《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)


chapter six Static CMOS Design

  1. combinational logic

sequential logic a combinational logic portion and a module that holds the state

  1. Static CMOS Design

static complementary CMOS output is either V D D V_{DD} VDD or V S S V_{SS} VSS through a low-resistance path.

dynamic circuit class relies on temporary storage of signal values on the capacitance of high-impedance circuit nodes. simpler and faster sensitive to noise

  • complementary CMOS
  • ratioed logic(pseudo-NMOS and DCVSL)
  • pass-transistor logic
  1. Complementary CMOS

pull-up network PUN PMOS

pull-down network PDN NMOS

series devices and parallel devices duality principle

N-input logic gate is 2N


Static properties: (Noise Margin)

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第1张图片

  • A=B=0->1: a strong pull-up
  • A=1, B=0->1: V T n 1 = V t n 0 V_{Tn1}=V_{tn0} VTn1=Vtn0
  • A=0->1, B=0: V T n 2 = V t n 0 + γ ( ( ∣ 2 ϕ T + V i n t ∣ − 2 ϕ T ) ) V_{Tn2}=V_{tn0}+\gamma((\sqrt{|2\phi_{T}+V_{int}|}-\sqrt{2\phi_{T}})) VTn2=Vtn0+γ((2ϕT+Vint 2ϕT ))

Propagation Delay:

depends upon the input patterns

t p L H = 0.69 R p C L t_{pLH}=0.69R_pC_L tpLH=0.69RpCL

t p H L = 0.69 ( 2 R N C L ) t_{pHL}=0.69(2R_NC_L) tpHL=0.69(2RNCL)

To make the same delay, NMOS devices must be made twice as wide. PMOS remain unchanged.

High-to-low propagation delay depends on the state of the internal nodes.

PMOS devices have a lower mobility relative to NMOS devices, stacking devices in series must be avoided as much as possible.

NAND is better than NOR.

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第2张图片
t p H L = 0.69 ( R 1 C 1 + ( R 1 + R 2 ) C 2 + ( R 1 + R 2 + R 3 ) C 3 + ( R 1 + R 2 + R 3 + R 4 ) C L ) t_{pHL}=0.69(R_1C_1+(R_1+R_2)C_2+(R_1+R_2+R_3)C_3+(R_1+R_2+R_3+R_4)C_L) tpHL=0.69(R1C1+(R1+R2)C2+(R1+R2+R3)C3+(R1+R2+R3+R4)CL)

= 0.69 R N ( C 1 + 2 C 2 + 3 C 3 + 4 C L ) =0.69R_N(C_1+2C_2+3C_3+4C_L) =0.69RN(C1+2C2+3C3+4CL)


  • Significant implementation area. 2N gate
  • propagation delay is a function of the fan-in.
  • t p = a 1 F I + a 2 F I 2 + a 3 F O t_p=a_1FI+a_2FI^2+a_3FO tp=a1FI+a2FI2+a3FO


  • Transistor Sizing be used with caution

  • Progressive Transistor Sizing: M 1 > M 2 > M 3 > M 4 M_1>M_2>M_3>M_4 M1>M2>M3>M4 not simple in a real layout

  • Input Re-Ordering: critical path

    《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第3张图片
  • Logic Restructuring

t p = t p 0 ( 1 + C e x t γ C g ) = t p 0 ( 1 + f / γ ) t_p=t_{p0}(1+\frac{C_{ext}}{\gamma C_{g}})=t_{p0}(1+f/\gamma) tp=tp0(1+γCgCext)=tp0(1+f/γ)

Modify: t p = t p 0 ( p + g f / γ ) t_p=t_{p0}(p+gf/\gamma) tp=tp0(p+gf/γ)

f f f :electrical effort

p p p: the ratio of the intrinstic delays of the complex gate and the simple inverter

g g g: logic effort

h h h: gate effort

Make t p t_p tp minimal: f 1 g 1 = f 2 g 2 = f 3 g 3 = . . . = f N g N f_1g_1=f_2g_2=f_3g_3=...=f_Ng_N f1g1=f2g2=f3g3=...=fNgN

F = f 1 f 2 f 3 f 4 . . f N = C L / C g 1 F=f_1f_2f_3f_4..f_N=C_L/C_{g1} F=f1f2f3f4..fN=CL/Cg1 G = g 1 g 2 . . . g N G=g_1g_2...g_N G=g1g2...gN H = F G H=FG H=FG

h = F G N = H N h=\sqrt[N]{FG} = \sqrt[N]{H} h=NFG =NH

Power Consumption:

dynamic power dissipation: α 0 − > 1 C L V D D 2 f \alpha_{0->1}C_LV_{DD}^{2}f α0>1CLVDD2f switching activity

Logic function: α 0 − > 1 = p 0 p 1 = p 0 ( 1 − p 0 ) \alpha_{0->1}=p_{0}p_{1}=p_{0}(1-p_{0}) α0>1=p0p1=p0(1p0)

Assuming the inputs are independent and uniformly distributed

α 0 − > 1 = N 0 2 N N 1 2 N \alpha_{0->1}=\frac{N_{0}}{2^{N}}\frac{N_{1}}{2^{N}} α0>1=2NN02NN1

  • a conditional probability
  • glitches/dynamic hazards long chains of gates

Solutions: To reduce the switching factor

  • Logic Restructuring

    • Chain structure
    • Tree structure
  • Input ordering

    postpone the introduction of signals with a high transition rate

  • Time-multiplexing resources

    can minimize the implementation area. Very few transitions

  • Glitch Reduction by balancing signal paths

    Make every gate change simultaneously Redesigning the network

  1. Ratioed Logic

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第4张图片
reduce robustness and extra power dissipation reduce number of gates N + 1 N+1 N+1

pseudo-NMOS gate nominal low output is not 0V

ratioed: voltage swing on the output and the overall functionality of the gate depends upon the ratio between the NMOS and PMOS sizes.

V O L ≈ μ p W p μ n W n ∣ V D S A T ∣ V_{OL}\approx\frac{\mu_pW_p}{\mu_nW_n}|V_{DSAT}| VOLμnWnμpWpVDSAT To make V O L V_{OL} VOL smaller, PMOS needs to be sized much smaller, however, it is bad to propagation delay.

static power: P l o w = V D D I l o w P_{low}=V_{DD}I_{low} Plow=VDDIlow

differential logic and positive feedback:

DCVSL differetial cascode voltage switch logic

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第5张图片
have rail-to-rail swing static power dissipation is eliminated

Of course, short circuit path still exists.

  1. Pass-transistor logic
《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第6张图片

Reduced number of devices low capacitance

high output is V D D − V T n V_{DD}-V_{Tn} VDDVTn low switching energy

pass-transistor gates cannot be cascaded by connecting the output of a pass gate to the gate input of another pass transistor.


may cosume static power when the output is high. insufficient to turn off the PMOS transistor of CMOS

Differential Pass Transistor Logic:


  • complex gates such as XORs can be realized with a small number of transistors
  • CPL is static gates


  • Level restoration:

    level restorer

    《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第7张图片

can eliminates any static power dissipation in the inverter.

the resistance of M n M_n Mn and M r M_r Mr must be such that the voltage at node X X X drops below the threshold of the inverter.

The rise time of the gate is further negatively affected, since, the level-restoring transistor M r M_r Mr fights the decrease in voltage at node X X X

swing-restored pass transistor logic

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第8张图片
  • Multiple-threshold transistors:

    zero-threshold transistor can make the subthreshold currents

  • Transmission gate logic:

    《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第9张图片

NMOS devices pass a strong 0 but a weak 1, while PMOS transistor pass a strong 1 but a weak 0.

rail-to-rail swing

can realize multiplexer and XOR gate using less transistors.

R e q R_{eq} Req is relatively constant.

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第10张图片
t p = 0.69 ∑ k = 0 n C R e q k = 0.69 C R e q n ( n + 1 ) 2 t_p=0.69\displaystyle \sum^{n}_{k=0}CR_{eq}k=0.69CR_{eq}\frac{n(n+1)}{2} tp=0.69k=0nCReqk=0.69CReq2n(n+1)


break the chain and insert buffers every n n n switches.

t p = 0.69 [ n m C R e q m ( m + 1 ) 2 ] + ( n m − 1 ) t b u f t_{p}=0.69[\frac{n}{m}CR_{eq}\frac{m(m+1)}{2}]+(\frac{n}{m}-1)t_{buf} tp=0.69[mnCReq2m(m+1)]+(mn1)tbuf

m o p t = 1.7 t p b u f C R e q ≈ 3 m_{opt}=1.7\sqrt{\frac{t_{pbuf}}{CR_{eq}}}\approx3 mopt=1.7CReqtpbuf 3

  1. Dynamic CMOS Design

to avoid the static power dissipation

precharge and evaluation phases determined by the signal C L K CLK CLK.

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第11张图片
C L K = 1 CLK=1 CLK=1: evaluation phase

C L K = 0 CLK=0 CLK=0: precharge phase

During evaluation phase, the output can make at most one transition.

  • number of transistors: N + 2 N+2 N+2 numbers

  • non-ratioed

  • only consumes dynamic power

  • faster switching speeds

Speed and Power dissipation of dynamic logic

  • t p L H = 0 t_{pLH}=0 tpLH=0
  • no glitches only one transition
  • a higher switching activity: α 0 − > 1 = p 0 \alpha_{0->1}=p_0 α0>1=p0


  • charge leakage:

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第12张图片
Source 1 and 2: reverse-biased diode and sub-threshold leakage

require a minimal clock rate

solution: adding a bleeder transistor

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第13张图片

  • charge sharing:

    share capacitor C L C_{L} CL and C a C_{a} Ca

    we need to keep the value of Δ V o u t \Delta V_{out} ΔVout below ∣ V t p ∣ |V_{tp}| Vtp


    precharge critical internal nodes

  • Capacitive coupling:

    back-gate coupling

    example: a dynamic two-input NAND gate drives a static NAND gate

  • clock-feedthrough:

    causes the output of the dynamic node to rise above V D D V_{DD} VDD on the low-to-high transition of the clock.

    may cause forward-biased.

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第14张图片
《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第15张图片

Cascading Dynamic gates:

the inputs can only make a single 0->1 transition during the evaluation period.

Domino Logic:

consist of an n-type dynamic logic block followed by a static inverter.

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第16张图片
  • pure Domino design has become rare.

  • high speed only a rising edge delay exists.

Dual-rail Domino

n p np np-CMOS

《Digital Integrated Circuit》读后笔记 (三)_第17张图片
