原文: http://realisedream.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!3253B93FF5730097!149.entry
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
LineNote startnote = new LineNote( "1" );
LineNote note = startnote;
for( int i = 2; i<= 5 ;i ++ )
note.Next = new LineNote( i.ToString() );
note = note.Next;
note = startnote;
while ( note!=null )
System.Console.WriteLine( note.Note );
note = note.Next;
note = startnote;
LineNote temp = note;
while ( temp != null )
note = startnote;
if ( temp != startnote )
startnote = temp;
temp = temp.Next;
startnote.Next = note;
temp = temp.Next;
note.Next= null;
note = startnote;
while ( note!=null )
System.Console.WriteLine( note.Note );
note = note.Next;
static void Main(string[] args)
LineNote startnote = new LineNote( "1" );
LineNote note = startnote;
for( int i = 2; i<= 5 ;i ++ )
note.Next = new LineNote( i.ToString() );
note = note.Next;
note = startnote;
while ( note!=null )
System.Console.WriteLine( note.Note );
note = note.Next;
note = startnote;
LineNote temp = note;
while ( temp != null )
note = startnote;
if ( temp != startnote )
startnote = temp;
temp = temp.Next;
startnote.Next = note;
temp = temp.Next;
note.Next= null;
note = startnote;
while ( note!=null )
System.Console.WriteLine( note.Note );
note = note.Next;
class LineNote
public string Note;
public LineNote Next;
public LineNote( string note)
public string Note;
public LineNote Next;
public LineNote( string note)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ReverseList
public class ListNode
public class ListNode
private object data;
private ListNode next;
private ListNode next;
//constructor to create ListNode that refers to dataValue
//and in last node in list
public ListNode(object dataValue)
: this(dataValue, null)
//and in last node in list
public ListNode(object dataValue)
: this(dataValue, null)
//constructor to create ListNode that refers to dataValue
//and refer to next ListNode in List
public ListNode(object dataValue, ListNode nextNode)
data = dataValue;
next = nextNode;
//and refer to next ListNode in List
public ListNode(object dataValue, ListNode nextNode)
data = dataValue;
next = nextNode;
//property Next
public ListNode Next
return next;
next = value;
//property Data
public object Data
return data;
}//end of ListNode class
//class List definition
public class MyList
private ListNode firstNode;
private ListNode lastNode;
private string name; //string like "list" to display
public ListNode Next
return next;
next = value;
//property Data
public object Data
return data;
}//end of ListNode class
//class List definition
public class MyList
private ListNode firstNode;
private ListNode lastNode;
private string name; //string like "list" to display
//construct empty list with specified name
public MyList(string listName)
name = listName;
firstNode = lastNode = null;
public MyList(string listName)
name = listName;
firstNode = lastNode = null;
//construct empty list with "list" as its name
public MyList()
: this("list")
//return true if list is empty
public bool IsEmpty()
lock (this)
public MyList()
: this("list")
//return true if list is empty
public bool IsEmpty()
lock (this)
return firstNode == null;
//Insert object at the end of list.If List is empty,
//firstNode and lastNode will refer to same object.
//otherwise,lastNode's Next property refers to new node
public void InsertAtBack(object insertItem)
lock (this)
if (IsEmpty())
firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode(insertItem);
lastNode = lastNode.Next = new ListNode(insertItem);
//firstNode and lastNode will refer to same object.
//otherwise,lastNode's Next property refers to new node
public void InsertAtBack(object insertItem)
lock (this)
if (IsEmpty())
firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode(insertItem);
lastNode = lastNode.Next = new ListNode(insertItem);
//output list contents
virtual public void Print()
lock (this)
if (IsEmpty())
Console.WriteLine("Empty " + name);
virtual public void Print()
lock (this)
if (IsEmpty())
Console.WriteLine("Empty " + name);
Console.Write("The " + name + " is: ");
ListNode current = firstNode;
//output current node data while not at end of list
while (current != null)
Console.Write(current.Data + "");
current = current.Next;
while (current != null)
Console.Write(current.Data + "");
current = current.Next;
public void Reverse()
lastNode = firstNode;
ReverseInner(firstNode, null);
private void ReverseInner(ListNode head,ListNode pre)
ListNode node = head.Next;
head.Next = pre;
public void Reverse()
lastNode = firstNode;
ReverseInner(firstNode, null);
private void ReverseInner(ListNode head,ListNode pre)
ListNode node = head.Next;
head.Next = pre;
if (node != null)
ReverseInner(node, head);
firstNode = head;
ReverseInner(node, head);
firstNode = head;
}// end class List
}// end class List
//class EmptyListException definition
public class EmptyListException : ApplicationException
public EmptyListException(string name)
: base("The " + name + "is empty")
}//end class EmptyListException
class Program
public static MyList Create(int n)
MyList list = new MyList("Alpha");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
list.InsertAtBack((char)('A' + i));
return list;
public class EmptyListException : ApplicationException
public EmptyListException(string name)
: base("The " + name + "is empty")
}//end class EmptyListException
class Program
public static MyList Create(int n)
MyList list = new MyList("Alpha");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
list.InsertAtBack((char)('A' + i));
return list;
static void Main(string[] args)
MyList list = new MyList();
list = Create(6);
typedef char eleType; // 定义链表中的数据类型
typedef struct listnode { // 定义单链表结构
eleType data;
struct listnode *next;
typedef char eleType; // 定义链表中的数据类型
typedef struct listnode { // 定义单链表结构
eleType data;
struct listnode *next;
node *create(int n) { // 创建单链表,n为节点个数
node *p = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
node *head = p; head->data = 'A';
for(int i='B'; i<'A'+n; i++) {
p = (p->next = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)));
p->data = i;
p->next = NULL;
return head;
node *p = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
node *head = p; head->data = 'A';
for(int i='B'; i<'A'+n; i++) {
p = (p->next = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node)));
p->data = i;
p->next = NULL;
return head;
void print(node *head) { // 按链表顺序输出链表中元素
for(; head; head = head->next)
printf("%c ", head->data);
for(; head; head = head->next)
printf("%c ", head->data);
node *reverse(node *head, node *pre) { // 逆转单链表函数。这是笔试时需要写的最主要函数
node *p=head->next;
head->next = pre;
if(p) return reverse(p, head);
else return head;
node *reverse(node *head)
node *p = head->next;
head->next= NULL;
node *q;
for(node *ptr=p;ptr->next;ptr=q)
q= ptr->next;
ptr->next = p;
p = ptr;
ptr->next = p;
return ptr;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
node *head = create(6);
head = reverse(head);
node *p=head->next;
head->next = pre;
if(p) return reverse(p, head);
else return head;
node *reverse(node *head)
node *p = head->next;
head->next= NULL;
node *q;
for(node *ptr=p;ptr->next;ptr=q)
q= ptr->next;
ptr->next = p;
p = ptr;
ptr->next = p;
return ptr;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
node *head = create(6);
head = reverse(head);