Day 1, Page 1-10


1. So I was a whole lot more worried about where the bullet was gonna land than I was about getting myself to the other end of the pool.

a whole lot是一种informal的用法,表示very much或者a large number of...

造句:I don't like it a whole lot.

2. And second of all, we were crammed into two lanes, so  I was always had somebody on my tail trying to get around me.

cram: to force a lot of things into a small space

除此之外,cram还可以指to do many things in a short period of time/ to try to learn a lot very quickly before an exam 尤其是表示“考前突击”这个意思,这个体会我相信大家都比较熟悉。

Day 1, Page 1-10_第1张图片

造句:He's cramming for his math exam. 

3. That's how I spent a pretty big chunk of my summer vacation.

chunk 表示“一大块,大量的”,可以指食物,也可以指抽象的东西,比如time, vacation之类

此外,chunk还有一个意思指的是“词块”, "话语组成部分”/  a phrase or group of words which can be learnt as a unit by someone who is learning a language. 比如“Can I...please?"

造句:Three hours is absolutely a chunk out of my working day.


The only problem with my plan was that it was something like forty degrees in the boy's bathroom. So it was even colder in there than it was in the pool.

the only problem with something is that...可以作为一个固定的句式结构来学习。

下文中也出现了the problem with the Cheese Touch is that...

这个表达在“日记体”或者口语中是非常实用的,不因如此,我们也可以仿造它来写一些类似的表达,比如the only fault/failure/bug with my plan is that...

造句:The only failure with my plan is that I set my expectation too high. 


     The only failure with my beautiful daytime was that my younger brother totally ruined my first date by stealing my toilet paper in my bag. You know, my brother is seven years my junior. So technically I could not do anything rude to him. But I just want to teach him a lesson. Though during such a short period of time I cannot figure out a proper trick to apply, I will always keep the idea hovering around in my mind, trying to awake me the whole tissue-stealing humiliation!


get the wrong idea

on the team注意介词是on



locker room衣帽间,换衣间

hide out in the locker=hide in the locker

wrap something up in something用某物把某物包起来

swim trunk和bathing suit的不同之处

swim trunk:

Day 1, Page 1-10_第2张图片

bathing suit:

Day 1, Page 1-10_第3张图片

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