1. minimal 最小的
  2. skip 跳过
  3. basic 基础的
  4. device 设备
  5. warning 警告
  6. hostname 主机名
  7. configure 配置
  8. network 网络
  9. auto automatical 自动
  10. manual 手动 自定义
  11. apply 应用
  12. cancel 取消
  13. close 关闭
  14. disk 磁盘 硬盘
  15. connection 连接
  16. established 建立
  17. Rescue 拯救
  18. install 安装
  19. system 系统
  20. directory
  21. overwrite 覆盖
  22. backup 备份
  23. dangerous 危险
  24. simple 简单
  25. successfully 成功
  26. status 状态 (是否运行)
  27. #LANG language 语言

Connection established.
已经建立连接(连上了 有大保健)

Connection failed.

  1. Rescue installled system

  2. mkdir: cannot create directory `/data': File exists
    不能 创建 目录 已经存在

  3. command not found

  4. xxx is a directory

  5. cp: omitting directory `/data/'
    忽略 目录 /data
    cp 默认无法复制目录

  6. ls: cannot access /data/alex.txt: No such file or directory

  7. rm: remove regular file `/root/data/oldgirl.txt'?
    删除 普通 文件 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. rm: cannot remove `/tmp/data/': Is a directory

  9. -bash: cd: /root/oldboy.txt: Not a directory

  10. Sorry, passwords do not match.
    密码 不匹配

  11. find: Arguments to -type should contain only one letter
    -type参数 之后应该只有一个字母

  12. iptables: Firewall is not running.

  13. xxx column window is too narrow

  14. 未知的 域名 baidu.com
    ping: unknown host baidu.com

  15. Package tree-1.5.3-3.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version

Package lrzsz-0.12.20-27.1.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
软件包 lrzsz 已经 安装 并且 最新版本

Nothing to do

No package lidao available.
No package lzzz available.
Error: Nothing to do

  1. mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
    设备 光盘 写入保护 只读

  2. [root@king-03 /]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
    mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
    mount: /dev/sr0 already mounted or /mnt busy
    已经 挂载
    mount: according to mtab, /dev/sr0 is already mounted on /mnt

  3. mount: you must specify the filesystem type
    你必须 指定 设备类型

  4. [root@oldboy tmp]#tar zcf /tmp/etc.tar.gz /tmp
    tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
    tar: /tmp/etc.tar.gz: file changed as we read it

  5. gzip: stdin: not in gzip format 压缩包不是gzip压缩的,创建压缩包失败
    tar: Child returned status 1
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now