选自过去1~2周 自己所看到外文内容:https://twitter.com/unity3d 和各种其他博客来源吧
1)、 英国游戏工作室inkle是用于游戏开发的开源发布脚本语言“ink”,
可以在 Unity中工作。
iDE : https://github.com/inkle/inky/releases
2)、【数据/物理复习】 抛物线 , 根据目标距离,自动调整目标的仰角。
初始速度: V0
投射仰角: θ
距离 : L
public GameObject Bullet;
public float _Velocity_0;
float _gravity = 9.8f;//重力加速度
void Update(){
Vector2 pos = transform.position;
pos.x += 0.1f * Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
transform.position = pos;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) {
Vector2 LuncherPos = transform.position;
Vector2 TargetPos = GameObject.Find("Target").transform.position;
float L = Vector2.Distance(LuncherPos, TargetPos);
//Asin 计算
float AsinX = (L * _gravity) / (_Velocity_0 * _Velocity_0);
if (AsinX >= 1) AsinX = 1.0f;
float _theta = 0.5f * Mathf.Asin(AsinX);
// 目标可能在自己的反方向
if (LuncherPos.x > TargetPos.x) _theta = Mathf.PI - 0.5f * Mathf.Asin(AsinX);
GameObject Bullet_obj = (GameObject)Instantiate(Bullet, transform.position, transform.rotation);
BulletSc bullet_cs = Bullet_obj.GetComponent();
bullet_cs.Velocity_0 = _Velocity_0;
bullet_cs.theta = _theta;
public float Velocity_0, theta;
Rigidbody2D rid2d;
void Start() {
rid2d = GetComponent();
Vector2 bulletV = rid2d.velocity;
bulletV.x = Velocity_0 * Mathf.Cos(theta);
bulletV.y = Velocity_0 * Mathf.Sin(theta);
rid2d.velocity = bulletV;
2、 我之前看到过文章介绍 使用Flutter 做游戏。 前端时间看到Unity弄出UIWidgets。
UIWidgets是一个可以独立使用的 Unity Package (https://github.com/UnityTech/UIWidgets)。它将Flutter(https://flutter.io/)的App框架与Unity渲染引擎相结合,让您可以在Unity编辑器中使用一套代码构建出可以同时在PC、网页及移动设备上运行的原生应用。此外,您还可以在您的3D游戏或者Unity编辑器插件中用它来构建复杂的UI层,替换UGUI和IMGUI。
Unity2019 文档中包含三种UI方式的介绍“
3、 Unity 2019.1中添加Denoise 大大减少光照贴图的烘烤时间
Progressive Lightmapper是一种基于光线跟踪的光照贴图。如果采样率很高,光照贴图将非常正确地烘焙,但需要很长时间。另一方面,减少采样数量将显着改善烘烤时间,但光照图将充满噪音。
Optix AI Denoiser
Optix公司AI降噪 ,Nvidia的机器学习是像噪声去除系统的基础。论文在这里https://research.nvidia.com/publication/interactive-reconstruction-monte-carlo-image-sequences-using-recurrent-denoising https://developer.nvidia.com/optix-denoiser
尝试使用 :Window > Renderer > Lightmap
在Direct Sample和Indirect Samples,Environment Sample并尝试烤大幅减少的数量。
项目 |
改变之前 |
改变之后 |
直接样品 |
32 |
1 |
间接样本 |
512 |
8 |
环境样本 |
256 |
8 |
真变得超快 ~~~~~
4、 Unity 2019.1 发布:
可以查看新特性Features都包含哪些。 例如:
5、 Unity 出的Windows包.exe 会包含 标题栏。
简单的方式是创建快捷方式, 然后属性中添加 一个命令。 -popupwindow
6、 编辑器很多时候需要搜索功能: 最好可以类似于Unity 自带的 Hierarchy 和 Project 面板中自带的搜索功能。
搜索发现 SearchField 、 SearchWindow
https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/IMGUI.Controls.SearchField.html 这个帖子就是封装的这个API : https://forum.unity.com/threads/editor-ui-search-field-with-autocomplete-on-github.533252/
https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Experimental.GraphView.SearchWindow.html 这个实验API 没有查到如何使用!!!
点击圆圈弹窗口, 可以使用这个API :
7、 在不使用VSTU的情况下修改Unity中从Unity生成的sln / csproj文件
AssetPostprocessor的OnGeneratedSlnSolution使用。 (它没有写在文档中,但是自2016.2以来已添加此事件功能。)
using UnityEditor;
public class SolutionFileFixer : AssetPostprocessor
private static string OnGeneratedSlnSolution(string path, string content)
var solutionGuid = "solution的GUID";
var projectGuid = "project的GUID";
var projectName = "项目名称";
var projectPath = "csproj路径";
var add =
$"Project(\"{solutionGuid}\") = \"{projectName}\", \"{projectPath}\", \"{projectGuid}\",\"{Environment.NewLine}EndProject";
// 添加到最后
var newContent = content.Replace($"EndProject{Environment.NewLine}Global",
return newContent;
private static string OnGeneratedCSProject(string path, string content)
var document = XDocument.Parse(content);
.Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "Reference")
.Where(x => (string) x.Attribute("Include") == "Boo.Lang")
return document.Declaration + Environment.NewLine + document.Root;
8、 【Unity(C#)】方便的ReorderableList, 制作更方便用的snippet代码段功能
ReorderableList 是Unity早就推出的编辑功能。 顾名思义,您可以在Inspector上创建一个可以自由重新排列的列表。如果您拖动到另一个位置, 列表编号将自动替换。
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
public class TestReorder : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject[] test_Obj;
public class ExampleInspector : Editor
ReorderableList reorderableList;
void OnEnable()
SerializedProperty prop = serializedObject.FindProperty("test_Obj");
reorderableList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, prop);
reorderableList.drawElementCallback = (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) =>
SerializedProperty element = prop.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
rect.height -= 4;
rect.y += 2;
EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, element);
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
[HideInInspector] //防止两次显示属性。 没有它就是这样。
public GameObject[] test_Obj;
使用Visual Stadio的代码段功能 。 创建方式 :https://qiita.com/crasae/items/a5fcbb52ceaf89d3af33
9、 “Scroll-Mutate-Infinity-ZenUI”简介,可以实现使用[Unity]元素的滚动
UGUI 现在这种东西太多了 , 就看怎么设计的性能更好,使用更方便~
10、 [Unity]委托生成112B GC Alloc,但本地功能不生成GC Alloc
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
public class Test : MonoBehaviour
private void Update()
var samplerA = CustomSampler.Create( "TEST A" );
Func funcA = n => n + 1;
funcA( 25 );
var samplerB = CustomSampler.Create( "TEST B" );
int funcB( int n ) => n + 1;
funcB( 25 );
11、 [Unity]“Unity UI”简介,强制引导的一种实现方式。
12、 【Unity】获取3D对象的多边形数
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private void Awake()
var meshes =
GetComponentsInChildren( true )
.Select( c => c.sharedMesh )
var skinnedMeshes =
GetComponentsInChildren( true )
.Select( c => c.sharedMesh )
var count = meshes
.Concat( skinnedMeshes )
.Sum( c => c.triangles.Length / 3 )
Debug.Log( count );
13、 【Unity】用于获取3D对象的顶点数
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private void Awake()
var meshes =
GetComponentsInChildren( true )
.Select( c => c.sharedMesh )
var skinnedMeshes =
GetComponentsInChildren( true )
.Select( c => c.sharedMesh )
var count = meshes
.Concat( skinnedMeshes )
.Sum( c => c.vertices.Length )
Debug.Log( count );
using UnityEngine;
public class Data
private TextAsset m_textAsset;
public TextAsset TextAsset
if ( m_textAsset == null )
m_textAsset = Resources.Load( "hoge" );
return m_textAsset;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
var data = new Data();
Debug.Log( data.TextAsset.text );
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class Data
private readonly Lazy m_textAsset =
new Lazy( () => Resources.Load( "hoge" ) );
public TextAsset TextAsset => m_textAsset.Value;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
var data = new Data();
Debug.Log( data.TextAsset.text );
using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class ItemValue
public string m_itemName = "Scrambler";
public ItemValue()
Debug.Log( "构造函数已被调用" );
public class ItemData : Lazy
public int m_itemId;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
int count = 100;
var list = new ItemData[ count ];
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
list[ i ] = new ItemData { m_itemId = i };
var data = list.FirstOrDefault( c => c.m_itemId == 25 );
Debug.Log( data.Value.m_itemName );
ItemValue的构造函数只被调用一次 (只调用访问过的m_itemId为25的元素的构造函数)
15、 [Unity]“ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView” 属性,可以反映后期效果对场景视图的影响
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private void OnRenderImage( RenderTexture source, RenderTexture dest )
将ImageEffectAllowedInSceneView属性应用于类允许“ 场景视图”反映后期效果的效果
16、 Unity3d的可视逻辑编辑器。第1部分
https://habr.com/ru/post/448190/ 作者做了很多细节介绍, 从收费到免费的过程。
17、 记得的 Unity中国官方支持/开发者团队 介绍 UIWidgets的时候 认为 UIElements 是过时的设计。 从 Unity最新发布的 2019 版本的介绍来看, UIElements 的定位很高呀。 将来要替换UGUI 的 ~~~~
官方博客 :What’s new with UIElements in 2019.1 https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/04/23/whats-new-with-uielements-in-2019-1/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=engine_global_generalpromo_2019-04-23_2019.1&utm_content=blog_uielements
18、 看到 关于 GLTF 的博文:
原文: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/specification/2.0
19、 Unity有开放 访问字体 操作 更高级的API .
之前只有: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Font.html
20、 在2019.1上运行的LWRP 4预览的修改版本
主要是API发生了比较大的变化 。不仅需要修改LWRP,还需要修改PPSV2和ShaderGraph。
他的另外一篇博文:《关于动态字体和位图字体》 总结了两者的优缺点。
21、[Unity]新的秘密教程“John Lemon's Haunted Jaunt”
有一个面向初学者的 官方教程:
文档式, 非视频
有使用 ToonShader。
重要的是要注意 主角John 不能快速替换模型,因为它是在使用Generic Avatar的RootMotoin的移动。
移动幽灵 使用半透, 外发光的shader
今天看到 应该是作者? 在Connect上关于教程的 扩展文章:
22、 官方中文字幕视频介绍新功能:
Unity 2019.1新功能: 增量式垃圾回收(GC)技术概览https://connect.unity.com/p/unity-2019-1xin-gong-neng-zeng-liang-shi-la-ji-hui-shou-gc-ji-zhu-gai-lan
Unity 2019.1 - UIElements功能介绍https://connect.unity.com/p/unity-2019-1-uielementsgong-neng-jie-shao
23、 Builtin和LWRP的功能比较表
Internet上提供了名为 Forward Renderer(Builtin和LWRP功能比较)的英文文档(电子表格) https://forum.unity.com/threads/lwrp-4-6-0-preview-18-3-5-2-1-19-1-are-out.562291/page-7#post-4114264
[PUBLIC] Forward Renderer (Builtin and LWRP Feature Comparison)
或者: [官方直播] 详解Unity轻量级渲染管线LWRP【介绍了大概】https://www.bilibili.com/video/av38056528/
1 |
Feature |
Built-in |
Goal Release |
Details |
2 |
Camera |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Physical Camera |
2019.2 |
https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PhysicalCameras.html |
6 |
Dynamic Resolution |
https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/DynamicResolution.html |
7 |
Multi Display |
8 |
Stacking |
2019.2 |
9 |
Flare Layer |
Deprecated |
https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-FlareLayer.html |
10 |
Depth Texture |
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/lwrp-asset.html |
11 |
Depth + Normals Texture |
Not Supported |
12 |
Color Texture |
Not Supported |
https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/lwrp-asset.html |
13 |
Motion Vectors |
2019.3 |
14 |
Realtime Lights |
15 |
Light Types |
16 |
Directional |
In LWRP only a single directional light is supported. This limit will be increased. |
17 |
Spot |
18 |
Point |
19 |
Area |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
20 |
Inner Spot Light Angle |
Not Supported |
2019.2 |
Exposes in light inspector to control both outer and inner spot light angle. |
21 |
Shading |
Multiple Passes |
Single Pass |
LWRP renders all lights in a single shader pass. This reduces both amount of drawcalls and overdraw compared to Built-in renderer. |
22 |
Culling |
Per-Object |
Per-Object |
23 |
Per-Object |
24 |
Per-Layer |
25 |
Light Limits |
26 |
Directional Lights |
Unlimited |
1 |
2019.2 |
Increase limits of Directional lights above 1. |
27 |
Per-Object |
Unlimited |
4 |
2019.3 |
Increase limits of Per-Object lights above 4. |
28 |
Per-Camera |
Unlimited |
16 |
2019.2 |
Increase limits of visible Per-Camera lights above 16. |
29 |
Attenuation |
Legacy |
InverseSquared |
https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ProgressiveLightmapper-CustomFallOff.html |
30 |
Vertex Lights |
Vertex Lights work differently than Builtin. Main Light is always rendered per-pixel. Additional per-object lights can be rendered per-pixel or per-vertex. https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/[email protected]/manual/lwrp-asset.html |
31 |
SH Lights |
In Research |
Add support to baked remaining lights in SH. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/RenderTech-ForwardRendering.html |
32 |
Realtime Shadows |
33 |
Light Types |
34 |
Directional |
35 |
Spot |
36 |
Point |
2019.3 |
Add support to point light shadows |
37 |
Area |
Not Supported |
Not Supported |
38 |
Shadow Projection |
39 |
Stable Fit |
40 |
Close Fit |
2019.3 |
Support Close Fit shadow projection. |
41 |
Shadow Cascades |
42 |
Number of Cascades |
1, 2, or 4 |
1, 2, or 4 |
In Research |
Expose option with 3 cascades and additional customization. |
43 |
Control by Percentage |
44 |
Control by Distance |
Not Supported |
2019.2 |
Allow to controls shadow cascade partition by distance. |
45 |
Shadow Resolve Type |
46 |
Lighting Pass |
LWRP Resolves shadows while shading lights whenever shadow cascades are disabled. |
47 |
Screen Space Pass |
48 |
Shadow Bias |
Constant clip space offset + normal bias. |
Offsets shadowmap texels in the light direction + normal bias. This gives better shadow bias control given different shadow volume sizes and resolutions. |
49 |
Batching |
50 |
Static Batching (By Shader) |
Not Supported |
Caches materials and batches by shader. (SRP Batcher) |
51 |
Static Batching (By Material) |
In LWRP batching fallback by material when the shader is not compatible with SRP Batcher. |
52 |
Dynamic Batching |
53 |
Dynamic Batching (Shadows) |
In Research |
We use SRP batcher we may not want to support this |
54 |
GPU Instancing |
55 |
Color Space |
56 |
Linear |
57 |
Gamma |
58 |
GI (Backing Back End) |
59 |
Enlighten |
60 |
Enlighten Realtime |
In Research |
Support Realtime GI |
61 |
Progressive CPU |
62 |
Progressive GPU |
63 |
Mixed Lighting |
64 |
Subtractive |
65 |
Baked Indirect |
2019.1 |
Add support for Baked Indirect Mixed Light Mode |
66 |
Shadow Mask |
2019.3 |
Add support for Shadow Mask Mixed Light Mode |
67 |
Distance Shadow Mask |
2019.3 |
Add support for Distance Shadow Mask Mixed Light Mode |
68 |
GI (Light Probes) |
69 |
Blending |
70 |
Proxy Volume (LPPV) |
In Research |
Add support for LPPV |
71 |
Custom Provided |
72 |
Occlusion Probes |
2019.1 |
Add support Per-Object Occlusion Probes. One interpolated probe per object. |
73 |
GI (Reflection Probes) |
74 |
Realtime |
75 |
Baked |
76 |
Sampling |
77 |
Simple |
Either Reflection Probe or Skybox |
78 |
Blend Probes |
2019.3 |
Add support for Blend Light Probes mode |
79 |
Blend Probes and Skybox |
2019.3 |
Add support for Blend Probe and Skybox Light Probes mode. |
80 |
Box Projection |
2019.3 |
Add support Box Projection |
81 |
GI (Lightmap Modes) |
82 |
Non-Directional |
83 |
Directional |
84 |
GI (Environment) |
85 |
Source |
86 |
Skybox |
87 |
Gradient |
88 |
Color |
89 |
Ambient Mode |
90 |
Realtime |
In Research |
Add support Realtime Ambient Mode |
91 |
Baked |
92 |
Skybox |
93 |
Procedural |
94 |
6 Sided |
95 |
Cubemap |
96 |
Panoramic |
97 |
Fog |
98 |
Linear |
99 |
Exponential |
100 |
Exponential Squared |
101 |
Visual Effects Components |
102 |
Halo |
Deprecated |
103 |
Lens Flare |
Deprecated |
104 |
Trail Renderer |
105 |
Billboard Renderer |
106 |
Projector |
Deprecated |
107 |
Forward Decals |
In Research |
108 |
Blob Shadows |
In Research |
109 |
Shaders (General) |
110 |
Shader Graph |
Not Supported |
111 |
Surface Shaders |
Deprecated |
112 |
Camera Relative Rendering |
Not Supported |
In Research |
113 |
Builtin Lit Uber Shader |
114 |
Metallic Workflow |
115 |
Specular Workflow |
116 |
Surface Type and Blend Modes |
117 |
Opaque |
118 |
Faded (Alpha Blend) |
Select Alpha with Transparent |
119 |
Transparent |
Select Premultiply blend mode with Transparent |
120 |
Cutout |
121 |
Additive |
Not Supported |
122 |
Multiply |
Not Supported |
123 |
Surface Inputs |
124 |
Albedo (Base Map) |
125 |
Specular |
126 |
Metallic |
127 |
Smoothness |
128 |
Ambient Occlusion |
129 |
Normal Map |
130 |
Detail Map |
Not Supported |
Use Shadergraph |
131 |
Detail Normal Map |
Not Supported |
Use Shadergraph |
132 |
Heightmap |
Not Supported |
Use Shadergraph |
133 |
Light Cookies |
In Research |
134 |
Parallax Mapping |
Not Supported |
Use Shadergraph |
135 |
Light Distance Fade |
Not Supported |
In Research |
Add support for light distance fade so lights can be culled by distance and fade smoothly. |
136 |
Shadow Distance Fade |
In Research |
Add support for shadow distance fade so shadows fade out to shadow distance smoothly. |
137 |
Shadow Cascade Blending |
Not Supported |
In Research |
Add support for shadow cascade blending so shadows fade out smoothly to the next cascade |
138 |
GPU Instancing |
139 |
Double Sided GI |
140 |
Two Sided |
Not Supported |
141 |
Order In Layer |
Not Supported |
2019.1 |
Expose selecting in the LWRP material's UI layer sorting. |
142 |
Render Pipeline Hooks |
143 |
Camera.RenderWithShader |
Deprecated |
144 |
Camera.AddCommandBuffer*/Camera.Remove[All]CommandBuffer* |
Deprecated |
145 |
Camera.Render |
Deprecated |
146 |
Light.AddCommandBuffer*/LightRemove[All]CommandBuffer* |
Deprecated |
147 |
OnPreCull |
Deprecated |
148 |
OnPreRender |
Deprecated |
149 |
OnPostRender |
Deprecated |
150 |
OnRenderImage |
Deprecated |
151 |
OnRenderObject |
Deprecated |
152 |
OnWillRenderObject |
153 |
OnBecameVisible |
154 |
OnBecameInvisible |
155 |
Camera Replacement Material |
Not Supported |
In Research |
Expose option in the camera to override the material. |
156 |
RenderPipeline.BeginFrameRendering |
Not Supported |
157 |
RenderPipeline.EndFrameRendering |
Not Supported |
2019.1 |
158 |
RenderPipeline.BeginCameraRendering |
Not Supported |
159 |
RenderPipeline.EndCameraRendering |
Not Supported |
2019.1 |
160 |
LightweightRenderPipeline.RenderSingleCamera |
Not Supported |
Call this instead of Camera.Render |
161 |
ScriptableRenderPass |
Not Supported |
ScriptableRenderPass can be injected in the renderer and a render context is provided with them. https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Experimental.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.html This allows CommandBuffer execution but also much more flexibility. |
162 |
Custom Renderers |
Not Supported |
2019.1 |
In LWRP, one can completely override the renderer. This works by receiving some rendering data and injecting your own render passes. This can be used to create a stylized renderer or a Forward+/Tile/Clustered for instance. |
163 |
Post Processing |
164 |
Ambient Occlusion (MSVO) |
2019.3 |
Add support for MSVO and LWRP. |
165 |
Auto Exposure |
166 |
Bloom |
167 |
Chromatic Aberration |
168 |
Color Grading |
169 |
Depth of Field |
170 |
Grain |
171 |
Lens Distortion |
172 |
Motion Blur |
2019.3 |
173 |
Screen Space Reflections |
Not Supported |
174 |
Vignette |
175 |
Particles |
176 |
VFX Graph (GPU) |
Not Supported |
2019.1 |
177 |
Particles System (CPU) |
178 |
Shaders |
179 |
Physically Based |
180 |
Simple Lighting (Blinn-Phong) |
Not Supported |
181 |
Unlit |
182 |
Soft Particles |
183 |
Distortion |
184 |
Flipbook Bleding |
185 |
Terrain |
186 |
Shaders |
187 |
Physically Based |
188 |
Simple Lighting (Blinn-Phong) |
In Research |
189 |
Unlit |
Not Supported |
In Research |
190 |
Speed Tree |
2019.2 |
191 |
Vegetation |
192 |
Detail |
193 |
Wind Zone |
194 |
Number of Layers |
Unlimited |
4 |
195 |
GPU Patch Generation |
196 |
Surface Mask |
Not Supported |
2019.1 |
197 |
2D |
198 |
Sprite |
199 |
Tilemap |
won't work with 2D lighting in 19.2 |
200 |
Sprite Shape |
won't work with 2D lighting in 19.2 |
201 |
Pixel-Perfect |
2019.2 |
202 |
2D Shape Lights |
Not Supported |
2019.2 |
203 |
2D Point Lights with Normal Map |
Not Supported |
2019.2 |
204 |
2D Point Lights with Shadows |
Not Supported |
2019.3 |
205 |
UI (Canvas Renderer) |
206 |
Screen Space - Overlay |
207 |
Screen Space - Camera |
2019.2 |
208 |
World Space |
209 |
Text Mesh Pro |
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VR |
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Multipass |
2019.2 |
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Single Pass |
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Single Pass Instanced |
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Post-Processing |
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Oculus Rift |
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OpenVR |
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Steam VR |
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GearVR |
In Research |
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Cardboard |
In Research |
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Oculus Go |
In Research |
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Daydream |
In Research |
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AR |
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AR Toolkit |
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Debug |
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Scene view modes |
2019.3 |
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Docs |
改改善John Lemon的闹鬼短途旅行的路标善John Lemon的闹鬼短途旅行的路标
===================================== 性能分析的文章 =======================
1、 Burst的性能 表现
Unity 2019.1上周发布,Burst编译器现已不在预览版中。它通过生成比IL2CPP更优化的代码来保证卓越的性能。让我们试一试,看看是否是炒作!
只需添加[BurstCompile]属性,我们就有了一个重要的加速!与IL2CPP编译的代码相比,Burst编译的代码运行时间缩短了35%。为了找出原因,让我们使用Burst Inspector查看它生成的代码:
Here is the section for C[i] = math.dot(A[i], B[i]):
这些是SIMD指令,它告诉CPU一次对许多变量执行相同的操作。 在这种情况下,float4的所有四个组件都是模拟操作的,以便添加它们,乘以它们等。
作者主要是通过 class Player 常见的类 , 与 单一职责原则(类进行差分) 和 迪米特法则 的冲突(保持最少知道原则) 和解决的想法。
Player 类被拆分为 Player , PlayerCombat , PlayerMovement . Player 依赖于后两个类, 但是外部如果要访问 PlayerCombat , PlayerMovement 的数据/功能怎么办? 由Player作为中介提供接口。