Input Pipeline Performance Guide
Our recommendation is to avoid using feed_dict for all but trivial examples
In particular, avoid using feed_dict with large inputs:
# feed_dict often results in suboptimal performance when using large inputs.
sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
2、使用TensorFlow的queue_runner,这种方法是使用Python实现的,其性能受限于C++ multi-threading ,而tf.data API使用了C++ multi-threading ,大大降低了overhead。
3、tf.data API
The tf.data API is replacing queue_runner as the recommended API for building input pipelines
如果一个training step需要使用n个elements,那么设置tf.data.Dataset.prefetch(n),这个之后再说。
1、Input Pipeline Structure
当使用 tf.estimator.Estimator 时,前两个步骤在input_fn中实现,input_fn又被传入 tf.estimator.Estimator.train,我们先建立个简单的input_fn
def input_fn():
files = tf.data.Dataset.list_files("/path/to/dataset/train-*.tfrecord")
dataset = files.interleave(tf.data.TFRecordDataset)
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=FLAGS.shuffle_buffer_size)
dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn)
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
return dataset
2、Optimizing Performance
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
return dataset
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
return dataset
改进2:Parallelize Data Transformation
dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn)
dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn, num_parallel_calls=FLAGS.num_parallel_calls)
如果batch size成百上千的话,并行batch creation可以进一步提高pipline的速度,tf.data API
提供 tf.contrib.data.map_and_batch函数,可以把map和batch混在一起来并行处理。
dataset = dataset.map(map_func=parse_fn, num_parallel_calls=FLAGS.num_parallel_calls)
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size)
dataset = dataset.apply(tf.contrib.data.map_and_batch(
map_func=parse_fn, batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size))
改进3:Parallelize Data Extraction
differences between local and remote storage:
为了减轻数据导出的overhead,tensorflow提供了tf.contrib.data.parallel_interleave(并行交错) ,The number of datasets to overlap(dataset的重叠) can be specified by the cycle_length argument.
cycle_length = 2
dataset = files.interleave(tf.data.TFRecordDataset)
dataset = files.apply(tf.contrib.data.parallel_interleave(
tf.data.TFRecordDataset, cycle_length=FLAGS.num_parallel_readers))
3、Performance Considerations
map 和 batch
Invoking the user-defined function passed into the map transformation has overhead related to scheduling and executing the user-defined function. Normally, this overhead is small compared to the amount of computation performed by the function. However, if map does little work, this overhead can dominate the total cost. In such cases, we recommend vectorizing the user-defined function (that is, have it operate over a batch of inputs at once) and apply the batch transformation before the map transformation.
Map and Cache
The tf.data.Dataset.cache transformation can cache a dataset, either in memory or on local storage. If the user-defined function passed into the map transformation is expensive, apply the cache transformation after the map transformation as long as the resulting dataset can still fit into memory or local storage. If the user-defined function increases the space required to store the dataset beyond the cache capacity, consider pre-processing your data before your training job to reduce resource usage.
Map and Interleave / Prefetch / Shuffle
A number of transformations, including interleave, prefetch, and shuffle, maintain an internal buffer of elements. If the user-defined function passed into the map transformation changes the size of the elements, then the ordering of the map transformation and the transformations that buffer elements affects the memory usage. In general, we recommend choosing the order that results in lower memory footprint, unless different ordering is desirable for performance (for example, to enable fusing of the map and batch transformations).
Repeat and Shuffle
The tf.data.Dataset.repeat transformation repeats the input data a finite (or infinite) number of times; each repetition of the data is typically referred to as an epoch. The tf.data.Dataset.shuffle transformation randomizes the order of the dataset’s examples.
If the repeat transformation is applied before the shuffle transformation, then the epoch boundaries are blurred. That is, certain elements can be repeated before other elements appear even once. On the other hand, if the shuffle transformation is applied before the repeat transformation, then performance might slow down at the beginning of each epoch related to initialization of the internal state of the shuffle transformation. In other words, the former (repeat before shuffle) provides better performance, while the latter (shuffle before repeat) provides stronger ordering guarantees.
When possible, we recommend using the fused tf.contrib.data.shuffle_and_repeat transformation, which combines the best of both worlds (good performance and strong ordering guarantees). Otherwise, we recommend shuffling before repeating.
Here is a summary of the best practices for designing input pipelines:
Use the prefetch transformation to overlap the work of a producer and consumer. In particular, we recommend adding prefetch(n) (where n is the number of elements / batches consumed by a training step) to the end of your input pipeline to overlap the transformations performed on the CPU with the training done on the accelerator.
Parallelize the map transformation by setting the num_parallel_calls argument. We recommend using the number of available CPU cores for its value.
If you are combining pre-processed elements into a batch using the batch transformation, we recommend using the fused map_and_batch transformation; especially if you are using large batch sizes.
If you are working with data stored remotely and / or requiring deserialization, we recommend using the parallel_interleave transformation to overlap the reading (and deserialization) of data from different files.
Vectorize cheap user-defined functions passed in to the map transformation to amortize the overhead associated with scheduling and executing the function.
If your data can fit into memory, use the cache transformation to cache it in memory during the first epoch, so that subsequent epochs can avoid the overhead associated with reading, parsing, and transforming it.
If your pre-processing increases the size of your data, we recommend applying the interleave, prefetch, and shuffle first (if possible) to reduce memory usage.
We recommend applying the shuffle transformation before the repeat transformation, ideally using the fused shuffle_and_repeat transformation.