1. 简介
- 功能:为一个模板函数,把数据类型为_Tp的一组集合进行聚类,分成若干个类别。
- 思想:该算法为《算法导论》(Introduction to Algorythms)中Data structures for disjoint sets章节描述的不相交集的实现,算法思想见博文(Algorithm)不相交集(Disjoint-set) 。
- 该算法为聚类算法,属于层次聚类算法(Hierarchical Clustering),思想上符合AGNES (Agglomerative Nesting),一种从底向上聚类的算法。但实现上还有有些区别。
2. 源代码
/** @brief Splits an element set into equivalency classes.
@param _vec Set of elements stored as a vector.
@param labels Output vector of labels. It contains as many elements as vec.
Each label labels[i] is a 0-based cluster index of `vec[i]`.
@param predicate Equivalence predicate (pointer to a boolean function of two arguments or an
instance of the class that has the method bool operator()(const _Tp& a, const _Tp& b) ). The
predicate returns true when the elements are certainly in the same class, and returns false
if they may or may not be in the same class.
template int
partition( const vector<_Tp>& _vec, vector& labels,
_EqPredicate predicate=_EqPredicate())
int i, j, N = (int)_vec.size();
const _Tp* vec = &_vec[0];
const int PARENT=0;
const int RANK=1;
vector _nodes(N*2);
int (*nodes)[2] = (int(*)[2])&_nodes[0];
// The first O(N) pass: create N single-vertex trees
for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
nodes[i][RANK] = 0;
// The main O(N^2) pass: merge connected components
// 注意:
// root表示i的根节点
// root2表示j的根节点
// 在执行predicate时是i,j节点而不是root,root2节点,这样就保证了
// 原始的N个基本元素间互相都做了比较
for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
int root = i;
// find root
while( nodes[root][PARENT] >= 0 )
root = nodes[root][PARENT];
for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
if( i == j || !predicate(vec[i], vec[j]))
int root2 = j;
while( nodes[root2][PARENT] >= 0 )
root2 = nodes[root2][PARENT];
if( root2 != root )
// unite both trees
int rank = nodes[root][RANK], rank2 = nodes[root2][RANK];
if( rank > rank2 )
nodes[root2][PARENT] = root;
nodes[root][PARENT] = root2;
nodes[root2][RANK] += rank == rank2;
root = root2;
assert( nodes[root][PARENT] < 0 );
int k = j, parent;
// compress the path from node2 to root
while( (parent = nodes[k][PARENT]) >= 0 )
nodes[k][PARENT] = root;
k = parent;
// compress the path from node to root
k = i;
while( (parent = nodes[k][PARENT]) >= 0 )
nodes[k][PARENT] = root;
k = parent;
// Final O(N) pass: enumerate classes
int nclasses = 0;
for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
int root = i;
while( nodes[root][PARENT] >= 0 )
root = nodes[root][PARENT];
// re-use the rank as the class label
// 这部分代码写的很漂亮、巧妙
// 把i所在类的根节点的秩赋值为类别值
// 但做了取反得到对应的负数,下一次if就不用执行了
if( nodes[root][RANK] >= 0 )
nodes[root][RANK] = ~nclasses++;
labels[i] = ~nodes[root][RANK];
return nclasses;
3. 应用
在去除物体检测中,常常需要对重复的bounding box删除,需要使用groupRectangles函数,该函数则是对partition的一层封装。在gropRectangels中,计算矩形间相似度的_EqPredicate为SimilarRects,其定义如下,几何上来说,如果矩阵r1,r2在空间上是比较接近的,则返回true,否则false。但是值得注意的是,如果r1包含r2,则不一定会判定为r1与r2很接近,所以在HOG中的,gropRectangels还进行了一层去除包含关系的操作。
class CV_EXPORTS SimilarRects
SimilarRects(double _eps) : eps(_eps) {}
inline bool operator()(const Rect& r1, const Rect& r2) const
// delta为最小长宽的eps倍,
double delta = eps*(std::min(r1.width, r2.width) + std::min(r1.height, r2.height))*0.5;
// 如果矩形的四个顶点的位置差别都小于delta,则表示相似的矩形
return std::abs(r1.x - r2.x) <= delta &&
std::abs(r1.y - r2.y) <= delta &&
std::abs(r1.x + r1.width - r2.x - r2.width) <= delta &&
std::abs(r1.y + r1.height - r2.y - r2.height) <= delta;
double eps;