用于更新Treepanel的Treeloader扩展 (mabello )

这个扩展是对Ext.tree.TreeLoader 的功能的增强,可以让TreePanel 通过不同ajax方式调用的数据对象。
用于更新Treepanel的Treeloader扩展 (mabello )_第1张图片

Extension goal:
The main goal of the extension is to extend the Ext.tree.TreeLoader so that you can update a TreePanel by manipulating normal "data object" that you can have loaded by an ajax call or in a different way. So you do not have to create an ad-hoc data to populate a TreePanel; it also help to understand better the public interface that a TreeLoader need to implement to be intagrated in the framework. (Attachment with code and examples at the bottom.)

Development history:

************** (24 April 2008)
* Version 0.2.3 *

===== Changed =====

-Internal refactoring

===== Changed =====


* Version 0.2.2 *

===== Added =====

Ext.tree.TreeNodeProvider class
-Added new class Ext.tree.TreeNodeProvider as a better alternative to the prevoius treeNodeProvider object

===== Added =====

===== Fixed =====

-Fixed load event, now it is correctly fired (if loadexception is not fired and beforeload does not return false of course, following the standard TreeLoader behaviour), thanks to tford for pointing out the bug

===== Fixed =====


* Version 0.2.1 *

===== Fixed =====
-Fixed load function, now call node.destroy(), thanks to mykes for his/her kind help, more info here http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14993
===== Fixed =====


* Version 0.2 *

===== Added =====

-Added getTreeNodeProvider: function()-> get the treeNodeProvider
-Added setTreeNodeProvider: function(newTreeNodeProvider)-> set a new treeNodeProvider

===== Added =====


* Version 0.1 *

-Initial release


Tutorial end previous explanations

Version 0.2.2 (examples are based on version 0.2.1)
FIX: load event is correctly fired (if loadexception is not fired and beforeload does not return false of course, following the standard TreeLoader behaviour), thanks to tford for pointing out the bug
ADDED: new class Ext.tree.TreeNodeProvider as a better alternative to the prevoius treeNodeProvider object.
You need to pass to the constructor the following configuration object:

cfg = {

dataobject //@optional, to preload data inside your TreeNodeProvider
getNodes: function(dataToElaborate//@mandatory

Example of use:

var treeNodeProvider = new Ext.tree.TreeNodeProvider({
function(dataToElaborate) //Here you process your data
                var nodeArray = [];//The tree structure used to refresh the TreePanel
                for(var i = 0; i < dataToElaborate.length; i++){
var folder = dataToElaborate[i];
var filesInFolder = folder.files;
//Create the parent node
                    var node = {
                        text: folder.name,
                        children: []

//Create the children node
                    for(var j = 0; j < filesInFolder.length; j++{
var fileName = filesInFolder[j];
var childNode = {
                            text: fileName,

//Set the children to the parent node

//Add the parent node to the nodeArray

//throw 'exception';
                //return the tree structure here
                return nodeArray;


Version 0.2.1
FIX: load function now call node.destroy(), thanks to mykes for his/her kind help, more info here http://extjs.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14993

Version 0.2
Added getTreeNodeProvider: function()-> get the treeNodeProvider
Added setTreeNodeProvider: function(newTreeNodeProvider)-> set a new treeNodeProvider
Version 0.1

The main goal of the extension is to extend the Ext.tree.TreeLoader so that you can update a TreePanel by manipulating normal "data object" that you can have loaded by an ajax call or in a different way (for example if you want to create a menu with the TreePanel, you can "hardcode" the data in your javascript and display them in the TreePanel without any server side call)

So for example, you can update a treeView manipulating an object like this one:

     var treeData1 = [

The core part you are interested in is actually the following part

// Create your treeNodeProvider; it is an object that must implement these 2 methods (must "honour" this interface methods) :
      //  setData(value)
      // getNodes(), returning the right structure that the treePanel can elaborate to refresh itself
      var  treeNodeProvider  =   {
            data: [],
//Property in which are set the data to elaborate
function() //Here you process your data
var nodeArray = [];//The tree structure used to refresh the TreePanel
                for(var i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++){
var folder = this.data[i];
var filesInFolder = folder.files;
//Create the parent node
                    var node = {
                        text: folder.name,
                        children: []

//Create the children node
                    for(var j = 0; j < filesInFolder.length; j++{
var fileName = filesInFolder[j];
var childNode = {
                            text: fileName,

//Set the children to the parent node

//Add the parent node to the nodeArray

//return the tree structure here
                return nodeArray;
function(data) {//Called internally by Ext.tree.MyTreeLoader by the method updateTreeNodeProvider
                this.data = data;
this//Could be useful to use when you elaborates data to switch the contextnot used in this example and it's not required

Every time you click to the refresh button in the example, I simulate to load different data, in our case the data we want to elaborate is a structure like the following:

//Data to load in the tree

var treeData1 = [
//Data to load in the tree
var treeData2 = [
In this case, at the beginning the tree is empty, but you can preload the data in the treeLoader if you remove the comment of this line in the example.


The rendering part is the same of a normal TreePanel, but the way you load the data is different and the work to refresh the tree is this:

var rootNode = treePanel.getRootNode();//get the root node
var loader = treePanel.getLoader();//Get the loader, note that is of type MyTreeLoader
loader.updateTreeNodeProvider(treeData2);//update the treeNodeProvider associated to the    loder, but you DON't reload the TreePanel yet!!!
loader.load(rootNode);//Actually refresh the TreePanel UI 

In this way you can load the data in the way you prefer and elaborate the data in getNodes function of the treeNodeProvider;
the data can be in the format you like but in getNodes method you need to return a structure that the treePanel can udertend to render itself.

Please feel free to contact me if something is not clear and give me suggestions and feedback so I can improve the code and the example.

I have found it very usefull in my application because you can load the data in the way you want (ajax call or in other way) and then elaborate the data in getNodes.


Now, I have updated the extension with these two methods:

getTreeNodeProvider: function(){

setTreeNodeProvider: function(newTreeNodeProvider) {
newTreeNodeProvider == null || (typeof newTreeNodeProvider =='undefined'))
'setTreeNodeProvider, newTreeNodeProvider == null || (typeof newTreeNodeProvider == undefined)';
this.treeNodeProvider newTreeNodeProvider;
Now, I have created an example in which I'm simulating some ajax calls and I'm actually using two different treeNodeProvider to reload my treePanel in different way (I really like it).

So here we are, first treeNodeProvider:

var treeNodeProvider = {
            data: [],
//Property in which are set the data to elaborate
function() //Here you process your data
var nodeArray = [];//The tree structure used to refresh the TreePanel
                for(var i = 0; i < this.data.length; i++){
var folder = this.data[i];
var filesInFolder = folder.files;
//Create the parent node
                    var node = {
                        text: folder.name,
                        children: []

//Create the children node
                    for(var j = 0; j < filesInFolder.length; j++{
var fileName = filesInFolder[j];
var childNode = {
                            text: fileName,

//Set the children to the parent node

//Add the parent node to the nodeArray

//return the tree structure here
                return nodeArray;
function(data) {//Called internally by Ext.tree.MyTreeLoader by the method updateTreeNodeProvider
                this.data = data;
this//Could be useful to use when you elaborates data to switch the contextnot used in this example and it's not required

The second treeNodeProvider

var treeNodeProvider2 = {
            data: [],
//Property in which are set the data to elaborate
function() //Here you process your data
                return  Ext.decode(this.data); 
function(data) {//Called internally by Ext.tree.MyTreeLoader by the method updateTreeNodeProvider
                this.data = data;
this//Could be useful to use when you elaborates data to switch the contextnot used in this example and it's not required

Simulating a first AjaxCall in which I'm using the first treeNodeProvider to refresh the tree with nodes:

var ajaxCallGetDataForTree = function(inputParameters){
"Loading data");

var ajaxCallbackGetDataForTree = function(){
//Simulating that I have received the response that is treeData2 from the callback of the ajaxCall
             var rootNode = treePanel.getRootNode();//get the rootnode
             var loader = treePanel.getLoader();//Get the loader, note that is of type MyTreeLoader
The second Ajax call, you probably are interested on this one, because I'm simulating to receive a Json string from the server (in the callback of the ajax call):
The response form the server is the following indeed:

var  serverResponseString  =   ' [{"text":"Ray Abad","id":"contacts\/11","cls":"file","leaf":"true","listeners": { "click": function(node, eventObject){ alert(node);}} },{"text":"Kibbles Bits","id":"contacts\/9","cls":"file","leaf":"true","listeners":"userNodeInterceptor"},{"text":"Johnny Bravo","id":"contacts\/18","cls":"file","leaf":"true","listeners":"userNodeInterceptor"},{"text":"Mike Bridge","id":"contacts\/13","cls":"file","leaf":"true","listeners":"userNodeInterceptor"},{"text":"Jane Brown","id":"contacts\/2","cls":"file","leaf":"true","listeners":"userNodeInterceptor"},{"text":"Jim Brown","id":"contacts\/19","cls":"file","leaf":"true","listeners":"userNodeInterceptor"}] '

The ajax call is:

var  ajaxCallGetDataForTree2  =   function (inputParameters) {
"Loading data");

var  ajaxCallbackGetDataForTree2  =   function () {
//Simulating that I have received the response that is treeData2 from the callback of the ajaxCall
             var rootNode = treePanel.getRootNode();//get the rootnode
             var loader = treePanel.getLoader();//Get the loader, note that is of type MyTreeLoader

Now, please take a look at the ttbar items, I'm using the following code:

"Click here to Refresh using treeNodeProvider",
//Simulating change the treeNodeProvider of the loader
                    var rootNode = treePanel.getRootNode();//get the rootnode
                    var loader = treePanel.getLoader();//Get the loader, note that is of type MyTreeLoader
//Simulating an ajax call
, {
"Click here to Refresh using treeNodeProvider2",
//Simulating change the treeNodeProvider2 of the loader
                    var rootNode = treePanel.getRootNode();//get the rootnode
                    var loader = treePanel.getLoader();//Get the loader, note that is of type MyTreeLoader
//Simulating a different ajax call

In the handler, before I simulate the ajax call, I set a different treeNodeProvider in the loader:


Of course, you can do that in the ajaxcall or in the ajaxCallback that could be better I think, but mine is only an example

If you want to preolad your tree, you need to use this line of code before creating the treeLoader (as you can see in the example):

myTreeLoader.updateTreeNodeProvider(treeData1);//if you want to "preload" the TreePanel with this data 

Thanks and keep up the good work with Ext!!!
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