翻译业务主页面‖Qi-Sino Documentary(10)

文〃图/Qi 小雨  {96/365}【原创】


复盘原公司第三块主业务是"翻译服务" ,这块业务仍然由 "翻译服务", "口译服务" , "编辑审校" 及"贸易咨询"4块业务构成一个相对独立的板块。实际上网页上显示的板块也就是线下的业务分区的设计,以便今后各自独立发展……


公司在第一年就签下了由阿布扎比旅游局和 NPI Media 国际媒体 以及i2i集团共同组织的“阿布扎比中国游客高峰会”的官方翻译方合约,提空供大会现场直译以及会前会后的文字翻译。作为官方翻译公司,组建30余人的口译团队连续三年服务于大会,直到2015年迁址回国自然终止合同…(稍后会有专题介绍)。

这是 "翻译服务" 主页面,文字附后
翻译业务主页面‖Qi-Sino Documentary(10)_第1张图片
Home>Translation Service :                >Translation >Interpretation >Editor&Proofreading >Business solution

We provide a full range of world-class translation and interpretation services to companies and entrepreneurs. Our dedicated professional team will be very happy to assist your organization in helping it gain a competitive edge and succeed in the marketplace.

Effective communication in the Chinese language is critical to facilitating understanding and exchange of ideas. Wherever Chinese language matters in your business, we are here to help. With Qi-Chinese, your message will be tailored to reach larger audiences across Chinese language and cultures.


"中国游客高峰会" 主办方每届会刊的鸣谢词(文字付后)

翻译业务主页面‖Qi-Sino Documentary(10)_第2张图片


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