RAC Troubleshoot
1.CRS log directory
$ORA_CRS_HOME/crs/log => CRS resource
2.DB log directory
3.Crsctl Usage:
crsctl check crs - checks the viability of the CRS stack
crsctl check cssd - checks the viability of CSS
crsctl check crsd - checks the viability of CRS
crsctl check evmd - checks the viability of EVM
crsctl set css - sets a parameter override
crsctl get css - gets the value of a CSS parameter
crsctl unset css - sets CSS parameter to its default
crsctl query css votedisk - lists the voting disks used by CSS
crsctl add css votedisk - adds a new voting disk
crsctl delete css votedisk - removes a voting disk
crsctl enable crs - enables startup for all CRS daemons
crsctl disable crs - disables startup for all CRS daemons
crsctl start crs - starts all CRS daemons.
crsctl stop crs - stops all CRS daemons. Stops CRS resources in case of cluster.
crsctl start resources - starts CRS resources.
crsctl stop resources - stops CRS resources.
crsctl debug statedump evm - dumps state info for evm objects
crsctl debug statedump crs - dumps state info for crs objects
crsctl debug statedump css - dumps state info for css objects
crsctl debug log css [module:level]{,module:level} ...
- Turns on debugging for CSS
crsctl debug trace css - dumps CSS in-memory tracing cache
crsctl debug log crs [module:level]{,module:level} ...
- Turns on debugging for CRS
crsctl debug trace crs - dumps CRS in-memory tracing cache
crsctl debug log evm [module:level]{,module:level} ...
- Turns on debugging for EVM
crsctl debug trace evm - dumps EVM in-memory tracing cache
crsctl debug log res turns on debugging for resources
crsctl query crs softwareversion [] - lists the version of CRS software installed
crsctl query crs activeversion - lists the CRS software operating version
crsctl lsmodules css - lists the CSS modules that can be used for debugging
crsctl lsmodules crs - lists the CRS modules that can be used for debugging
crsctl lsmodules evm - lists the EVM modules that can be used for debugging
If necesary any of these commands can be run with additional tracing by adding a "trace" argument at the very front.
Example: crsctl trace check css
ocrconfig - Configuration tool for Oracle Cluster Registry.
ocrconfig [option]
-export [-s online] - Export cluster register contents to a file
-import - Import cluster registry contents from a file
-upgrade [ []]
- Upgrade cluster registry from previous version
-downgrade [-version ]
- Downgrade cluster registry to the specified version
-backuploc - Configure periodic backup location
-showbackup - Show backup information
-restore - Restore from physical backup
-replace ocr|ocrmirror [] - Add/replace/remove a OCR device/file
-overwrite - Overwrite OCR configuration on disk
-repair ocr|ocrmirror - Repair local OCR configuration
-help - Print out this help information
A log file will be created in
$ORACLE_HOME/log//client/ocrconfig_.log. Please ensure
you have file creation privileges in the above directory before running this tool.
ocrdump -help
ocrdump - Dump contents of Oracle Cluster Registry to a file.
ocrdump [|-stdout] [-backupfile ] [-keyname ] [-xml] [-noheader]
Default filename is OCRDUMPFILE. Examples are:
prompt> ocrdump
writes cluster registry contents to OCRDUMPFILE in the current directory
prompt> ocrdump MYFILE
writes cluster registry contents to MYFILE in the current directory
prompt> ocrdump -stdout -keyname SYSTEM
writes the subtree of SYSTEM in the cluster registry to stdout
prompt> ocrdump -stdout -xml
writes cluster registry contents to stdout in xml format
The header information will be retrieved based on best effort basis.
A log file will be created in
Make sure you have file creation privileges in the above directory before
Usage: srvctl []
command: enable|disable|start|stop|relocate|status|add|remove|modify|getenv|setenv|unsetenv|config
objects: database|instance|service|nodeapps|asm|listener
For detailed help on each command and object and its options use:
srvctl -h
Usage: crs_stat [resource_name [...]] [-v] [-l] [-q] [-c cluster_member]
crs_stat [resource_name [...]] -t [-v] [-q] [-c cluster_member]
crs_stat -p [resource_name [...]] [-q]
crs_stat [-a] application -g
crs_stat [-a] application -r [-c cluster_member]
crs_stat -f [resource_name [...]] [-q] [-c cluster_member]
crs_stat -ls [resource_name [...]] [-q]
cluvfy [ -help ]
cluvfy stage { -list | -help }
cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} [-verbose]
cluvfy comp { -list | -help }
cluvfy comp [-verbose]
9.cluvfy stage ¨Clist
Usage: cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} [-verbose]
Valid stage options and stage names are:
-post hwos : post-check for hardware and operating system
-pre cfs : pre-check for CFS setup
-post cfs : post-check for CFS setup
-pre crsinst : pre-check for CRS installation
-post crsinst : post-check for CRS installation
-pre dbinst : pre-check for database installation
-pre dbcfg : pre-check for database configuration
10.cluvfy stage -help
Usage: cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} [-verbose]
SYNTAX (for Stages):
cluvfy stage -post hwos -n [ -s ] [-verbose]
cluvfy stage -pre cfs -n -s [-verbose]
cluvfy stage -post cfs -n -f [-verbose]
cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n [-r { 10gR1 | rdbms } ]
[ -c ] [ -q ]
[ -osdba ]
[ -orainv ] [-verbose]
cluvfy stage -post crsinst -n [-verbose]
cluvfy stage -pre dbinst -n [-r { 10gR1 | rdbms } ]
[ -osdba ] [-verbose]
cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg -n -d [-verbose]
11.Cluvfy comp -list
Usage: cluvfy comp [-verbose]
Valid components are:
nodereach : checks reachability between nodes
nodecon : checks node connectivity
cfs : checks CFS integrity
ssa : checks shared storage accessibility
space : checks space availability
sys : checks minimum system requirements
clu : checks cluster integrity
clumgr : checks cluster manager integrity
ocr : checks OCR integrity
crs : checks CRS integrity
nodeapp : checks node applications existence
admprv : checks administrative privileges
peer : compares properties with peers
12.Cluvfy comp -help
Usage :
cluvfy comp [-verbose]
SYNTAX (for Components):
cluvfy comp nodereach -n [ -srcnode ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp nodecon -n [ -i ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp cfs [ -n ] -f [-verbose]
cluvfy comp ssa [ -n ] [ -s ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp space [ -n ] -l
-z {B|K|M|G} [-verbose]
cluvfy comp sys [ -n ] -p { crs | database } [-r { 10gR1 | rdbms } ]
[ -osdba ] [ -orainv ] [-
cluvfy comp clu [ -n ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp clumgr [ -n ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp ocr [ -n ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp crs [ -n ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp nodeapp [ -n ] [-verbose]
cluvfy comp admprv [ -n ] [-verbose]
-o user_equiv [-sshonly]
-o crs_inst [-orainv ]
-o db_inst [-osdba ]
-o db_config -d
cluvfy comp peer [ -refnode ] -n [-r { 10gR1 | rdbms } ]
[ -orainv ] [ -osdba ] [-verbose]
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/658698/viewspace-664452/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。