, mdict=None, appendmat=True, **kwargs), mdict, appendmat=True, format='5', long_field_names=False, do_compression=False, oned_as='row')
├── dataset
│ ├── annotation
│ │ ├── Images.mat
│ │ ├── Person.mat
│ │ ├── pool.mat
│ │ └── test
│ │ ├── subset
│ │ │ ├── Occlusion.mat
│ │ │ └── Resolution.mat
│ │ └── train_test
│ │ ├── Train.mat
│ │ ├── TestG2000.mat
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── TestG50.mat
│ ├── Image
│ │ └── SSM
│ │ ├── s10000.jpg
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── s9.jpg
│ └── README.txt
└── out
def _load_image_set_index(self):
Load the indexes for the specific subset (train / test).
The index is just the image file name.
# 读取测试图片池
test = loadmat(osp.join(self._root_dir, 'annotation', 'pool.mat')) # 读取指定路径的mat文件
test = test['pool'].squeeze() # 去掉维度为1的那一维,得到长度为6978的numpy array
test = [str(a[0]) for a in test] # 利用列表生成式,numpy array转list,元素均为图片名
if self._image_set == 'test': return test # 如果需要测试集,返回即可
# 读取全部图片
all_imgs = loadmat(osp.join(self._root_dir, 'annotation', 'Images.mat')) # 读取指定路径的mat文件
all_imgs = all_imgs['Img'].squeeze() # 去掉维度为1的那一维,得到长度为18184的numpy array
all_imgs = [str(a[0][0]) for a in all_imgs] # 元素均为图片名
# training
return list(set(all_imgs) - set(test)) # 测试集的补集就是训练集,返回
def _load_probes(self):
Load the list of (img, roi) for probes. For test split, it's defined
by the protocol. For training split, will randomly choose some samples
from the gallery as probes.
protoc = loadmat(osp.join(self._root_dir,
'annotation/test/train_test/TestG50.mat'))['TestG50'].squeeze() # 2900个query person,gallery库为50.
probes = []
for item in protoc['Query']: # probe.mat分为query和gallery,query里每个probe一张图
im_name = osp.join(self._data_path, str(item['imname'][0,0][0])) # 当前probe的query图片路径
roi = item['idlocate'][0,0][0].astype(np.int32) # query在图片中的区域
roi[2:] += roi[:2] # xmin,ymin,width,height -> xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
probes.append((im_name, roi))
return probes # probes 2900个元素,用有序list,方便对应person id
def gt_roidb(self):
cache_file = osp.join(self.cache_path, + '_gt_roidb.pkl')
if osp.isfile(cache_file):
roidb = unpickle(cache_file)
return roidb
# Load all images and build a dict from image to boxes
all_imgs = loadmat(osp.join(self._root_dir, 'annotation', 'Images.mat'))
all_imgs = all_imgs['Img'].squeeze()
name_to_boxes = {}
name_to_pids = {}
for im_name, __, boxes in all_imgs:
im_name = str(im_name[0])
boxes = np.asarray([b[0] for b in boxes[0]]) # 格式处理,内容不变
boxes = boxes.reshape(boxes.shape[0], 4) # 格式处理,内容不变
valid_index = np.where((boxes[:, 2] > 0) & (boxes[:, 3] > 0))[0] # 长宽大于零
assert valid_index.size > 0, \
'Warning: {} has no valid boxes.'.format(im_name)
boxes = boxes[valid_index] # 过滤掉长宽小于0的box
name_to_boxes[im_name] = boxes.astype(np.int32)
name_to_pids[im_name] = -1 * np.ones(boxes.shape[0], dtype=np.int32) # pid都初始化为-1
def _set_box_pid(boxes, box, pids, pid):
for i in xrange(boxes.shape[0]):
if np.all(boxes[i] == box):
pids[i] = pid
print 'Warning: person {} box {} cannot find in Images'.format(pid, box)
# Load all the train / test persons and label their pids from 0 to N-1
# Assign pid = -1 for unlabeled background people
if self._image_set == 'train':
train = loadmat(osp.join(self._root_dir,
'annotation/test/train_test/Train.mat')) # 5532 query img for train
train = train['Train'].squeeze()
for index, item in enumerate(train):
scenes = item[0, 0][2].squeeze() # all images info which the same person appear
for im_name, box, __ in scenes:
im_name = str(im_name[0]) # img name
box = box.squeeze().astype(np.int32)
_set_box_pid(name_to_boxes[im_name], box,
name_to_pids[im_name], index) # 拿train集合所有box和所有image中的所有box比对,找到一致的,赋pid(不是真的pid,只是index).train里没有的box不去管它
test = loadmat(osp.join(self._root_dir,
test = test['TestG50'].squeeze()
for index, item in enumerate(test):
# query
im_name = str(item['Query'][0,0][0][0])
box = item['Query'][0,0][1].squeeze().astype(np.int32)
_set_box_pid(name_to_boxes[im_name], box,
name_to_pids[im_name], index)
# gallery
gallery = item['Gallery'].squeeze()
for im_name, box, __ in gallery:
im_name = str(im_name[0])
if box.size == 0: break
box = box.squeeze().astype(np.int32)
_set_box_pid(name_to_boxes[im_name], box,
name_to_pids[im_name], index)
# Construct the gt_roidb
gt_roidb = []
for im_name in self.image_index: # Traversal train/test img_name
boxes = name_to_boxes[im_name] # get boxes
boxes[:, 2] += boxes[:, 0] # weight to xmax
boxes[:, 3] += boxes[:, 1] # height to ymax
pids = name_to_pids[im_name] # get pid
num_objs = len(boxes) # get num of boxes
gt_classes = np.ones((num_objs), dtype=np.int32) # initial cls of boxes
overlaps = np.zeros((num_objs, self.num_classes), dtype=np.float32)
overlaps[:, 1] = 1.0
overlaps = csr_matrix(overlaps)
'boxes': boxes,
'gt_classes': gt_classes,
'gt_overlaps': overlaps,
'gt_pids': pids,
'flipped': False})
pickle(gt_roidb, cache_file)
print "wrote gt roidb to {}".format(cache_file)
return gt_roidb