import java.util.Properties object KafkaInfo { val brokerList = 。。。 val topicTest = "test" val topic = "" val url = "" val prop = new Properties() prop.setProperty("user", "") prop.setProperty("password", "") //thin:表示连接时采用thin模式,oracle中有两种模式 //jdbc:oracle:thin:是一种jni方式的命名 //8523:端口 val urlBiBeta = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@aaa:8001/BIDEV1" val propBiBeta = new Properties() propBiBeta.setProperty("user", "app") propBiBeta.setProperty("password", "app") }然后定义一个KafkaToOracle对象:
来维持offset信息,因为我们都知道,同一个topic和partition不同时候offset不同,我们就需要把它存进数据库中,如果刚开始的时候offsettable表中有数据,就要从它开始读,如果没有topic,partition,offset 数据就从头开始读,当把kafka的内容信息做etl存入到oracle的日志表后,对原油的offsettable进行update。
import java.math.BigDecimal import java.sql.DriverManager import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition import kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata import kafka.serializer.StringDecoder import kafka.utils.Json import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.InputDStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.{HasOffsetRanges, KafkaUtils} import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.util.parsing.json.JSON /** * Created by zengxiaosen on 16/9/14. */ object KafkaToOracle { private val offsetTable = "mdw" private val logTable = "o" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={ val timeInteval = args(0).toLong val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(this.getClass.toString) val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(timeInteval)) val kafkaParams = Map("metadata.broker.list" -> KafkaInfo.brokerList) val fromOffsets = getTopicAndPartitionOffset var kafkaStream : InputDStream[(String, String)] = null if (fromOffsets.nonEmpty){
kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[ String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder, (String, String) ]( ssc, kafkaParams, fromOffsets, //Map[TopicAndPartition, Long],TopicAndPartition就是(topic,partition),Long就是offset
(mmd: MessageAndMetadata[String, String]) => (mmd.key(), mmd.message())) } else{ kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder]( ssc, kafkaParams, Set(KafkaInfo.topicTest)) } //get table information val (schema, insertSql) = getTableInfo(logTable) kafkaStream.foreachRDD(rdd => if (!rdd.isEmpty()) { val offsetRanges = rdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex((i, ite) => { if(ite.nonEmpty) { val topic = offsetRanges(i).topic val partition = offsetRanges(i).partition val offset = offsetRanges(i).untilOffset try{ val conn = createConnection conn.setAutoCommit(false) val stmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertSql) for((_, line) <- ite) { val rows = mutable.Map[String, String]() for(col <- schema.split(",")){ rows(col) = "" } val values = parseJson(line, rows) for (i <- values.indices){ stmt.setString(i+1, values(i)) } stmt.addBatch() } stmt.executeBatch() //update topicAndPartition -> offset val sql = s""" |merge into $offsetTable a |using (select '$topic" as topic, $partition as partition, $offset as offset |from dual) b |on (a.topic = b.topic AND a.partition = b.partition) |when matched then |update set a.offset = b.offset |when not matched then |insert (topic, partition, offset) values (b.topic, b.partition, b.offset) """.stripMargin stmt.execute(sql) conn.commit() conn.close() }catch { case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace() } } Iterator.empty }).foreach{ (_: Nothing) => () } } ) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTerminationOrTimeout((timeInteval * 1000 * 1.75).toLong) } /* Parse json string to Map object, then get map values @param line: kafka value, which must by Json format e.g., {"id":30221920, "os": "Android", "net_info": {"net_type": "WIFI"}} @param rows: the key is the field of oracle table, and value is inited to "" @throws java.lang.Exveption if json parse faild, throw Exveption @return Map values e.g., {{{"id": 30221920, "os": "Android", "net_info" {"net_type": "WIFI"}} ==> ArrayBuffer(3.022192E7, "Android", "WIFI") }}} */ def parseJson(line: String, rows: mutable.Map[String, String]): ArrayBuffer[String] = { JSON.parseFull(line) match { case Some(map: Map[String, Any]) => parseFields(rows, map) var timestamp: String = null if (rows.contains("timestamp") && rows.get("timestamp").get.length > 10) { timestamp = new java.math.BigDecimal(rows.get("timestamp").get).toPlainString }else if (rows.contains("user_timestamp") && rows.get("user_timestamp").get.length > 10) { timestamp = new java.math.BigDecimal(rows.get("user_timestamp").get).toPlainString } if (timestamp != null){ rows("date_id") = timestamp.substring(0, 8) rows("hour") = timestamp.substring(8, 10) } val values = ArrayBuffer[String]() for (k <- rows.keys.toSeq.sorted) { values.append(rows.getOrElse(k, "")) } values case _=> throw new Exception("Parse json failed") } } /* parse map object recursively if value is MapType and key is "domain", convert value to Json string e.g., {{{ Map("id" -> 3.021192E7, "os" -> "Android", "domain" -> Map("name" -> "Robin")) ==> Map("id" -> 3.021192E7, "os" -> "Android", "domain" -> {"name": "Robin"}) }}} if value is MapType and key is not "domain", convert (prekey -> (currkey -> value)) to (preKey_currkey -> value) recursively e.g., {{{ Map("id" -> 3.022192E7, "os" -> "Android", "net_info" -> Map("net_type" -> "WIFI")) ==> Map("id" -> 3.022192E7, "os" -> "Android", "net_info_net_type" -> "WIFI") }}} @param rows Parsed result @param obj Map object to be parsed @param prekey Parent key @throws java.lang.Exception if convert MapType to Json string,failed, throe exception */ def parseFields(rows: mutable.Map[String, String], obj: Map[String, Any], preKey: String = null ): Unit = { for (k <- obj.keys){ val key = k.toLowerCase() val value = obj.get(k) value match { case Some(map: Map[String, Any]) => if (key == "domain") { val domainValue = Json.encode(map) rows(key) = domainValue }else { val pk = if (preKey == null) key else preKey + "_" + key parseFields(rows, map, pk) } case Some(v: Any) => val pk = if (preKey == null) key else preKey + "_" + key rows(pk) = v.toString case _=> throw new Exception("parse failed") } } } /* Map the columns of {{table}} to map object keys, init the values of this map object to "" e.g., {{{ [id, name, os, domain] ==> Map("id" -> "", "name" -> "", "os" -> "", "domain" -> "") }}} @param table Oracle table @return inited map object */ private def getTableInfo(table: String) = { val conn = createConnection val stmt = conn.createStatement() val query = s""" |select column_name |from user_tab_columns |where lower(table_name) = lower('$table') |order by column_id """.stripMargin val rs = stmt.executeQuery(query) val columns = ArrayBuffer[String]() while(rs.next()){ columns += rs.getString(1).toLowerCase() } conn.close() val schema = columns.sorted.mkString(",") val valuesPlaceHolder = "?," * (columns.length - 1) + "?" val sql = s"insert into $logTable($schema) values($valuesPlaceHolder)" (schema, sql) } def getTopicAndPartitionOffset : Map[TopicAndPartition, Long] = { val conn = createConnection val stmt = conn.createStatement() val sql = s""" |select topic, partition, offset |from $offsetTable |where topic = '${KafkaInfo.topicTest}' """.stripMargin val resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(sql) var fromOffsets = Map[TopicAndPartition, Long]() while(resultSet.next()){ fromOffsets += (TopicAndPartition(resultSet.getString(1), resultSet.getInt(2)) -> resultSet.getLong(3)) } conn.close() fromOffsets } private def createConnection = { //JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(KafkaInfo.urlBiBeta, KafkaInfo.propBiBeta) DriverManager.getConnection(KafkaInfo.urlBiBeta, KafkaInfo.propBiBeta) } }