W3 When nudge comes to shove


单词作业+ 背景补充(扫除“生词句”)

nudge 助推(题目中shove 暂时翻译成强推)

choice arcitechture 选择架构

libertarian paternalism 自由家长制

descriptive norm 描述性社会规范

evil nudge 邪恶的助推

1/ be at a prestigious university

prestigious 有声望的,有威望的

Eg:In some subjects,UK universities are would -beaters,ahead even of the most prestigious US universities.

2/ heavy handed 笨拙的 严厉的 压制的

Eg:Control remains heavy-handed on topics deamed “sensitive”.

3/ roll out the scheme 推出推广(新产品/服务),铺开,滚出

Eg:His top managers agreed when he asked them to roll out the healthier cuisine.

BIT 行为洞察团/研究小组

4/ spin out

= prolong or extend

Eg:In 2012,his lab spun out Solid Power to commercialize the work.

5/ stray perilously close to ...

stray 走失/离题;迷路,失散

6/ allay 减轻(恐惧,担忧,疑虑)

to allay fears/aches/pain


By and large those doubts have been allaye d.

7/ iterative 重复的,反复的,迭代的


dedicated units 专职/责单位,专攻单元

8/ shape brand perception&customer behavior 打造/塑造品牌定位/形象

psychological insights 心里透视/研究,洞见

9/ sickly sibling to economics

attacked the assumption in most economic models.

10/ predate 早于...发生,先于...出现,早到来

design and test policy tweaks

11/mnemonic 帮助记忆的东西,助记符号/口诀

12/ default

a lack of other options

A failure to pay a financial obligation

An option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified.

13/ opt out 决定退出,插话,请求免除,自愿退出,拒绝参加

choose not to do sth, as out of fear of failing.

14/ emphatic 强有力的,坚决的,大比分的

Eg:Ask anyone if they are busy,stressed or overworked and the answer will likely be an emphatic YES!

Tweak the wording of letters

Tax returns 纳税申报单 所得税

pay up 全部付清

take up rate 吸纳率

tinkering at the margins 笨拙的修补

brought to bear on bigger,harder problems.

Fleeting 短暂的 飞逝的

prospective 可能成功的候选人

15/ infantilising 使幼儿化,当作幼儿对待

16/ deride 嘲笑 嘲弄 讥讽

envionmental cues 环境因素

17/ percinct 选区 购物区

Day 3-4



1. And the approach was less heavy-handed than imposing quotas for poorer pupils, an option previous governments had considered.





易。干脆把less heavy-handed打包转化。

2. If BIT did not save the government at least ten times its running cost, it was to be shut down after two years.



3. Many worried about the idea of bureaucrats being given free rein to shape behavior by imperceptibly tweaking government communications and environmental cues.



Free rein:行者无疆

4. As long as that choice is made in a transparent manner, and is subject to democratically elected politicians, nudging offers policymakers an alternative to both the nanny state and the unintelligent one; a middle way that he describes as “libertarian paternalism”.





1. Financial aid:财政补助;经济支持

2. Roll out the scheme:推出方案;推出该机制

 Roll out a new product/service

3. Spin out of....从...剥离开来

 Spin-off company衍生企业,指一个大公司把某一个部分剥离出去,使之成为一个独立的公司。

4. Pioneer the use of psychology to....:在心理学应用方面的拓荒者;最先使用心理学来....

5. The very idea provoked objections:这个想法招致了反对的声音;正是这一想法激起了抗议

6. Mass manipulation: 左右公共意见;操纵大众,此处的mass指的是群众

 Market manipulation:操纵市场

7. Gain ground:站得住脚;有所进展

 IT-enabled business models will be useful as advances in technology continue to gain ground.



8. Shape brand perception:塑造品牌印象/感知:指受众对品牌的看法

 Brand image:品牌形象



9. Mark the start of a global trend:标志着全球潮流的开端/开始

10. Centrally directed policy initiatives:中央集权制政策;集中下令的政策

11. Set the desired outcome as the default:设置既定结果为最佳选项;将希望实现的结果设为默认

12. Opt out:选择退出

13. Tackle corruption:反腐;解决腐败问题,tackle sth=deal with sth=handle sth



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Day 6


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