P ( x , y ) = P ( y 1 ∣ s t a r t ) ∏ t = 1 L − 1 P ( y t + 1 ∣ y t ) P ( e n d ∣ y t ) ∏ t = 1 L P ( x t ∣ y t ) P(x,y)=P(y_1|start)\prod_{t=1}^{L-1}P(y_{t+1}|y_t)P(end|y_t)\prod_{t=1}^LP(x_t|y_t) P(x,y)=P(y1∣start)t=1∏L−1P(yt+1∣yt)P(end∣yt)t=1∏LP(xt∣yt)
P ( x , y ) ∝ e x p ( W ∗ ϕ ( x , y ) ) P(x,y) \varpropto exp(W * \phi(x,y)) P(x,y)∝exp(W∗ϕ(x,y))
而 ϕ ( x , y ) \phi(x,y) ϕ(x,y)的意思就是指对应的词x被标示词性y的次数,我们可以记做 N ( x , y ) N(x,y) N(x,y),那么其实对应于一句话如The dog ate the homework且其对应的标注为D N V D N我们可以得到他对应的 ϕ ( x , y ) \phi(x,y) ϕ(x,y)由两部分,第一部分是标签和字词间的关系,记录如下:
Part1 | Value |
D, the | 2 |
D, dog | 0 |
… | … |
N, the | 0 |
N, dog | 1 |
… | … |
V, the | 0 |
V, dog | 0 |
… | … |
Part2 | Value |
D, D | 0 |
D, V | 0 |
… | … |
N, N | 0 |
N, V | 1 |
… | … |
V, V | 0 |
V, D | 1 |
… | … |
对于给定的训练数据 ( X , Y ) {(X,Y)} (X,Y)我们期待找到一个最大的 w ′ w' w′来满足如下的公式:
w ′ = a r g m a x w O ( w ) O ( w ) = ∑ n = 1 N l o g P ( y ′ n ∣ x n ) = l o g P ( x n , y ′ n ) − l o g ∑ y ′ P ( x n , y ′ ) w' = argmax_wO(w)\\\\O(w) = \sum_{n=1}^N logP(y'^n|x^n) =logP(x^n,y'^n)-log\sum_{y'}P(x^n,y') w′=argmaxwO(w)O(w)=n=1∑NlogP(y′n∣xn)=logP(xn,y′n)−logy′∑P(xn,y′)
可以看到我们同时期望最大化在序列中出现过的序列组合也就是 l o g P ( x n , y ′ n ) logP(x^n,y'^n) logP(xn,y′n)而另外的我们也要最小化在文本中没有出现过的转移组合也就是 l o g ∑ y ′ P ( x n , y ′ ) log\sum_{y'}P(x^n,y') log∑y′P(xn,y′)
Δ w = N ( x n , y ′ n ) − ∑ y ′ P ( y ′ ∣ x n ) N ( x n , y ′ ) \Delta w = N(x^n,y'^n) - \sum_{y'}P(y'|x^n)N(x^n,y') Δw=N(xn,y′n)−y′∑P(y′∣xn)N(xn,y′)
import warnings
from itertools import zip_longest
from sklearn_crfsuite import CRF
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence, pad_packed_sequence
import torch.nn.functional as F
def Load_Data(filepath, build_dict=True):
# 读取对应的数据
wordlists = []
taglists = []
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
wordlist = []
taglist = []
for line in f:
if line != '\n':
# 如果不是回车符则属于同一句话
word, tag = line.strip('\n').split()
# 否则当作别的一段话添加到文档中
wordlist = []
taglist = []
if build_dict:
word2id = Build_Dict(wordlists)
tag2id = Build_Dict(taglists)
# 将字转换成对应的字典
return wordlists, taglists, word2id, tag2id
return wordlists, taglists
def Build_Dict(lists):
dic = {}
for list in lists:
list_set = set(list)
for letter in list_set:
if letter not in dic.keys():
dic[letter] = len(dic)
return dic
class HMM(object):
def __init__(self, N, M):
:param N: 状态数即对应的隐藏标注种类
:param M: 观测数即对应的字数
self.N = N
self.M = M
self.A = torch.zeros(N, M) # 状态转移矩阵
self.B = torch.zeros(N, M) # 发射概率矩阵
self.Pi = torch.zeros(N) # 初始状态矩阵
def train(self, word_lists, tag_lists, word2id, tag2id):
:param word_list: 列表,其中每个元素由字组成的列表,如 ['担','任','科','员']
:param tag_list: 列表,其中每个元素是由对应的标注组成的列表,如 ['O','O','B-TITLE', 'E-TITLE']
:param word2id: 将字映射为ID
:param tag2id: 字典,将标注映射为ID
assert len(word_lists) == len(tag_lists) # 用于判断对应的每一个观测状态是否都有对应的隐藏状态
# 统计概率转移矩阵
for tag_list in tag_lists:
# 统计状态转换矩阵
seq_len = len(tag_list)
for i in range(seq_len - 1):
current_tagid = tag2id[tag_list[i]]
next_tagid = tag2id[tag_list[i + 1]]
self.A[current_tagid][next_tagid] += 1
# 统计初始状态矩阵
init_tag = tag_list[0]
init_tagid = tag2id[init_tag]
self.Pi[init_tagid] += 1
# 估计发射概率矩阵
for i in range(len(word_lists)):
word_list = word_lists[i]
tag_list = tag_lists[i]
assert len(word_list) == len(tag_list)
for j in range(len(word_list)):
tag_list2id = tag2id[tag_list[j]]
word_list2id = word2id[word_list[j]]
self.B[tag_list2id][word_list2id] += 1
# 避免为0,添上一个极小数
self.A[self.A == 0] = 1e-10
self.A = self.A / self.A.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
self.Pi[self.Pi == 0] = 1e-10
self.Pi = self.Pi / self.Pi.sum()
self.B[self.B == 0] = 1e-10
self.B = self.B / self.B.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
def decoding(self, word_list, word2id, tag2id):
:param word_lists:
:param word2id:
:param tag2id:
# 将相乘转换成相加避免下溢
logA = torch.log(self.A)
logB = torch.log(self.B)
logPi = torch.log(self.Pi)
seq_len = len(word_list)
# 初始化维特比矩阵,维度(状态数*序列长度)
Viterbi = torch.zeros(self.N, seq_len)
# 解码回溯时使用
# backPoints[i, j]存储的是 标注序列的第j个标注为i时,第j-1个标注的id
backPoints = torch.zeros(self.N, seq_len)
# 计算初始的转换选择的概率为多少
BT = logB.t() # 将B转置
start_wordid = word2id.get(word_list[0], None)
if not start_wordid:
# 如果该词不在字典中则默认发射概率为均值
bt = torch.log(torch.ones(self.N) / self.N)
# 否则计算对应的词id,同时获取对应的B中可能转移到初始词的所有隐藏状态bt
bt = BT[start_wordid]
# 所有初始隐藏状态出现概率Pi 再加上 从初始隐藏状态发射到对应词和字的概率.
Viterbi[:, 0] = logPi + bt
backPoints[:, 0] = -1
# 递推公式: 维特比第step的tag_id的状态等于step-1步的所有隐藏状态,
# 乘以step-1步隐藏状态转移到step步的条件概率,
# 再乘以对应step步发射到对应词的条件概率
# Viterbi[tag_id, step] = max(Viterbi[: , step-1] * self.A.T()[tag_id] * Bt[word]
for step in range(1, seq_len):
word_id = word2id.get(word_list[step], None)
if not word_id:
bt = torch.log(torch.ones(self.N) / self.N)
bt = BT[word_id]
for tag_id in range(len(tag2id)):
max_prob, max_id = torch.max(Viterbi[:, step - 1] + logA[:, tag_id], dim=0)
Viterbi[tag_id, step] = max_prob + bt[tag_id]
backPoints[tag_id, step] = max_id
# 找到最后的标签并回溯
best_path_prob, best_path_pointer = torch.max(
Viterbi[:, seq_len - 1], dim=0
best_path_pointer = best_path_pointer.item()
best_path = [best_path_pointer]
for back_step in range(seq_len - 1, 0, -1):
best_path_pointer = backPoints[best_path_pointer, back_step]
best_path_pointer = int(best_path_pointer.item())
# 将标签转换成字词
assert len(best_path) == seq_len
id2tag = dict((id, tag) for tag, id in tag2id.items())
tag_path = [id2tag[id] for id in reversed(best_path)]
return tag_path
class CRFmodel(object):
def __init__(self):
self.model = CRF(algorithm='lbfgs',
# 该项用于选择是机器自动生成标签集合还是用我们自定义的
def train(self, sentences, tag_lists):
:param sentences:
:param tag_lists:
features = [self.seq2features(s) for s in sentences]
self.model.fit(features, tag_lists)
def test(self, sentences):
:param sentences:
:param tag_lists:
features = [self.seq2features(s) for s in sentences]
return self.model.predict(features)
# 定义为类方法,以便不必要生成实例去调用该方法
def word2features(self, seq, i):
word = seq[i]
prev_word = "" if i == 0 else seq[i - 1]
next_word = "" if i == (len(seq) - 1) else seq[i + 1]
# 因为每个词相邻的词会影响这个词的标记
# 所以我们使用:
# 前一个词,当前词,后一个词,
# 前一个词+当前词, 当前词+后一个词 五项作为特征
feature = {
'w': word,
'w-1': prev_word,
'w+1': next_word,
'w-1:w': prev_word + word,
'w:w+1': word + next_word,
'bias': 1
return feature
# 定义为类方法,以便不必要生成实例去调用该方法
def seq2features(self, seq):
return [self.word2features(seq, i) for i in range(len(seq))]
class BiLSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args):
super(BiLSTM, self).__init__()
self.args = args
# 将特定长的one—hot词向量转换成对应的输入维度
self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.args["vocabsize"], self.args["input_dim"])
# 定义LSTM网络的输入,输出,层数,是否batch_first,dropout比例,是否双向
self.BiLSTM = nn.LSTM(input_size=self.args["input_dim"],
# 添加线性层,双向记得将维度修改为2*hidden_dim.
self.Linear = nn.Linear(in_features=2 * self.args["hidden_dim"],
def forward(self, x, lengths):
# 此处的lengths对应的是batchx里面每一个的长度,故不能提前设定
embedding_x = self.embedding(x)
packed_x = pack_padded_sequence(embedding_x, lengths, batch_first=True)
packed_x, _ = self.BiLSTM(packed_x)
x, _ = pad_packed_sequence(packed_x, batch_first=True)
x = self.Linear(x)
# 到这里要将对应的几率转换成序列,默认是采用最大的一个序列作为输出.
return x
def test(self, x, lengths):
# test区别开训练和非训练的情况,可以使得不必要转换成对应的标签
x = self.forward(x, lengths)
_, tagid = torch.max(x, dim=2)
return tagid
def extend_maps(word2id, tag2id, for_crf=True):
# 用于对word2id和tag2id进行扩充
word2id['' ] = len(word2id)
word2id['' ] = len(word2id)
tag2id['' ] = len(tag2id)
tag2id['' ] = len(tag2id)
if for_crf:
word2id['' ] = len(word2id)
word2id['' ] = len(word2id)
tag2id['' ] = len(tag2id)
tag2id['' ] = len(tag2id)
return word2id, tag2id
def cal_lstm_loss(logits, targets, tag2id):
# logits是对应预测的结果,targets是对应的预测标签集合
PAD = tag2id.get('' )
assert PAD is not None
# 筛选掉所有的因为补位而插入的PAD,使其不参与最后的运算.
mask = (targets != PAD)
targets = targets[mask]
out_size = logits.size(2)
# unsqueeze添加第三个维度
mask = mask.unsqueeze(2)
# 同时扩展mask尺寸成维度[B,L,out_size]
mask = mask.expand(-1, -1, out_size)
# mask_select选择对应的被遮盖的元素出来.
logits = logits.masked_select(mask)
# 因为view需要tensor的内存是整块的 所以调用contiguous()连续存储
logits = logits.contiguous()
# 然后用View转变维度到二维
logits = logits.view(-1, out_size)
assert logits.size(0) == targets.size(0)
# 最后的targets维度[B*L],而logits则是维度为[B*L, outsize],调用后端计算值即可.
loss = F.cross_entropy(logits, targets)
return loss
class BiLSTM_CRF(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args):
super(BiLSTM_CRF, self).__init__()
# 设置一个前面的LSTM模型先。
self.BiLSTM = BiLSTM(args)
# CRF为对应的转移矩阵,维度[L,L],数字为1/output_dim
self.Transition = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(args["output_dim"], args["output_dim"]) * 1 / args["output_dim"])
def forward(self, x, lengths):
# x的维度是[B, L, output_dim],output_dim其实就是标签个数
x = self.BiLSTM(x, lengths)
batch_size, max_len, out_size = x.size()
# [B,L,output_dim,output_dim] + [1, output_dim, output_dim],
# 容易明白[1,output_dim,output_dim]其实是标签间相互转换的概率
crf_Score = x.unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, out_size, -1) + self.Transition.unsqueeze(0)
return crf_Score
def Decode(self, data, tag2id, lengths):
# 对应的是转换过后的tensor,标签转
start_id = tag2id['' ]
end_id = tag2id['' ]
pad = tag2id['' ]
tagset_size = len(tag2id) # 总共的标签数
crf_score = self.forward(data, lengths)
# 获取对应维度的信息:Batchsize, Length, Target
B, L, T, _ = crf_score.size()
# 记录最大转移概率的矩阵, viterbi[i, j, k]表示第i个句子,第j个字对应第k个标记的最大分数
viterbi = torch.zeros(B, L, T)
# 对应回溯计算标签时候的矩阵
backPointer = (torch.zeros(B, L, T).long() * end_id)
length = torch.LongTensor(lengths)
# 前馈过程
for step in range(L):
batch_size_t = (length > step).sum().item()
if step == 0:
# 起始转换状态。
viterbi[:batch_size_t, step, :] = crf_score[:batch_size_t, step, start_id, :]
# backpointer记录对应的标签状态
backPointer[:batch_size_t, step, :] = start_id
max_scores, prev_tag = torch.max(viterbi[:batch_size_t, step - 1, :].unsqueeze(2) +
crf_score[:batch_size_t, step, :, :], dim=1)
viterbi[:batch_size_t, step, :] = max_scores
backPointer[:batch_size_t, step, :] = prev_tag
# 回馈过程采用backPointer实现
backPointer = backPointer.view(B, -1) # 改变维度
tagids = [] # 记录最后的标签序列
tags_t = None
for step in range(L - 1, 0, -1):
batch_size_t = (length > step).sum().item()
if step == L - 1:
# 如果是最后一步
index = torch.ones(batch_size_t).long() * (step * tagset_size)
index += end_id
prev_batch_size_t = len(tags_t)
new_in_batch = torch.LongTensor([end_id] * (batch_size_t - prev_batch_size_t))
offset = torch.cat(
[tags_t, new_in_batch],
index = torch.ones(batch_size_t).long() * (step * tagset_size)
index += offset.long()
tags_t = backPointer[:batch_size_t].gather(
tags_t = tags_t.squeeze(1)
tagids = list(zip_longest(*reversed(tagids)), fillvalue=pad)
tagids = torch.Tensor(tagids).long()
return tagids
class Metrics:
def __init__(self, x, y, label):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.label = label
self.correctEntity = 0 # 正确预测出来的实体
self.labelEntity = 0 # 样本实体数
self.predictEntity = 0 # 识别实体数
def Cal_Entity(self):
# 计算对应的correctEntity,labelEntity,predictEntity三类实体的数目
assert len(self.y) == len(self.label)
for i in range(len(self.y)):
assert len(self.y[i]) == len(self.label[i])
# 逐个比对对应的标签状态
tem_predict = self.Split(self.x[i], self.y[i])
tem_label = self.Split(self.x[i], self.label[i])
for e in tem_predict:
if e in tem_label:
self.correctEntity += 1
self.labelEntity += len(tem_label)
self.predictEntity += len(tem_predict)
def F1_Measure(self):
presicion = self.correctEntity / self.predictEntity
recall = self.correctEntity / self.labelEntity
return (2 * presicion * recall) / (recall + presicion)
def Accuracy(self):
return self.correctEntity / self.predictEntity
def Split(self, x, y):
# 精确匹配分割对应的实体集
i = 0
strings = []
while i < len(y):
string = ""
if y[i][0] == 'B':
# 匹配到开头则分割词
while i < len(y) and y[i][0] != 'E':
string += x[i]
i += 1
string += x[i]
i += 1
if string:
return strings
def tensorized(batch, maps):
# batch是对应的文字,maps是对应的映射
PAD = maps.get('' )
UNK = maps.get('' )
# 排好序列的所以取第一个
max_len = len(batch[0])
batch_size = len(batch)
batch_tensor = torch.ones(batch_size, max_len).long() * PAD
for i, l in enumerate(batch):
for j, e in enumerate(l):
batch_tensor[i][j] = maps.get(e, UNK)
# batch各个元素的长度
lengths = [len(l) for l in batch]
return batch_tensor, lengths
def sort_by_lengths(word_lists, tag_lists):
# 按照长度从大到小排序好
pairs = list(zip(word_lists, tag_lists))
indices = sorted(range(len(pairs)),
key=lambda k: len(pairs[k][0]),
pairs = [pairs[i] for i in indices]
word_lists, tag_lists = list(zip(*pairs))
return word_lists, tag_lists # , indices
def prepocess_data_for_lstmcrf(word_lists, tag_lists, test=False):
# 将LSTM-CRF的数据尾部添上对应的
assert len(word_lists) == len(tag_lists)
for i in range(len(word_lists)):
word_lists[i].append("" )
if not test: # 如果是测试数据,就不需要加end token了
tag_lists[i].append("" )
return word_lists, tag_lists
def cal_lstm_crf_loss(crf_scores, targets, tag2id):
pad_id = tag2id.get('' )
start_id = tag2id.get('' )
end_id = tag2id.get('' )
# targets:[B, L] crf_scores:[B, L, T, T]
batch_size, max_len = targets.size()
target_size = len(tag2id)
# mask = 1 - ((targets == pad_id) + (targets == end_id)) 维度为:[B, L]
# 遮盖掉为pad也就是不参与计算的或者是为终止符号的
mask = (targets != pad_id)
lengths = mask.sum(dim=1)
targets = indexed(targets, target_size, start_id)
# 计算Golden scores方法1
# golden scores...高分的意思,也就意思是找出整个转移矩阵中最高分的排列...
targets = targets.masked_select(mask) # [real_L]
flatten_scores = crf_scores.masked_select(
mask.view(batch_size, max_len, 1, 1).expand_as(crf_scores)
).view(-1, target_size * target_size).contiguous()
golden_scores = flatten_scores.gather(
dim=1, index=targets.unsqueeze(1)).sum()
# 计算golden_scores方法2:利用pack_padded_sequence函数
# targets[targets == end_id] = pad_id
# scores_at_targets = torch.gather(
# crf_scores.view(batch_size, max_len, -1), 2, targets.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2)
# scores_at_targets, _ = pack_padded_sequence(
# scores_at_targets, lengths-1, batch_first=True
# )
# golden_scores = scores_at_targets.sum()
# 计算all path scores,整个过程类似于维特比算法。t时间都是基于t-1时间计算的.
# scores_upto_t[i, j]表示第i个句子的第t个词被标注为j标记的所有t时刻事前的所有子路径的分数之和
scores_upto_t = torch.zeros(batch_size, target_size)
for t in range(max_len):
# 当前时刻 有效的batch_size(因为有些序列比较短)
batch_size_t = (lengths > t).sum().item()
if t == 0:
# 第一步是直接复制所有初始步分数
scores_upto_t[:batch_size_t] = crf_scores[:batch_size_t, t, start_id, :]
# 将当前步的分数加到现在总计的分数里,为取消乘法,先取对数相加在取指数。
# 上一个时间步的cur_标记是此时间步的prev_标记
# 所以,广播PREV。timestep的cur_标记沿cur得分。时间步的cur_标记维度
scores_upto_t[:batch_size_t] = torch.logsumexp(
crf_scores[:batch_size_t, t, :, :] +
all_path_scores = scores_upto_t[:, end_id].sum()
# 训练大约两个epoch loss变成负数,从数学的角度上来说,loss = -logP
loss = (all_path_scores - golden_scores) / batch_size
return loss
def indexed(targets, tagset_size, start_id):
batch_size, max_len = targets.size()
for col in range(max_len - 1, 0, -1):
targets[:, col] += (targets[:, col - 1] * tagset_size)
targets[:, 0] += (start_id * tagset_size)
return targets
if __name__ == '__main__':
filedir = "/Users/XYJ/Downloads/LatticeLSTM-master/data/"
filenames = ["demo.train.char", "demo.test.char", "demo.dev.char"]
wordlists, taglists, word2id, tag2id = Load_Data(filedir + filenames[0]) # 对应的训练集标签样例
# 在获取测试集的时候是不需要获取对应的标签的因为可能存在标签集比原先小的情况
test_wordlists, test_taglists = Load_Data(filedir + filenames[2], build_dict=False) # 对应的测试样例的标签
# -----------------HMM训练
# MyHMM = HMM(len(tag2id), len(word2id))
# MyHMM.train(wordlists, taglists, word2id, tag2id)
# alltagpath = []
# for i in range(len(test_wordlists)):
# tagpath = MyHMM.decoding(test_wordlists[i], word2id, tag2id)
# alltagpath.append(tagpath)
# HMM_metrics = Metrics(test_wordlists, alltagpath, test_taglists)
# print("Accuracy:{}".format(HMM_metrics.Accuracy()))
# -----------------CRF训练
# MyCRF = CRFmodel()
# MyCRF.train(wordlists, taglists)
# alltagpath = MyCRF.test(test_wordlists)
# CRF_metrics = Metrics(test_wordlists, alltagpath, test_taglists)
# print(CRF_metrics.Accuracy())
# -----------------LSTM训练
# 添加特殊标识符和,因此必须在创建模型前拓展哦!
# word2id, tag2id = extend_maps(word2id, tag2id, for_crf=False)
# args = {
# "vocabsize": len(word2id), # 对应词个数
# "input_dim": 128, # 词向量嵌入维度
# "hidden_dim": 64, # 隐藏层的维度
# "num_layers": 1, # 层数
# "dropout": 0.1,
# "bidirectional": True, # 是否构成双向
# "output_dim": len(tag2id), # 对应标签的个数
# }
# # 定义损失函数,优化器
# MyLSTM = BiLSTM(args)
# optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(MyLSTM.parameters(), lr=0.02)
# 需要将文字wordlist按大小排序,方便后面转换
# wordlists, taglists = sort_by_lengths(wordlists, taglists)
# for epoch in range(10):
# loss = 0
# for ind in range(0, len(wordlists), BATCHSIZE):
# # 每次输入BATCHSIZE个句子同时因为已经按照句子长度排序了。故只取第一个为最大的。
# batch_sent, batch_tags = wordlists[ind:ind + BATCHSIZE], taglists[ind:ind + BATCHSIZE]
# # 再按照Batchsize逐个读入转换成对应的数字先
# tensorized_tensor, lengths = tensorized(batch_sent, word2id)
# # 同样转换对应的tags,两个lengths都一样的.
# targets, _ = tensorized(batch_tags, tag2id)
# # forward过程
# prediction = MyLSTM(tensorized_tensor, lengths)
# # 损失函数计算,梯度求导.----------------------------
# newloss = cal_lstm_loss(prediction, targets, tag2id)
# loss += newloss # 损失累加
# optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度置零
# newloss.backward() # 反馈
# optimizer.step()
# # 输出对应的epoch和损失
# print("epoch:{},loss:{}".format(epoch, loss))
# # 对应的预测结果
# tensorized_test_tensor, lengths = tensorized(test_wordlists, word2id)
# prediction = MyLSTM.test(tensorized_test_tensor, lengths)
# ------------Bi-LSTM+CRF模型
# 字典添加对应的和
word2id, tag2id = extend_maps(word2id, tag2id, for_crf=True)
# 句子添加上和
wordlists, taglists = prepocess_data_for_lstmcrf(wordlists, taglists)
# 测试数据同样处理.
test_wordlists, test_taglists = prepocess_data_for_lstmcrf(test_wordlists, test_taglists, test=True)
args = {
"vocabsize": len(word2id), # 对应词个数
"input_dim": 128, # 词向量嵌入维度
"hidden_dim": 64, # 隐藏层的维度
"num_layers": 1, # 层数
"dropout": 0.1,
"bidirectional": True, # 是否构成双向
"output_dim": len(tag2id), # 对应标签的个数
model = BiLSTM_CRF(args)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.02)
# 按长度排序
wordlists, taglists = sort_by_lengths(wordlists, taglists)
for epoch in range(10):
loss = 0
for ind in range(0, len(wordlists), BATCHSIZE):
# 每次输入BATCHSIZE个句子同时因为已经按照句子长度排序了。故只取第一个为最大的。
batch_sent, batch_tags = wordlists[ind:ind + BATCHSIZE], taglists[ind:ind + BATCHSIZE]
# 再按照Batchsize逐个读入转换成对应的数字先
tensorized_tensor, lengths = tensorized(batch_sent, word2id)
# 同样转换对应的tags,两个lengths都一样的.
targets, _ = tensorized(batch_tags, tag2id)
# forward过程
prediction = model(tensorized_tensor, lengths)
# 损失函数计算,梯度求导.----------------------------
newloss = cal_lstm_crf_loss(prediction, targets, tag2id)
loss += newloss # 损失累加
optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度置零
newloss.backward() # 反馈
# 输出对应的epoch和损失
print("epoch:{},loss:{}".format(epoch, loss))