
typedef char ElemType;
struct linknode
 ElemType data;
 struct linknode *next;
//init a stack
void initstack(struct linknode **s)
void push(struct linknode **s,ElemType x)
 struct linknode *q;
 q=(struct linknode *)malloc(sizeof(struct linknode));
 *s=q;//Point to the head of stack.
void pop(struct linknode **s)
 struct linknode *t;
  printf("The stack is empty./n");
  free(t);// free the EMS memory,in case of memory leaks.
//Get the top of stack
ElemType Gettop(struct linknode **s)
  printf("The stack is empty./n");
 else return ((*s)->data);
//dispay the nodes in stack
void dispay(struct linknode **s)
 struct linknode *q;
 printf("the nodes in stack:/n");

 struct linknode s;
 struct linknode *stack=&s;
 printf("Push some words into the stack./n");
 printf("Get the top of stack:%5c/n",Gettop(&stack));
 printf("Pop one node,/n");


