
Freaks and Geeks Episode 2


ragged adj.
Those old jeans are looking pretty ragged.
Two ragged children stood outside the station, begging for money.
3.粗糙, 不平衡,不平滑。(especially of an edge) rough and not smooth
A ragged (= not straight) line of people were waiting at the bus stop.
The patient's breathing was ragged (= not regular) and uneven.
The team was rather ragged in the first half of the game.

2. tuxedo

**tuxedo ** noun [C]. 燕尾服

3. spit on

spit v [I] 吐 (口水,口香糖等) = expectorate
They spit on their audience.


**keg ** noun [C] 桶(一般装啤酒)

5. lame

**lame ** noun, adj. 形容人或事 不酷
Lindsay's too lame to let anyone enter her precious little house.
OMG that's really lame.

6. up yours

**up yours ** = fuck off

7. wind up

**wind up ** = end up v. 落得, 结局
If he keeps doing stuff like that he's going to wind up in prison!

8. pumped

pumped adj. 激动的
I was so pumped to go on the ride i forgot my ticket

9. tell on someone

**tell on ** v. 告发某人(告给老师,家长,监护人等)
Stop hitting me or I’m telling mom on you.

10. designated driver

**designated driver ** noun. 跟朋友出去玩的时,其中一个被指定为今晚送大伙回家的司机(这人不能喝酒)

11. count to ten

**count to ** 数到
count to ten and then come.

12. alcohol poisoning

alcohol poisoning,food poisoning 酒精中毒,食物中毒。

13. angle dust

**angle dust ** noun. 白粉(毒品)

14. rule

**rule ** suck的反义词。棒棒的,赞的。
“legend of phoenix ” sucks, you suck, "legend of phoenix" rules

15. cakewalk

**cakewalk ** noun. 容易完成的事

16. wasted

**wasted ** adj. 形容喝醉了或吸毒高了
That guy is so wasted, he can hardly stand up.
