


1 栅格像素块的读取

1.1 Ipnt接口

1.2 IPixelBlock接口

1.3 IPixelBlock3

1.4 栅格像素块的读取

2 栅格像素值的修改

2.1 IRasterEdit接口

2.2 像素值修改源码

1 栅格像素块的读取

1.1 Ipnt接口


1.2 IPixelBlock接口




The IPixelBlock3 interface provides all the functionality of IPixelBlock interface, plus more properties on mask based NoData and SafeArray handling.

Basically, there are two ways to work with NoData mask and pixel values. They are by value (PixelData and NoDataMask properties) and by reference (PixelDataByRef and NoDataMaskByRef). Normally passing pixel values by reference is recommented since it saves memory. However for Java and .Net, passing by value (PixelData) should be used.


  AllPropertiesMethods Description
BytesPerPixel The number of bytes per pixel for the PixelBlock.
Clear Clears a given plane (sets to NoData).
GetNoDataMaskVal Gets the NoData mask value for a specified pixel.
GetVal The value for a specified pixel.
HasNoData Checks if this PixelBlock contains NoData.
Height The height of the PixelBlock in pixels.
Mask Generates NoData Mask using a given NoData value.
NoDataMask The NoData mask for a specified plane.
NoDataMaskByRef The NoData mask for a specified plane.
PixelData An array of pixels for a specified plane.
PixelDataByRef A pointer to an array of pixels for a specified plane.
PixelType The pixel type of the PixelBlock.
Planes The number of pixel arrays contained in the PixelBlock.
Width The width of the PixelBlock in pixels.

1.3 IPixelBlock3

The IPixelBlock3 interface provides all the functionality of IPixelBlock interface, plus more properties on mask based NoData and SafeArray handling.

Basically, there are two ways to work with NoData mask and pixel values. They are by value (PixelData and NoDataMask properties) and by reference (PixelDataByRef and NoDataMaskByRef). Normally passing pixel values by reference is recommented since it saves memory. However for Java and .Net, passing by value (PixelData) should be used.


Classes that implement IPixelBlock3

Classes Description
PixelBlock Esri PixelBlock, a container of pixel data.

1.4 栅格像素块的读取

 private void 读像素块ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IPnt size = new PntClass();
            size.X = 3;
            size.Y = 3;
            IRasterLayer rstlyer = axMapControl1.get_Layer(0) as IRasterLayer;
            IRaster rst = rstlyer.Raster;
            IPixelBlock pb = rst.CreatePixelBlock(size);
            IPnt tpl = new PntClass();
            tpl.X = col - 1;
            tpl.Y = row - 1;

            rst.Read(tpl, pb);

            IPixelBlock3 pb3 = pb as IPixelBlock3;
            System.Array pixs = pb3.get_PixelData(0) as System.Array;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    string value = Convert.ToString(pixs.GetValue(i, j));

2 栅格像素值的修改

2.1 IRasterEdit接口


2.2 像素值修改源码


        private void 修改像素ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IRasterLayer rstlyer = axMapControl1.get_Layer(0) as IRasterLayer;
            IRaster rst = rstlyer.Raster;
            IPnt size = new PntClass();
            size.X = 1;
            size.Y = 1;
            IPixelBlock pb = rst.CreatePixelBlock(size);
            IPnt tpl = new PntClass();
            tpl.X = col;
            tpl.Y = row;
            IRasterEdit rstedit = rst as IRasterEdit;
            IPixelBlock3 pb3 = pb as IPixelBlock3;
            System.Array ay = pb3.get_PixelData(0) as System.Array;
            ay.SetValue(Convert.ToInt16(85), 0, 0);
            pb3.set_PixelData(0, ay);
            rstedit.Write(tpl, pb3 as IPixelBlock);


