将字母‘A'到‘Z'锁定为大写状态

28. 为了在磁盘中快速查找所有的“.doc”文件,最快且准确的查找方式是(  )。
A 按名称
B 按日期
C 按大小
D 按类型

29. 在Word编辑中,模式匹配查找中能使用的通配符是(      )。
A +和-
B *和,
C *和?
D /和*

30. 计算机内所有的信息都是以(      )形式来存放的
A 八进制
B 十进制
C 二进制
D 十六进制

31. 演示文稿类型的扩展名(      )
A .htm
B .ppt
C .pps
D .pot

32. 操作系统是一种(      )
A 系统软件
B 操作规范
C 编译系统
D 应用软件

33. 在Excel 2000 中,设A1单元格内容为2000-10-1,A2单元格内容为2,A3单元格的内容为=A1+A2,则A3单元格显示的数据为(      )
A 2002-10-1B
B 2000-12-1
C 2000-10-3
D 2000-10-12

34. 广域网和局域网是按照()来划分的
A 网络使用者
B 信息交换方式
C 网络覆盖范围
D 传输控制协议

35. 在Internet Explorer浏览器中,“收藏夹”收藏的是
A 网站的地址
B 网站的内容
C 网页地址
D 网页内容

36. 十进制数64转化为二进制数为:(      )
A 1100000
B 1000000
C 1000001
D 1000010

37. 键盘中的哪个键(      )是全方位的取消键
A Tab
B Ctrl
C Esc
D Shift

38. 在Excel 2000表格中,若在单元格B1存储一公式A$7,将其复制到F1单元后,公式变为(      )
A A$7
B E$7
C D$1
D C$7

39. 电子计算机主要以()划分发展阶段
A 集成电路
B 电子元件
C 电子管
D 晶体管

40. 人们把20世纪60年代到20世纪70年代初期称为第三代计算机时代,其硬件为:(      )
A 电子管
B 晶体管
C 中小规模集成电路
D 大规模集成电路

41. 计算机系统由(      )组成
A 硬件系统
B 软件系统
C 存储设备
D 管理设备

42. 控制幻灯片外观的方法有(      )
A 母版
B 配色方案和应用设计模版
C 幻灯片版式
D 幻灯片切换

43. 计算机主机包括(      )
A 显示器
B 中央处理器
C 键盘
D 内存储器

44. 下列哪些字符在文件命名中是不合法的()




C 0~9的数字
D @

45. 下列情况在“网上邻居”中可以实现的是(      )
A 访问网络上的共享打印机
B 使用在网络上共享的磁盘空间
C 查找网络上特定的计算机
D 使用他人计算机上未共享的文件

46. 按网络规模和距离远近可以将计算机网络分为(      )
A 局域网
B 城域网
C 广域网
D 网域网

47. 标准键盘一般分为四个键区,包括:功能键区、主键盘区、(      )
A 数字键区
B 字母键区
C 小键盘区
D 光标控制键区

48. 计算机硬件系统由()部件组成
A 运算器
B 控制器
C 存储器
D 输入设备和输出设备

49. 在windows系统中,有关“回收站”的论述,不正确的是(      )
A 回收站中的内容将永久保留
B 回收站不占用磁盘空间
C 回收站的内容可以删除
D 回收站只有在桌面找到

50. 计算机操作系统是由()基本管理功能组成
A 中央处理器管理
B 存储管理
C 设备管理
D 文件管理和作业管理


1. Anyone ____________ a term in prison will not be hired by that company.
A serving
B to be served
C having served
D being served

2. Without the _______ of TV, children might spend more time reading and writing.
A watching
B concentration
C show
D distraction

3. My classmate____________a lot of good deeds for others.
A has been done
B did
C was doing
D had done

4. Only when the plan failed____________ his mistakes.
A did he realize
B does he realize
C he realized
D he realizes

5. I remember____________him____________the bike needed____________.
A hearing ... saying ... to repair
B to hear ... say ... to repair
C hearing ... say ... repairing
D to hear ... saying ... to be repaired

6. The news you told me_______ surprising.
A is
B are
C will
D should

7. ___ Thursday evening at seven, Dr. Stanley will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on Three Days in China.
A In
B On
C At
D From

8. We all know knowledge begins ___ practice.
A at
B from
C in
D with

9. Our English professor is very____in using chopsticks.
A skilled
B great
C likely
D good

10. —This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.
A You may ask for help.
B Let me give you a hand.
C Please do me a favor.
D I'd come to help.

11. She divided the cake into three pieces and gave her three children ___ a peice.
A every
B all
C both
D each

12. ____________that we went outing.
A The weather so fine
B So fine the weather is
C So the weather was fine
D So fine was the weather

13. They are considering ____________ before the prices go up.
A of buying the house
B with buying the house
C buying the house
D to buy the house

14. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."
"Oh, not at all. I ____________here only a few minutes."
A have been
B had been
C was
D will

15. I’m going to Xi'an next week. Have you anything ____________to your parents?
A to take
B to be taken
C to be bought to
D to buy

16. —Do you mind telling me where you're from? —_________.
A Certainly. I'm from London
B Sure. I was born in London
C Not really, you can do it
D Certainly not. I'm from London

17. — You should have thanked her before you left.— I meant____________, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.
A to do
B to
C doing
D doing so

18. They are from__________.They are_________.
A Germany;Germen
B German;Germany
C Germany;German
D Germany;Germans

19. —It's cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door?
A With pleasure
B Yes, please
C Of course not
D Thank you

20. His tone ___________ his real feelings more truly than his words.
A brought
B conveyed
C handed
D fetched

21. If I ____you, I would go by plane. Flying is much faster.
A be
B was
C were
D am

22. The landlady ___ us bread and milk.
A offered
B recovered
C received
D confronted

23. I went to the post office,only_____ it was closed.
A finding
B to find
C to be finding
D found

24. —Would you please give him the paper the moment he ______?  
—No problem.
A arrives
B will arrive
C arrived
D is arriving

25. The town is about _________ ride from here.
A two hour
B two hour's
C two hours'
D two-hours

26. I admired my classmate Lisa very much. ______ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.
A Except for
B But for
C Apart from
D In spite of

27. After her husband died, she ___ another man in 1964.
A married
B married with
C married to
D was married to

28. The meeting ____________next week is sure to be a great success.
A to take place
B to be taken place
C to have taken place
D being taken place

29. Since the cinema was ___ , I had to go home to watch TV.
A packed
B crowded
C filled with
D full of

30. Jack____________ in the street when I____________on him.
A walked... called
B was walking ... was calling
C walked ... was calling
D was walking...called

31. —Tomorrow is my birthday. 
A Oh, I have a good idea.
B I am glad you like it.
C Many happy returns of the day!
D You must be very happy.

32. Look, this roof is covered with____________leaves.
A falling
B fallen
C fell
D felt

33. The President____________ went to see the flood-stricken areas.
A himself
B did
C is said
D has

34. —May I see the menu, please? I've been waiting an hour already.
A That is the menu, sir
B Yes, please go on
C Here you are, sir
D Of course, sir

35. With the problem ____________ , we are getting along even more smoothly.
A settles
B to settle
C settled
D to be settling

36. This is not my bike.It's ____________.
A Mary
B Mary's
C of  Mary
D the bike of Mary

37. —Oh, I'm sorry. But I promise I'll be careful next time.
A It's nothing at all
B Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter
C Thank you
D There are no questions

38. The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within ____________ a few seconds.
A even
B just
C exact
D very

39. Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didn't make any__ to me.
A meaning
B importance
C sense
D significance

40. Such problems ____________ as soon as possible.
A have solved
B have been solving
C have to solve
D have to be solved

41. Middle school boys____________not to smoke.
A always tell
B are told always
C are always told
D is always told

42. Will you lend him a magazine ____________?
A to be read
B for reading
C to read
D he read

43. He ____________the Communist Party____________2002.
A has joined, in
B has joined, since
C joined, on
D joined, in

44. If you ever have the ___ to go abroad to study, you should take it.
A chance
B possibility
C offer
D luck

45. You will be given a ticket if you ______ the speed limit.
A proceed
B exceed
C succeed
D precede

46. No one can avoid ____________by advertisements.
A to be influenced
B being influenced
C influencing
D having influenced

47. "Did you enjoy last night's concert?""Yes. Though the last piece____________rather poorly. "
A was played
B played
C was playing
D playing

48. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered____________clear warnings before firing any shots.
A to issue
B being issued
C to have issued
D to be issued

49. You should make _______ your house or flat is secure.
A sure
B certain
C understanding
D knowledge

50. A party is the____________ activity I want to take part in.
A just
B good
C most
D very
