0下载Unity编辑器(2019.1.0f1 or 更新的版本),if(已经下载了)continue;
1下载官方案例,打开Git Shell输入:
git clone https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/EntityComponentSystemSamples.git --recurse
or 点击Unity官方ECS示例下载代码
2用Unity Hub打开官方的项目:ECSSamples
3在Assets目录下找到HelloCube/6. SpawnFromEntity ,并打开6. SpawnFromEntity场景
/// 先将自己转换成实体,再由预设生成新的实体
public class SpawnerAuthoring_FromEntity : MonoBehaviour, IDeclareReferencedPrefabs, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
public GameObject Prefab;
public int CountX;
public int CountY;
// Referenced prefabs have to be declared so that the conversion system knows about them ahead of time
/// IDeclareReferencedPrefabs接口的实现,声明引用的预设,好让转化系统提前知道它们的存在
/// 引用的预设
public void DeclareReferencedPrefabs(List<GameObject> referencedPrefabs)
// Lets you convert the editor data representation to the entity optimal runtime representation
/// 我们将编辑器的数据表述转化成实体最佳的运行时表述
/// 实体
/// 目标实体管理器
/// 转化系统
public void Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
var spawnerData = new Spawner_FromEntity
// The referenced prefab will be converted due to DeclareReferencedPrefabs.
// So here we simply map the game object to an entity reference to that prefab.
Prefab = conversionSystem.GetPrimaryEntity(Prefab),
CountX = CountX,
CountY = CountY
dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, spawnerData);
/// 我是Spawner的组件,我只储存数据
public struct Spawner_FromEntity : IComponentData
public int CountX;
public int CountY;
public Entity Prefab;
// JobComponentSystems can run on worker threads.
// However, creating and removing Entities can only be done on the main thread to prevent race conditions.
// The system uses an EntityCommandBuffer to defer tasks that can't be done inside the Job.
/// 任务组件系统(JobComponentSystems)可以在工作线程上运行,但是创建和移除实体只能在主线程上做,从而防止线程之间的竞争
/// Jobs系统使用一个实体命令缓存(EntityCommandBuffer)来延迟那些不能在任务系统内完成的任务。
public class SpawnerSystem_FromEntity : JobComponentSystem
// BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem is used to create a command buffer which will then be played back
// when that barrier system executes.
// Though the instantiation command is recorded in the SpawnJob, it's not actually processed (or "played back")
// until the corresponding EntityCommandBufferSystem is updated. To ensure that the transform system has a chance
// to run on the newly-spawned entities before they're rendered for the first time, the SpawnerSystem_FromEntity
// will use the BeginSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem to play back its commands. This introduces a one-frame lag
// between recording the commands and instantiating the entities, but in practice this is usually not noticeable.
/// 开始初始化实体命令缓存系统(BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem)被用来创建一个命令缓存,
/// 这个命令缓存将在阻塞系统执行时被回放。虽然初始化命令在生成任务(SpawnJob)中被记录下来,
/// 它并非真正地被执行(或“回放”)直到相应的实体命令缓存系统(EntityCommandBufferSystem)被更新。
/// 为了确保transform系统有机会在新生的实体初次被渲染之前运行,SpawnerSystem_FromEntity将使用
/// 开始模拟实体命令缓存系统(BeginSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem)来回放其命令。
/// 这就导致了在记录命令和初始化实体之间一帧的延迟,但是该延迟实际通常被忽略掉。
BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem m_EntityCommandBufferSystem;
/// 在这个字段中缓存BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem,这样我们就不需要每一帧去创建
protected override void OnCreate()
// Cache the BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem in a field, so we don't have to create it every frame
m_EntityCommandBufferSystem = World.GetOrCreateSystem<BeginInitializationEntityCommandBufferSystem>();
/// 生成实体任务,实现了IJobForEachWithEntity接口
struct SpawnJob : IJobForEachWithEntity<Spawner_FromEntity, LocalToWorld>
/// 当前实体命令缓存
public EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent CommandBuffer;
/// 这里循环实例化实体
/// 实体
/// 索引
/// 生成器实体
/// 相对位置
public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref Spawner_FromEntity spawnerFromEntity,
[ReadOnly] ref LocalToWorld location)
for (var x = 0; x < spawnerFromEntity.CountX; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < spawnerFromEntity.CountY; y++)
var instance = CommandBuffer.Instantiate(index, spawnerFromEntity.Prefab);
// Place the instantiated in a grid with some noise
var position = math.transform(location.Value,
new float3(x * 1.3F, noise.cnoise(new float2(x, y) * 0.21F) * 2, y * 1.3F));
CommandBuffer.SetComponent(index, instance, new Translation {Value = position});
CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
/// 任务系统OnUpdate每帧调用
/// 输入依赖
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
//Instead of performing structural changes directly, a Job can add a command to an EntityCommandBuffer to perform such changes on the main thread after the Job has finished.
//Command buffers allow you to perform any, potentially costly, calculations on a worker thread, while queuing up the actual insertions and deletions for later.
// Schedule the job that will add Instantiate commands to the EntityCommandBuffer.
var job = new SpawnJob
CommandBuffer = m_EntityCommandBufferSystem.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent()
}.Schedule(this, inputDeps);
// SpawnJob runs in parallel with no sync point until the barrier system executes.
// When the barrier system executes we want to complete the SpawnJob and then play back the commands (Creating the entities and placing them).
// We need to tell the barrier system which job it needs to complete before it can play back the commands.
/// 我们需要告诉阻塞系统哪个任务需要在它能回放命令之前完成
return job;
ECS | Scripts | Interface |
Entity | RotationSpeedAuthoring_IJobForEach | IConvertGameObjectToEntity |
Component | RotationSpeed_IJobForEach | IComponentData |
System | RotationSpeedSystem_IJobForEach | JobComponentSystem |
ECS | Scripts | Interface1 | Interface2 |
Entity | SpawnerAuthoring_FromEntity | IConvertGameObjectToEntity | IDeclareReferencedPrefabs |
Component | Spawner_FromEntity | IComponentData | |
System | SpawnerSystem_FromEntity | JobComponentSystem |
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