NRF_LOG_INFO 打印输出浮点数 (float)

硬件: Nordic nRF5x

软件: Nordic SDK V15.2, Keil v5.23

nrf_log.h 中定义

 * @brief Macro to be used in a formatted string to a pass float number to the log.
 * Use this macro in a formatted string instead of the %f specifier together with
 * @ref NRF_LOG_FLOAT macro.
 * Example: NRF_LOG_INFO("My float number" NRF_LOG_FLOAT_MARKER "\r\n", NRF_LOG_FLOAT(f)))
#define NRF_LOG_FLOAT_MARKER "%s%d.%02d"

 * @brief Macro for dissecting a float number into two numbers (integer and residuum).
#define NRF_LOG_FLOAT(val) (uint32_t)(((val) < 0 && (val) > -1.0) ? "-" : ""),   \
                           (int32_t)(val),                                       \
                           (int32_t)((((val) > 0) ? (val) - (int32_t)(val)       \
                                                : (int32_t)(val) - (val))*100)


NRF_LOG_INFO("My float number: " NRF_LOG_FLOAT_MARKER "\r\n", NRF_LOG_FLOAT(f));