

Tinyhttpd 是J. David Blackstone在1999年写的一个不到 500 行的超轻量型 Http Server,用来学习非常不错,可以帮助我们真正理解服务器程序的本质。官网:http://tinyhttpd.sourceforge.net


	> File Name: http.c
	> Author: 
	> Mail: 
	> Created Time: 2019年09月30日 星期一 16时32分14秒


# define SERVER_STRING "Server: jdhttpd/0.1.0\r\n"
# define ISspace(x) isspace((int)(x))
void *accept_request(void *);
void bad_request(int);
void cat(int, FILE *);
void cannot_excute(int);
void error_dis(const char *);
void execute_cgi(int, const char *, const char *, const char *);
void headers(int, const char *);
void not_found(int);
void serve_file(int, const char *);
void not_found(int);
void serve_file(int, const char *);
int startup(int *);
void unimplemented(int);
int get_line(int, char *, int);
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread,const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg);

void* accept_request(void *arg){
    char buf[1024];
    char method[255];
    char url[255];
    char path[512];
    int client = *(int *)arg;
    int cgi = 0;
    struct stat st;
    char *query_string = NULL;
    int numchars = 0;
    int i, j;

    numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));
    i = 0, j = 0;
    while(!ISspace(buf[i]) && (i < sizeof(method) - 1)){
        method[i] = buf[i];
    j = i;
    method[i] = '\0';

    if(strcasecmp(method, "GET") && strcasecmp(method, "POST")){
        return NULL;	
    if((strcasecmp, "POST") == 0){
        cgi = 1;
    i = 0;
    while(ISspace(buf[j]) && (j < numchars)){
    while(!ISspace(buf[j]) && (i < sizeof(url) - 1) && (j < numchars)){
        url[i] = buf[j];
    url[i] = '\0';

    if(strcasecmp(method, "GET") == 0){
        query_string = url;
        while((*query_string != '?') && (*query_string != '\0')){
        if(*query_string == '?'){
            cgi = 1;
            *query_string = '\0';

    sprintf(path, "htdocs%s", url);
    if(path[strlen(path) - 1] == '/'){
        strcat(path, "index.html");
    if(stat(path, &st) == -1){
        while((numchars > 0) && strcmp("\n", buf)){
            numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));
    else {
        if((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR){
            strcat(path, "/index.html");
        // 如果不是cgi, 就直接把服务器文件返回
        if((st.st_mode & S_IXUSR) || (st.st_mode & S_IXGRP) || 
           (st.st_mode & S_IXOTH))
        cgi = 1;
        serve_file(client, path);
        // client 客户端对应的socket, path 是对应的路径,method是请求方法
        // query_string 是请求的内容
        execute_cgi(client, path, method, query_string);
    return NULL;

void execute_cgi(int client, const char *path, const char* method, const char * query_string ){
    char buf[1024];
    char c;
    int numchars = 1, content_length = -1;
    buf[0] = 'A';
    buf[1] = '\0';
    int cgi_output[2];
    int cgi_input[2];
    int status;
    pid_t pid;

    if(strcasecmp(method, "GET") == 0){
        while((numchars > 0 ) && (strcmp("\n", buf))) {
            numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));
    else if(strcasecmp(method, "POST") == 0){
        numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));
        while((numchars > 0) && strcmp("\n", buf)){
            buf[15] = '\0';
        if(strcasecmp(buf, "Content-Length:") == 0){
            content_length = atoi(&buf[16]);
         numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf));

        if(content_length == -1){
            return ;
    if(pipe(cgi_output) < 0){
        return ;

    if(pipe(cgi_input) < 0){

    if((pid = fork()) < 0 ){

    sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
    send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);

    if(pid == 0){
        char meth_env[255];
        char query_env[255];
        char length_env[255];

        dup2(cgi_input[0], 0);
        dup2(cgi_output[1], 1);
        sprintf(meth_env, "REQUEST_METHOD=%s", method);
        if(strcasecmp(method, "GET") == 0){
            sprintf(query_env, "QUERY_STRING=%s", query_string);
        else {
            sprintf(query_env, "QUERY_STRING=%s", query_string);

        execl(path, path, NULL);
        if(strcasecmp(method, "POST") == 0){
	    int i;
            for(i = 0; i < content_length; i++){
            recv(client, &c, 1, 0);
            write(cgi_input[1], &c, 1);

        while(read(cgi_output[0], &c, 1) > 0){
            send(client, &c, 1, 0);


        waitpid(pid, &status, 0);

    return ;

void cannot_excute(int client){
    char buf[1024];

    sprintf(buf, "HTTPS/1.0 500 Internal Server ERror\n");
    send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
    sprintf(buf, "Cpntent-type: text/html\r\n");
    send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
    sprintf(buf, "\r\n");
    send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0);
    sprintf(buf, "

Error prohibited CGI execution.\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); return ; } void bad_request(int client){ char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 400 BAD REQUEST\r\n"); send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "Content-type: text/html\r\n"); send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "

Your browser sent a bad request. "); send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);; sprintf(buf, "such as a POST without a content_length.\r\n"); send(client, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); return ; } void serve_file(int client, const char *filename){ FILE *resource = NULL; int numchars = 1; char buf[1024]; buf[0] = 'A'; buf[1] = '\0'; while((numchars > 0) && strcmp("\n", buf)){ numchars = get_line(client, buf, sizeof(buf)); } resource = fopen(filename, "r"); if(resource == NULL){ not_found(client); } else { // 先把http头部信息发送过去,再把文件中的内容通过socket发送出去 headers(client, filename); cat(client, resource); } return ; } void headers(int client, const char *filename){ char buf[1024]; (void)filename; strcpy(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); strcpy(buf, SERVER_STRING); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); strcpy(buf, "\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); return ; } void cat(int client, FILE *resource){ char buf[1024]; fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), resource); while(!feof(resource)){ send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), resource); } return ; } void not_found(int client){ char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 404 NOT FOUND\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, SERVER_STRING); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "Not Found\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "

The server could notfullfill\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "your request because the resource specified\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "is unavauilable or nonexistent/\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); return ; } void unimplemented(int client){ char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 501 Method Not Implemented\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf,SERVER_STRING); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "Method not Implemented\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "

HTTP request method not supported.\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); sprintf(buf, "\r\n"); send(client, buf, strlen(buf), 0); return ; } int get_line(int sock, char *buf, int size){ int i = 0; char c = '\0'; int n; while((i < size - 1) && (c != '\n')){ n = recv(sock, &c, 1, 0); if(n > 0){ if(c == '\r'){ n = recv(sock, &c, 1, MSG_PEEK); if((n > 0) && (c == '\n')){ recv(sock, &c, 1, 0); } else { c = '\n'; } } buf[i] = c; i++; } else c = '\n'; } buf[i] = '\0'; return i; } int startup(int *port){ int httpd = -1, on = 1; struct sockaddr_in name; httpd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(httpd == -1){ perror("create socket error"); exit(1); } // SO_REUSEADDR允许地址重用,每次bind的时候, // 如果这个端口正在被使用,bind就会把端口抢过来 if((setsockopt(httpd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0)){ perror("setsockopt error"); exit(1); } memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name)); name.sin_family = AF_INET; name.sin_port = htons(*port); name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if(bind(httpd, (struct sockaddr *)&name,sizeof(name)) < 0){ perror("bind error"); exit(1); } if(*port == 0){ socklen_t namelen = sizeof(name); if(getsockname(httpd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, &namelen) < 0){ perror("get sock error"); exit(1); } *port = ntohs(name.sin_port); } if(listen(httpd, 5) < 0){ perror("set listen error"); exit(1); } return httpd; } int main(){ int serv_sock = -1; int port = 0; int clie_sock = -1; struct sockaddr_in client_name; pthread_t newthread; socklen_t len_client_name; serv_sock = startup(&port); printf("httpd running on port %d\n", port); len_client_name = sizeof(client_name); while(1){ clie_sock = accept(serv_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client_name, &len_client_name); if(clie_sock == -1){ perror("create accept error"); exit(1); } if(pthread_create(&newthread, NULL, accept_request, (void *)&clie_sock) != 0){ perror("create pthread error"); exit(1); } } close(serv_sock); return 0; }

