
Whatever you think of them, it seems like Google is slowly conquering the World. But what happens when they finally claim victory, when the company owns absolutely everything? Show us life under a Google regime...

Google song search is pretty damn accurate...

That's the wonder of....

Rebranding the world...

It's rather costly to play...

Unfortunatly.....even Google can't help with everything.......

using alta vista? browsing from china? welcome to...

Google Earth + Google Moon =

# TV would certainly get boring...

# Do you think Bill would sell?

Million Dollar Homepage

# US armed Fooooooooorces

# the only porn site would be....

# Poorly dun
and surprised not bindun yet

# They'd even get the football TV rights

There would be no rivals...

Posted on behalf of my mate Dave

Day of the Google!

thank you, naive human. Now I can finish taking over the world! Hahahahaha!

G'(oooogle) Day, Possums

# Elton was delighted with the perks of his new sponsorship

If Google owned shock sites...

Don't search for porn - its all in St Peter's log files

The Goooooooosple

Rollins' spoken-word tours had never covered SQL before

This is the largest search engine in the world.

Google banking

Swift and a tad shit

You never know,
you might get a pleasant surprise...

no more MS!

So sorry.

Hmm. Guess the relationship with Mozilla would mature.

I guess it would....

For compo
I'm so sorry...

Anyone for a Googleburger?

Good Old Google!!

the pruddy buttons, paw!

unty, lucrative defence contracts don't have to be evil.
...or out of prototype

I wanna go there!

If google ruled the world...

Ignorance is not bliss

Not big, clever etc...

Another compo thing

Couldn't decide which of these was less shite. This:

or this:

Product placement gone horribly wrong...Retro-GOOGLE style!
...This one goes out to anyone that remembers sitting up the back of maths class surreptitiously listening to Eddie Murphy's 'Delirious' on your oft-confiscated walkman for the 1500th time!...Quick 'n ruff job (Oo-er!) - 'twas the first thing that came to mind when I thought 'Google'...for some reason.

So obvious, must have been done...


Google uk


I find this is more plausible than that creationism bollocks

Hopefully not bindun

If Google ruled 'Middle' Earth...

ooh - a post (down there) reminded me

They came in peace for all mankind.... and google

They would mess with nature

