

Playingbadminton is a good way for me to maintain health.  It also has physical, psychologicaland social benefits. 运动的益处可以不单单从身体角度出发而可以从身体、心理和社交能力三方面谈起。


2)Tennis practices my balance, speed, footworkand hand-eye coordination [koʊˌɔ:rdɪˈneɪʃn through a variety of techniques and movements. 平衡能力 反应速度 脚步 手眼配合协调能力

3)It's a good way for me to become light andnimble 有利于让身体变得更加灵活


1)Besides, regularly playing badminton can helpkeep me encouraged, and help me overcome difficulties inmy personal life.锻炼意志力 激发勇气,遇到挫折有客服以及必胜的信念

2)It`s a good way for me to develop myawareness of teamwork 有利于团队合作意识


Playing badminton is a good opportunity for meto make some new friends who are also keen on doing outdoor activities有益于结交热爱体育 志同道合的朋友



Over 1000 riders cycled 100 miles around theVale of York.



The other day, I watched a movie named Passengers, whichis an American science fiction and adventure film. The story is set in thefuture when people could choose to move to other planet and live a new lifethere. This is how it works, after passengers board the spaceship, they wouldenter hibernation [ˌhaɪbə'neɪʃn] and sleep in a specially designed pod thatwould automatically [ˌɔtəˈmætɪkl:ɪ] wake them up after 120 years when theyarrive at the new planet. However, there’s something wrong with the system, andone of the passengers wakes up 90 year early, which is a disaster ‘causethere’s no way for him to re-enter hibernation, which means he will likely growold and die before the ship reaches their new home. And the rest of the movieis all about the choices he makes and efforts he makes to save everyone on theship, including the woman he loves, who by the way is awake because of him.Well, it’s such a complex story, so it’s hard for me to tell it in just twominutes, I’ve already left out some of the plot.

Anyway, it’s more than just a science-fiction or anordinary love story, I mean, it’s one of those stories that really grab me andget me thinking, what would I do if I were in that situation, you know, stuck[stʌk] in a sinking spaceship, or would I choose to board theship in the first place. So you see, it’s thought provoking and it’s fair tosay, it’s the best film I’ve seen recently.

虽然该影片的review褒贬不一,有影评人质疑该片的价值观不正,对“幸福”的定义过于简单粗暴,也有人笑称该片是太空版的《泰坦尼克》,更有人说整部电影讲的就是“别睡了起来嗨”……但无论怎样,我们都得承认作为雅思素材,这绝对是好电影,因为好说呀!复杂的情节以及要用到的绕口的术语,咱们根本不用提,就把故事大意一讲,来段观后感就搞定了,而且这个也可以说成是书呀,同样也是机经里的题目,我们可以说它是page-turner,读起来爱不释手,每翻几页就有新惊喜(I couldn’t put it down, I mean, every 10 pages, something new happens!)。开头还可以假装一下:I heard there is a movie that is adapted from thisbook, but I seriously doubt it would be better than or even as fascinating asthe book, I mean, every adapted movie so far has been a huge disappointment.Anyway, back to the book. 然后就开始说剧情,最后说观后感,这部分也就是为什么你想再读一遍该书的理由。常见的套话就是:Every time I read it, I get something new and deeper insights. Andit even puts my life into perspective. 希望大家用得上哦。


however, he was really the winner; nevergive up in face of hardships, setbacks, barriers in our lives.




spare time

I have many waysto relax myself. I will take a nap if I am really tired. When the weather isgood, I will definitelygo out for a walk in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air. I willalso relax myself by switching to computer games from serious work or study. Ican lose myself a little while I’m playing the games. Listening to music isanother way I prefer to relax myself.

When I have leisure time, I look forward tospending it outdoors. Breathing fresh air and enjoying the natural light ofsunshine are a nice break from the closed in atmosphere of my office. Onceoutside in a healthy environment, my choice of activities is limitless. MostlyI enjoy cycling with friends. We like to explore new parts of the city. Theoutdoors is a great place to meet other like‐minded people whoare interested in fitness. The outdoors offers a great opportunity to spendfree time alone or with friends.




Do you like cars?

Yes, I like cars. There aredifferent types of cars, such as sports car; limousine, [ˈlɪməzi:n]  truck, van, wagon[ˈwæɡən] etc. but I like coupemost.


  3. If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car wouldyou choose?

  My dream car is Volkswagen CC and because it’s multi-functional.



大众CC是一款标准的轿跑,轿车的稳定性与跑车的灵敏度完美结合; 外观方面,X”型的硬朗前脸,流露俊雅气息。带扰流设计的精悍短尾造型, 将轿车的优雅,与跑车化线条的动感相融。轮拱造型起伏有致,延伸至上扬的腰线,凸显流线型设计。自动无框车门设计,美观时尚,获得欧洲车身大奖,被称为史上最美大众车;动力性方面,四轮驱动,装备了6速DSG双离合自动变速器,3.0 V6 FSI发动机展露惊人动力,多向调节带记忆功能运动座椅, 大容积后备箱/EASY OPEN开启, 丹拿高级音响系统想必拥有非凡的驾驶体验;高科技配置方面:除了广泛应用的ABS、ESP、倒车雷达,更是配置了第二代ACC自适应巡航系统、动态底盘控制系统,EPB电子驻车制动系统, 动态电子差速锁变道辅助系统, 车道保持系统与第二代智能泊车辅助系统,安全智能内饰方面:精致,真皮座椅,车载娱乐设备齐全



Volkswagen CC isa standard coupe [kup], which combines the stability of the car and sensitivity of sportscar; in appearance, The shape is elegant. Automatic frameless door design,beautiful and stylish [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] , won theEuropean Car Body Award, knownas the most beautiful Volkswagen model in history; From power considerations ,equipped with 6 speed DSG, the 3 V6 FSI engine ,cc show amazing power .Based on the above-mentioned factors,peoplecan have extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔ:rdəneri] driving experience; about high-techconfiguration: in addition to ABS, ESP which are widely used, it is equippedwith second generation ACC adaptive cruise [kruz] control system,DCC, EPB, SideAssist, Lane Assist and the second generation intelligent parking assistsystem, intelligent and secure. interior: delicate, leather seats, carentertainment equipment

Inside much workhas been spent on a touchscreen iPad-like device that now controls the music,air-conditioning and telephone functions.





I have a smallfamily with only 3 members and all of us are very close to each other and welove each other very much.

My mother is ateacher .She is caring, tender(温柔的), she has got a big heart and she possesses love for everyone. Shehad been an ideal mother to raise me and making sure my education and moralvalues. She had made a lot of sacrifices [ˈsækrəˌfaɪs] all of her life and hadnever complained about anything. She is the person who reminds me the power oflove and caring.

I am extremelyfortunate that either from biological, psychological or sociological reasons Ishare many of the same personality traits as my mother. From her I have growninto a generous, humorous, extroverted and responsible young man. Thecharacteristic that I am most blessed to have adopted from my mother isoptimism. No matter what problem, big or small, life throws towards my mothershe seems to have an innate knack for finding the silver lining. It seems shecan take any negative issue and in some way find something positive to takefrom it. I have found that this positive mental attitude also thrives in me. Mymother truly is my hero and make my deeply proud.

My father is ageneral employee in research institute. and he is around 50 years old. He isthe kind of person I would want my offspring to be. He did his graduation in atime when formal education was not people’s first choice. They would ratherstart earning from work rather than going to school. But my father believedthat education is the most important part of a man’s life. He heartily held theidea that education shapes a man’s life and is the kind of power and asset thatwould always accompany him.

I have lots ofmemories of my father .There exists a strong bonding between us that only twoof us feel. I still remember those days of my childhood when I used to wait inthe evening for my father to return from office. He would then play with me andhelp on completing my lessons. Besides my education he taught me lots of moralvalues and important things of life.

he is revered [rɪ'vɪəd]by all of our relatives, his friends and neighbors.

He is a quietand intelligent man who has benevolent [bəˈnevələnt] heart and that what makehim so admirable to me. He is still the pillar of our family and all of ourfamily members love and respect him very much.

Thank you.




What is Family?How do you define a family?

People who careand love each other with a heart filled with respect .

The ones thatare there for you all your life through good and bad. they love and care foryou even if you are the most hated person in the world, and always have ashoulder to lean on.




Harbin Instituteof Technology is a beautiful campus, and I went there for four years as anundergrad. It is a very famous university in China. it's a research universityand it attracts very famous professors, at the top of their field.

I fall in lovewith my university at first sight and this love is on the rise as I knowfurther about her. Thanks to my university, my college life is truly colorful. What's of vital importance is that she provides mewith an outstanding academic atmosphere(学术氛围). I am able tocommunicate with talanted and passionate(有激情的) people such asmy professors and classmates who share the same interests with me. What's more, I am offered lots of chances to choosethe societies(社团)and Students' Union(学生会) I like. Through the learning in my university and participatingin(参与) the activities organized by the societies, I really have broadenedmy horizons [hə'raɪznz](眼界)and made many good friends. They all help me develop myself into awell-rounded(全面的) person. I am grateful to my university.



I enjoy a greatnumber of good things ,but Honestly speaking, I think the schoolyard is too small and it'snot very beautiful. Moreover, the conditions of our dormitory(学生宿舍) can'tsatisfy our needs. Actually it's not as good as that of my undergrad school. Asit's impossible to change the realities, I've tried my best to adapt myself tothe new life. Besides study, I also find something to enrich my life. Lastsemester(学期), I joined the Volunteer Association, and we organized several chanllengingactivities, such as Beijing marathon [ˈmærəˌθɑn] volunteers selection , Volunteers selection of world robotConference which had made my school life more colorful and chanllenging(有挑战性的).




The Undergraduatestudy emphasize a solid foundation of basic knowledge while Graduate study laystress on(强调,重视) the ability to handle practical problems.


Graduate studiesemphasize intensive learning in professionalfield. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunicationsis known as" Huangpu Military Academy" In the field of communication.

It offers moreinternship opportunities here. Through internships in the company, we can learnmore skills, and better integrate into the work.




I live inBeijing, a typical metropolis [məˈtrɑ:pəlɪs] with boomingeconomy, a dense population and various places for entertainment. People canchoose different life styles here. For instance, the city could be fashionablefor the large-scaled shopping malls; it could also be cultural for the ancientbuildings and museums.

My hometown is amiddle-scaled city with a small population, developing economy and limitedplaces for entertainment. Life of the local people is quite routine. They work,study and enjoy the leisure [ˈli:ʒər] time. Thanks to the relatively low livingcost and peaceful environment, living here is relaxing and less competitive [kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv].besides, There is no fog and haze in Changchun.


Can you tell mesomething about your hometown?

Yes, certainly. changchunis in the northeast part of China, and the capital of the jilin province. Ithas more than seven million inhabitants. It has many heavy industries such asautomobile, and machine tool manufacturers. In addition, it is rich in history.For example, the Japanese invaded the city and committed many atrocities [əˈtrɑ:səti] (thatis to say many crimes) during the occupation. This is still remembered by manyof the elderly folks to this day. Another example that I could mention is the Manchukuo [ˈmænˈtʃu:ˈkwəʊ] Palace Bar Founded in1962. Jingyuetan is the biggest Forest Park in Changchun.peoplein changchun is friendly to others.



Where do you seeyourself in 5 years

Im a freshgraduate, in such a large platform, I able to learn from the excellentcolleagues [ˈkɑli:g] around me, learning faw-vw culture, , I can become a moreprofessional staff by chasing them, I think this is a rare opportunity.

So in the next fiveyears, I will learn more from them, this position would give me the opportunityto gain new skills and techniques that would help me to advance. I'd like tocontinue taking on more responsibilities and am confident that I can makepositive contributions to the team that will bring the company more success.

i'll fight forthis career plan.

why work here

What's of vital importance, I studiedartificial intelligence during my graduate studies, Research directionscorrespond[ˌkɔrisˈpɔnd] to the direction of our company's smart car. This is an opportunityto realize my professional values.

What's more, FAWVolkswagen is China's best auto joint venture, Products cover A, B, C classesof passenger vehicles [ˈviɪkəl], And each product's performance and sales are the leading productsin the segment market, With the release of the 2020 strategy and Thecooperation contract With the German Volkswagen postponed [postˈpon] until 2041.Visible, faw has good prospects, can provide me with a broad platform

And then FAWVolkswagen respect employee's personal development intention, It has been ratedas "China's best employer" for many years .

Last but not theleast, My home is in Changchun. I'm proud of the car city. My uncle work in FAWcar for  thirty years. He has said greatthings about faw . It struck me that this is the kind of place where I can fitin and excel. so I was thrilled to see you have this opening.

All theseattracted me to join the FAW Volkswagen




Tell me about ateam project when you had to work with someone difficult.

How would yousolve a conflict with your team members?


I deal withconflicts all the time, my key solution is stay calm and try to communicate.


I was managingour Poster which had to come out before the activity(Three lines of loveletters) ,but we were on a very tight timeline. The two designers in my teamdisagreed on the layout of the contents and style of the Poster, and neither ofwho was willing to compromise on their ideas.


After hearingabout this, I asked them to get a coffee together respectively. I asked each ofthem to talk me through their ideas and how it is in line with our activity'smission [ˈmɪʃən] and value and also the reason they disagree with the othermember. 知道这件事情之后,我分别找了两个人喝咖啡谈话。我让他们两个都详细的说了一下他们的想法,以及这些想法是如何跟活动的宗旨和价值观符合的,还有他们不同意对方想法的原因。



After I receivedthe information, I gathered them together in a meeting, talked them throughtheir ideas, what can be improved in their ideas, and what are the highlightsof the other member’s idea and how they could combine those highlights to makethe best benefits to our activity. 收集完信息之后,我叫他们俩再开了个会,仔细讲了一下他俩的想法,有哪些地方可以改进,两人想法中的亮点,以及他们可以如何把双方优秀的观点融合一起,为活动带来最大的收益。


After doingthis, they found out the other person’s highlights and reached an agreementbefore the deadline. 这些事情完成之后,他们都发现了对方的可取之处,也在截止日期前达成了共识。

我们来分析一下这个例子, 我之所以把他分段写出来是为了让我们更直观的分析整个回答的层次。前面两句话简单的介绍了事件所在的背景以及发生的原因。第二段和第三段主要讲我采取的措施,我们只要把他说清楚就行。最后一段是我们采取的措施带来的结果。




公司车型 英文名

FAW Volkswagenhas two brands, 12 series products including cc, Magotan(迈腾)、Sagitar(速腾)、Golf(高尔夫)、GolfSportsvan(高尔夫嘉旅)、C-REK(蔚领)、Bora(宝来)、Jetta(捷达)、Audi A3,Q3,A4L,Q5,A6L,A6L新能源






I got 643 in thecollege entrance examination




I participatedin the Alibaba big data race, the task is to Forecast coupon [ˈku:pɔn] usage by machinelearning, This is a field that I have never touched before, Using a week's time,I have to learn a new programming language and write code to implement functionson my own, In the end, I got a good place. I am the top 60 in more than 2000 participants.



In one's Collegeyears, all My thoughts has focused on improving my professional level, I have alot of internship and project experience, which are good for my career, Buttime is limited ,Correspondingly ,I rarely accompany my parents, in addition to half a month’s holidayfor Spring Festival every year, I did never return home , now I feel soregretful, I think this is the worst thing I have ever done.



Can you analyzethe future of our trade


The wholeIndustry environment trend to be better, the passenger car market will maintainsteady growth, New energy vehicles have become the direction of industrialtransformation and upgrading . Intelligent, networked and digital will becomethe mainstream of automobile brand development.





What is yourgreatest strength?

I feel that mystrongest asset [ˈæset] is my ability to stick to things to get them done. Ifeel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out justas I’d planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself. For example, I want tograduate with highest distinction. And I made up for it by doing an honor’sthesis [ˈθi:sɪs].


"What isyour greatest weakness?"

My biggestweakness is Verbose [vəˈbəʊs],When I think something is important, I worry that people don'tunderstand it and repeat the details。I have also takensome measures to overcome it. At ordinary times, I  consciously sum up the views, conciseexpression.





What factors areconsidered in buying a car?


外观耐看,对新款车型兴趣大,Beautiful appearance 。Big interest in new models

车的质量稳定  The quality of the car is stable

内饰精致,省油    the detailing of its interior [ɪnˈtɪriə(r)]exquisite [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt].  save fuel




I majored in communication engineering .My research area includesartificial intelligence, pattern [ˈpætən] recognition, and Internet of things. I had a broad knowledge of theartificial intelligence.



Hello,my name is, 25 years old. I comefrom jilin changchun. In 2015, Igraduated from Harbin Institute of Technology.now I aman graduate student at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Imajored in communication engineering

My research area includes artificialintelligence, pattern [ˈpætən] recognition, and Internet of things. I had a broad knowledge of theartificial intelligence. I am positioning myself as a person with strong professionalproficiency and comprehensive ability. I got strong driving force forself-study. I had ever learned a new programming language Using a week's time, andwrite code to implement functions on my own. I focus on teamwork and I can leadteam atmosphere by my positive attitude. I'm keen on student work, I organizedthe "elite [eiˈli:t] has something to say" and other school brand activities. TheseStudent work not only enrich my campus life, but also cultivate my ability oforganization, coordination [kəʊˌɔ:dnˈeɪʃən] and communication.

What’s more,  I’m responsible at work, and I got strongexecutive[ɪgˈzekjʊtɪv] ability. I always try to complete my work ahead of deadline.

Last but not theleast, I'm proud of my hometown is known as the car city. My uncle work in FAWcar as Senior Engineer for thirty years. He has said many great things aboutfaw . so I was thrilled to see you have this opening. I hope I have theopportunity to work in FAW Volkswagen,think you.




She Shares myValues.

we don’t have toagree with each other on everything, but when it comes to my fundamentalbeliefs and values, we two should be aligned.

She isAttractive

This one’sbasic: feel good about how she looks, whatever shape or size she is.

She’s Kind ToThe People In my Life

Respecting thepeople in my life is a sign that she wants to be more fully a part of it



我觉得汽车行业有前途, 其实是受到多方面的影响。从小身在长春,为这座汽车城而骄傲,加上有亲戚总是宣传汽车行业未来的前景有多么广阔,从那时候就“中毒”了,呵呵。平时也会逛逛汽车论坛,也会被漂亮的外形吸引。然后就有来自你们的影响啊,你们在高校的宣讲上不是大力强调了汽车行业有前途嘛,还给了那么多数据!我记得不久前还看到一篇报道,说整个国内汽车市场还有很大的增长空间,按照欧美的发展曲线,全国人均GDP5000-20000美元期间,汽车消费都会持续发展,中国现在刚6000美元,未来留给汽车行业的空间还很大。你可以注意一下周围的人,很多月薪三五千的人都在考虑买个车车来代步,汽车进入家庭已经是不可阻挡的趋势,未来将持续向好。

