如何最快的搭建一个 Unity 上的多人游戏?答案也许是自己搭建一个游戏服务器,也许是 LAN 解决方案,但是最快的解决方案还是使用成熟的第三方后端服务,我找到了 Photon ,一个看起来不错最后证实也挺靠谱的游戏后端解决方案。
首先你需要集成 Photon SDK For Unity ,下载地址在 这里 。
你需要将下载下来的 PhotoAssets
中的所有文件都拖到你的项目的 Assets
文件夹里面,注意在 Plugins
里面有两个 Photon3Unity3D.dll
,需要将 Metro
文件夹删掉,保留一个,否则在 Unity 编译的时候会报错。
拖进去之后只要 Unity 中 Compile 没有问题那第一步就大功告成了。
创建一个你用来维护游戏网络逻辑的脚本,例如命名为 GameNetworkClient.cs
using System.Collections;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon.LoadBalancing;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;
接着声明一个私有的 LoadBalancingClient
对象,你的脚本中的所有网络逻辑都会通过这个 client
对象来发起和回调。我们这样在 Start 中初始化 client
client = new LoadBalancingClient();
client.AppId = "{你的 App_id}";
client.OnStateChangeAction += this.OnStateChanged;
client.OnOpResponseAction += this.OnRespAction;
client.OnEventAction += this.OnEvent;
你的 App_id 可以在 Photon 官网注册完免费账户后在账户详情页获取,免费的账户拥有 20 个同时在线人数的限额,对于小范围好友间的游戏和测试足够了。
其中,最后一行代码就是 client
去连接 MasterServer 的方法,这里面传入的参数要根据你的游戏所在地区来确定, Photon 在全球有很多分散的数据中心,因此支持很多区域的连接,具体支持的地区和代码如下:
Region | Hosted in | Token |
Asia | Singapore | asia |
Australia | Melbourne | au |
Canada, East | Montreal | cae |
Europe | Amsterdam | eu |
Japan | Tokyo | jp |
South America | Sao Paulo | sa |
USA, East | Washington | us |
USA, West | San José | usw |
所以在这里我改成了 asia
的状态主要就是根据上面初始化的时候给的三个 Action 来维护的,你需要在你的脚本里为这三个 Action 都加上你自己的 Handler。当然,如果你想按照他的 demo 里示范的那样去继承 client
并且 override 这三个 Action 的回调都是可以的。
返回的是一个 ClientState
枚举值,主要就是一些 client 状态的值,例如
, connected
, joining
返回的是一个 OperationResponse
对象,它会在每次你用 client
对象调用一些方法并且获得 response 之后调用,分别有下面这些类型的 Operation:
public class OperationCode {
[Obsolete("Exchanging encrpytion keys is done internally in the lib now. Don't expect this operation-result.")]
public const byte ExchangeKeysForEncryption = 250;
/// (255) Code for OpJoin, to get into a room.
public const byte Join = 255;
/// (230) Authenticates this peer and connects to a virtual application
public const byte Authenticate = 230;
/// (229) Joins lobby (on master)
public const byte JoinLobby = 229;
/// (228) Leaves lobby (on master)
public const byte LeaveLobby = 228;
/// (227) Creates a game (or fails if name exists)
public const byte CreateGame = 227;
/// (226) Join game (by name)
public const byte JoinGame = 226;
/// (225) Joins random game (on master)
public const byte JoinRandomGame = 225;
// public const byte CancelJoinRandom = 224; // obsolete, cause JoinRandom no longer is a "process". now provides result immediately
/// (254) Code for OpLeave, to get out of a room.
public const byte Leave = (byte)254;
/// (253) Raise event (in a room, for other actors/players)
public const byte RaiseEvent = (byte)253;
/// (252) Set Properties (of room or actor/player)
public const byte SetProperties = (byte)252;
/// (251) Get Properties
public const byte GetProperties = (byte)251;
/// (248) Operation code to change interest groups in Rooms (Lite application and extending ones).
public const byte ChangeGroups = (byte)248;
/// (222) Request the rooms and online status for a list of friends (by name, which should be unique).
public const byte FindFriends = 222;
/// (221) Request statistics about a specific list of lobbies (their user and game count).
public const byte GetLobbyStats = 221;
/// (220) Get list of regional servers from a NameServer.
public const byte GetRegions = 220;
/// (219) WebRpc Operation.
public const byte WebRpc = 219;
可以看到,例如 rasieEvent
, setProperties
或者加入离开游戏这些请求都是会有服务器的 response 的,你可以根据返回对象的 ReturnCode
来判断请求是否成功并且是否执行一些错误后的处理, ReturnCode
为 0 成功,不为 0 则失败,如果需要也可以从 DebugMessage
返回的是一个 EventData
对象,它会在每次 client
接收到新的 Event 的时候调用,具体的 Event 类型根据 EventData
的 EventCode
来确定,分别有下面这些类型的 EventCode
public class EventCode {
/// (230) Initial list of RoomInfos (in lobby on Master)
public const byte GameList = 230;
/// (229) Update of RoomInfos to be merged into "initial" list (in lobby on Master)
public const byte GameListUpdate = 229;
/// (228) Currently not used. State of queueing in case of server-full
public const byte QueueState = 228;
/// (227) Currently not used. Event for matchmaking
public const byte Match = 227;
/// (226) Event with stats about this application (players, rooms, etc)
public const byte AppStats = 226;
/// (224) This event provides a list of lobbies with their player and game counts.
public const byte LobbyStats = 224;
/// (210) Internally used in case of hosting by Azure
[Obsolete("TCP routing was removed after becoming obsolete.")]
public const byte AzureNodeInfo = 210;
/// (255) Event Join: someone joined the game. The new actorNumber is provided as well as the properties of that actor (if set in OpJoin).
public const byte Join = (byte)255;
/// (254) Event Leave: The player who left the game can be identified by the actorNumber.
public const byte Leave = (byte)254;
/// (253) When you call OpSetProperties with the broadcast option "on", this event is fired. It contains the properties being set.
public const byte PropertiesChanged = (byte)253;
/// (253) When you call OpSetProperties with the broadcast option "on", this event is fired. It contains the properties being set.
[Obsolete("Use PropertiesChanged now.")]
public const byte SetProperties = (byte)253;
/// (252) When player left game unexpected and the room has a playerTtl > 0, this event is fired to let everyone know about the timeout.
/// Obsolete. Replaced by Leave. public const byte Disconnect = LiteEventCode.Disconnect;
/// (251) Sent by Photon Cloud when a plugin-call or webhook-call failed. Usually, the execution on the server continues, despite the issue. Contains: ParameterCode.Info.
public const byte ErrorInfo = 251;
/// (250) Sent by Photon whent he event cache slice was changed. Done by OpRaiseEvent.
public const byte CacheSliceChanged = 250;
这里的 EventCode
你是可以自己定义的,这个 code 是个 byte 类型的整数 ,因此不能大于255,Photon 将从 0 开始的一大段值域都留给开发者用来自定义事件了。Photon 默认提供了 GameList
,或者说 RoomList 的功能,你可以创建 Room
并且加入, Room
也有他自己的 Option,可以作为 Lobby,也就是所有人默认进入的 Room
,当然也可以根据各种条件来查找 Room
这里的 253 PropertiesChanged 是一个非常重要的 Event,在上面我提到过,联机游戏的后端最重要的部分之一就是世界状态的同步,在这里也就是 房间的状态 Room Properties ,因此在 Photon SDK 中,当你调用 client
对当前加入的 Room
的某个属性做出了改变,这就会产生一个事件通知到整个 Room
当然,你还可以自定义 Event,在我实现的 demo 中我就是用到了自定义 Event 来告知其他玩家我的状态。比如,整个地图 (可以看做就是一个 Room
)中的玩家列表和位置是可以用全局状态来同步的,但是例如单个玩家的一些事件(使用物品,使用技能之类的)可能就需要由发起的用户向全 Room
byte eventCode = 1;
Hashtable evData = new Hashtable ();
evData.Add ("player_id", random_playerid);
evData.Add ("pos_x", position.x);
evData.Add ("pos_y", position.y);
bool sendReliable = true;
if (isConnected) {
client.OpRaiseEvent (eventCode, evData, sendReliable, RaiseEventOptions.Default);