ural1960Palindromes and Super Abilities(回文树)



After solving seven problems on Timus Online Judge with a word “palindrome” in the problem name, Misha has got an unusual ability. Now, when he reads a word, he can mentally count the number of unique nonempty substrings of this word that are palindromes.
Dima wants to test Misha’s new ability. He adds letters  s 1, ...,  s n to a word, letter by letter, and after every letter asks Misha, how many different nonempty palindromes current word contains as substrings. Which  n numbers will Misha say, if he will never be wrong?


The only line of input contains the string  s 1... s n, where  s i are small English letters (1 ≤  n ≤ 10 5).


Output  n numbers separated by whitespaces,  i-th of these numbers must be the number of different nonempty substrings of prefix  s 1... s i that are palindromes.


input output
1 2 3



using namespace std;
#define maxn 100080
#define N 26
char str[maxn];
struct Palidromic_Tree
	int next[maxn][N];//next指针,和字典树类似,指向的串为当前串两端加上同一个字符构成。
	int fail[maxn];//fail指针,失配后跳转到fail指针指向的节点
	int cnt[maxn];
	int num[maxn];
	int len[maxn];	//len[i]表示节点i表示的回文串的长度
	int S[maxn];	//存放添加的字符
	int last;		//指向上一个字符所在的节点,方便下一次add
	int n;			//字符数组指针
	int p;			//节点指针
	int newnode( int l )//新建节点
		for( int i = 0;i < N;++i )	next[p][i] = 0;
		cnt[p] = 0;
		num[p] = 0;
		len[p] = l;
		return p++;

	void init()//初始化
		p = 0;
		newnode( 0 );
		newnode( -1);
		last = 0;
		n = 0;
		S[n] = -1;
		fail[0] = 1;

	int get_fail( int x )//和KMP一样,适配后找一个尽量最长的
		while( S[n - len[x] - 1] != S[n] ) x = fail[x];
		return x;

	void add( int c )
		c -= 'a';
		S[++n] = c;
		int cur = get_fail( last );//通过上一个回文串找这个回文串的匹配位置
		if( !next[cur][c] )//如果这个回文串没有出现过,说明出现了一个新的本质不同的回文串
			int now = newnode( len[cur] + 2 );//新建节点
			fail[now] = next[get_fail(fail[cur])][c];//和AC自动机一样建立fail指针,以便适配后跳转
			next[cur][c] = now;
			num[now] = num[fail[now]] + 1;
		last = next[cur][c];
	void count()
		for(int i = p-1;i >= 0;--i)	cnt[fail[i]] += cnt[i];
int main()
	int len = strlen(str);
	for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
		//for(int j = 0;j < 3;j++)	puts("");
		if(i == len-1)	puts("");
		else printf(" ");
	return 0;
