树莓派2 ubuntu16.04 deepdream


我的环境 树莓派2 ubuntu16.04 ,



Hooray, DeepDream runs on a Raspberry Pi 2! Please see the DeepDream on Ubuntu Linux installation tutorial for references, thanks and more comments on the installation or check out this gallery with deepdream images. This installation was tested on a Raspberry Pi 2; older models are probably too slow for running DeepDream, sadly. The complete installation will take around half a day; alternatively, the psychedelic surveilance camera PsyCam, which is based on DeepDream, could be installed from an Disk Image.

Update Ubuntu
First, the Ubuntu packages have to be refreshed. Do this with

Basic dependency installation
These are the basic dependencies required for installing DeepDream on a Raspberry Pi:

7处 scipy安装超级慢,出去吃个饭啥的比较合适。

Caffe installation
Caffe is the neural network engine used for DeepDream. Install it with

In the now-open file, change the line


and replace





  1. INCLUDE_DIRS := $(PYTHON_INCLUDE) /usr/local/include


  1. INCLUDE_DIRS := $(PYTHON_INCLUDE) /usr/local/include  /usr/include/hdf5/serial/



 sudo nano Makefile

将 LIBRARIES += glog gflags protobuf boost_system boost_filesystem m hdf5_hl hdf5
改为  LIBRARIES += glog gflags protobuf boost_system boost_filesystem m hdf5_serial_hl hdf5_serial



 Then, open db_lmdb.cpp with sudo nano ./src/caffe/util/db_lmdb.cpp and change



按下面直接1。make all 失败,所以增加了以下几行:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

然后再make all就OK了

Now, everything is ready for installing caffe. Execute in the terminal


5 我没有成功,改为  sudo apt-get install python-skimage了

In the now open .bashrc, add at the end of the file

and reload .bashrc with

Protobuf installation
Protobuf is a framework for structured data and necessary for DeepDream. Install it with

行4,改为 cd protcdobuf-2.6.1

行6,改为sudo make

In the now-open .bashrc, add at the end of the file

Then, type in the terminal

DeepDream installation
For installing DeepDream, enter

DeepDream usage
Running the DeepDream notebook was not tested, since loading the graphical Desktop environment takes too much RAM for the already exhausted Raspberry Pi. There is, however, the script deepdreaming.py in this repository, which lets the Raspberry Pi deepdream from the ubuntu terminal.
Execute the script with

运行这一条出现了 no ipython错误,所以 pip install --upgrade IPython

to let the Raspi dream. To get some help, enter

Copy the images onto a host computer with scp for watching them.
The script was tested for a maximum input image width of 500px that did not crash the Raspberry Pi; i’d love to hear back if other image sizes work, too. The script is under development right now: another blog post on its usage will follow soon…

The complete script (beta)
Click on Full Script to show all of the code.
