
Linux Virtual Tape Library - mhvtl

mhvtl - A Linux       Virtual Tape Library


  • Description
  • vtltape
  • vtllibrary
  • vtlcmd
  • Download         - (Old 0.16)
  • Download         - (current 0.18)
  • Download         - (test/development 0.19)
  • Getting         Started
  • vtl         Kludos


GPL       v2
Q. Why GPL license.
A. Because I like the idea of       sharing.
I don't profess to know everything (not even close). Having       something I can share and allow others to share back is a good idea.

Virtual Tape       Library consists of several components.

  • LLD - A low level driver implemented as a kernel module - mhvtl
  • Target devices - Daemons vtltape(1) and vtllibrary(1)         which implement SCSI target device(s) in user-space
  • Utility commands mktape(1), vtlcmd(1)
  • And startup scripts build_library_config(1),         make_vtl_devices(1)

The kernel module is based on the scsi_debug kernel module ( mhvtl.ko is a       pseudo HBA (LLD). Note: As of 0.16, there are no default devices.

The support scripts will add Drives (SSC devices) & library (SMC)       depending on the contents of /etc/mhvtl/library_contents and       /etc/mhvtl/device.conf.

A char device back-end has been included with the vtl LLD driver This       allows data and SCSI commands to be passed from the LLD to user-mode       daemons (SCSI targets) which constently poll the driver and process any       outstanding SCSI commands.


vtltape(1) is the usermode SSC target daemon which writes/reads       data to data files in the /opt/vtl directory (if a virtual tape has been       loaded). The virtual tape files include a Medium Auxiliary Memory (MAM)       data structure to store persistent data (number of tape loads, total data       written/read, media type etc).


vtllibrary(1) is the usermode SMC target daemon which reads its       configuration from the file /etc/mhvtl/library_contents(5) at       startup. The number of storage slots are built dynamically when the daemon       starts. Hence changing the number of storage slots and media access slots       are a matter of modifying the file contents and restarting the       vtllibrary(1) daemon. All 'library' commands are performed on data       structures in memory ONLY.


A utility vtlcmd(1) is used to administrator the daemons       vtltape(1) and vtllibrary.
Message queue (key 0x4d61726b)       is used to pass messages between vtlcmd(1), vtllibrary(1)       and vtltape(1)

When a SCSI 'move medium' from a storage slot to a tape drive is       requested, the media location is updated in vtllibrary(1) data structures,       and the barcode of the media id is passed via the message queue to the       vtltape(1) daemon in question. A file open of the barcode is attempted in       the /opt/vtl directory and if successful, the vtltape(1) daemon will now       return a ASC/ASCQ 0x0/0x0 to any Test Unit Ready requests. An unload SCSI       command to the tape drive will close the data file.

Media can be moved out of the VTL via the Media Access Port. Once media       is logically moved into the MAP slots, the MAP entries can be cleared       using the vxcmd:

# vtlcmd library empty map

The media can be 'moved back again' by re-starting the VTL user-space       daemons:

Media can be loaded into the MAP via a :

# vtlcmd library load map 
or restart the vtl
# /etc/init.d/mhvtl restart


TapeAlert flags can be set using the vtlcmd(1)

e.g. vtlcmd [index] TapeAlert [flags]

Where index is the message Q offset associated with the drive (or the       string 'library').

e.g. To set flag 14h (Clean now) the 20th bit (14h) needs to be       set:
Pull out the binary to decimal calculator
1000 0000 0000 0000       0000 (20 bits) => hex => 80000

# vtlcmd 1 TapeAlert 80000      

A listing of TapeAlert flags can be found at t10 home page for SSC devices Annex A.


mhvtl is registered as HBA #3:
# lsscsi -g
[0:0:0:0] disk MAXTOR ATLAS10K4_36SCA DFM0 /dev/sda /dev/sg0
[0:0:6:0] process PE/PV 1x3 SCSI BP 1.1 - /dev/sg1
[2:0:0:0] disk SEAGATE ST336607FC 0003 /dev/sdb /dev/sg2
[2:0:1:0] disk SEAGATE ST336607FC 0003 /dev/sdc /dev/sg3
[2:0:2:0] mediumx ATL 1500 6.0 - /dev/sg4
[2:0:2:1] tape QUANTUM SuperDLT1 2323 /dev/st0 /dev/sg5
[2:0:2:2] tape QUANTUM SuperDLT1 2323 /dev/st1 /dev/sg6
[2:0:2:3] process ATTO 310-LV 1.42 - /dev/sg7
[3:0:0:0] mediumx STK L700 vtl0 - /dev/sg8
[3:0:0:1] tape SONY SDX-900V 5400 /dev/st2 /dev/sg9
[3:0:0:2] tape SONY SDX-900V 5400 /dev/st3 /dev/sg10
[3:0:0:3] tape QUANTUM SDLT600 5400 /dev/st4 /dev/sg11
[3:0:0:4] tape QUANTUM SDLT600 5400 /dev/st5 /dev/sg12
[3:0:0:5] tape QUANTUM SDLT600 5400 /dev/st6 /dev/sg13
[3:0:0:6] tape IBM ULT3580-TD3 5400 /dev/st7 /dev/sg14
[3:0:0:7] tape IBM ULT3580-TD3 5400 /dev/st8 /dev/sg15
[3:0:0:8] tape IBM ULT3580-TD3 5400 /dev/st9 /dev/sg16

Long term goals

Eventually, the functionality will be moved across to the SCSI Target       Framework (stgt)

The stgt is a very nicely designed SCSI taret framwork which can       support all target types along with multiple SCSI transports in a very       structured way.

However, until time permits (and my c coding standards improve),       features and improvements on this code base will continue.

Howto get help

Somebody has put up       a discussion board (and has lots of great documentation on working with       different backup software) -       Community Forums

Howto help out

There are many way of providing assistance

  • Testing with backup software X and reporting success/failure. If         possible, test any patches that may result of testing.
  • If you are willing, patches are very welcome.
    Please read the         Linux Documentation/CodingStyle
    Note: I only discovered this         documentation guide recently, so patches to update old code style to the         CodingStyle are also welcome.
    Please run any patches thru the Linux         'mhvtl-/scripts/' for coding style sanity         check before sending.
  • Pull the source from git repository (github).. Tinker till your         hearts content :)


Old vers:

  • mhvtl-0.16-13.src.rpm         - Source RPM
  • mhvtl-0.16-13.i586.rpm         - 32bit RPM
  • mhvtl-0.16-13.x86_64.rpm         - 64bit RPM
  • mhvtl-2010-05-09.tgz         - Source (tar ball) - (Builds mhvtl-0.16-12)

Change log:

mhvtl-2010-05-09 / mhvtl-0.16-13
*** Happy Mothers       Day ***
- Allow media sizes larger than 2G on 32bit       platforms
- Implement STK vendor specific 'LOAD DISPLAY' (Logs       info via syslog)
- Fix core dump on invalid NAA       strings
- Support VENDOR ID strings with embedded       spaces
- Return LOG SENSE 'Tape Capacity' in OEM format       (Bytes/KB/MB values)
- Limit SMC op codes when in offline       state

mhvtl-2010-03-10 / mhvtl-0.16-12
- Introduce multiple       library support. Device.conf format had to change.
- Introduce       script to convert old device.conf to new format
- Test media       loaded on 'REZERO' op code
- Fix MAM struct size to be 1024       bytes
- Dynamic change of       device queue depth (kernel module change)
- Improve SCSI OP code       logging

mhvtl-2009-12-16 / mhvtl-0.16-11
New and       improved Compression: entry in device.conf (Thanks Kevan)
-       Compression: factor [1-9] enabled [0|1]
   Factor 1 ==       Fastest compression -> 9 == Best compression (zlib)
- Add       tests to only allow LTO media to be mounted in LTO drives. If media is       'unknown', then the mount will succeed.

mhvtl-2009-12-02 / mhvtl-0.16-10
Fix silent data corruption       (Thanks Kevan)
Increase max LUNs from 7 to 32

mhvtl-2009-11-29 / mhvtl-0.16-9
Check string length of       definitions within device.conf
Compression now set/resetable via MODE       SELECT. (Thanks Kevan)
- Default compression set in       device.conf
    Compression: X (where X is a value from       0 [off], 1 [ Fastest compression], => 9 [Best compression]
Default       library INQUIRY string changed from STK/L700 to SPECTRA/PYTHON
Fix       kernel compile on Ubuntu 9.10 (2.6.31+)
Fix max block size on x86_64       (Thanks Kevan)
SPIN/SPOUT: Return correct list of supported       pages.

mhvtl-2009-11-10 / mhvtl-0.16-8
Add ability to compress data       written to backing storage file.
Overhaul READ ELEMENT STATUS. Thanks       Kevan Rehm.
Makefile overhaul.
- DESTDIR       understood.
- Ability to define default location for media files       & config file parent directories
- Ability to define default       user/group account for mhvtl daemons.

mhvtl-2009-10-09 / mhvtl-0.16-7
Fix READ ELEMENT STATUS for       All element types. Many thanks to Bernardo Clavijo for the       report and fix. This bug caused TSM to core dump.
Improve (make more       life like) Media Access Port access.
Added 'map open' and 'map       close' options to the vtlcmd syntax.
If the MAP is open, then the       'Medium Transport Element' fails to move media to/from a MAP       port.
If the MAP is closed, then the user (via vtlcmd) can not       empty MAP or place new media into the MAP.

mhvtl-2009-10-01 / mhvtl-0.16-6
Fix test comparison       within MHVTL_DBG macro
Fix output of the dump_tape  utility

mhvtl-2009-09-15 / mhvtl-0.16-4
  Bug fix only - no       functionality changes. No need to rebuild kernel module from       0.16-3
  Fix up VERBOSE testing with MHVTL_DBG macro
        Clean up more logging message(s)

mhvtl-2009-09-02 / mhvtl-0.16-3
  Increased max block       size from 256k to kernel default (kernel module needs to be       rebuilt)
  Re-worked logging to use a single macro 'MHVTL_DBG'       which will
      either use syslog in verbose       mode or printf if started in debug mode.

mhvtl-2009-08-15 / mhvtl-0.16-2
  Changed/updated load       MAP() functionality.
  Previous implementation re-read config file       and parsed the MAP slots.
  This is 'interactive' using the vtlcmd       command.
   e.g. vtlcmd library load map      
  Corrected NAA field in VPD page 0x83. This was a       hard coded string.
   Now reads entry from       /etc/mhvtl/device.conf
        '       NAA: 11:22:33:44:ab:cd:ef:03' (8 octet value)
  Remove dependency       on sg3_utils

mhvtl-2009-08-05 / mhvtl-0.16-1
- Fix kernel module oops with       logical unit removal (Many thanks to Jean-François CHALARD for the       fix)
- Fill in loadMap() routine within vtllibrary (Many thanks to       Jean-François CHALARD for       the code)
- Fix compile issue on SLES 9

mhvtl-2009-06-09 / mhvtl-0.16-0:
- Renamed final pieces from       'vtl' to 'mhvtl' (e.g. /etc/mhvtl/ instead of /etc/vtl)
- Almost       everything is handled in user-space now. As daemons start, the new logical       unit is added to the pseduo hba driver. As the daemon(s) are terminated,       the logical unit is removed from the pseudo hba driver.
- kernel module       'oops' if unloaded and re-loaded. It is stable otherwise. Root cause       unknown at this point in time.

Stable version:

Download       :
Using 'git'

e.g. Create       a directory where you are going to store the source code.
$ mkdir       mhvtl
Initialise the directory as a git repository
$ git       init
Pull the source code (it's only a few hundred k)
$ git pull
From time to time, check for any       updates.
$ git pull

mhvtl-2011-05-04.tgz       (builds mhvtl-0.18-15)


Kevan Rehm has re-written the on-disk data structure.
(It's amazing       how much effort can be rolled up in one simple sentence).

Each 'tape' is now stored under its own subdirectory       /opt/mhvtl/

A tape consists of three files.
- Data file => Container of       data
- Index file => Contains an array of header structures       (pointers into the data file)
- Meta file => Contains the MAM       structure, followed by a meta data header, followed by a variable-length       array of filemark block numbers.

mhvtl-2011-05-04.tgz /       mhvtl-0.18-15:
  - Implemented       'Personality Module' for each drive type
    (many       cleanups due to 'PM' change fallout thanks to Sebastian)
  -       Increase max barcode length to 16 chars
  -       Inquiry no longer incorrectly reports support for TrmIOP and       CmdQue
  - Fixed block read/writes corruption if 'multiple blocks'       specified
  - Fix Device Capabilities mode page - Don't advertise       EXCHANGE MEDIUM support

mhvtl-2011-03-17.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-14:
  -       kernel module build fixes for Linux kernel 2.6.37 and       greater
  - Add STK T10000C media/drive       support
  - Always log 'fatal' errors
  - Cleanup to       mhvtl.spec
  - Catch signals to prevent daemon terminating       early.

mhvtl-2011-01-11.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-13:
- READ       ELEMENT STATUS when initiator does not allocate enough memory for full       list
- Return ILLEGAL REQUEST for SCSI OP codes which are not       supported.
- Increase SENSE buffer from       38 to 96 bytes

mhvtl-2010-11-07.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-12:
-       Positioning error if space 0 blocks/filemarks - Reported & fix thanks       to Doug Charnley
- Only support SECURITY PROTOCOL IN/OUT op codes       on IBM LTO4 / IBM 03592E06 and STK T10000 drive types
- Fix       REQUEST SENSE. - Many thanks to Andreas Piesk
- Reworked       vtllibrary SCSI OP code processing.
- Yet another round of WORM       media handling issues - Thanks Albert Pauw
- Fix kernel module       compile error with 2.6.34 kernels

mhvtl-2010-09-23.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-11:

-       Potential core dump where SENSE data pointer incorrectly set to       NULL
- Positioning to filemark, followed by write failed to       remove cached 'filemark pointer'.
   This caused errors with       TSM & HP Dataprotector when writing multiple sequential backups on the       same piece of media.
    Many thanks to Nai for testing       on TSM
    Many thanks to Philip for testing with HP       Dataprotector
- VPD page 0x83 length incorrect (Thanks       Gaetan)
- VPD NAA data field incorrect (Thanks       Gaetan)
- Remove references to       /proc
- Daemons now create their own device nodes, so no external       scripts need to be run. (Note: This required assistance from the kernel       module - hence the kernel module from this release needs to be compiled       and used - Sorry)
- Gentoo ebuild file (Thanks Gaetan)
-       RedHat/CentOS kernel module SPEC file (Thanks Dag)
- Use       'setuidgid' to start daemons if available instead of specified user       account.

mhvtl-2010-09-01.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-10:
- Fix TapeAlert
-       Added more descriptive logging around SPACE OP code attempting to track       down problem with HP Dataprotector
- Added (undocumented) utility       'tapeexerciser' which is a simple utility to test tape read/writes and       positioning. WARNING: This will overwrite your media..
- Fix 'is vtl       running' logic in rc script. Failed test if 'vtl user' is root (not a       recommended config)

mhvtl-2010-07-09.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-9:
- Fix WORM handling -       Reported by Albert Pauw
- Fix (finished) LTO5 drive & media       handling introduced in 0.18-8

mhvtl-2010-06-23.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-8:
- Several Security       Protocol IN updates - thanks Albert Pauw
  * Return certificate       data
  * Correct length for 'KEY FORMATS'
  * Correct       length for SPIN SUPPORTED PAGES
- Fix kernel compile on RedHat AS4
-       Media/drive matching now 'dynamic' and defined in device.conf
- Added       man page for device.conf
- Fix media corruption when media is       'formatted'
- Add LTO5 & SDLT-S4 drive/media types
- Handle       INQUIRY correctly after media change (return SAM_STAT_GOOD)
- Updated       rc script so all devices created on Target & LUN. i.e. Don't       use
  channel. Some application software has trouble if only the       channel is unique.

mhvtl-2010-05-08.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-7:
Fix: 32bit platforms -       Allow media size to be greater than 2G
Fix: core dump on invalid       defined NAA strings
Fix: Support SMC devices with embedded space chars       in VENDOR ID
Implement STK Vendor unique LOAD DISPLAY SCSI op code.       (Logs display info via syslog)

mhvtl-2010-05-02.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-6:
Fix: vtlcmd command line       parsing. Fix 'list map' option
Fix: import of media via MAP       (off-by-one)
Fix: TapeCapacity LOG SENSE       data.
      Now returns bytes/KB/MB as per OEM       (Thanks 'kamy')
Support VENDOR ID with embedded spaces. i.e. "HP       Ultrium"
Honour MAP status: Fail attempts for robot to move media in       CAP if CAP is open.
Relax dependencies on /proc in favour of /sys       (note: Work in progress)

mhvtl-2010-04-01.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-5:
Fix: vtlcmd command line       parsing. Thanks Herbert Stadler
Fix: Silence local_irq_save(). Normally       seen on fedora. Thanks Norm Lunda
Fix: URLs to this homepage.

mhvtl-2010-03-05.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-4:
Fix: ELEMENT STATUS -       found and fixed by Norm Lunde (many thanks)
- This was preventing       TSM to work with mhvtl
Add queue depth() callback in kernel module       (module date string 20100303)
Test for media mounted before returning       status on 'REWIND' op code.
Fix typos in rc script

mhvtl-2010-01-28.tgz / mhvtl-0.18-2...rpm:
The ability to       support multiple libraries on the one host !! Thanks once again to       Kevan.
Note: There is no conversion of existing configuration file(s)       to the new device.conf/library_contents format. Please remove all       files under /etc/mhvtl/ before installing mhvtl-2010-01-28       (mhvtl-0.18-2)

Development version:

mhvtl-2010-11-29.tgz       (builds mhvtl-0.19.1)

This       should be functionally equivalent with 0.18-12
Sorry, no git version       yet. I keep 'rebasing' the 0.19 release on top of the 0.18. This makes a       very poor public git repository.

mhvtl-2010-11-29.tgz /       mhvtl-0.19-1:
- Fix End of Data       detection.
- Add '-v' switch to 'vtlcmd' which will return version of       mhvtl
NOTE: The next release will use xml format for the configuration       file. Please join us at the forum to have your say in the process.

mhvtl-0.19       release:

This version is being re-organized so device types       will have their own private functions/routines via a plugin interface.       Rather than a sprinkling of 'if (drive_type == ult3580TD4)' tests spread       through out the code.

Functionality like:
- Encryption       support
- Supported mode pages
- WORM support
-       set/clear compression

The plugin flow is something       like:
-> config_lu() {
   if       ULT3580-TD4
       ->       init_ult3580_td4()
   else if ULT3580-TD5
             -> init_ult3580_td5()
   else if STK       T10000
       -> init_t10k()
       ->       init_default_ssc()

The init_ult3580_td4()       registers a 'personality module template' which is a big jump table with       (in this example) ult3580_td4 specific routines and it's own list of mode       pages.

What hardware does       the mhvtl code base work with:

Tested and developed on Pentium x86       (32bit) and Pentium / AMD x86_64

New: IBM Z-Series. To       quote:
" We just fired up the VTL on our z series IBM mainframe.       Works like a charm."

What software does it       work with:

Symantec NetBackup.

  • 5.1 (Recommend 5.1MP4 minimum)
  • 6.0
  • 6.5.x
  • 7.0
  • 7.1Beta
  • Supports SCSI Persistent Reservation
  • Encryption via KMS (NetBackup 6.5.2 and later)

Note: All mhvtl code development is tested using NetBackup

Last set of testing (0.18-8 & -9) with NetBackup 7.0, I had to       revert the 'STK/L700' to 'SPECTRA/PYTHON' change made back in Nov 2009.       It's just a manual edit of /etc/mhvtl/device.conf

The problem is that NetBackup 7.0 fails to extract the device serial       number if SPECTRA/PYTHON is used and hence the automagic device discovery       & configuration fails to place the drives within the robot.

Symantec BackupExec.

For the       extraordinary writeup :
Includes       how to setup the scst ( to       present the vtl via iSCSI

I've receive updates from a anonymous       contributor identified as 'nia':

Successful Testing of Solaris             running mhvtl via iSCSI:
Successful             Testing  of Sun NDMP working with mhvtl via           iSCSI
Successful Testing of Linux             ZFS-fuse file-system with "dedup on" for /opt/mhvtl
Successful Testing of HP Data             Protector Linux media agent
Successful Testing for Backup             Exec 2010 on Windows Server 2008 R2. Tested version of mhvtl is             0.18.2 via iSCSI
Successful Testing for             NetBackup 7 Master on Windows 2008 R2 via iSCS

EMC/Legato NetWorker

Is no longer causing headaches !

Don't use 'STK/L700' Use 'SPECTRA/PYTHON' instead.

Install at least mhvtl-2009-12-16.tgz (mhvtl-0.16-11).
Update: The       latest mhvtl-2010-09-23.tgz (mhvtl-0.18-11) is a smoother ride when       configuring the library using jbconfig.

Build kernel module from source (Note: /usr/src/packages/ is a SuSE RPM       home dir. If you building on RedHat, then this will be       /usr/src/redhat/)

# rpm -Uvh mhvtl-0.18-11.src.rpm
# cd /usr/src/packages/BUILD
# tar xvfz ../SOURCES/mhvtl-2009-11-23.tgz
# cd mhvtl-0.18/kernel
# make
# make install

Start the daemons

/etc/init.d/mhvtl start
Configure NetWorker as normal via       jbconfig.      

An ex colleague who has some very useful/helpful tips with NetWorker       (If your interested in NetWorker, his blogs & tips are well worth       following)

Also       a follow up article

A detailed setup of CentOS + NetWorker, see:

Bakbone Netvault

(2010-01-09)       Thanks to Nick Couchman who has reported NetVault 8.x and mhvtl-2009-12-16       (mhvtl-0.16-11) do indeed work together.

To quote Nick " I have a       NetVault 8.x installation here that I'm using, and I just installed       LinuxVTL2 and am successfully backing up data from NetVault to       LinuxVTL2. I'm not sure if any issues exist for restores and the       link, but I'll let you know if I run into anything.  All       appears to be working fine at       this point! FWIW I'm       running my NetVault server on RHEL5."


Thanks to Bernardo Clavijo, TSM now works with mhvtl - Need at least       0.18-4 release.


A report from Beat Rubischon to advise Bacular works also.

Two changes were needed on Bacula's


Device {
Name = Drive-1
Drive Index = 0
Media Type = LTO-4
Archive Device = /dev/nst0
AutomaticMount = yes;
AlwaysOpen = yes;
RemovableMedia = yes;
RandomAccess = no;
AutoChanger = yes
Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"

# Needed for mhvtl tape drives
Hardware End of Medium = No
Fast Forward Space File = No

Multiple tape drives are supported too.

New: 2010-05-21
Report by Albert Pauw.. Many thanks.

# Needed for mhvtl tape drives
Hardware End of Medium = No
Fast       Forward Space File = No

I have used it this way for the last two       months, but due to some questions on the mhvtl forum I tried
bacula       without these additions. Seems the latest versions of mhvtl work out of       the box with bacula,
so these additions are not needed anymore.

Getting Started

RPM based Linux       distributions:

To install and get the package running:

1. Install both src.rpm & x86/x86_64 (depending on your CPU/OS       version - check using uname -p)

2. Build kernel module from source you just installed:
Note: The       directory in the example below is a SuSE RPM home dir       (/usr/src/packages)
         If       you are installing on RedHat, this will be /usr/src/redhat instead. Other       RPM distributions
         may       have different default RPM home directories.

  cd /usr/src/packages/BUILD
  tar xvfz       ../SOURCES/mhvtl-2010-09-23.tgz
  cd mhvtl-0.18/kernel
  make install

3. Start the package using the rc script.
  /etc/init.d/mhvtl       start

4. Check it's all running:
  lsscsi -g
  ps -ef|grep       vtl (default with 10 daemons - 2 vtllibrary & 8 vtltape)

5. Configure your backup software ;)

NON-RPM based Linux       distributions:

To install and get the package running:

1. Download the 'mhvtl-YYYY-MM-DD.tgz

2. Extract source code
cd /some/where/safe
tar xvfz       /where/you/downloaded/mhvtl-YYYY-MM-dd.tgz

3. Build user-space daemons
cd mhvtl-0.18 (or mhvtl-0.16 if       you downloaded the 'stable' version)

4. Add a user 'vtl'
sudo useradd -c "mhvtl user" vtl

5. Install binaries
sudo make install

6. Build kernel module from source you just installed:
  cd       kernel
  make install

7. Start the package using the rc script.
  /etc/init.d/mhvtl       start

8. Check it's all running:
  lsscsi -g
  ps -ef|grep       vtl (default with 10 daemons - 2 vtllibrary & 8 vtltape)

9. Configure your backup software ;)

Some nice things       people are saying about the mhvtl

  • It's really caught on here, I've noticed that some of our developers         have stopped using real tape hardware altogether, it's just easier to         use the VTL. Plus our customer support has started doing customer         training with the VTL instead of real tape hardware. Pretty impressive!         A fine piece of software, wish I had found it a few years earlier.
  • The VTL has been very helpful in my testing and for customer demos.         Your hard work on this is very much appreciated by myself and others on         my team.
  • I am one more user of your magical software vtl here at Symantec.         Just want to say that it rocks
  • I finally got round to trying to get this set up and I have to say..         You are a genius ! My laptop now has NBU 6.5.1 on Redhat 4 AS (on         VMware) with a VTL robot and 8 drives !! Fantastic ! Thanks for all your         work on this ! This will be very useful for me.

I can be reached via [email protected] or       [email protected]

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