LED 的基本知识

  1. 什么LED?led有哪些特点?
    一 块电致发光的半导体材料,置于一个有引线的架子上,然后四周用环氧树脂密封,起到保护内部芯线的作用,所以LED的抗震性能好。 发光二极管的核心部分是由p型半导体和n型半导体组成的晶片,在p型半导体和n型半导体之间有一个过渡层,称为p-n结。在某些半导体材料的PN结中,注 入的少数载流子与多数载流子复合时会把多余的能量以光的形式释放出来,从而把电能直接转换为光能。PN结加反向电压,少数载流子难以注入,故不发光。这种 利用注入式电致发光原理制作的二极管叫发光二极管,通称LED。
    Light Emitting Diode,即发光二极管,是一种半导体固体发光器件,它是利用固体半导体芯片作为发光材料,当两端加上正向电压,半导体中的载流子发生复合引起光子发射而产生光。LED可以直接发出红、黄、蓝、绿、青、橙、紫、白色的光。
    3.光效单位是什么?lm/w 流明每瓦
    5.照度单位是什么?lux 勒克斯
    6.色温单位是什么?K 开尔文
    7.显色指数单位是什么? CRI Ra,日光和白炽灯显色指数为100.
    大约10-15lm/w 显色指数100.
    10.LED可以做到的什么显色指数范围?我们公司常用的显色指数由哪几种? 范围70-95, 我司常用Ra70, 80
    支架 ,支撑
    支架、芯片、胶水、荧光粉、导线 17.LED灯珠里的导线目前有哪几种材料可选?
    基本上导线都是用0.999纯金线,直径分为:0.8mil、1.0mil。也有一些追求低价的厂商用掺铜的合金线去做。 18.LED灯珠支架目前有哪几种材料可选?
    led 支架一般是铜做的(也有铁材,铝材及陶瓷等),因为铜的导电性很好,它里边会有引线, 来连接led灯珠内部的电极,LED灯珠封装成形后,灯珠即可从支架上取下,灯珠两头的铜脚即成为了灯珠的正负极,用于焊接到LED灯具或其它LED成 品。 19.LED芯片目前有哪些厂家?请举例一线二线品牌?
    是用来发光的。市场常见的芯片有,美国:CREE(科瑞)、 Bridgelux(普瑞);日本:Nichia(日亚)、丰田合成;德国欧司朗Osram;台湾:晶元、奇力(奇美集团子公司)、广稼、泰谷、光宏、新 世纪、亿光、佰鸿、光磊;中国大陆:厦门三安、上海蓝光、士兰明芯、大连路美……….。(大陆现在主要用台湾芯片)
    17.LED配光指的是什么?可以用哪些方式方法达到所需要的配光效果? 光线从灯具射出的角度和区域,可以反射罩,PC透镜 22.防护等级的单位是什么?里面文字的内容代表的含义?
    接触电气设备保护和外来物保护等级(第一个数字) 电气设备防水保护等级(第二个数字
    按照防水防尘等级划分,比如IP 65,指的防尘六级(完全防尘),防水五级(防止水滴的进入),防水八级,是指在一定产品在一定压力浸泡一定时间,产品不漏水。
    集成式LED,chips on board. 很多LED芯片装载一块芯片板上,然后封装起来。
    LED 封装的作用是将外引线连接到LED芯片的电极上,不但可以保护LED芯片,而且起到提高发光效率的作用。所以LED封装不仅仅只是完成输出电信号,更重要 的是保护管芯正常工作,输出可见光的功能。可见LED封装既有电参数,又有光参数的设计及技术要求,并不是一项简单的工作。
    由 于LED封装要求较高,因此,无论是直插LED或贴片LED,都必须使用具有高精度的固晶机,因为LED晶粒放入封装的位置是否精确,将直接影响整件封装 器件发光效率。如果晶粒在反射杯内的位置有所偏差,光线不能被完全反射出来,直接影响LED的光亮度。但是,用一部具有先进的PR System(预先图像辨识系统)固晶机,不论引线框架的品质差别,仍然可以将LED晶粒精确地焊接于预定位置上。
    根 据不同的应用场合、不同的外形尺寸、散热方案和发光效果。LED封装形式多种多样。目前,LED按封装形式分类主要有Lamp-LED、TOP-LED、 Side-LED、SMD-LED、High-Power-LED、Flip Chip-LED等 Lamp-LED(垂直LED)
    贴 片LED是贴于线路板表面的,适合SMT加工,可回流焊,很好地解决了亮度、视角、平整度、可靠性、一致性等问题,采用了更轻的PCB板和反射层材料,改 进后去掉了直插LED较重的碳钢材料引脚,使显示反射层需要填充的环氧树脂更少,目的是缩小尺寸,降低重量。这样,表面贴装LED可轻易地将产品重量减轻 一半,最终使应用更加完美。 Side-LED(侧发光LED)
    目前,LED封装的另一个重点便侧面发光封装。如果想使用LED当 LCD(液晶显示器)的背光光源,那么LED的侧面发光需与表面发光相同,才能使LCD背光发光均匀。虽然使用导线架的设计,也可以达到侧面发光的目的, 但是散热效果不好。不过,Lumileds公司发明反射镜的设计,将表面发光的LED,利用反射镜原理来发成侧光,成功的将高功率LED应用在大尺寸 LCD背光模组上。
    顶部发光LED是比较常见的贴片式发光二极管。主要应用于多功能超薄手机和PDA中的背光和状态指示灯。 High-Power-LED(高功率LED)
    为 了获得高功率、高亮度的LED光源,厂商们在LED芯片及封装设计方面向大功率方向发展。目前,能承受数W功率的LED封装已出现。比如Norlux系列 大功率LED的封装结构为六角形铝板作底座(使其不导电)的多芯片组合,底座直径31.75mm,发光区位于其中心部位,直径约 (0.375×25.4)mm,可容纳40只LED管芯,铝板同时作为热沉。这种封装采用常规管芯高密度组合封
    可见,功率型LED的热特性直接影响到LED的工作温度、发光效率、发光波长、使用寿命等,因此,对功率型LED芯片的封装设计、制造技术显得更加重要。 Flip Chip-LED(覆晶LED)
    LED 覆晶封装结构是在PCB基本上制有复数个穿孔,该基板的一侧的每个穿孔处都设有两个不同区域且互为开路的导电材质,并且该导电材质是平铺于基板的表面上, 有复数个未经封装的LED芯片放置于具有导电材质的一侧的每个穿孔处,单一LED芯片的正极与负极接点是利用锡球分别与基板表面上的导电材质连结,且于复 数个LED芯片面向穿孔的一侧的表面皆点着有透明材质的封胶,该封胶是呈一半球体的形状位于各个穿孔处。属于倒装焊结构发光二极管。 插件式,贴片式,集成式。
    小功率,大功率,COB, 0.06w,0.1w,0.2w,0.5w,1w,2w,3w,5w,8w,10w,20w,40w
    23.LED理论寿命有多少? 10万小时
    26.常规LED发光角度是多少?SMD 灯珠半光强120°
    一 块电致发光的半导体材料,置于一个有引线的架子上,然后四周用环氧树脂密封,起到保护内部芯线的作用,所以LED的抗震性能好。 发光二极管的核心部分是由p型半导体和n型半导体组成的晶片,在p型半导体和n型半导体之间有一个过渡层,称为p-n结。在某些半导体材料的PN结中,注 入的少数载流子与多数载流子复合时会把多余的能量以光的形式释放出来,从而把电能直接转换为光能。PN结加反向电压,少数载流子难以注入,故不发光。这种 利用注入式电致发光原理制作的二极管叫发光二极管,通称LED。
    29.目前市场上有哪些类型的光源在流通?如钨丝灯!各有什么特点? 白炽灯,日光灯,无极灯,高压钠灯,汞灯,LED灯
    大功率,依据品牌cree XP-G luxeon M/rebel/ F3,F5.
    33.按国际惯例光衰多少可以认定产品失效? 30%
    34.功率的计算公式?P=UI=电压乘以电流 43.AC DC代表的是什么?各有哪些特点?
    35.LED可以做哪些颜色?红黄绿蓝白 ,其他可以调
    现 时生产的白光LED大部分是通过在蓝光LED(near-UV,波长450nm至470nm)上覆盖一层淡黄色荧光粉涂层制成的,这种黄色磷光体通常是通 过把掺了铈的钇铝石榴石(Ce3+:YAG)晶体磨成粉末后混和在一种稠密的黏合剂中而制成的。当LED芯片发出蓝光,部分蓝光便会被这种晶体很高效地转 换成一个光谱较宽(光谱中心约为580nm)的主要为黄色的光。
    41.我司常规产品的有哪些电压?通过定制可以生产哪些电压的产品? AC 100-265V, DC 12V DC 24V
    黄红色的一般是1.8-2.2V 蓝白绿是2.8-4V
    53.灯具的发光角度:正常为120-140°,二重透镜的角度可以选择5 /15/30/45/60/90/120度

54.Cree COB的色温<5000K

2700-3500K暖白 4000-4500K自然白 5500-6500K 正白 7000-7500K正白光

FAQ一体化1.Can i light up from PM6:00-AM6:00 ,another time is dark ?
Sure,we have time control method ,if you want it light during PM6:00-AM6:00,you can set up it in advance.
2.Can the lamps turn on /off automatically ?
Sure,when at night,it light up automatically;when during the day,it will turn off automatically.
3.Solar street lights are more expensive, what are the advantages?
Answer: green energy, environmental pollution; no pull wire, safe, reliable, easy to move, easy to place; night lit type canwork 8-10h,body sensors solar light rainy days 3-4 days of continuous work; life Long, low cost, no pay electricity bills, one-time investment .
4.What’s the warranty ? Once the lamp broken,can i get any service from you ?
Our solar street light standard warranty is 3 years,when the lamp broken(unartificial) during the warranty period,we will send whole lamp or replacement for free ,but the buyer carry the freight


  1. Most strictly select raw material
    100% checking.

1.Testing all PCB after soldering with electricity.
2.100% function checking
3.Brightness control,IES test report,Thermal imaging report
4. Integrating sphere testing
Waterproof testing.
5. Cooling effect testing.
6. 100% 48hours aging testing(72 hours for high voltage products).

  1. 100% appearance checking
  2. 100% label checking

choose products -contact seller-make the proforma invoice-confirm the proforma invoice-payment ( pay choose:T/T/Paypal/Western union)30 percent of all value paid by T/T as deposit, the balance paid by T/T before loading.you can choose pay the full too)-production-arrange shipment(Express,Air cargo,Sea shipment)
-tracking goods-buyer received goods-enjoy after-sale service.

(Led high bay light )The products are suitable for large -scale factory, Station, warehouse, toll station, exhibition,gymnasium,industrial and mining and other needs higherrequriement of half-outdoor and indoor occasions.

Advantage of 8w solar led street light

1.High quality monocrystalline solar panel
2.Alloy main frame is anti-corrosion and waterproof.
3.Infrared Detector save energy
4.Bridgelux chip ensure high brightness
5.External switch is easy for control
6.Adjustable arm for diffirent lighting area
7. integrated design, no cable, extremely easy to install, offers a variety of installation methods, lamppost local materials,
can iron posts,wood, bamboo, plastic, low cost;
8. the use of solar power, LED lighting, two are the perfect combination, save energy and protect the earth’s resources;
9. using high-capacity long-life lithium iron phosphate battery, high temperature properties, long service life, ensure the entire life of the product;
10. rain structure, safe and reliable;
11. the use of alloy materials as the main structure, with good anti-rust, anti-corrosion function;
12. the products with the infrared sensor probe, when someone approached, all bright lamp 60 seconds, when the man walked away, the lamp is automatically reduced to 1/3 of the brightness, energy-efficient power.

Below is solar led street light 8w details

The following are tips and directions for all in one solar street light, please pay attention.

  1. “All in one solar street light” could not work without sunshine, please select the suitable model according to the local sunshine radiation and the annual total radiation. We suggest use the both AC and DC charding model in those places where lack of sunshine or have long-time rainy days.

  2. “All in one solar street light” adopts the long life Lithium battery for storing energy, charging temperature at day time is between 0~+60°C, when the temperature goes lower than 0°C, the control system will stop automatically to protect the battery, and it will revive to charge the battery while temperature goes higher than 0°C. Discharging temperature at night is between -20~+60°C, any ambient beyong will take damage to the batterry. So please check these factors while selecting the street light.

  3. Battery of the “All in one solar street light” can be stored for 6 months long after fully charged. Therefore please examine and charge it periodically after long time transportation or storage to prevent damaging.

  4. When install the lights in Northern Hemisphere, please adjust the solar panel to the South as much as possible to collect maximum sun-shine radiation, while install them in Southern Hemisphere, by the same token, keep solar panel to north. At the same time please keep it away from any shadow of houses, trees etc.

  5. Keep clear of the surface of the All in one solar street light with nomal detergent to get maximum power generation, clear the dust or treet leaves or any grease.

  6. All in one solar street light have got the standard of IP65. The vents on the surface is designed for radiating. The materials are made of aluminum alloy which can survive in the environment of seaside and desert.

  7. The knob of the fuse is at the left rear end of the light, please insert the fuse while using. By the way, there is one piece of fuse more as backup.(if no fuse,then it’s switch, just turn on the switch)

We will bring perfect quality with maturity

8.please choose a sunny and able to insolate,pat attention to the intallation od solar panel must be free of obstruction,must exposure.

Working Principle

The system is mainly composed of solar panel, light source, controller and battery. In daytime, when there is sunshine, the solar panel can convert the solar energy to electric energy and store it in the battery. At night or rainy or cloudy condition, the battery shall supply power for normal lighting. The controller can judge the brightness of daylight and automatically switch on the light. The whole process is operating in completely automatic mode, without human action.

Why Choose an Off-Grid Solution? 转化的过程

The sun is a direct and free source of energy.
Leveraging renewable energy technologies, can
convert that solar energy into electricity.

Benefits of Solar Powered Lighting太阳能优点客观

  • No trenching, no metering, no wiring,
    no transformers, saving time.
  • No vandalism of cables.
  • Cost savings from day one due to ease
    of installation
  • People feel safer when areas are illuminated
  • Can be installed in the most remote locations
  • No cost for daily operation
  • Free energy once installed–no ledctric bills.
  • Will turn on even after cloudy days
  • Reach beyond commercial power lines
  • Immune to black outs
  • Not connected to grid power–will work even
    when electric power is out
  • High efficiency
    120w Street Lighting LED Features:
    1.All 6063 aluminum lamp body ,anti-corrosion .
    2.Scale structure ,good heat dissipation .
    3.180 degree adjustable angle.

LED flood light Features
Uniquely designed with plug&play PIR socket.The slim body with proffesional designed heat sink make this products very porpular in the market.
• Multi-Chip on Lead Frame, Single Module LED Package Design
• System Design Integrating Power Supply, LED Light Engine, and Heat Sink
• Over Current, Over Voltage, Over Heat, Thunder Protection
• Choice of Correlated Color Temperatures (Specification Re-Defined Accordingly)
• Long lifespan for LED 50,000 hrs
• 100% Recycle, No Pollution, and UV, IR

Led tunnel light

  1. higher lumens output

2)MeanWell drivers,Strong stability,make stably.

3)Using the latest Phase change technology for heat sink

4)Health:Won’t cause eye fatigue and helps to protect eye health.

5)Safety: with no harmful substances

6)Colour rendering:ranges >80 on the colour rendering index (CRI).

7)Hiqh quality: High power factor, constant voltage power supply and constant flux.

8)Installation flexibility: Can be installed in any orientation with no restrictions.

1.High Power,180w,60w/90w/120w is also available
2.Save 80% more energy compared with traditional lighting fixtures
3.Easy installation.Recessed mounted by spring
4.No UV or RF interfcernce, No mercury or lead
5.Unique structure for excellent heat dissipation
6.High quality,long life span>50000hrs
7.High brightness,low consumption,green for environment
8.Well heat dissipation


Tunnel, Highway, Gas Station, Factory, Warehouse,Workshop,StadiumHall, Square, Parking Lot, Supermarket,advertising lighting,Gym
Football Field, Garden,Highway lighting,Public place etc.

150w led Street Light features

  1. All aluminum housing for the heat dissipating, greatly extending the life span of lighting source.
  2. Free of dust and water, suitable for outdoor.
  3. Processed by painting treatment and anodic oxidation, solid and corrosion resisting.
  4. Waterproof: IP65
  5. Flexible and convenient installation, is widely used in Street , highway other places.
  6. High Power, high lumen, high quality
  7. Save 80% more energy compared with traditional lighting fixtures
  8. High brightness, low consumption, green for environmen.

High quality lamp body
Exquisite 2024 aluminum, fine polishing, high density die-casting molding,
anodic oxidation treatment, sealing glaze highlights, unparalleled sense enjoyment.
Premium Panel Guarantee
The United States imported glass panel, excellent light transparency ,
no miscellaneous light, no dark space, the uniform and soft light color rendering
Technological superiority
IP65,whole light is anticorrosive design, the body of light has oxidation treatment,
will never fade.
 High-efficiency heat dissipation
Strengthen radiator seal glair, aviation aluminum, high efficiency cooling,
perfectly solve the problem of led heat dissipation, ensure lamps and lanterns
of luminous flux maintained
1.High power energy saving led flood light led outdoor flood light’s radiator solve cooling problem perfectly,
replace traditional 600 w to 1000 w high power sodium lamp, energy saving extraordinarily.
2. Adopted pure copper tube riveted fins cooling technology, with excellent thermal conductivity toconduction
heat to the fins, achieve rapid decrease the temperature of light source, prolonging the life of the light source
3. Original America-imported CREE LEDs with excellent luminous efficiency;
High heat conductivity, low luminous decay, pure light color and no ghosting.
Inovation Points of led high bay light

(1) LED high bay light heat sink ,  the lifespan of the lamp is up to 5000 hours,
save electricity above 80%

(2) Heat pipe riveting technology, combined with the pressure of HDT patent technology
with solid technology, fast heat conduction

(3) Innovative thin modularization heat body, air convection design, optimization of air duct,
omni-directional three-dimensional heat dissipation.

(4) Innovation 60 °, 90 ° 110 ° angles of pure aluminum reflectors and PC cover,
meet the demand of professional light distribution.

(5) Professional design, the lamp body is light and handy with beautiful shape, simple assembly.

Led canopy light:

1, Energy-saving effect is very obvious

2, Super power integrated chips, high luminous efficiency >110lm/w

3, Good monochromaticity, diffusion degree good, the light is downy

4, LED light source, no radiation, no harmful metallic mercury, green environmental protection

5, LED gas station light installation is simple, convenient adjustment"

6, The lamp body adopts imported raw materials, elaborate, good impact resistance, surface
oxidation handle, strong and durable

Bridgelux :

Bridgelux 45mil led owns eletrostalic protection component,maximally avoid the damage of electrostatic.

More information about the Bridgelux 45mil led technologies please visit www.bridgelux.com

Cree is the market-leading innovator of lighting-class LEDs,led lighting and semiconductor products.

More information about the cree led products and technologies,please visit www.cree.com

Meanwell :

Meanwell @HLG series high-end driver,great luminaire stability,lifespan and optimal performance status.

More information about the Meanwell@series and led driver technologies,
Please visit www.meanwell.com.

Osram led:

A one of a famous brand from Germany,insist on continuous innovation,
To continuous innovation to saving energy.support high volt in the high temperature keep long life.


products can be sold to any country, no patents, high light efficiency.
Philips’ color area is out of step, color area is only one bin, low voltage, no gold thread encapsulation, integrated protection of the TVS.

Led high bay light future
1). Pressure-tight optic cover:
The optic cover has high transparancy, fire resistance, inoxidizability.Used with silicone gasket, it is perfectly dustproof.
2). Pure aluminium reflector(available):
The reflector is made of pure aluminium(99.8%) which is anti-oxidation and unfading in colour, ensuring the reflection.
3). Electrophoretic paint coating:
Processed by electrophoretic paint, measured by 200 hours salt spray test, the entire housing has excellent corrosion resistance.
4). Hook with steel secure cord:
High itensity and tenacity Aluminum alloy hook contributes to light weight,and safety. It can also come with steel secure cord.
5). Optional beam angle reflectors:
Flake designed high-purity aluminum reflectors 60°,90°,110° with PC cover option to meet professional light distribution, to adapt to different situations.
6). Patented HDT technology:
Highly efficient heatpipes contact the heat heat source firmly, maximing the performance of heatpipe and cooling effect.
7). Compressed Fins Technology:
Creative compressed Fins tech. rivets the heatpipe to heatsink closely, minimizing the heat resistnace, greatly improving the cooling. It is also much lighter.
8). 3-D heat dissipation:
Professional heat dissipation structure design. Modular heatsink with perfect structure and inside airflow channels maximing the 3D heat dissipation.

The solar street light is automatically charged during the day, and the light is automatically turned on when the light is dark to a certain extent at night:

it can only save energy and does not require manual operation.

Radar sensor on the solar street light, the sensing distance is 6-8 meters, the light becomes bright when the person is close to the vehicle, and becomes weak when there is no one.

IP65, lightning protection and rain protection, suitable for various venues
lighting mode:-OFF-DIM light-High light

Night sensor<10lux
Angle and distance:120° 5-8M

Features:1.when people go through the light sensing area,the light will be strong,and the light will turn off after people leave the induction area.
2.the solar light will turn on automatically at night.
3.the light brightness will just be half as induction function.

Material:Aluminum alloy, Battery:Ni-Mh,750mAh ,View distance:over 500m
Temperature range:-20℃ to 60℃, Working time:Constant lighting:Over 8 hours by shined for 8 hours with standard luminous intensity.
Glitter lighting:Over 72 hours by shined for 8 hours with standard luminous intensity.
Waterproof:IP68, Application:Road, Corsswalk,Highway,Carport,Airport,etc.
Working time:Constant lighting:Over 8 hours by shined for 8 hours with standard luminous intensity.
Charge time(by sun):6-7hours (with enough strong shine) to fully charged
Discharge time:10-12 hours per night 3-5 rainy days

(when PIR Detect people moving, the light will be high brightness for 30 seconds, when people is gone, it will turn to dim lighting)

SunPower is a leading provider of solar energy technology for homeowners in the United States. We’ve chosen to carry SunPower panels exclusively because of their innovative approach to designing panels that are durable, high performance, and feature a modern, sleek design. Plus, SunPower panels produce 60% more energy than conventional panels in the same space over 25 years.

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