区块链扩容技术 : Layer2

以太坊扩容技术汇总,目前扩容技术主要有:分片(Sharding)和 分层(链下扩容技术) 链下扩容技术主要有:状态通道( State Channels) 、侧链、链下计算。



  1. Part1 热门扩容项目
  2. Part2 其他扩容项目

在比特币闪电网络 也属于扩容技术,在比特币分类下 有单独介绍。

1.1. Plasma

Plasma 以太坊的二层扩容框架

  • learn-plasma 一个专门学习Plasma 的网站。
  • Plasma 论文
  • plasma 研究进展
  • 深入理解Plasma(一)Plasma 框架
  • 深入理解Plasma(二)Plasma 细节
  • 深入理解Plasma(三)Plasma MVP
  • 深入理解Plasma(四)Plasma Cash
  • plasma-core 文档

1.2. Loom Network

  • 项目官网
  • Github
  • Medium
  • Youtube
  • Loom SDK
  • 加密僵尸, Ethereum’s most popular DApp coding tutorial
  • Delegatecall

1.2.1. 博客

  • 用 Loom SDK 搭建的以太坊侧链并部署智能合约
  • 用 Loom SDK 搭建的以太坊侧链上运行 DApp

1.2.2. 英文博客

  • Everything You Need to Know About Loom Network, All in One Place (Updated Regularly)
  • Loom SDK Projects: Axie Infinity — Collect, Breed, and Battle Fantasy Pets on the Blockchain!
  • What is Loom Network (LOOM)?

1.2.3. 视频(需)

  • Loom Network AMA w/James Duffy
  • Loom Network (LOOM) - Crypto Fundamental Analysis
  • What is Loom Crypto? - DAppChains for Gaming?

1.3. Celer Network

  • 项目官网
  • Medium
  • GitHub
  • Youtube
  • 白皮书
  • 钱包

1.3.1. 英文博客

  • Celer Network:Bring Internet Scale to Every Blockchain
  • Celer Network MVP: The Most Advanced State Channel Full-Stack Solution
  • Celer Network Off-Chain Crypto Economics

1.3.2. 视频(需)

  • Celer Network Full Stack MVP Demo
  • Celer Network Layer-2 Crypto Economics Mechanism Design
  • SF Ethereum Developers Meetup - Celer Network with Mo Dong
  • Celer Network Review
  • aelf x Celer Network Community AMA
  • Celer Network Interview 1
  • Celer Network Interview 2
  • Celer Network Interview 3

1.4. Liquidity Network

  • 项目官网
  • GitHub
  • Medium
  • Youtube
  • iOS钱包
  • 安卓钱包
  • REVIVE Paper

1.4.1. 博客文章

  • Noucst 101
  • Liquidity Network Token Model
  • Liquidity Network Mobile App on Mainnet

1.4.2. 视频(需)

  • Liquidity Network Interview 1
  • Liquidity Network Interview 2
  • What is Liquidity Network
  • How Liquidity Wallet Work
  • A speech on Zurich ——Non-Custodial Financial Intermediaries
  • Liquidity.Network and REVIVE
  • Wallet Demo

1.5. 雷电网络 Raiden Network


  • 项目官网
  • Medium
  • GitHub
  • Reddit
  • Youtube
  • Etherscan
  • Raiden Network Docs
  • Official Raiden Network FAQ
  • Alpha Testing Version( Red Eyes )


  • µRaiden(micro-Raiden): unidirectional micropayment channels.
  • µRaiden Github
  • µRaiden Docs
  • µRaiden: Unidirectional Off-Chain Payment Framework - Loredana Cirstea :introduction of µRaiden,how it works,and a demo of µRaiden.

1.5.1. 英文博客

  • What is the Raiden Network?
  • Lightning Protocol & The Raiden Network: A Beginner’s Guide
  • Raiden Network: Vision, Challenges and Roadmap
  • Raiden Transport Explained
  • Raiden Network Token Launch Instructions
  • The Raiden Network Token Auction Explained
  • The Raiden Network Token Model
  • Raiden Network Developer Preview
  • µRaiden: Micropayments for Ethereum
  • Powering Micro-Transactions through the Raiden Network
  • Why Lightning and Raiden Networks Will Not Work
  • A faster “Visa”

1.6. POA Network

1.7. TrueBit

  • 解读 TrueBit (链下计算方案)白皮书
