Preprocessing: PCA and Whitening
PCA已经使得数据间的相关性降低,为使每个输入特征具有单位方差,用 1 λ i + ϵ 1\over\sqrt{\lambda_i+\epsilon} λi+ϵ1作为缩放因子( ϵ \epsilon ϵ用于正则化,防止分母为零,导致数据上溢到无穷,同时具有平滑即低通滤波作用),缩放每个特征 x r o t , i x_{rot,i} xrot,i,即PCA白化后的数据 x P C A w h i t e x_{PCAwhite} xPCAwhite满足:
x P C A w h i t e , i = x r o t , i λ i + ϵ , i 代 表 成 分 或 维 度 x_{PCAwhite,i}={x_{rot,i}\over\sqrt{\lambda_i+\epsilon}}, \space i代表成分或维度 xPCAwhite,i=λi+ϵxrot,i, i代表成分或维度
PCA白化后的数据已经具有单位协方差,ZCA白化是在PCA白化的基础上,左乘一个任意正交矩阵 R R R( R R T = R T R = I RR^{T}=R^{T}R=I RRT=RTR=I,也可以是旋转或反射矩阵),那么处理后的数据仍然具有单位协方差,在ZCA白化中,取PCA投影矩阵 R = U R=U R=U,则:
x Z C A w h i t e = U x P C A w h i t e x_{ZCAwhite}=Ux_{PCAwhite} xZCAwhite=UxPCAwhite
这种旋转使得 x Z C A w h i t e x_{ZCAwhite} xZCAwhite尽可能的接近原始数据 x x x。
avg = mean(x, 1);
x = x - repmat(x, 1);
sigma = cov(x', 1); % MATLAB function, '1' normalize with n
sigma = x*x'/size(x, 2); % or you can use this code
sigma =
0.0883 0.0733
0.0733 0.0890
[U, S, ~] = svd(sigma);
U =
-0.7055 -0.7087
-0.7087 0.7055
S =
0.1620 0
0 0.0154
xRot = U'*x;
xRot = U(:,1:k)'*x; % projecting to 1 dimension
xHat = U(:,1:k)*xRot; % projecting the xRot back
xPCAWhite = diag(1./sqrt(diag(S)+epsilon))*U'*x; % xPCAWhite_i = xRot_i/sqrt(lambda_i)
sigmaPCAWhite = cov(xPCAWhite', 1); % computes the covariance of PCAWhite data
sigmaPCAWhite =
0.9921 0.0066
0.0066 0.9937
xZCAWhite = U*diag(1./sqrt(diag(S)+epsilon))*U'*x; % xZCAWhite_i = U*xPCAWhite
sigmaZCAWhite = cov(xZCAWhite', 1); % computes the covariance of ZCAWhite data
sigmaZCAWhite =
0.9996 -0.0008
-0.0008 0.9863
C o v ( X , Y ) = E [ ( X − E [ X ] ) ( Y − E [ Y ] ) ] Cov(X,Y)=E[(X-E[X])(Y-E[Y])] Cov(X,Y)=E[(X−E[X])(Y−E[Y])],减去的均值应该是所有样本的均值。这样,对于图像块矩阵 x n × m \rm{x}_{n \times m} xn×m,其中, n n n为一个样本的特征维度即一个图像块拉成列向量的维度, m m m为图像块的数目,求其特征维上的协方差时,均值应该这样求: x ‾ = 1 m ∑ i = 1 m x ( i ) \overline{\rm x}={1\over m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}{{\rm x}^{(i)}} x=m1∑i=1mx(i),而教程中是这样求的: x ( i ) ‾ = 1 n ∑ j = 1 n x j ( i ) \overline{{\rm x}^{(i)}}={1\over n}\sum_{j=1}^{n}{{\rm x}^{(i)}_j} x(i)=n1∑j=1nxj(i),即每个块求均值。文中说我们对图像块的平均亮度值不感兴趣,所以可以减去这个值进行均值规整化。
So, we won’t use variance normalization. The only normalization we need to perform then is mean normalization, to ensure that the features have a mean around zero. Depending on the application, very often we are not interested in how bright the overall input image is. For example, in object recognition tasks, the overall brightness of the image doesn’t affect what objects there are in the image. More formally, we are not interested in the mean intensity value of an image patch; thus, we can subtract out this value, as a form of mean normalization.
一点说明:教程中叙述的与展示的实验结果图不一致:文中叙述的是 144 × 10000 144\times10000 144×10000的矩阵(与Wiki上的教程一致),实验数据集却是手写体 784 × 60000 784\times60000 784×60000,这里也用手写体数据,可以到THE MNIST DATABASE下载。
% avg = mean(x, 1);
% x = x - repmat(avg, size(x,1), 1);
x = bsxfun(@minus, x, mean(x,1)); % or this code
sigma = x*x'/m; % n-by-n
[u, s, ~] = svd(sigma);
xRot = u'*x;% n-by-m
covar = xRot*xRot'/m; % the mean of xRot is 0
lambda = diag(s);
lambda_sum = sum(lambda);
lambda_sumk = 0;
perc = 0;
k = 0;
while perc < 0.99
k = k + 1;
lambda_sumk = lambda_sumk + lambda(k);
perc = lambda_sumk / lambda_sum;
xDimk = u(:,1:k)'*x;
xHat = u(:,1:k)*xDimk;
epsilon = 1e-1;
xPCAWhite = diag(1./sqrt(diag(s)+epsilon))*u'*x;
xZCAWhite = u*diag(1./sqrt(diag(s)+epsilon))*u'*x;