Spark SQL源码剖析之SqlParser解析

在使用Spark的过程中,由于Scala语法复杂,而且更多的人越来越倾向使用SQL,将复杂的问题简单化处理,避免编写大量复杂的逻辑代码,所以我们想是不是可以开发一款类似Hive的工具,将其思想也应用在Spark之上,建立SQL来处理一些离线计算场景,由于Spark SQL应用而生。在本篇文章中,我们准备深入源码了解Spark SQL的内核组件以及其工作原理。

熟悉Spark的读者都知道,当我们调用了SQLContextsql()函数的时候,就会调用Spark SQL的内核来处理这条sql语句,那么中间过程究竟是如何进行的呢?这里我们先抛出它的内核基本执行流程,然后分各个阶段深入了解。


  protected[sql] lazy val catalog: Catalog = new SimpleCatalog(true)

  protected[sql] lazy val functionRegistry: FunctionRegistry = new SimpleFunctionRegistry(true)

  protected[sql] lazy val analyzer: Analyzer =
    new Analyzer(catalog, functionRegistry, caseSensitive = true) {
      override val extendedResolutionRules =
        ExtractPythonUdfs ::
        sources.PreInsertCastAndRename ::

      override val extendedCheckRules = Seq(

  protected[sql] lazy val optimizer: Optimizer = DefaultOptimizer

  protected[sql] val ddlParser = new DDLParser(sqlParser.apply(_))

  protected[sql] val sqlParser = {
    val fallback = new catalyst.SqlParser
    new SparkSQLParser(fallback(_))
  protected[sql] val planner = new SparkPlanner

  protected[sql] lazy val emptyResult = sparkContext.parallelize(Seq.empty[Row], 1)

   * Prepares a planned SparkPlan for execution by inserting shuffle operations as needed.
  protected[sql] val prepareForExecution = new RuleExecutor[SparkPlan] {
    val batches =
      Batch("Add exchange", Once, AddExchange(self)) :: Nil


  • Catalog:字典表,用于注册表,对表缓存后便于查询
  • DDLParser:用于解析DDL语句,如创建表。
  • SparkSQLParser:作为SqlParser的代理,处理一些SQL中的关键字。
  • SqlParser:用于解析select语句。
  • Analyzer:对还未分析的逻辑执行计划进行分析。
  • Optimizer:对已经分析过的逻辑执行计划进行优化。
  • SparkPlanner:用于将逻辑执行计划转换为物理执行计划。
  • prepareForExecution:用于将物理执行计划转换为可执行的物理执行计划。


  1. 首先使用SqlParser将SQL解析为Unresolved LogicalPlan
  2. Analyzer结合数据字典Catalog进行绑定,生成Resolved LogicalPlan
  3. 使用OptimizerResolved LogicalPlan进行优化,生成Optimizer LogicalPlan
  4. SparkPlannerLogicalPlan转换为PhysicalPlan
  5. 使用prepareForExecutionPhysicalPlan转换为可执行的物理执行计划。
  6. 调用execute()执行可执行物理执行计划,生成SchemaRDD

Spark SQL源码剖析之SqlParser解析_第1张图片



trait Catalog {
  def caseSensitive: Boolean
  def tableExists(tableIdentifier: Seq[String]): Boolean
  def lookupRelation(
      tableIdentifier: Seq[String],
      alias: Option[String] = None): LogicalPlan

   * Returns tuples of (tableName, isTemporary) for all tables in the given database.
   * isTemporary is a Boolean value indicates if a table is a temporary or not.
  def getTables(databaseName: Option[String]): Seq[(String, Boolean)]

  def refreshTable(databaseName: String, tableName: String): Unit
  def registerTable(tableIdentifier: Seq[String], plan: LogicalPlan): Unit
  def unregisterTable(tableIdentifier: Seq[String]): Unit
  def unregisterAllTables(): Unit

  protected def processTableIdentifier(tableIdentifier: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
    if (!caseSensitive) {
    } else {

  protected def getDbTableName(tableIdent: Seq[String]): String = {
    val size = tableIdent.size
    if (size <= 2) {
    } else {
      tableIdent.slice(size - 2, size).mkString(".")

  protected def getDBTable(tableIdent: Seq[String]) : (Option[String], String) = {
    (tableIdent.lift(tableIdent.size - 2), tableIdent.last)


protected[sql] lazy val catalog: Catalog = new SimpleCatalog(true)

在这个类中,实现了上面接口中的方法,也包括注册表,从源码中可以看到,实际上将表名以及执行 计划加入HashSet数据结构的缓存当中。

class SimpleCatalog(val caseSensitive: Boolean) extends Catalog {
  val tables = new mutable.HashMap[String, LogicalPlan]()

  override def registerTable(
      tableIdentifier: Seq[String],
      plan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
    val tableIdent = processTableIdentifier(tableIdentifier)
    tables += ((getDbTableName(tableIdent), plan))

  override def unregisterTable(tableIdentifier: Seq[String]): Unit = {
    val tableIdent = processTableIdentifier(tableIdentifier)
    tables -= getDbTableName(tableIdent)

  override def unregisterAllTables(): Unit = {

  override def tableExists(tableIdentifier: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
    val tableIdent = processTableIdentifier(tableIdentifier)
    tables.get(getDbTableName(tableIdent)) match {
      case Some(_) => true
      case None => false


  • DDLParser:临时表创建解析器,主要用来解析创建临时表的DDL语句。
  • SqlParser:SQL语句解析器,解析select,insert等语句。
  • SparkSQLParser:用于代理SqlParser,对AS,CACHE,SET等关键字进行解析。

Spark SQL源码剖析之SqlParser解析_第2张图片


 def sql(sqlText: String): DataFrame = {
    if (conf.dialect == "sql") {
      DataFrame(this, parseSql(sqlText))
    } else {
      sys.error(s"Unsupported SQL dialect: ${conf.dialect}")


protected[sql] def parseSql(sql: String): LogicalPlan = {
    ddlParser(sql, false).getOrElse(sqlParser(sql))


 * A parser for foreign DDL commands.
private[sql] class DDLParser(
    parseQuery: String => LogicalPlan)
  extends AbstractSparkSQLParser with DataTypeParser with Logging {

  def apply(input: String, exceptionOnError: Boolean): Option[LogicalPlan] = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case ddlException: DDLException => throw ddlException
      case _ if !exceptionOnError => None
      case x: Throwable => throw x


private[sql] abstract class AbstractSparkSQLParser
  extends StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers {

  def apply(input: String): LogicalPlan = {
    // Initialize the Keywords.
    phrase(start)(new lexical.Scanner(input)) match {
      case Success(plan, _) => plan
      case failureOrError => sys.error(failureOrError.toString)


 protected lazy val start: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
    ( (select | ("(" ~> select <~ ")")) *
      ( UNION ~ ALL        ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Union(q1, q2) }
      | INTERSECT          ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Intersect(q1, q2) }
      | EXCEPT             ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Except(q1, q2)}
      | UNION ~ DISTINCT.? ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Distinct(Union(q1, q2)) }
    | insert



  // Keyword is a convention with AbstractSparkSQLParser, which will scan all of the `Keyword`
  // properties via reflection the class in runtime for constructing the SqlLexical object
  protected val CREATE = Keyword("CREATE")
  protected val TEMPORARY = Keyword("TEMPORARY")
  protected val TABLE = Keyword("TABLE")
  protected val IF = Keyword("IF")
  protected val NOT = Keyword("NOT")
  protected val EXISTS = Keyword("EXISTS")
  protected val USING = Keyword("USING")
  protected val OPTIONS = Keyword("OPTIONS")
  protected val DESCRIBE = Keyword("DESCRIBE")
  protected val EXTENDED = Keyword("EXTENDED")
  protected val AS = Keyword("AS")
  protected val COMMENT = Keyword("COMMENT")
  protected val REFRESH = Keyword("REFRESH")
  protected lazy val ddl: Parser[LogicalPlan] = createTable | describeTable | refreshTable

  protected def start: Parser[LogicalPlan] = ddl


  protected lazy val createTable: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
    // TODO: Support database.table.
  //create temporary table using  options
    (CREATE ~> TEMPORARY.? <~ TABLE) ~ (IF ~> NOT <~ EXISTS).? ~ ident ~
      tableCols.? ~ (USING ~> className) ~ (OPTIONS ~> options).? ~ (AS ~> restInput).? ^^ {
      case temp ~ allowExisting ~ tableName ~ columns ~ provider ~ opts ~ query =>
        if (temp.isDefined && allowExisting.isDefined) {
          throw new DDLException(
            "a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement does not allow IF NOT EXISTS clause.")



 protected val ABS = Keyword("ABS")
  protected val ALL = Keyword("ALL")
  protected val AND = Keyword("AND")
  protected val APPROXIMATE = Keyword("APPROXIMATE")
  protected val AS = Keyword("AS")
  protected val ASC = Keyword("ASC")
  protected val AVG = Keyword("AVG")
  protected val BETWEEN = Keyword("BETWEEN")
  protected val BY = Keyword("BY")
  protected val CASE = Keyword("CASE")
  protected val CAST = Keyword("CAST")
  protected val COALESCE = Keyword("COALESCE")
  protected val COUNT = Keyword("COUNT")
  protected val DESC = Keyword("DESC")
  protected val DISTINCT = Keyword("DISTINCT")
  protected val ELSE = Keyword("ELSE")
  protected val END = Keyword("END")
  protected val EXCEPT = Keyword("EXCEPT")
  protected val FALSE = Keyword("FALSE")
  protected val FIRST = Keyword("FIRST")
  protected val FROM = Keyword("FROM")
  protected val FULL = Keyword("FULL")
  protected val GROUP = Keyword("GROUP")
  protected val HAVING = Keyword("HAVING")
  protected val IF = Keyword("IF")
  protected val IN = Keyword("IN")
  protected val INNER = Keyword("INNER")
  protected val INSERT = Keyword("INSERT")
  protected val INTERSECT = Keyword("INTERSECT")
  protected val INTO = Keyword("INTO")
  protected val IS = Keyword("IS")
  protected val JOIN = Keyword("JOIN")
  protected val LAST = Keyword("LAST")
  protected val LEFT = Keyword("LEFT")
  protected val LIKE = Keyword("LIKE")
  protected val LIMIT = Keyword("LIMIT")
  protected val LOWER = Keyword("LOWER")
  protected val MAX = Keyword("MAX")
  protected val MIN = Keyword("MIN")
  protected val NOT = Keyword("NOT")
  protected val NULL = Keyword("NULL")
  protected val ON = Keyword("ON")
  protected val OR = Keyword("OR")
  protected val ORDER = Keyword("ORDER")
  protected val SORT = Keyword("SORT")
  protected val OUTER = Keyword("OUTER")
  protected val OVERWRITE = Keyword("OVERWRITE")
  protected val REGEXP = Keyword("REGEXP")
  protected val RIGHT = Keyword("RIGHT")
  protected val RLIKE = Keyword("RLIKE")
  protected val SELECT = Keyword("SELECT")
  protected val SEMI = Keyword("SEMI")
  protected val SQRT = Keyword("SQRT")
  protected val SUBSTR = Keyword("SUBSTR")


protected lazy val start: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
    ( (select | ("(" ~> select <~ ")")) *
    // ~顺序组合解析,比如A~B必须保证A在B的左边
    //将UNION  ALL替换为Union函数,^^^符号用于将匹配的值置换为原值
      ( UNION ~ ALL        ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Union(q1, q2) }
      //INTERSECT 替换为Intersect函数
      | INTERSECT          ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Intersect(q1, q2) }
      | EXCEPT             ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Except(q1, q2)}
      | UNION ~ DISTINCT.? ^^^ { (q1: LogicalPlan, q2: LogicalPlan) => Distinct(Union(q1, q2)) }
    | insert

protected lazy val insert: Parser[LogicalPlan] =
    INSERT ~> (OVERWRITE ^^^ true | INTO ^^^ false) ~ (TABLE ~> relation) ~ select ^^ {
      case o ~ r ~ s => InsertIntoTable(r, Map.empty[String, Option[String]], s, o)



  protected val AS      = Keyword("AS")
  protected val CACHE   = Keyword("CACHE")
  protected val CLEAR   = Keyword("CLEAR")
  protected val IN      = Keyword("IN")
  protected val LAZY    = Keyword("LAZY")
  protected val SET     = Keyword("SET")
  protected val SHOW    = Keyword("SHOW")
  protected val TABLE   = Keyword("TABLE")
  protected val TABLES  = Keyword("TABLES")
  protected val UNCACHE = Keyword("UNCACHE")

  override protected lazy val start: Parser[LogicalPlan] = cache | uncache | set | show | others


在经过SqlParser处理之后 ,将SQL进行解析,完成一系列操作之后,就会使用Analyzer与数据字典Catalog进行绑定,然后对执行计划进行分析,那么,这部分内容,在后面的文章中会详细介绍,欢迎持续关注。

