LeetCode MySQL 1527. Patients With a Condition(like)


    • 1. 题目
    • 2. 解题

1. 题目

Table: Patients

| Column Name  | Type    |
| patient_id   | int     |
| patient_name | varchar |
| conditions   | varchar |
patient_id is the primary key for this table.
'conditions' contains 0 or more code separated by spaces. 
This table contains information of the patients in the hospital.

Write an SQL query to report the patient_id, patient_name all conditions of patients who have Type I Diabetes. Type I Diabetes always starts with DIAB1 prefix

Return the result table in any order.

The query result format is in the following example.

| patient_id | patient_name | conditions   |
| 1          | Daniel       | YFEV COUGH   |
| 2          | Alice        |              |
| 3          | Bob          | DIAB100 MYOP |
| 4          | George       | ACNE DIAB100 |
| 5          | Alain        | DIAB201      |

Result table:
| patient_id | patient_name | conditions   |
| 3          | Bob          | DIAB100 MYOP |
| 4          | George       | ACNE DIAB100 | 
Bob and George both have a condition that starts with DIAB1.


2. 解题

# Write your MySQL query statement below
select *
from Patients
where conditions like "%DIAB1%"

217 ms

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