



> create database test;
> create database if not exists test;
> show databases;

--  默认路径:/user/hive/warehouse
> create database test location '/user/hadoop/temp';
> describe database test;
test    hdfs://master:9000/user/hive/warehouse/test.db    root    USER

> use test;

> drop database if exists test;
> drop database if exists test cascade;



> use test;
> show tables;
> show tables in test;

> create table if not exists test.student (
>   name string comment 'student name 列级注释',
>   age int comment 'student age',
>   course array comment '课程数组',
>   body map comment '身体参数的键值对集合',
>   address struct comment '地址参数结构体'
> ) comment 'the info of student 表级注释'
> row format delimited
> fields terminated by '\001' --列分隔符
> collection items terminated by '\002' --集合元素分隔符
> map keys terminated by '\003' --map键值对分隔符
> lines terminated by '\n' --行分隔符
> stored as textfile --指定文件存储格式(可省略,默认testfile文本)
> location '/user/hive/warehouse/test.db/student'; --指定表在HDFS中的存储位置

> desc student;
> desc extended student;
> desc formatted student; --(推荐,输出的信息已经格式化,方便查看)

> create table if not exists test.student2 like test.student;

> create external table if not exists test.student (
> name string)
> location 'user/test/x'; --外部表不一定要指定为hive外部存储路径


> create table student (
> name string,
> age int)
> partitioned by (province string, city string); --分区字段设定,不能与表结构中字段重复

--<注2:一般以 创建时间 或者 修改时间 进行分区>
> select * from student where province = 'sichuan' and city = 'chengdu';

> set hive.mapred.mode=strict; --只能生效当前会话

> show partitions student;
> describe extended student;

> create external table student (
> name string,
> age int)
> partitioned by (province string, city string); 
> alter table student add partition (province = 'sichuan' , city = 'chengdu')
> loaction 'hdfs://master:9000/student/sichuan/chengdu';


> drop table test;
> drop table if exists test;

> alter table test rename to test2;

> alter table test add partition(x='x1',y='y1') location '/user/test/x1/y1';
> alter table test add partition(x='x1',y='y1') set location '/user/test/x1/y1';
> alter table test drop partiton(x='x1',y='y1');

> alter table test 
> change column id uid int --将id改为uid,类型int
> comment 'the unique id'
> after name; --并移至name字段后

> alter table test add columns (new_col int, new_col2 string); --必须加括号"()"

> alter table test replace columns (new_col int, new_col2 string);


> ALTER TABLE table_name SET TBLPROPERTIES ('comment' = new_comment);
> ALTER TABLE table_name SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('field.delim' = ',');

