
相信很多人看电视剧的时候都会有这样的感受,某个人物出场自带BGM,背景音乐的格调基本设定了人物性格,某件事还没发生,先听到舒缓轻松的背景音,就知道故事情节发展还算顺利,冷冷的背景音会让人预感到事情的严重性。It's probably the same with our attitudes towards strangers, about whom we didn't know much but already have presupposed characteristics.


When we see handsome boys or gorgeous girls, many of us tend to regard them as standoffish people who don't like to socialize with plain-looking ones. And yet on the contrary, they are gregarious nice people who do have the desire to reach out to ordinary people or even consider themselves as one of us. When we see people with high IQ, we are apt to judge them one-dimensional. When we see people with high EQ, we may expect them to be more sophisticated. And when we see those who don't have high education attainment, we are very likely to categorize them to the unscholarly list of people. But that's far from true.


As I take it, these commonly seen perspectives and mentality are called stereotype, a deep-rooted thought that comes along with our social experience. In social psychology, a stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things.These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality.The difference between our innate character and stereotype is that we didn't have that kind of jaundiced ideas until we accumulated some social experience. We don't want to be that type of people who label others, with whom we haven't spent any time. It's also not even close to fair that they are treated that way. What wrong have they done to bear such bias?And what right are we given to judge them? Have you ever ruminated?

We just want to be treated equally, that's all.

Don't let your stereotype get in the way.

