知识点55 :R字母开头的单词 ravel-redundant

If something such as a rope or wire ravels, or if you ravel it, it becomes tangled or twisted together

  1. A tangle of something is a mass of it twisted together in a messy way
  2. If something is tangled or tangles, it becomes twisted together in a messy way
    IF you unravel something that is knotted, woven, or knitted, or if it unravels, it becomes one straight piece again or separated into its different threads

If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that you make, you refuse to do what they suggest
If you describe someone as impudent, you mean they are rude or disrespectful, or do something they have no right to do

  1. A buffet is a meal of food that is displayed on a long table at a party or public occasion. Guests usually serve themselves
  2. A buffet is a café, usually in a hotel or station
  3. If something is buffeted by strong winds or by stormy seas, it is repteatedly struck or blown around by them
  4. If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength
  5. If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it
  6. If there is a decline in something, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or quality
  7. If something is in decline or on the decline, it is gradually descreasing in importance, quality, or power
  8. If something gose or falls in to decline, it begins to gradually decrease in importance, quantity, or power

If you describe someone or something as recalcitrant, you mean that they are unwilling to obey orders or are difficult to deal with

  1. If you think someone behaves in an unacceptable way and does not do what they are told, you can say they are rebellious
  2. A rebellious group of people is a group involved in taking action against the rulers of their own country, usually in order to change the system of government there
  3. Rebels are people who are fighting against their own country’s army in order to change the political system there
  4. Politicians who oppose some of their own party’s policies can be reffered to as rebles
  5. If politicians rebel against one of their own party’s policies, they show that they oppose it
  6. You can say that someone is a rebel if you think that they behave differently from other people and have rejected the values of society or of their parents
  7. When someone rebles, they start to behave differently from other people and reject the values of society or of their parents


  1. If you describe people, especially children, as unruly, you mean that they behave badly and are difficult to control
  2. Unruly hair is difficult to keep tidy
  3. When people are rude, they act in an impolite way toward other people or say impolite thing about them
  4. Rude is used to describe words and behavior that are likely to embarrass or offend people, because they relate to sex or to body functions
  5. If someone receives a rude shock, something unpleasant happens unexpectedly

If your feelings or actions towards someone are reciprocated, the other person feels or behaves in the same way toward you as you have felt or behaved towart them
A reciprocal action or agreement in volves two people or groups who do the same thing to each other or agree to help each other in a similar way
If you retaliate when someone harms or annoys you, you do something which harms or annoys them in return


  1. If you are given something, usually money, in recompense, you are given it as a reward or because you have suffered
  2. If you recompense someone for their efforts or their loss, you give them something, usually money, as a payment or reward

recuperate 复原;康复 (convalesce:痊愈
When you recuperate, you recover your health or strength after you have been ill or injured
recoup 恢复)
If you recoup a sum of money that you have spent or lost, you get it back

If you describe someone as redoubtable, you respect them because they have a very strong character, even though you are slightly afraid of them

  1. An awesome person or thing is very impressive and often frightening
  2. If you describe someone or something as awesome, you are emphasizing that you think that they are very impressive or extraordinary


  1. Something that is redundant is unnecessary, for example, because it is no longer needed or because its job is being done by something else
  2. If you are made redundant, your employer tells you to leave because your job is no longer necessary or because your employer cannot afford to keep paying you

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