S03E09-句读《中国哲学的故事》---A Revision of Liu Hsin's Theory III

A Revision of Liu Hsin's Theory


We are not sure just when the disintegration of the feudal system began. 


Already as early as the seventh century B.C. there were aristocrats who through the wars of the time, or for other reasons, lost their lands and titles, and thus fell to the level of the common people. 


There were also common people who through skill or favoritism became high officials of the state. 


This illustrates the real significance of the disintegration of the Chou dynasty. 


It was not only the disintegration of the political power of a particular royal house, but-and this is more important-of an entire social system.


With this disintegration, the former official representatives of the various branches of learning became scattered among the common people. 


They had either been actual nobles themselves, or had been specialists holding hereditary offices in the service of the aristocratic ruling families. 


This is the significance of a quotation made by Liu Hsin from Confucius in the course of the same "Treatise" partially quoted from above: "When ceremonies become lost [at the court], it is necessary to search for them in the countryside."


Thus when these former nobles or officials scattered throughout the country, they maintained a livelihood by carrying on, in a private capacity, their specialized abilities or skills. 


Those of them who expressed their ideas to other private individuals became professional "teachers", and thus there arose the separation between the teacher and the officer.


The word "school" in this chapter is a translation of the Chinese word chia, which at the same time is used to denote a family or home. Hence it suggests something personal or private. 


There could be no chia of thought before there were persons who taught their own ideas in a private capacity.


From YLYK《中国哲学的故事》专辑S03E09

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