原来使用google reader,结果改版后感觉特别别扭就转到有道阅读了,最近为了快速收取邮件,使用了Foxmail,然后看见下面有个rss功能,感觉还算不错,就像将有道阅读导入Foxmail,结果发现Foxmail弱爆了,竟然由于有道导出的xml的node的属性顺序不同导入后都成了文件夹,一个一个加也挺麻烦的,就想写个转换程序,反正比较简单,就是简单的换些属性的顺序。
#include#include #include <string> using namespace std; #include "rapidxml/rapidxml.hpp" #include "rapidxml/rapidxml_iterators.hpp" #include "rapidxml/rapidxml_print.hpp" #include "rapidxml/rapidxml_utils.hpp" using namespace rapidxml; #ifdef _UNICODE typedef wstring tstring; typedef wofstream tofstream; typedef wifstream tifstream; #define tcout wcout #else typedef string tstring; typedef ofstream tofstream; typedef ifstream tifstream; #define tcout cout #endif bool parseXml(xml_node * &pParentNode,tstring &strSwitched); bool ReadTheFile(tstring strFileFullPath,tstring& strReadContent); int _tmain(int argc,TCHAR *argv[],TCHAR *envp[]) { tcout.imbue(std::locale( "chs")); if (argc != 2) { tcout<<_T("参数有误")<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } tcout<<_T("正在读取文件......")<<endl; tstring strSrcFile = argv[1]; //文件名 //fetch the path tstring strDestFile; size_t nFound = strSrcFile.rfind(_T('/')); if (nFound == tstring::npos) { nFound = strSrcFile.rfind(_T('\\')); } if (nFound == tstring::npos) { strDestFile = _T("C:/switched.opml"); } else { strDestFile = strSrcFile.substr(0,nFound+1); tstring strName = strSrcFile.substr(nFound+1,tstring::npos); int nFind = strName.rfind(_T('.')); if (nFind == tstring::npos) { strDestFile = _T("C:/switched.opml"); } else { strName.replace(nFind,1,_T("_switched.")); strDestFile += strName; } } //end fetch the path tstring strRead; if (!ReadTheFile(strSrcFile,strRead)) { tcout<<_T("读取文件失败")<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } tcout<<_T("读取文件成功")<<endl; tcout<<_T("正在转换文件......")<<endl; xml_document xml; try { xml.parse<0>(const_cast (strRead.c_str())); } catch (...) { tcout<<_T("源文件格式有误!")<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } xml_node *pRootNode = xml.first_node(_T("opml")); if (pRootNode == NULL) { tcout<<_T("源文件格式有误!")<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } xml_node *pBodyNode = pRootNode->first_node(_T("body")); if (pBodyNode == NULL) { tcout<<_T("源文件格式有误!")<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } tstring strSwitched; xml_node *pOutlineNode = pBodyNode->first_node(_T("outline")); if (!parseXml(pOutlineNode,strSwitched)) { tcout<<_T("源文件格式有误!")<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } strSwitched = _T("\n \n\t\n\t\t ") + strSwitched; strSwitched += _T("\t\n"); xml_documentSubscription in Foxmail \n\t\n\t\nxmlSave; try { xmlSave.parse<0>(const_cast (strSwitched.c_str())); } catch (...) { tcout<<_T("转换失败!")<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } tstring szText; rapidxml::print(back_inserter<>(szText),xmlSave); tcout<<_T("转换成功!")<<endl; tofstream outStream(strDestFile.c_str(),ios_base::out | ios_base::binary); outStream<<szText; outStream.close(); tcout<<_T("保存文件在"); tcout< endl; system("pause"); return 0; } bool parseXml(xml_node * &pParentNode,tstring &strSwitched) { xml_attribute *pTextAttr = NULL; xml_attribute *pTitleAttr = NULL; xml_attribute *pXmlUrlAttr = NULL; xml_attribute *pHtmlUrlAttr = NULL; while (pParentNode != NULL) { pTextAttr = pParentNode->first_attribute(_T("text")); pTitleAttr = pParentNode->first_attribute(_T("title")); pXmlUrlAttr = pParentNode->first_attribute(_T("xmlUrl")); pHtmlUrlAttr = pParentNode->first_attribute(_T("htmlUrl")); if (pTextAttr != NULL && pTitleAttr != NULL) { if (pXmlUrlAttr == NULL) //文件夹 { if (pHtmlUrlAttr != NULL) //error { return false; } else { xml_node * pFistChild = pParentNode->first_node(_T("outline")); strSwitched += _T(" "); strSwitched += pTitleAttr->value(); strSwitched += _T("\" text=\""); strSwitched += pTextAttr->value(); strSwitched += _T("\">\n"); if (pFistChild == NULL) { strSwitched += _T(" \n"); } else { if (parseXml(pFistChild,strSwitched)) { strSwitched += _T("\n"); } else { return false; } } } } else //不是文件夹 { strSwitched += _T(""); strSwitched += pHtmlUrlAttr->value(); strSwitched += _T("\" xmlUrl=\""); strSwitched += pXmlUrlAttr->value(); strSwitched += _T("\" version=\"RSS\" type=\"rss\" title=\""); strSwitched += pTitleAttr->value(); strSwitched += _T("\" text=\""); strSwitched += pTextAttr->value(); strSwitched += _T("\"/>\n"); } } else { return false; } pParentNode = pParentNode->next_sibling(_T("outline")); } return true; } bool ReadTheFile(tstring strFileFullPath,tstring& strReadContent) { tifstream inStream(strFileFullPath.c_str(),ios_base::in | ios_base::binary); inStream.seekg (0, ios::end); int length = inStream.tellg(); inStream.seekg (0, ios::beg); TCHAR* pBuf = new TCHAR[length+1]; inStream.read(pBuf,length); inStream.close(); pBuf[length] = _T('\0'); strReadContent = pBuf; delete []pBuf; return true; }