
从进入CDC, 整个研发团队是瀑布开发模式, 瀑布模型(Waterfall Model)瀑布模型是将软件生存周期的各项活动规定为按固定顺序而连接的若干阶段工作,形如瀑布流水,最终得到软件产品。



  • PJM(项目管理者)
    • supervise schedule for work ordered to other teams (督导时间表,安排好与其他团队的工作)
    • risk and cost management (风险管理和费用(成本)管理)
    • driving overall project progress for each stage(驱动在每一个阶段的项目进度 )
    • cross-team process creation, update and discussions (跨团队的任务的创建、更新和讨论
    • inform DVM about quality concerns (提示DVM关注项目质量)
    • manage project management tools (管理项目管理工具,例如Jira,confluence)
  • DVM (开发管理者)
    • enforce process (实施进程)
    • drive timely delivery of high-quality code (驱动及时交付高质量的代码)
    • provide estimates in order to know what to include in each release as well as to calculate ROI (提供每个发布包含哪些内容的预估并且计算ROI)
    • Engage PJM to deal with outside Ichiba team schedule, risk and issues as soon as possible. (DVM及时发现开发中的问题,并及时跟PJM沟通,以确保PJM能够尽快地处理与外部团队的排期,风险和问题)
  • PDM (产品管理者)
    • enforce process(实施进程)
    • set priority for features, and bugs when needed (设定产品特征和BUG的优先级)
    • drive delivery of high-quality specifications (驱动交付高质量的式样)
    • regularly inform team members about product roadmap (定期向团队成员公布产品路线图
    • provide GMS estimates in order to prioritize requirements as well as to calculate ROI (提供GMS来排定需求的优先级)
    • create user manuals and release notes (创建用户手册和发布说明)
    • Engage PJM to deal with outside Ichiba team schedule, risk and issues as soon as possible. (PDM及时发现式样定义中的问题,并及时跟PJM沟通,以确保PJM能够尽快地处理与外部团队的排期,风险和问题)
    • test releases, ensure high quality (测试发布的版本,确保高质量输出)

Process Time Responsibilities Role Participants


0. Management
Budget Management PJM
Cost Model
Time Management (overall) PJM
Excel Schedule and WBS
Time Management (detailed)
  • Requirements: PDM (assisted by PJM)
  • Development work: DVM (assisted by PJM)

PJM receives estimations for Due Dates and input into Project schedule
Coordination with CWD (detailed) PDM

Coordination with BU PDM PJM PDM: 分享季度开发计划
1. Prepare Budget Application

1st week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

Preliminary requirements discussion


Team Leader


  1. 讲解案件初步需求,讨论、确定涉及的服务
  2. 评估技术的可行性;
  3. 起案的合理性;
  4. 预估案件大小(工数),
  5. 是否需要分期及技术角度的分期建议
  6. 确认是否有其他开发团队参与

7. 确定PJM

  2nd week at month of prepare budget application Functional Specification (detailed) PDM Team Leader

Confluence document

3rd week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

prototype design discussion

Team Leader


4th week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

Draft MRD


The modifying part of draft MRD 讲解MRD(MRD PPT初稿),讨论、确定MRD中描述的需求及范围的准确性、合理性;

4th week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

Fixed MRD

讲解fixed MRD,最终确认MRD;

2. 确认有其他开发团队参与,则需准备相应的英文资料,并约相关团队进行MRD的讲解。

2.Budget Application

1-Budget Application

Month of budget application

Send MRD (English version) to CWD PDM
Notice the month of budget application , to remain the resource.

1st weeks at month of budget application

Estimate Development Effort DVM ENG Submit human cost and schedule to DVM

1st weeks at month of budget application Adjusting human resource DVM
Submit human cost and schedule to PJM

1st weeks at month of budget application Meeting with Infra member for infra Estimate




Meeting minutes from discussions with Infra Members (PDM introduce project, DVM Submit apply content)
  1st weeks at month of budget application QA Estimate PJM PDM

Supply budget to Admin for update of ROS.

  1st weeks at month of budget application Security Audit Estimate PJM System Security Office

Supply budget to Admin for update of ROS.

  1st weeks at month of budget application Create Overall Schedule PJM



Excel Schedule
  1st weeks at month of budget application Create Detailed Schedule (implementation) DVM
Detailed Schedule

2nd weeks at month of budget application

Explain of Schedule and Mandays

PJM DVM Approved Schedule and Mandays

DVM to report Mandays

PJM to report Schedule

  Approved on Friday of 2nd weeks at month of budget application

Business Case Creation and Approval


Project introduction PPT

Mandays, Schedule, BudgetApplication,

Taiwan Service Decision Making MTG summit and get approval

PDM : Project introduction PPT (Function, KPI)

PJM: BudgetApplication,Mandays, Schedule)

2nd weeks at month of budget application PMO Ticket PJM
Submit PMO ticket to SSP get approval

3rd weeks at month of budget application

Registration in EYES


Send Email to Japan PDM to support get EYES Code in EYES system.

3rd weeks at month of budget application Dezi Ticket PJM
Submit DEZI ticket to apply budget
3. Project Start Phase 0_Project Start

1st week

before design stage

Process Design (development process. select tools) PJM

Confluence documentation


0_Project Start


1st week

before design stage

Communication Management PJM
Confluence documentation


0_Project Start


1st week

before design stage

Project Objectives PJM
Confluence documentation


0_Project Start


1st week

before design stage

Education (project management training) PJM


0_Project Start

1-3 days before design stage

Project start Meeting PJM DVM,PDM,ENG All project members to attend (about MRD question, Schedule .etc)

1-3 days before design stage Create WBS PJM
WBS Milestone (Task of each stage)

1-3 days before design stage Create Detailed WBS DVM
WBS (Design, development,ENG test,Release) detailed task

1-3 days before design stage Create Detailed WBS PDM
WBS (PM test) detailed task

1st week

before design stage

UI Specification Meeting PDM CWD UI Specification document

case by case UI Design Estimate according to UI Specification CWD
Estimated man-days and cost PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

case by case Provide the Due date according to ENG' schedule PDM
Due date for providing HTML

case by case Provide CWD Schedule according to ENG's due date CWD
CWD Schedule

4. Design and design review
Design 3-5 Days Overall Architecture DVM ENG Confluence documentation

DB Schema Design DVM ENG Confluence documentation

Hardware Design DVM ENG Apply to Infra and Confluence documentation

Application Design (RMS/MALL) DVM ENG Confluence documentation
Design Review 1-2 Days Overall Architecture Team Manager : ZhuShiwei DVM Approved documentation Architecture Design and Program Design

DB Schema Design Team Leader DVM,ENG Approved documentation

Hardware Design Infra Members DVM,ENG Approved documentation

Application Design (RMS/MALL) Team Leader DVM,ENG Approved documentation

Case by case Create Mock-ups CWD PDM

Case by case Confirm Mock-ups PDM
Confirmed Mock-ups PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

Case by case Create Design (Image Description) CWD PDM

Case by case Confirm Design (Image Description) PDM
Confirmed Design (Image Description) PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

Case by case Create HTML page CWD PDM

case by case

Confirmed HTML page

DVM/PDM ENG Confirmed HTML source file (确定设计原型) PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

Apply support ASAP Apply QA  PJM
Apply JIRA ticket to QA

ASAP Apply Appscan DVM
Apply JIRA ticket to System Security Office

ASAP Apply Security Audit DVM
Apply JIRA ticket to System Security Office

The last day of design stage Design finished MTG (CDC) DVM




Confluence documentation(Architecture Design Document,Program Design Dcoument)

 All project members to attend (Judge to whether can enter the next phase )
5.Development & Unit test  3-Development

Case by case Programing DVM ENG Coding

Case by case Unit Test DVM ENG

(Unit Test Code Coverrage(>=80%)

3-5 days Code Review DVM ENG Code source
6.DEV Test

Prepare test case DVM ENG Test case document

DEV Release DVM ENG n/a

Dev Test DVM ENG Problem tickets

Bug Fix after Test DVM ENG Fixed ticket

1-2 days before dev test finished DEV test result Demo MTG DVM




Demonstrable function 

ENG demonstrate their own development efforts on DEV
7.Internal STG Test  4-Internal STG Test

2-5 days  Prepare Join Test Case PDM

Created test cases

1 day Test case review MTG PDM




Meeting with DVM, and review the test case

1 week or more Prepare Load Test Case DVM ENG DVM arraign Eng prepare Load test case document

1 days Load test case review DVM
review Load test case

5 days

INFRA (JP) Review Load test case

Need to INFRA (JP) Review Load test case

case by case Join Test (ENG) DVM ENG DVM arraign Join Test by ENG 

1-2 days before Eng stg test finished STG test result Demo MTG DVM




ENG demonstrate their own development efforts on STG, PDM attend.

case by case Join Test (PDM) PDM ENG Join Test Report STG测试结束以后发出report说明STG阶段结束

3-5 days Load Test DVM ENG

Load Test report

DVM arraign Eng to do Load Test, and submit Load Test report to INFRA (JP)
8.External STG Test  5-External STG Test

1 weeks before QA test QA Test case review PDM/DVM

QA test case docuement

PDM review UI part,
DVM review function part and flow part.

case by case QA Test QA Team



Problem tickets

3-5 days QA Test after bugfix DVM ENG Fixed ticket DVM arraign arraign to fix these tickets

1-3 days Appscan Test

Executed by CDC (DVM)

Executed by SSO

Appscan Test report

0 or 1 day Appscan Test after bugfix DVM ENG Fixed ticket DVM arraign arraign to fix these tickets

3 ~5 days Security Audit Test Executed by SSO
Security Audit Test report

0 or 2 days Audit Test after bugfix DVM ENG Fixed ticket DVM arraign ENG to fix these tickets

case by case JV Test JV PDM/Eng Fixed ticket DVM arraign ENG to fix these tickets


Reference: Service Operation

[Service Transit] Release & Service Test Work Flow

1-2 weeks before release Merge code and Tag and test DVM ENG

Merged code

2 weeks before release Prepare TimeSchedule and release manual DVM ENG


Operation manual

2 weeks before release Prepare Release confirm manual PDM
Confirm manual

2 weeks before release Release manual Review DVM
reviewed Release manual

2 weeks before release TimeSchedule Review meeting DVM




TimeSchedule Share TimeSchedule to all please release members

2 weeks before release Release Rehearsal DVM/PDM ENG Confirmed TimeSchedule/Operation manual/Confirm manual Release Rehearsal on STG

2 weeks before release Adjuest after Release Rehearsal DVM ENG Fixed function or UI Adjuest after Release Rehearsal on STG

1-2 weeks before release Release Plan Sharing on IIPM(Option) PDM
IIPM Report Share Release Plan

1 week before release Release Judge meeting PJM



TM (Shiwei)


Judgment Sheet

PJM will report the whole progress

DVM will report the detail (Such as load test , time schedule)

1-3 days before release

Release Announcement


Announcement JIRA ticket

Taiwan Service Decision Making MTG summit

(Stop Maintenance or affect on taiwan services need to share)

1-2 days Release DVM PJM/PDM

New function on Pro

PJM to send srart and finished email ,and to lead the release.

DVM to do release operation according to operation manual

PDM to do confirm operation according to confirm manual


1 week after project release

Retrospective Meeting






Meeting minutes of retrospective Meeting  All project members to attend

2nd months after project release KPI Monitoring(Option) PDM
IIPM report

11.Post-deploy Phase
Troubleshooting PDM/ENG

Process Time Responsibilities Role Participants


0. Management
Budget Management PJM
Cost Model
Time Management (overall) PJM
Excel Schedule and WBS
Time Management (detailed)
  • Requirements: PDM (assisted by PJM)
  • Development work: DVM (assisted by PJM)

PJM receives estimations for Due Dates and input into Project schedule
Coordination with CWD (detailed) PDM

Coordination with BU PDM PJM PDM: 分享季度开发计划
1. Prepare Budget Application

1st week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

Preliminary requirements discussion


Team Leader


  1. 讲解案件初步需求,讨论、确定涉及的服务
  2. 评估技术的可行性;
  3. 起案的合理性;
  4. 预估案件大小(工数),
  5. 是否需要分期及技术角度的分期建议
  6. 确认是否有其他开发团队参与

7. 确定PJM

  2nd week at month of prepare budget application Functional Specification (detailed) PDM Team Leader

Confluence document

3rd week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

prototype design discussion

Team Leader


4th week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

Draft MRD


The modifying part of draft MRD 讲解MRD(MRD PPT初稿),讨论、确定MRD中描述的需求及范围的准确性、合理性;

4th week at month of prepare budget application

(case by case)

Fixed MRD

讲解fixed MRD,最终确认MRD;

2. 确认有其他开发团队参与,则需准备相应的英文资料,并约相关团队进行MRD的讲解。

2.Budget Application

1-Budget Application

Month of budget application

Send MRD (English version) to CWD PDM
Notice the month of budget application , to remain the resource.

1st weeks at month of budget application

Estimate Development Effort DVM ENG Submit human cost and schedule to DVM

1st weeks at month of budget application Adjusting human resource DVM
Submit human cost and schedule to PJM

1st weeks at month of budget application Meeting with Infra member for infra Estimate




Meeting minutes from discussions with Infra Members (PDM introduce project, DVM Submit apply content)
  1st weeks at month of budget application QA Estimate PJM PDM

Supply budget to Admin for update of ROS.

  1st weeks at month of budget application Security Audit Estimate PJM System Security Office

Supply budget to Admin for update of ROS.

  1st weeks at month of budget application Create Overall Schedule PJM



Excel Schedule
  1st weeks at month of budget application Create Detailed Schedule (implementation) DVM
Detailed Schedule

2nd weeks at month of budget application

Explain of Schedule and Mandays

PJM DVM Approved Schedule and Mandays

DVM to report Mandays

PJM to report Schedule

  Approved on Friday of 2nd weeks at month of budget application

Business Case Creation and Approval


Project introduction PPT

Mandays, Schedule, BudgetApplication,

Taiwan Service Decision Making MTG summit and get approval

PDM : Project introduction PPT (Function, KPI)

PJM: BudgetApplication,Mandays, Schedule)

2nd weeks at month of budget application PMO Ticket PJM
Submit PMO ticket to SSP get approval

3rd weeks at month of budget application

Registration in EYES


Send Email to Japan PDM to support get EYES Code in EYES system.

3rd weeks at month of budget application Dezi Ticket PJM
Submit DEZI ticket to apply budget
3. Project Start Phase 0_Project Start

1st week

before design stage

Process Design (development process. select tools) PJM

Confluence documentation


0_Project Start


1st week

before design stage

Communication Management PJM
Confluence documentation


0_Project Start


1st week

before design stage

Project Objectives PJM
Confluence documentation


0_Project Start


1st week

before design stage

Education (project management training) PJM


0_Project Start

1-3 days before design stage

Project start Meeting PJM DVM,PDM,ENG All project members to attend (about MRD question, Schedule .etc)

1-3 days before design stage Create WBS PJM
WBS Milestone (Task of each stage)

1-3 days before design stage Create Detailed WBS DVM
WBS (Design, development,ENG test,Release) detailed task

1-3 days before design stage Create Detailed WBS PDM
WBS (PM test) detailed task

1st week

before design stage

UI Specification Meeting PDM CWD UI Specification document

case by case UI Design Estimate according to UI Specification CWD
Estimated man-days and cost PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

case by case Provide the Due date according to ENG' schedule PDM
Due date for providing HTML

case by case Provide CWD Schedule according to ENG's due date CWD
CWD Schedule

4. Design and design review
Design 3-5 Days Overall Architecture DVM ENG Confluence documentation

DB Schema Design DVM ENG Confluence documentation

Hardware Design DVM ENG Apply to Infra and Confluence documentation

Application Design (RMS/MALL) DVM ENG Confluence documentation
Design Review 1-2 Days Overall Architecture Team Manager : ZhuShiwei DVM Approved documentation Architecture Design and Program Design

DB Schema Design Team Leader DVM,ENG Approved documentation

Hardware Design Infra Members DVM,ENG Approved documentation

Application Design (RMS/MALL) Team Leader DVM,ENG Approved documentation

Case by case Create Mock-ups CWD PDM

Case by case Confirm Mock-ups PDM
Confirmed Mock-ups PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

Case by case Create Design (Image Description) CWD PDM

Case by case Confirm Design (Image Description) PDM
Confirmed Design (Image Description) PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

Case by case Create HTML page CWD PDM

case by case

Confirmed HTML page

DVM/PDM ENG Confirmed HTML source file (确定设计原型) PDM need to confirm with Taiwan

Apply support ASAP Apply QA  PJM
Apply JIRA ticket to QA

ASAP Apply Appscan DVM
Apply JIRA ticket to System Security Office

ASAP Apply Security Audit DVM
Apply JIRA ticket to System Security Office

The last day of design stage Design finished MTG (CDC) DVM




Confluence documentation(Architecture Design Document,Program Design Dcoument)

 All project members to attend (Judge to whether can enter the next phase )
5.Development & Unit test  3-Development

Case by case Programing DVM ENG Coding

Case by case Unit Test DVM ENG

(Unit Test Code Coverrage(>=80%)

3-5 days Code Review DVM ENG Code source
6.DEV Test

Prepare test case DVM ENG Test case document

DEV Release DVM ENG n/a

Dev Test DVM ENG Problem tickets

Bug Fix after Test DVM ENG Fixed ticket

1-2 days before dev test finished DEV test result Demo MTG DVM




Demonstrable function 

ENG demonstrate their own development efforts on DEV
7.Internal STG Test  4-Internal STG Test

2-5 days  Prepare Join Test Case PDM

Created test cases

1 day Test case review MTG PDM




Meeting with DVM, and review the test case

1 week or more Prepare Load Test Case DVM ENG DVM arraign Eng prepare Load test case document

1 days Load test case review DVM
review Load test case

5 days

INFRA (JP) Review Load test case

Need to INFRA (JP) Review Load test case

case by case Join Test (ENG) DVM ENG DVM arraign Join Test by ENG 

1-2 days before Eng stg test finished STG test result Demo MTG DVM




ENG demonstrate their own development efforts on STG, PDM attend.

case by case Join Test (PDM) PDM ENG Join Test Report STG测试结束以后发出report说明STG阶段结束

3-5 days Load Test DVM ENG

Load Test report

DVM arraign Eng to do Load Test, and submit Load Test report to INFRA (JP)
8.External STG Test  5-External STG Test

1 weeks before QA test QA Test case review PDM/DVM

QA test case docuement

PDM review UI part,
DVM review function part and flow part.

case by case QA Test QA Team



Problem tickets

3-5 days QA Test after bugfix DVM ENG Fixed ticket DVM arraign arraign to fix these tickets

1-3 days Appscan Test

Executed by CDC (DVM)

Executed by SSO

Appscan Test report

0 or 1 day Appscan Test after bugfix DVM ENG Fixed ticket DVM arraign arraign to fix these tickets

3 ~5 days Security Audit Test Executed by SSO
Security Audit Test report

0 or 2 days Audit Test after bugfix DVM ENG Fixed ticket DVM arraign ENG to fix these tickets

case by case JV Test JV PDM/Eng Fixed ticket DVM arraign ENG to fix these tickets


Reference: Service Operation

[Service Transit] Release & Service Test Work Flow

1-2 weeks before release Merge code and Tag and test DVM ENG

Merged code

2 weeks before release Prepare TimeSchedule and release manual DVM ENG


Operation manual

2 weeks before release Prepare Release confirm manual PDM
Confirm manual

2 weeks before release Release manual Review DVM
reviewed Release manual

2 weeks before release TimeSchedule Review meeting DVM




TimeSchedule Share TimeSchedule to all please release members

2 weeks before release Release Rehearsal DVM/PDM ENG Confirmed TimeSchedule/Operation manual/Confirm manual Release Rehearsal on STG

2 weeks before release Adjuest after Release Rehearsal DVM ENG Fixed function or UI Adjuest after Release Rehearsal on STG

1-2 weeks before release Release Plan Sharing on IIPM(Option) PDM
IIPM Report Share Release Plan

1 week before release Release Judge meeting PJM



TM (Shiwei)


Judgment Sheet

PJM will report the whole progress

DVM will report the detail (Such as load test , time schedule)

1-3 days before release

Release Announcement


Announcement JIRA ticket

Taiwan Service Decision Making MTG summit

(Stop Maintenance or affect on taiwan services need to share)

1-2 days Release DVM PJM/PDM

New function on Pro

PJM to send srart and finished email ,and to lead the release.

DVM to do release operation according to operation manual

PDM to do confirm operation according to confirm manual


1 week after project release

Retrospective Meeting






Meeting minutes of retrospective Meeting  All project members to attend

2nd months after project release KPI Monitoring(Option) PDM
IIPM report

11.Post-deploy Phase
Troubleshooting PDM/ENG
