netfilter 结构整理

@(Linux network)

netfilter struct 整理



netfilter 结构整理_第1张图片



  • iptable_filter
  • iptable_mangle
  • iptable_raw
  • arptable_filter
  • nat_filter
struct xt_table {
    struct list_head list;//xt_table list

    /* What hooks you will enter on */
    // 此table中包含的chain,譬如nat table就不包含forward chain
    // 在hook point,会去执行相应nf_hook[][] list上的hook_fn. 而不同的hook_fn会去查对应模块的table.
    // 就是说, nat 注册的hook_fn 不会去在nat table中查找forward chain
    unsigned int valid_hooks;

    /* Man behind the curtain... */
    // 具体存储table 内容
    struct xt_table_info *private;

    /* Set this to THIS_MODULE if you are a module, otherwise NULL */
    struct module *me;

    u_int8_t af;        /* address/protocol family */
    int priority;        /* hook order */

    /* A unique name... */
    // 表名
    const char name[XT_TABLE_MAXNAMELEN];


struct xt_table_info {
    /* Size per table */
    // table 的大小
    unsigned int size;
    /* Number of entries: FIXME. --RR */
    // 包含的entry个数
    unsigned int number;
    /* Initial number of entries. Needed for module usage count */
    // table的起始entry offset
    unsigned int initial_entries;

    /* Entry points and underflows */
    // hook_entry[] 存储了每个chain 对应的起始entry offset
    // underflow[] 存储了每个chain 最后一个entry的offset
    unsigned int hook_entry[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];
    unsigned int underflow[NF_INET_NUMHOOKS];

     * Number of user chains. Since tables cannot have loops, at most
     * @stacksize jumps (number of user chains) can possibly be made.
    // scott added: 
    // we can only jump form hook chains to user chains, PRE_ROUTING-> POST_ROUTING are not supported.
    // so stacksize is the number of user chains and the max value of jump times.
    // And also, jumpstack can only store child chain entry.
    // 当chain之间发生jump的时候(A->B),只需要将A中当前的entry push进stack即可。所以jumpstack最大只需要存储user chains个数的entry.     
    // 如果B chain的某个entry target为XT_RETURN,则从stack中pop出A中的entry,并顺着A chain往下匹配.
    unsigned int stacksize;
    unsigned int __percpu *stackptr;
    // 等同于 jumpstack[cpuid][entry*]
    void ***jumpstack;
    unsigned char entries[0] __aligned(8);


iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -ptcp --dport 808 -j DROP

/* This structure defines each of the firewall rules.  Consists of 3 parts which are*/ 
// 1) general IP header stuff 
// 2) match specific stuff 
// 3) the target to perform if the rule matches
struct ipt_entry {
    struct ipt_ip ip;

    /* Mark with fields that we care about. */
    unsigned int nfcache;

    /* Size of ipt_entry + matches */
    // 指定了target 元素的地址
    // target_offset = elems + sizeof(xt_match) * numof(matchs)
    __u16 target_offset;
    /* Size of ipt_entry + matches + target */
    // 下一个xt_entry的地址
    __u16 next_offset;

    /* Back pointer */
    // 从哪个entry 过来的
    unsigned int comefrom;

    /* Packet and byte counters. */
    // 计数 packet 和 byte?
    struct xt_counters counters;

    /* The matches (if any), then the target. */
    // elems中保存了xt_match 和 xt_target.
    // xt_match 和 xt_target 地址偏移在 target_offset指定
    unsigned char elems[0];

ipt_entry 看起来还是比较简单的,下面这张图解释的对ipt_entry比较清楚:

netfilter 结构整理_第2张图片

注意ipt_ip结构中存放的是标准匹配,如 ip , netmask ,prototype,interface 等,扩展匹配等才存放在xt_match结构中。

/* Yes, Virginia, you have to zero the padding. */
struct ipt_ip {
    /* Source and destination IP addr */
    struct in_addr src, dst;
    /* Mask for src and dest IP addr */
    struct in_addr smsk, dmsk;
    char iniface[IFNAMSIZ], outiface[IFNAMSIZ];
    unsigned char iniface_mask[IFNAMSIZ], outiface_mask[IFNAMSIZ];

    /* Protocol, 0 = ANY */
    __u16 proto;

    /* Flags word */
    //SYN, ACK, FIN, RST ...
    __u8 flags;
    /* Inverse flags */
    __u8 invflags;


xt_entry_match 中主要保存了拓展match,在iptables中用-m 表示,在下例中,使用拓展socket match:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -m socket -j DIVERT

struct xt_entry_match {
    union {
        struct {
            __u16 match_size;

            /* Used by userspace */
            char name[XT_EXTENSION_MAXNAMELEN];
            __u8 revision;
        } user;
        struct {
            __u16 match_size;

            /* Used inside the kernel */
            struct xt_match *match;
        } kernel;

        /* Total length */
        __u16 match_size;
    } u;

    unsigned char data[0];

注意: 在/usr/include /下的头文件,提供的都是用户态编写程序的接口。只有真正kernel src中提供的include文件,才是编写内核代码时需要引入的头文件。
例如 xt_entry_match,在/usr/include/linux/netfilter/x_tables.h中和内核代码 /usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64/include/linux/netfilter/都有定义,但是只有内核代码文件中才包含xt_match结构的定义。用户文件中是没有次结构定义的。

union struct

这块是用户和内核共同操作的一块地址。当我们通过iptables添加规则的时候,用户态也会创建xt_entry_match结构,并将user.name设置为match名称,内核拿到此结构后,通过name的值,找到匹配的xt_match结构,并使kernel.match指向它。也就是说,name的值会被覆盖,但是没有关系,因为存储在table chain中的时候,xt_entry_match不需要name,只需要xt_match即可。



也就是说,xt_match结构体是公用的,当创建多个xt_entry_match的时候,其指向的都是match list中的该match, 但是xt_entry_match是不同的。

struct xt_match {
    //extend match list?
    struct list_head list;
    //match name
    const char name[XT_EXTENSION_MAXNAMELEN];
    u_int8_t revision;

    /* Return true or false: return FALSE and set *hotdrop = 1 to
           force immediate packet drop. */
    /* Arguments changed since 2.6.9, as this must now handle
       non-linear skb, using skb_header_pointer and
       skb_ip_make_writable. */
    //match 函数,判断sk_buff是否满足该match,入参为sk_buff报文 以及
    //xt_action_param 用来match和target的参数
    bool (*match)(const struct sk_buff *skb,
              struct xt_action_param *);

    /* Called when user tries to insert an entry of this type. */
    // 新建match entry的时候check
    int (*checkentry)(const struct xt_mtchk_param *);

    /* Called when entry of this type deleted. */
    // 删除该类型match 的时候调用
    void (*destroy)(const struct xt_mtdtor_param *);
    /* Called when userspace align differs from kernel space one */
    void (*compat_from_user)(void *dst, const void *src);
    int (*compat_to_user)(void __user *dst, const void *src);
    /* Set this to THIS_MODULE if you are a module, otherwise NULL */
    struct module *me;

    const char *table;
    unsigned int matchsize;
    unsigned int compatsize;
    unsigned int hooks;
    unsigned short proto;

    unsigned short family;

注意: 这里重要的match指针函数,

bool (*match)(const struct sk_buff *skb, struct xt_action_param *);

skb 为需要处理的报文,xt_action_param则指向了匹配规则,网口信息等。这个后面还需要看这个参数是怎么构建以及传入的。



 // struct xt_action_param - parameters for matches/targets
 // @match:    the match extension
 // @target:    the target extension
 // @matchinfo:    per-match data
 // @targetinfo:    per-target data
 // @in:        input netdevice
 // @out:    output netdevice
 // @fragoff:    packet is a fragment, this is the data offset
 // @thoff:    position of transport header relative to skb->data
 // @hook:    hook number given packet came from
 // @family:    Actual NFPROTO_* through which the function is invoked
 //        (helpful when match->family == NFPROTO_UNSPEC)
 // Fields written to by extensions:
 // @hotdrop:    drop packet if we had inspection problems
 // Network namespace obtainable using dev_net(in/out)

struct xt_action_param {
    union {
        const struct xt_match *match;
        const struct xt_target *target;
    union {
        //配置的match 匹配参数
        const void *matchinfo, *targinfo;
    const struct net_device *in, *out;
    int fragoff;
    unsigned int thoff;
    unsigned int hooknum;
    u_int8_t family;
    //hotdrop = 1立刻丢掉此packet
    bool hotdrop;


创建iptable 规则时指定的动作,xt_entry_target依赖xt_target,extend target 需要register到xt_af[pf].target list.
xt_entry_target , xt_target 和 xt_entry_match,xt_match的结构类似。

struct xt_entry_target {
    union {
        struct {
            __u16 target_size;

            /* Used by userspace */
            char name[XT_EXTENSION_MAXNAMELEN];
            __u8 revision;
        } user;
        struct {
            __u16 target_size;

            /* Used inside the kernel */
            struct xt_target *target;
        } kernel;

        /* Total length */
        __u16 target_size;
    } u;

    unsigned char data[0];
/* Registration hooks for targets. */
struct xt_target {
    struct list_head list;

    const char name[XT_EXTENSION_MAXNAMELEN];
    u_int8_t revision;

    /* Returns verdict. Argument order changed since 2.6.9, as this
       must now handle non-linear skbs, using skb_copy_bits and
       skb_ip_make_writable. */
    unsigned int (*target)(struct sk_buff *skb,
                   const struct xt_action_param *);

    /* Called when user tries to insert an entry of this type:
           hook_mask is a bitmask of hooks from which it can be
           called. */
    /* Should return 0 on success or an error code otherwise (-Exxxx). */
    int (*checkentry)(const struct xt_tgchk_param *);

    /* Called when entry of this type deleted. */
    void (*destroy)(const struct xt_tgdtor_param *);
    /* Called when userspace align differs from kernel space one */
    void (*compat_from_user)(void *dst, const void *src);
    int (*compat_to_user)(void __user *dst, const void *src);
    /* Set this to THIS_MODULE if you are a module, otherwise NULL */
    struct module *me;

    const char *table;
    unsigned int targetsize;
    unsigned int compatsize;
    unsigned int hooks;
    unsigned short proto;

    unsigned short family;


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