2D凸包算法(五):Divide and Conquer

Divide and Conquer 图示

2D凸包算法(五):Divide and Conquer_第1张图片
先对所有的点集进行分割成各个区域,对每个子区域进行凸包算法(如jarvis’s march)求得子凸包。

  • 时间复杂度为 O(NlogN)
    其中一次排序的时间,通常为 O(NlogN) ,
    Divide and Conquer 向下递归O(logN) 深度,
    合并凸包需要 O(N) 时间 。


  1. 排序,便于分割区域
  2. 根据节点数均匀分割成L个区域
  3. 每块区域使用凸包算法(如jarvis’s march)求得凸包
  4. 两两进行合并,通过获得两个子区域的边界(同是内边界或同是外边界)作为起点
  5. 如图,以内边界开始,右凸包向逆时针移动,左凸包向顺时针移动。
  6. 如果右凸包向逆时针移动到下一个节点a2时,左凸包的节点b1和右凸包的上一个节点a1,a2出现了逆时针方向,则说明已经到达顶点。否者继续移动
  7. 同理,如果左凸包向顺时针移动到下一个节点b2时,右凸包的节点a1和左凸包的上一个节点b1,b2出现了顺时针方向,则说明已经到达顶点。否者继续移动
  8. 直到两凸包都到达顶点,结束下边界的生成
  9. 同样的方法生成上边界
  10. 直到所有的区域都合并完为止

2D凸包算法(五):Divide and Conquer_第2张图片2D凸包算法(五):Divide and Conquer_第3张图片

Divide and Conquer 代码

// Finds upper tangent of two polygons 'a' and 'b' 
// represented as two vectors. 
vector<pair<double,double>> merger(vector<pair<double,double> > a, 
							vector<pair<double,double> > b) 
	// n1 -> number of points in polygon a 
	// n2 -> number of points in polygon b 
	long long int n1 = a.size();
	long long int n2 = b.size();

	//printf("line 78\n");
	long long int ia = 0;
	long long int ib = 0; 
	for (long long int i=1; i<n1; i++) 
		if (a[i].first > a[ia].first) 
			ia = i; 
	//	printf("line 84\n");
	// ib -> leftmost point of b 
	for (long long int i=1; i<n2; i++) 
		if (b[i].first < b[ib].first) 
	//printf("line 89\n");
	// finding the upper tangent 
	long long int inda = ia;
	long long int indb = ib; 
	//printf("line 94\n");
	bool done = 0; 
	if(n1==0 || n2==0){
	while (!done) 
		done = 1;
	//	printf("entered %lld %lld\n",n1,n2); 
		while (orientation(b[indb], a[inda], a[(inda+1)%n1]) >=0) {
	//				printf("no its this one\n");
					inda = (inda + 1) % n1; 

		while (orientation(a[inda], b[indb], b[(n2+indb-1)%n2]) <=0) 
			indb = (n2+indb-1)%n2; 
			done = 0; 
			//printf("is this error\n");
//	printf("line 106\n");
	long long int uppera = inda;
	long long int upperb = indb; 
	inda = ia;
	done = 0; 
	long long int g = 0; 
	if(n1==0 || n2==0){
	while (!done)//finding the lower tangent 
		done = 1; 
		while (orientation(a[inda], b[indb], b[(indb+1)%n2])>=0) 

		while (orientation(b[indb], a[inda], a[(n1+inda-1)%n1])<=0) 
	long long int lowera = inda;
	long long int lowerb = indb; 
	vector<pair<double,double>> ret; 

	//ret contains the convex hull after merging the two convex hulls 
	//with the points sorted in anti-clockwise order 
	long long int ind = uppera; 
	while (ind != lowera) 
		ind = (ind+1)%n1; 

	ind = lowerb; 
	while (ind != upperb) 
		ind = (ind+1)%n2; 
	return ret; 


// Returns the convex hull for the given set of points 
vector<pair<double, double>> divide(vector<pair<double,double>> a) 
	// If the number of points is less than 6 then the 
	// function uses the brute algorithm to find the 
	// convex hull 
	if (a.size() <= 10) {
		return jarvis_march(a); 

	// left contains the left half points 
	// right contains the right half points 
	vector<pair<double,double>>left, right; 
	for (long long int i=0; i<a.size()/2; i++) 
	for (long long int i=a.size()/2; i<a.size(); i++) 

	// convex hull for the left and right sets 
	vector<pair<double,double>>left_hull = divide(left); 
	vector<pair<double,double>>right_hull = divide(right); 
	//printf("completed till here\n");
	// merging the convex hulls 
	return merger(left_hull, right_hull); 
