
  快速排序是由C.A.R Hoare在1960年发明的,并被选为20世纪十大算法。在不要求稳定的应用场景中,快速排序是一种性能不错的、通用的排序算法。
  在阅读完Robert Sedgewick的《算法》之后,尝试把几种快速排序整理在一起并总结。快速排序的精髓在于切分位置(Partition)的选取,本文希望把重点放在几种切分的区别上,淡化快速排序的原理和概念。本文所有源码来源于[1],都是从小到大排序。



Hoare-Partition(A, p, r)
x = A[p]
i = p - 1
j = r + 1
while true
        j = j - 1
    until A[j] <= x
        i = i + 1
    until A[i] >= x
    if i < j
        swap( A[i], A[j] )
        return j

Lomuto-Partition(A, p, r)
x = A[r]
i = p - 1
for j = p to r - 1
    if A[j] <= x
        i = i + 1
        swap( A[i], A[j] )
swap( A[i+1], A[r] )
return i + 1


  QuickKR.java的实现参考了《The C Programming Language》一书,属于Lomuto方法。这是一种简单的快速排序实现,可以用在自己的小程序中,不适合用作对外发布库函数。对于某些特殊情况,它有继续优化的空间:[2,4]

  • poor locality
  • 在特殊情况下,时间复杂度会恶化为O(n*n)


 *  Compilation:  javac QuickKR.java
 *  Execution:    java QuickKR N
 *  Dependencies: StdIn.java StdOut.java
 *  Generate N random real numbers between 0 and 1 and quicksort them.
 *  Uses version of quicksort from K+R.
 *  Reference: The C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and
 *  Dennis M. Ritchie, p. 87.
 *  Warning: goes quadratic if many duplicate keys.

public class QuickKR {

    public static void sort(Comparable[] a) {
        sort(a, 0, a.length - 1);

    private static void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) { 
        if (hi <= lo) return;
        exch(a, lo, (lo + hi) / 2);  // use middle element as partition
        int last = lo;
        for (int i = lo + 1; i <= hi; i++)
            if (less(a[i], a[lo])) exch(a, ++last, i);
        exch(a, lo, last);
        sort(a, lo, last-1);
        sort(a, last+1, hi);

    *  Helper sorting functions.

    // is v < w ?
    private static boolean less(Comparable v, Comparable w) {
        return v.compareTo(w) < 0;

    // exchange a[i] and a[j]
    private static void exch(Object[] a, int i, int j) {
        Object swap = a[i];
        a[i] = a[j];
        a[j] = swap;

    *  Check if array is sorted - useful for debugging.
    private static boolean isSorted(Comparable[] a) {
        for (int i = 1; i < a.length; i++)
            if (less(a[i], a[i-1])) return false;
        return true;

    // print array to standard output
    private static void show(Comparable[] a) {
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {

     * Reads in a sequence of strings from standard input; quicksorts them; 
     * and prints them to standard output in ascending order. 
     * Shuffles the array and then prints the strings again to
     * standard output, but this time, using the select method.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[] a = StdIn.readAllStrings();


2.0 Hoare-Partition


  • 保持数据随机性
  • 不跳过重复元素
  • 内循环简洁


 *  Compilation:  javac Quick.java
 *  Execution:    java Quick < input.txt
 *  Dependencies: StdOut.java StdIn.java
 *  Data files:   http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/23quicksort/tiny.txt
 *                http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/23quicksort/words3.txt
 *  Sorts a sequence of strings from standard input using quicksort.
 *  % more tiny.txt
 *  S O R T E X A M P L E
 *  % java Quick < tiny.txt
 *  A E E L M O P R S T X                 [ one string per line ]
 *  % more words3.txt
 *  bed bug dad yes zoo ... all bad yet
 *  % java Quick < words3.txt
 *  all bad bed bug dad ... yes yet zoo    [ one string per line ]
 *  Remark: For a type-safe version that uses static generics, see
 *    http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/23quicksort/QuickPedantic.java

 *  The Quick class provides static methods for sorting an
 *  array and selecting the ith smallest element in an array using quicksort.

* For additional documentation, see Section 2.1 of * Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. * * @author Robert Sedgewick * @author Kevin Wayne */ public class Quick { // This class should not be instantiated. private Quick() { } /** * Rearranges the array in ascending order, using the natural order. * @param a the array to be sorted */ public static void sort(Comparable[] a) { StdRandom.shuffle(a); sort(a, 0, a.length - 1); assert isSorted(a); } // quicksort the subarray from a[lo] to a[hi] private static void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) { if (hi <= lo) return; int j = partition(a, lo, hi); sort(a, lo, j-1); sort(a, j+1, hi); assert isSorted(a, lo, hi); } // partition the subarray a[lo..hi] so that a[lo..j-1] <= a[j] <= a[j+1..hi] // and return the index j. private static int partition(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) { int i = lo; int j = hi + 1; Comparable v = a[lo]; while (true) { // find item on lo to swap while (less(a[++i], v)) if (i == hi) break; // find item on hi to swap while (less(v, a[--j])) if (j == lo) break; // redundant since a[lo] acts as sentinel // check if pointers cross if (i >= j) break; exch(a, i, j); } // put partitioning item v at a[j] //最后会出现i>=j的情况,换带最前面的元素应该是小于v的,j指向的元素就小于等于v exch(a, lo, j); // now, a[lo .. j-1] <= a[j] <= a[j+1 .. hi] return j; } /** * Rearranges the array so that a[k] contains the kth smallest key; * a[0] through a[k-1] are less than (or equal to) a[k]; and * a[k+1] through a[N-1] are greater than (or equal to) a[k]. * @param a the array * @param k find the kth smallest */ public static Comparable select(Comparable[] a, int k) { if (k < 0 || k >= a.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Selected element out of bounds"); } StdRandom.shuffle(a); int lo = 0, hi = a.length - 1; while (hi > lo) { int i = partition(a, lo, hi); if (i > k) hi = i - 1; else if (i < k) lo = i + 1; else return a[i]; } return a[lo]; } /*************************************************************************** * Helper sorting functions. ***************************************************************************/ // is v < w ? private static boolean less(Comparable v, Comparable w) { return v.compareTo(w) < 0; } // exchange a[i] and a[j] private static void exch(Object[] a, int i, int j) { Object swap = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = swap; } /*************************************************************************** * Check if array is sorted - useful for debugging. ***************************************************************************/ private static boolean isSorted(Comparable[] a) { return isSorted(a, 0, a.length - 1); } private static boolean isSorted(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) { for (int i = lo + 1; i <= hi; i++) if (less(a[i], a[i-1])) return false; return true; } // print array to standard output private static void show(Comparable[] a) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { StdOut.println(a[i]); } } /** * Reads in a sequence of strings from standard input; quicksorts them; * and prints them to standard output in ascending order. * Shuffles the array and then prints the strings again to * standard output, but this time, using the select method. */ public static void main(String[] args) { String[] a = StdIn.readAllStrings(); Quick.sort(a); show(a); // shuffle StdRandom.shuffle(a); // display results again using select StdOut.println(); for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { String ith = (String) Quick.select(a, i); StdOut.println(ith); } } }

2.1 对Quick.java的改进

  • 用哨兵取消边界测试
  • 小规模数组切换至插入排序
if(hi<= lo + M){
    Insertion.sort(a, lo, hi);
  • 三取样切分(Median-of-three partitioning)
      目前的切分元素是随机选择的,三取样希望选取小范围里的中位数。在QuickX.java(在[1]中有完整代码)中,当排序元素<=40时,选取前中后三个元素的中位数;当N较大时,使用Tukey ninther法[],9个候选元素等间隔排开,然后得出前段中位数m1,中段中位数m2,后段中位数m3,再计算m1-3的中位数。这里要注意,Tukey ninther方法计算出的中位数并不是9个等间隔候选元素的中位数。
// use median-of-3 as partitioning element
else if (N <= 40) {
    int m = median3(a, lo, lo + N/2, hi);
    exch(a, m, lo);

// use Tukey ninther as partitioning element
else  {
    int eps = N/8;
    int mid = lo + N/2;
    int m1 = median3(a, lo, lo + eps, lo + eps + eps);
    int m2 = median3(a, mid - eps, mid, mid + eps);
    int m3 = median3(a, hi - eps - eps, hi - eps, hi); 
    int ninther = median3(a, m1, m2, m3);
    exch(a, ninther, lo);
  • 三向切分(three-way partitioning)
      3-way partitioning最早是由Dijkstra(就是最短路径那个人)在1976年的《A Discipline of Programming》一书出提出,当时提出这个算法是为了解决“荷兰国旗问题”,又由于快速排序中的partitioning步骤非常像荷兰国旗问题中的步骤,于是就将荷兰国旗问题中的partitioning用到快速排序中[5,8]。
      在实践中,Dijkstra的方法很少使用,因为在没有相等元素的情况下,Dijkstra对于每个元素都要进行交换,且其子问题的规模并没有比父问题小很多,其交换次数要3倍于优化过的2路的Quick.java[4,5]。那在实践中,用的是哪个算法呢。在C++ standard library和Java 6 runtime library中,sort函数使用的是”fat partitioning”,这个方法由Bentley和Mcllroy提出[6]。在有较多重复值时,Bentley-McIlroy的方法比Dijkstra多了交换的步骤(第40~43行);在无重复值的情况下,Bentley-McIlroy方法相较于2路的Quick.java,由于头尾只有少量的等值元素需要交换,所以额外的开销很小。因此,Bentley-McIlroy更适合作为库函数,因为我们不能去预测用户的数据是怎么样的。
// Dijkstra 3-way partitioning 上述左图
private static void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) {
    if (hi <= lo) return;
    int lt = lo, gt = hi;
    Comparable v = a[lo];
    int i = lo+1;
    while (i <= gt)
        int cmp = a[i].compareTo(v);
        if      (cmp < 0) exch(a, lt++, i++);
        else if (cmp > 0) exch(a, i, gt--);
        else              i++;
    sort(a, lo, lt - 1);
    sort(a, gt + 1, hi);

// Bentley-McIlroy 3-way partitioning 上述右图
private static void sort(Comparable[] a, int lo, int hi) { 
    int i = lo, j = hi+1;
    int p = lo, q = hi+1;
    Comparable v = a[lo];
    while (true) {
        while (less(a[++i], v))
            if (i == hi) break;
        while (less(v, a[--j]))
            if (j == lo) break;

        // pointers cross
        if (i == j && eq(a[i], v))
            exch(a, ++p, i);
        if (i >= j) break;

        exch(a, i, j);
        if (eq(a[i], v)) exch(a, ++p, i);
        if (eq(a[j], v)) exch(a, --q, j);

    i = j + 1;
    for (int k = lo; k <= p; k++)
        exch(a, k, j--);
    for (int k = hi; k >= q; k--)
        exch(a, k, i++);

2.2 Dual-Pivot Quicksort

在Java 7 runtime library中,使用的是Dual-Pivot Quicksort[7],有两个中轴数,由Vladimir Yaroslavskiy等人提出。

3 .趣味应用

  1. Bentley and McIlroy的三路切分的快速排序在Java库中工作的不错,即使输入的数据是近似有序的。M. D. MCILROY在1999年的一篇论文中提出一种方法[9],可以产生一组数据,使得快速排序的性能恶化到最差,这个方法被叫做killer adversary(快速排序的无敌对手)。64点的最差输入如下:

  2. G. J. E. Rawlins在《Compared to what? an introduction to the analysis of algorithms》(1991年)这本书上提出了一个螺帽和螺钉的配对问题:有N个螺钉和N个螺帽,一个螺帽只能和一个螺钉配对,一个螺钉也只能和一个螺帽配对。现在只能任意去配对一组,然后去观察哪个比较大(若螺帽大,套在螺钉上就显得松;若螺钉大,就钻不进螺帽),但是不能直接比较两个螺帽或两个螺钉,有没有有效的解决方法?[10]

[1]《Algorithms》4th Edition http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/23quicksort
[2]快速排序性能可视化 http://www.sorting-algorithms.com/quick-sort
[3]Tukey ninther方法 http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2009/06/23/tukey-median-ninther/
[4]Quicksort Partitioning: Hoare vs. Lomuto http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/11458/quicksort-partitioning-hoare-vs-lomuto/11550#11550
[5]QuickSort Dijkstra 3-Way Partitioning: why the extra swapping? http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/22389/quicksort-dijkstra-3-way-partitioning-why-the-extra-swapping
[6]fat partitioning http://pauillac.inria.fr/~maranget/X/421/09/bentley93engineering.pdf
[7]Java 7 runtime library http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Arrays.html#sort%28int%5B%5D%29
[8]台湾中央研究院,穆信成 http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~scm/ncs/2010/10/dutch-national-flag-problem/
[9]A Killer Adversary for Quicksort http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~doug/mdmspe.pdf
[10]Matching Nuts and Bolts - Solution http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~naor/PUZZLES/nuts_solution.html
浅谈算法和数据结构: 四 快速排序http://www.cnblogs.com/yangecnu/p/Introduce-Quick-Sort.html
QuicksortIsOptimal,作者:Robert Sedgewick,Jon Bentley http://www.sorting-algorithms.com/static/QuicksortIsOptimal.pdf

