第一部分 这部分参数仅用于由真实大气方案的预处理程序产生的输入数据 | ||
&time_control | 说明 | 理解 |
run_days = 0, | 模式运行时长,例如模式运行36小时,有多种表示方式:(1)run_days=1,run_hours=12; (2)run_days=0,run_hours=36。默认都为0的话,运行7days |
run_hours = 0, | ||
run_minutes = 0, | ||
run_seconds = 0, | ||
start_year = 2016, 2016, 2016, | 开始时间(注意,参数选项名称后跟的 (max_dom) 是表示此参数需定义成嵌套形式) 可以取代前面的run_*配置 |
start_month = 12, 12, 12, | ||
start_day = 09, 09, 09, | ||
start_hour = 00, 00, 00 | ||
start_minute = 00, 00, 00 | ||
start_second = 00, 00, 00 | ||
end_year = 2016, 2016, 2016, | 结束时间 | |
end_month = 12, 12, 12, | ||
end_day = 17, 17, 17, | ||
end_hour = 00, 00, 00 | ||
end_minute = 00, 00, 00 | ||
end_second = 00, 00, 00 | ||
interval_seconds = 21600 | 前处理程序的两次分析时间之间的时间间隔,以秒为单位。也即模式的实时输入数据的时间间隔,一般为输入边界条件的文件的时间间隔(21600s=6h) | |
input_from_file = .true.,.true.,.true., | 嵌套初始场输入选项。嵌套时,指定嵌套网格是否用不同的初始场文件 | |
history_interval = 60, 60, 60 | 此参数指定模式结果输出的时间间隔,以分钟为单位 | |
frames_per_outfile = 24, 24, 24 | 此参数指定每一个结果文件中保存输出结果的次数,因此可以将模式结果分成多个文件保存,默认值为10 | |
restart = .false., | 指定模式运行是否为断点重启方式 | |
restart_interval = 1440, | 此参数指定模式断点重启输出的时间间隔,以分钟为单位 | |
io_form_history = 2 | 指定模式结果输出的格式, 2为netCDF格式 | |
io_form_restart = 2 | 指定模式断点重启输出的格式, 2为netCDF格式 | |
io_form_input = 2 | 指定模式初始场数据的格式, 2为netCDF格式 | |
io_form_boundary = 2 | 指定模式边界条件数据的格式, 2为netCDF格式,4为PHD5格式,5为GRIB1格式(目前没有后处理程序),1为二进制格式(目前没有后处理程序) | |
debug_level = 0 | 此选项指定模式运行时的调试信息输出等级。取值可为0,50,100,200,300 ,数值越大,调试信息输出就越多,默认值为 | |
/ | ||
第二部分 | ||
&domains | ||
time_step = 180, | 积分时间步长,为整数,单位为秒 | 如果想以60.3秒作为积分时间步长,那么可以设置time_step=60,time_step_fract_num=3,并且设置time_step_fract_den=10。其中time_step对应与时间步长的整数部分,time_step_fract_num/time_step_fract_den对应于时间步长的小数部分 |
time_step_fract_num = 0, | 实数型时间步长的分子部分 | |
time_step_fract_den = 1, | 实数型时间步长的分母部分 | |
max_dom = 3, | 计算区域个数,默认为1,如果使用嵌套功能,则大于1 | |
e_we = 136, 97, 112, | X方向(西-东)的终止格点值,通常为X方向的格点范围 | |
e_sn = 101, 79, 112, | Y方向(南-北)的终止格点值,通常为Y方向的格点范围 | |
e_vert = 30, 30, 30, | Z方向(垂直)的终止格点值,即全垂直eta层的总层数。垂直层数在各个嵌套网格中必须保持一致。 | |
p_top_requested = 5000, | pressure top (in Pa) to use in the model; must be available in WPS data | |
eta_levels = 1.000, 0.995, 0.983, 0.97, 0.954, | ||
0.934, 0.909, 0.88, 0.8341715, 0.7883431, | ||
0.7425146, 0.6966861, 0.6167657, 0.5439157, 0.4776143, | ||
0.417372, 0.3627303, 0.3132596, 0.2685581, 0.2282499, | ||
0.1919836, 0.1594311, 0.1302862, 0.1042633, 0.08109632, | ||
0.06053737, 0.04235569, 0.02633654, 0.01228005, 0. | ||
num_metgrid_levels = 48, | 来自WPS的metgrid的输入数据的垂直层次数。一般为WPS的三维变量的层数加上一层地面量,比如三维量是17层,那么总数应该是17+1=18层 | |
num_metgrid_soil_levels = 4, | ||
dx = 27000, 9000, 3000, | 指定X方向的格距 | |
dy = 27000, 9000, 3000, | 指定Y方向的格距 | |
grid_id = 1, 2, 3, | 计算区域的编号,一般从1开始 | |
parent_id = 0, 1, 2, | 嵌套网格的上一级网格编号,一般从0开始 | |
i_parent_start = 1, 71, 24, | 嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中X方向的起始位置 | |
j_parent_start = 1, 44, 30, | 嵌套网格的左下角(LLC)在上一级网格(母网格)中Y方向的起始位置 | |
parent_grid_ratio = 1, 3, 3, | ||
parent_time_step_ratio = 1, 3, 3, | ||
feedback = 1, | 嵌套时,嵌套网格向母网格得反馈作用。设置为0时,无反馈作用。而反馈作用也只有在母网格和子网格的网格比例(parent_grid_ratio)为奇数时才起作用 | |
smooth_option = 0 | 向上一级网格(母网格)反馈的平滑选项,只有设置了反馈选项为1时才起作用的。0: 不平滑; 1: 1-2-1 平滑; 2: smoothing-desmoothing | |
/ | ||
第三部分:虽然不同的嵌套网格可以使用不同的物理方案,但必须注意每种方案的使用条件和范围 | ||
&physics | ||
mp_physics = 10, 10, 10, | ||
ra_lw_physics = 4, 4, 4, | ||
ra_sw_physics = 4, 4, 4, | ||
radt = 20, 20, 20, | ||
sf_sfclay_physics = 2, 2, 2, | ||
sf_surface_physics = 2, 2, 2, | ||
bl_pbl_physics = 2, 2, 2, | ||
bldt = 0, 0, 0, | ||
cu_physics = 1, 1, 0, | ||
cudt = 5, 5, 5, | ||
isfflx = 1, | ||
ifsnow = 1, | ||
icloud = 1, | ||
surface_input_source = 1, | ||
num_soil_layers = 4, | ||
sf_urban_physics = 0, 1, 1, | ||
/ | ||
&fdda | ||
/ | ||
&dynamics | ||
w_damping = 1, | ||
diff_opt = 1, | ||
km_opt = 4, | ||
diff_6th_opt = 2, 2, 2, | ||
diff_6th_factor = 0.12, 0.12, 0.12 | ||
base_temp = 290. | ||
damp_opt = 3, | ||
zdamp = 5000., 5000., 5000., | ||
dampcoef = 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, | ||
khdif = 0, 0, 0, | ||
kvdif = 0, 0, 0, | ||
non_hydrostatic = .true., | ||
moist_adv_opt = 2, 2, 2, | ||
scalar_adv_opt = 2, 2, 2, | ||
/ | ||
&bdy_control | ||
spec_bdy_width = 5, | ||
spec_zone = 1, | ||
relax_zone = 4, | ||
specified = .true., .false., .false., | ||
nested = .false., .true., .true., | ||
/ | ||
&grib2 | ||
/ | ||
&namelist_quilt | ||
nio_tasks_per_group = 0, | ||
nio_groups = 1, | ||
/ | ||
Description of Namelist Variables
The following is a description of the namelist variables. The variables that are a function of nests are indicated by (max_dom) following the variable.
Variable Names | Input Option | Description |
&time_control | options for time control | |
run_days | 1 | run time in days |
run_hours | 0 | run time in hours *note: if it is more than 1 day, you may use both run_days and run_hours or just run_hours. e.g. if the total run length is 36 hrs, you may set run_days = 1, and run_hours = 12, or run_days = 0, and run_hours = 36 |
run_minutes | 0 | run time in minutes |
run_seconds | 0 | run time in seconds |
start_year (max_dom) | 2012 | 4 digit year of starting time |
start_month (max_dom) | 06 | 2 digit month of starting time |
start_day (max_dom) | 11 | 2 digit day of starting time |
start_hour (max_dom) | 12 | 2 digit hour of starting time |
start_minute (max_dom) | 00 | 2 digit minute of starting time |
start_second (max_dom) | 00 | 2 digit second of starting time *note: the start time is used to name the first wrfout file. It also controls the start time for nest domains, and the time to restart |
end_year (max_dom) | 2012 | 4 digit year of ending time |
end_month (max_dom) | 06 | 2 digit month of ending time |
end_day (max_dom) | 12 | 2 digit day of ending time |
end_hour (max_dom) | 12 | 2 digit hour of ending time |
end_minute (max_dom) | 00 | 2 digit minute of ending time |
end_second (max_dom_ | 00 | 2 digit second of ending time *note: all end times also control when the nest domain integrations end. All start and end times are used by real.exe. You may use either run_days/run_hours/etc. or end_year/month/day/hour/etc. to control the length of model integration; but run_days/run_hours takes precedence over the end times. The program real.exe uses start and end times only |
interval_seconds | 10800 | time interval between the incoming real data, which will be the interval between the lateral boundary condition file (for real only) |
input_from_file (max_dom) | .true. | (logical); whether the nested run will have input files for domains other than domain 1 |
fine_input_stream (max_dom) | selected fields from nest input | |
0 | (default) all fields from nest input are used | |
2 | only nest input specified from input stream 2 (defined in the Registry) are used. In V3.2, this requires io_form_auxinput2 to be set | |
history_interval (max_dom) | 60 | history output file interval in minutes (integer only) |
history_interval_d (max_dom) | 1 | history output file interval in days (integer only); used as an alternative to history_interval |
history_interval_h (max_dom) | 1 | history output file interval in hours (integer only); used as an alternative to history_interval |
history_interval_m (max_dom) | 1 | history output file interval in minutes (integer only); used as an alternative to history_interval and is equivalent to history_interval |
history_interval_s (max_dom) | 1 | history output file interval in seconds (integer only); used as an alternative to history_interval |
frames_per_outfile (max_dom) | 1 | number of output times bulked into each history file; used to split output files into smaller pieces |
restart | .false. | (logical); whether this run is a restart |
restart_interval | 1440 | restart output file interval in minutes |
override_restart_timers (new since V3.5.1) | .false. | (default) uses all output intervals (including history) given by the wrfrst files |
.true. | uses restart output intervals given by the namelist | |
write_hist_at_0h_rst | .false. | (default) does not give a history file at the initial time of restart (prevents overwriting original history file at this time) |
.true. | gives a history file at the initial time of restart | |
reset_simulation_start | .false. | whether to overwrite the simulation start date with the forecast start time |
auxinput1_inname | "met_em.d |
(default); name of input file from WPS |
auxinput4_inname | "wrflowinp_d |
name of input file for lower boundary file; works with sst_update = 1 |
auxinput4_interval (max_dom) | 360 | file interval in minutes for lower boundary file; works with sst_update = 1 |
io_form_auxinput4 | 2 | IO format for wrflowinp files; required for V3.2; works with sst_update = 1 |
io_form_history | the format in which the history output file will be | |
2 | netCDF | |
102 | split netCDF files, one per processor *note: no supported post-processing software for split files | |
1 | binary format *note: no supported post-processing software available | |
4 | PHDF5 format *note: no supported post-processing software available | |
5 | GRIB1 | |
10 | GRIB2 | |
11 | parallel netCDF | |
io_form_restart | the format in which the restart output files will be | |
2 | nedCDF | |
102 | split netCDF files, one per processor (must restart with the same number of processors) | |
io_form_input | the format of the input files | |
2 | netCDF | |
102 | allows the program real.exe to read in split met_em* files, and write split wrfinput files. No split file for the wrfbdy file. | |
io_form_boundary | the format for the wrfbdy file | |
2 | netCDF format | |
4 | PHD5 format | |
5 | GRIB1 format | |
10 | GRIB2 format | |
11 | pnetCDF format | |
ncd_nofill | .true. | (default) only a single write, not the write/read/write sequence (new in V3.6) |
io_form_auxinput2 | IO format for input stream 2 data | |
2 | netCDF format | |
4 | PHD5 format | |
5 | GRIB1 format | |
10 | GRIB2 format | |
11 | pnetCDF format | |
diag_print | 0 | (default) When set to 1 or 2, it allows some simple diagnostic fields to be output |
1 | domain-averaged 3-hourly hydrostatic surface pressure tendency (Dpsfc/Dt), and dry-hydrostatic column pressure tendency (Dmu/Dt) will appear in stdout file. | |
2 | in addition to those listed above, domain-averaged rainfall, surface evaporation, and sensible and latent heat fluxes will be output in stdout file. | |
debug_level | 0 | giving this a larger value (50, 100, 200, etc.) increases the debugging print-outs when running WRF |
auxhist2_outname | "rainfall_d |
file name to write additional output to a different unit or output stream.. If not specified, auxhist2_d |
auxhist2_interval (max_dom) | 10 | the interval in minutes for the output |
io_form_auxhist2 | output format for using auxhist2 | |
2 | netCDF format | |
4 | PHD5 format | |
5 | GRIB1 format | |
10 | GRIB2 format | |
11 | pnetCDF format | |
frames_per_auxhist2 (max_dom) | 1000 | how many output times will be in each output file |
auxinput11_interval | 10 | interval in minutes for obs nudging input. It should be set as the same (or more) frequency as obs_ionf (with the unit of the coarse domain time step) |
auxinput11_end_h | 6 | end of the observation time (in hours), when using the diag_print option |
nocolons | .false. | when set to .true. this replaces the colons with underscores in the output file names |
write_input | .true. | write input-formatted data as output for 3DVAR application |
inputout_interval | 180 | interval in minutes when using the write_input option |
input_outname | "wrf_3dvar_input_d |
Output file name from 3DVAR |
inputout_begin_y | 0 | beginning year to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_begin_d | 0 | beginning day to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_begin_h | 3 | beginning hour to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_begin_m | 0 | beginning minute to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_begin_s | 0 | beginning second to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_end_y | 0 | ending year to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_end_d | 0 | ending day to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_end_h | 12 | ending hour to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_end_m | 0 | ending minute to write 3DVAR data |
inputout_end_s | 0 | ending second to write 3DVAR data |
*NOTE: The above example shows that the input-formatted data are output starting from hour 3 to hour 12 in a 180-min interval. | ||
all_ic_times | .false. | when set to .true., allows you to output a wrfinput file for all time periods |
adjust_output_times | .false. | (default); adjust output times to the nearest hour |
output_ready_flag (new since V3.6.1) | .true. | (default = .false.); when turned on, the model will write out an empty file with the name wrfoutReady_d |
output_diagnostics (new since V3.3.1) | 0 | turned off |
1 | 36 surface diagnostic arrays (max/min/mean/std) in the time interval are specified. The output goes to auxiliary history output stream 3 with default file name 'wrfxtrm_d |
nwp_diagnostics (new since V3.5) | 0 | turned off |
For automatic moving nests | ||
input_from_hires (max_dom) (new since V3.6) | .false. | When set to .true., high-resolution terrain and landuse will be used in the nests (requires special input data, and environment variable TERRAIN_AND_LANDUSE set at compile time). This optin will overwrite input_from_file option for nest domains. |
rsmas_data_path | “high-res-data-directory” | Directory path where the high-res data is |
1 | output 7 history-interval maximum or mean diagnostic fields in wrfout: 10 m surface wind max, max positive and negative w, max helicity in the 2-5 km layer, mean w, max column-integrated graupel | |
iofields_filename (max_dom) | "my_iofields_list.txt" | an option to request particular variables to appear in output, if they are not already, or to not appear if they do and you do not want them to. You must also create a text file (my_iofields_list.txt) in which you will declare the variables to be output. It will be a single line of text, e.g.: +:h:7:RAINC,RAINNC or -:h:0:RAINC,RAINNC |
ignore_iofields_warning | .true. | tells the model to continue if an error is encountered in the user-specified files |
.false. | tells the model to abort if an error is encountered in the user-specified files | |
&domains | dimensions, nesting, parameters | |
time_step | 60 | time step for integration seconds (recommended 6*dx in km for a typical case) |
time_step_fract_num | 0 | numerator for fractional time step |
time_step_fract_den | 1 | denominator for fractional time step. E.g., if you want to use 60.3 sec as your time step, set time_step = 60, time_step_fract_num = 3, and time_step_fract_den = 10. |
time_step_dfi | 60 | time step when setting dfi_opt = 1, may be different from the regular time step |
max_dom | 1 | the number of domains over which you are running |
s_we (max_dom) | 1 | start index in x (west-east) direction (leave as is) |
e_we (max_dom) | 91 | end index in x (west_east) direction (staggered dimension) |
s_sn (max_dom) | 1 | start index in y (south-north) direction (leave as is) |
e_sn (max_dom) | 82 | end index in y (south-north) direction (staggered dimension) |
s_vert (max_dom) | 1 | start index in z (vertical) direction (leave as is) |
e_vert (max_dom) | 30 | end index in z (vertical) direction (staggered dimension -- this refers to full levels). Most variables are on unstaggered levels. *Note: Vertical dimensions need to be the same for all nests |
dx (max_dom) | 30000 | grid length in x-direction (in meters) |
dy (max_dom) | 30000 | grid length in y-direction (in meters) |
ztop (max_dom) | 19000 | height in meters; used to define model top for idealized cases |
grid_id (max_dom) | 1 | domain identifier |
parent_id (max_dom) | 0 | ID of the parent domain |
i_parent_start (max_dom) | 1 | the starting lower-left corner i-indice from the parent domain |
j_parent_start (max_dom) | 1 | the starting lower-left corner j_indice from the parent domain |
parent_grid_ratio (max_dom) | 1 | parent-to-nest domain grid size ratio. *Note: for real data cases the ratio must be odd; for ideal data cases, the ratio can be even if feedback is set to 0. |
parent_time_step_ratio (max_dom) | 1 | parent-to-nest time step ratio; this can be different from the parent_grid_ratio |
feedback | 0 | no feedback |
1 | feedback from nest to its parent domain | |
smooth_option | 0 | no smoothing |
1 | 1-2-1 smoothing option for parent domain; used only with feedback=1 | |
2 | (default) smoothing-desmoothing option for parent domain; used only with feedback=1 | |
hypsometric_opt | 2 (default changed to 2 beginning V3.4) |
(default) computes height in program real.exe and pressure in the model (ARW only) by using an alternative method (less biased when compared against input data) |
1 | original method | |
max_ts_locs | 5 | maximum number of time series locations |
Options for Program real.exe | ||
num_metgrid_levels | 40 | number of vertical levels in WPS output (type ncdump -h on one of the met_em* files to find out this number) |
num_metgrid_soil_levels | 4 | number of soil levels or layers in WPS output (type ncdump -h on one of the met_em* files to find out this number) |
eta_levels | 1.0, 0.99, ...0.0 | model eta levels from 1 to 0. If not given, real will provide a set of levels |
force_sfc_in_vinterp | 1 | (default) use the surface level as the lower boundary when interpolating through this many eta levels |
0 | perform traditional trapping interpolation | |
interp_theta (new since V3.3.1) | .false. (default changed to .false. beginning V3.4) |
(default) vertically interpolates temperature (which may reduce bias when compared with input data) |
.true. | vertically interpolates potential temperature | |
p_top_requested | 5000 | pressure top (in Pa) to use in the model; must be available in WPS data |
interp_type | 2 | (default) vertical interpolation that is linear in log(pressure) |
1 | vertical interpolation that is linear in pressure | |
extrap_type | 2 | (default) vertical extrapolation of non-temperature variables, using the lowest level as constant below ground |
1 | vertical extrapolation of non-temperature variables, using the 2 lowest levels | |
t_extrap_type | vertical extrapolation for potential temp: | |
2 | (default) -6.5 K/km lapse rate for temperature | |
1 | isothermal | |
3 | constant theta | |
use_levels_below_ground | in vertical interpolation, whether to use levels below input surface level | |
.true. | (default) use input isobaric levels below input surface | |
.false. | extrapolate when WRF location is below input surface level | |
use_surface | .true. | (default) uses input surface level data in vertical interpolation |
.false. | do not use input surface data | |
lagrange_order | 2 (default changed to 2 beginning V3.4) |
(default) quadratic vertical interpolation order |
1 | linear vertical interpolation order | |
9 | Cubic spline | |
lowest_lev_from_sfc | .false. | (default) use traditional interpolation |
.true. | use surface values for the lowest eta (u,v,t,q) | |
sfcp_to_sfcp | .true | optional method to compute model's surface pressure when incoming data only has surface pressure and terrain, but not sea-level pressure (default is .false.) |
use_tavg_for_tsk | .true. | uses diurnally-averaged surface temp as skin temp. The diurnally-averaged surface temp can be computed using WPS utility avg_tsfc.exe. May use this option when SKINTEMP is not present (default is .false.) |
rh2qv_wrt_liquid (new since V3.3) | .true. | (default) computes qv with respect to liquid water |
.false. | computes qv with respect to ice | |
rh2qv_method (new since V3.3) | which method to use to computer mixing ratio from RH: | |
1 | (default) old MM5 method | |
2 | uses a WMO recommended method (WMO-No. 49, corrigendum, August 2000) | |
smooth_cg_topo | .true. | smooths the outer rows and columns of the domain 1 topography with respect to the input data (default is .false.) |
vert_refine_fact | 1 | vertical refinement factor for ndown (1 = same number of vertical levels as the coarse domain, 2 = double the vertical resolution, and so on) |
Options for Preset Moving Nest | ||
num_moves | 2 | total # of moves for all domains |
move_id (max_moves) | 2, 2, | a list of nest domain ID's, one per move |
move_interval (max_moves) | 60, 120, | time in minutes since the start of this domain |
move_cd_x (max_moves) | 1, -1, | the # of parent domain grid cells to move in the i-direction |
move_cd_y (max_moves) | -1, 1, | the # of parent domain grid cells to move in the j-direction (positive in increasing i/j directions, and negative in decreasing i/j directions. Only 1, 0, and -1 is permitted. |
Options for Automatic Moving Nest | ||
vortex_interval (max_dom) | 15 | how often the new vortex position is computed (in mins) |
max_vortex_speed (max_dom) | 40 | used to compute the search radius for the new vortex position (in m/s) |
corral_dist (max_dom) | 8 | how close the moving nest is allowed to get to the coarse grid boundary. This # sets the minimum limit of grid cells allowed between them. |
track_level | 50000 | pressure level value (Pa) at which the tropical storm vortex is tracked |
time_to_move (max_dom) | 0., | time (in mins) to start moving nest |
Options for Adaptive Time Step | ||
use_adaptive_time_step | .true. | use adaptive time step (default is .false.) |
step_to_output_time | .true. | modifies the time step so that the exact history time is reached |
target_cfl (max_dom) | 1.2., 1.2., 1.2., | if vertical CFL £ this value, then time step is increased |
target_hcfl (max_dom) (new since V3.3) | 0.84, 0.84, 0.84, | if horizontal CFL £ this value, the time step is increased |
max_step_increase_pct (max_dom) | 5, 51, 51, | percentage of previous time step to increase if the max CFL is £ target_cfl |
starting_time_step (max_dom) | -1, -1, -1, | flag -1 implies 6*dx is used to start the model. Any positive integer specifies the time step the model will use to start (in seconds). *Note: when use_adapative_time_step = .true., the value specified for time_step is ignored. |
starting_time_step_den (max_dom) (new since V3.6) | 0 | denominator for starting_time_step (so that fractional time step can be used) |
max_time_step (max_dom) | -1, -1, -1, | flag -1 implies the maximum time step is 3*starting_time_step. Any positive integer specifies the maximum time step (in seconds). |
max_time_step_den (max_dom) (new since V3.6) | 0 | denominator for max_time_step |
min_time_step (max_dom) | -1, -1, -1, | flag -1 implies the minimum time step is 0.5*starting_time_step. Any positive integer specifies the minimum time step (in seconds). |
min_time_step_den (max_dom) (new since V3.6) | 0 | denominator for min_time_step |
adaptation_domain | 1 | (default) specifies which domain to use to drive adaptive time stepping |
Options to Control Parallel Computing | ||
tile_sz_x | 0 | number of points in tile x direction (open MP only) |
tile_sz_y | 0 | number of points in tile y direction; can be determined automatically (open MP only) |
numtiles | 1 | number of tiles per patch (alternative to above 2 items; open MP only) |
nproc_x | -1 | (default) turned off; code will do automatic decomposition (MPI only) |
>1 | number of processors in x for decomposition (MPI only) | |
nproc_y | -1 | (default) turned off; code will do automatic decomposition (MPI only) |
>1 | number of processors in y for decomposition (MPI only) | |
Options for 3D Ocean Model | ||
ocean_levels | 30 | (default) number of ocean levels when using sf_ocean_physics = 2 |
ocean_z | (values for # of ocean_levels) | vertical profile of layer depth (m) for number of ocean_levels. See /run/README.namelist for more details. |
ocean_t | (values for # of ocean_levels) | vertical profile of ocean temps (K) for number of ocean_levels. |
ocean_s | (values for # of ocean_levels | vertical profile of salinity. |
&physics | ||
mp_physics (max_dom) | 0 | (default) no microphysics |
1 | Kessler scheme | |
2 | Lin et al. scheme | |
3 | WSM 3-class simple ice scheme | |
4 | WSM 5-class scheme | |
5 | Ferrier (new Eta) microphysics, operational High-Resolution Window | |
6 | WSM 6-class graupel scheme | |
7 | Goddard GCE scheme (also uses gsfcgce_hail and gsfcgce_2ice) | |
8 | Thompson graupel scheme (2-moment scheme in V3.1) | |
9 | Milbrandt-Yau 2-moment scheme | |
10 | Morrison 2-moment scheme | |
(new since V3.5) | 11 | CAM 5.1 5-class scheme |
(new since V3.3) | 13 | SBU_YLin, 5-class scheme |
14 | WRF double moment, 5-class scheme | |
16 | WRF double moment, 6-class scheme | |
(new since V3.4) | 17 | NSSL 2-moment 4-ice scheme (steady background CCN) |
(new since V3.4) | 18 | NSSL 2-moment 4-ice scheme with predicted CCN (better for idealized than real cases) |
(new since V3.5) | 19 | NSSL 1-moment, 6-class scheme |
(new since V3.5) | 21 | NSSL-LFO 1-moment, 6-class; very similar to Gilmore et al. 2004; can set intercepts and particle densities in physics namelist, e.g., nssl_cnor for NSSL 1-moment schemes, intercept and particle densities can be set for snow, graupel, hail, and rain. For the 1- and 2-moment schemes, the shape parameters for graupel and hail can be set. See /WRFV3/run/README.namelist file for specifics |
(new since V3.6) | 28 | aerosol-aware Thompson scheme with water- and ice-friendly aerosol climatology (new for V3.6); this option has 2 climatological aerosol input options: use_aero_icbs = .F. (use constant values), and use_aero_icbc = .T. (use input from WPS) |
(new since V3.6) | 30 | HUJI (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) spectral bin microphysics, fast version |
(new since V3.6) | 32 | HUJI spectral bin microphysics, full version |
95 | Ferrier (old Eta), operational NAM (WRF NMM) | |
98 | Thompson scheme in V3.0 | |
do_radar_ref (new since V3.4.1) |
0 | allows radar reflectivity to be computed using mp-scheme- specific parameters. Currently works for mp_physics = 2,4,6,7,8,10,14,16 0: off 1: on |
mp_zero_out | for non-zero mp_physics options, this keeps moisture variables above a threshold value ³0. An alternative (and better) way to keep moisture variables positive is to use the moist_adv_opt. | |
0 | (default) no action taken; no adjustment to any moisture field | |
1 | except for Qv, all other moisture arrays are set to zero if they fall below a critical value | |
2 | Qv ³ 0 and all other moisture arrays are set to zero if they fall below a critical value | |
mp_zero_out_thresh | 1.e-8 | critical value for moisture variable threshold, below which moisture arrays (except for Qv) are set to zero (unit: kg/kg) |
mp_tend_lim | 10. | limit on temp tendency from microphysics latent heating when radar data assimilation is used |
gsfcgce_hail | 0 | (default) running gsfcgce scheme with graupel |
1 | running gsfcgce scheme with hail | |
gsfcgce_2ice | 0 | (default) running gsfcgce scheme with snow, ice, and graupel/hail |
1 | running gsfcgce scheme with only ice and snow (gsfcgce_hail is ignored) | |
2 | running gsfcgce scheme with only ice and graupel (used only in very extreme situation; gsfcgce_hail is ignored) | |
The following 9 namelists are for NSSL 1-moment schemes | ||
nssl_alpha | 0 | shape parameter for graupel |
nssl_alphal | 2 | shape parameter for hail |
nssl_cnoh | 4.e5 | graupel intercept |
nssl_cnohl | 4.e4 | hail intercept |
nssl_cnor | 8.e5 | rain intercept |
nssl_cnos | 3.e6 | snow intercept |
nssl_rho_qh | 500. | graupel density |
nssl_rho_ghl | 900. | hail density |
nssl_rho_qs | 100. | snow density |
no_mp_heating | 1 | turn off latent heating from a microphysics scheme (0 is off and is default) |
ra_lw_physics (max_dom) | 0 | (default) no longwave radiation |
1 | rrtm scheme (Default values for GHG in V3.5: co2vmr=379.e-6, n2ovmr=319.e-9, ch4vmr=1774.e-9; Values used in previous versions: co2vmr=330.e-6, n2ovmr=0., ch4vmr=0.) |
3 | CAM scheme *Note: restart must be at 6-hourly interval; also requires levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1(2); see below |
4 | rrtmg scheme (Default values for GHG in V3.5: co2vmr=379.e-6, n2ovmr=319.e-9, ch4vmr=1774.e-9) |
(new since V3.3) | 5 | Goddard scheme |
(new since V3.4) | 7 | FLG (UCLA) scheme |
31 | Earth Held-Suarez forcing | |
99 | GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported); also must use co2tf = 1 for ARW | |
ra_sw_physics (max_dom) | 0 | (default) no shortwave radiation |
1 | Dudhia scheme (ptop > 50 mb) | |
2 | (old) Goddard shortwave scheme | |
3 | CAM scheme (restart must be at 6-hourly interval); must set levsiz, paerlev, cam_abs_dim1/2 | |
4 | rrtmg scheme | |
(new since V3.3) | 5 | Goddard scheme |
(new since V3.4) | 7 | FLG (UCLA) scheme |
99 | GFDL (Eta) longwave (semi-supported); must use co2tf = 1 for ARW | |
radt (max_dom) | 30 | minutes between radiation physics calls. Recommended 1 minute per km of dx (e.g. 10 for 10 km grid); use the same value for all nests |
swint_opt (new since V3.5.1) | Interpolation of shortwave radiation based on the updated solar zenith angle between radiation calls | |
0 | no interpolation | |
1 | use interpolation | |
ra_call_offset | 0 | default; call radiation after output time |
-1 | may call radiation just before output time. | |
co2tf | 1 | CO2 transmission function flag for GFDL radiation only. Set it to 1 for ARW, which allows generation of CO2 function internally |
* Note: The following 5 variables for CAM are automatically set since V3.2 | ||
cam_abs_freq_s | 21600 | default CAM clear sky longwave absorption calculation frequency (recommended minimum value to speed scheme up) |
levsiz | 59 | (default) number of ozone data levels for CAM radiation |
paerlev | 29 | (default) number of aerosol data levels for CAM radiation |
cam_abs_dim1 | 4 | (default) dimension for absnxt (absorption save array) in CAM radiation |
cam_abs_dim2 | same as e_vert | (default) dimension for abstot (2nd absorption save array) in CAM radiation |
o3input (new since V3.5) | ozone input option (RRTMG only) | |
0 | using profile inside the scheme | |
2 | using CAM ozone data (ozone.formatted) | |
aer_opt | aerosol input option (RRTMG only) | |
0 | off | |
(new since V3.5) | 1 | using Tegen climatology |
(new since V3.6) | 2 | using J. A. Ruiz-Arias method (see other aer* options) |
alevsiz | 12 | no of vertical levels in aerosol data. Value set automatically. |
no_src_types | 6 | no of aerosol types: organic and black carbon, sea salt, sulfate, dust and stratospheric aerosol (volcanic ash – currently 0). Value set automatically. |
0 | do not interpolate (default) | |
1 | interpolate | |
*The following aerosol options allow RRTMG and new Goddard radiation schemes to see it, but the aerosols are constant during the model integration | ||
aer_aod550_opt | 1 | (default) input constant value for AOD at 550 nm from namelist; in this case, the value is read from aer_aod550_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 5; it is a time-varying 2D grid in netcdf wrf-compatible format. | |
aer_aod550_val | 0.12 | (default) value to be used with aer_aod550_opt = 1 |
aer_angexp_opt | 1 | (default) input constant value for Angstrom exponent from namelist. In this case, the value is read from aer_angexp_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 5, as in aer_aod550_opt | |
3 | Angstrom exponent value estimated from the aerosol type defined in aer_type, and modulated with the RH in WRF. | |
aer_angexp_val | 1.3 | (default) value to be used with aer_angexp_opt = 1 |
aer_ssa_opt | 1 | (default) input constant value for single scattering albedo from namelist. In this case, the value is read from aer_ssa_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 5, as in aer_aod550_opt | |
3 | single scattering albedo value estimated from the aerosol type defined in aer_type, and modulated with the RH in WRF. | |
aer_ssa_val | 0.85 | (default) value to be used with aer_ssa_opt = 1 |
aer_asy_opt | 1 | (default) input constant value for asymmetry parameter from namelist. In this case, the value is read from aer_asy_val |
2 | input value from auxiliary input 5, as in aer_aod550_opt | |
3 | asymmetry parameter value estimated from the aerosol type defined in aer_type, and modulated with the RH in WRF. | |
aer_asy_val | 0.9 | (default) value to be used with aer_asy_opt = 1 |
aer_type | aerosol type to be used with the above aerosol options | |
1 | (default) rural | |
2 | urban | |
3 | maritime | |
sf_sfclay_physics (max_dom) | surface layer option | |
0 | (default) no surface-layer | |
(since V3.6; option 11 for V3.4 and V3.5) | 1 | Revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov scheme (Jimenez, renamed in v3.6) |
2 | Monin-Obukhov (Janjic Eta) scheme | |
3 | NCEP GFS scheme (NMM only) | |
4 | QNSE | |
5 | MYNN | |
7 | Pleim-Xiu (ARW only), only tested with Pleim-Xiu surface and ACM2 PBL | |
(new since V3.3) | 10 | TEMF (ARW only) |
(since V3.6; option 1 in earlier versions) | 91 | old MM5 surface layer scheme (previously option 1) |
iz0tlnd (new since V3.2) | switch to control land thermal roughness length | |
0 | (default) old, or non-vegetation dependent thermal roughness length over land | |
1 | veg dependent Chen-Zhang Czil | |
sf_surface_physics (max_dom) | land-surface option (set this before running real.exe; also make sure num_soil_layers is set correctly) | |
0 | (default) no surface temp prediction | |
1 | thermal diffusion scheme | |
2 | unified Noah land-surface model | |
3 | RUC land-surface model | |
(new since V3.4) | 4 | Noah-MP land-surface model (additional options under the &noah_mp section) |
(new since V3.5) | 5 | CLM4 (Community Land Model Version 4) |
7 | Pleim-Xiu scheme (ARW only) | |
(new since V3.4) | 8 | SSiB land-surface model (ARW only). Works with ra_lw_physics = 1, 3, or 4, and ra_sw_physics = 1, 3, or 4 |
sf_urban_physics | activate urban canopy model (in Noah LSM only) | |
0 | (default) off | |
1 | Single-layer, UCM | |
2 | Multi-layer, Building Environment Parameterization (BEP) scheme (works only with the MYJ and BouLac PBL) | |
3 | Multi-layer, Building Environment Model (BEM) scheme (works only with MYJ and BouLac PBL) | |
ua_phys (new since V3.5) | .false. | Option to activate UA Noah LSM changes to use a different snow-cover physics. Aimed toward improving treatment of snow as it relates to the vegetation canopy. |
num_soil_layers | number of soil layers in land surface model (set before running real.exe) | |
5 | (default) thermal diffusion scheme for temp only | |
4 | Noah land-surface model | |
6 | RUC land-surface model | |
10 | CLM4 land-surface model | |
2 | Pleim-Xu land-surface model | |
3 | SSiB land-surface model | |
bl_pbl_physics (max_dom) | boundary layer option | |
0 | (default) no boundary-layer | |
1 | YSU scheme; use sf_sfclay_physics =1 | |
2 | Mellor-Yamada-Janjic (Eta) TKE scheme; use sf_sfclay_physics=2 | |
3 | NCEP GFS scheme (NMM only); use sf_sfclay_physics=3 | |
4 | QNSE-EDMF; use sf_sfclay_physics=4 | |
5 | MYNN 2.5 level TKE; use sf_sfclay_physics=1, 2, or 5 | |
6 | MYNN 3rd level TKE; use sf_sfclay_physics=5 | |
7 | ACM2 (Pleim) scheme (ARW only); use sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 7 | |
8 | Bougeault and Lacarrere (BouLac) TKE; use sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 2 | |
(new since V3.3) | 9 | Bretherton-Park/UW TKE scheme; use sf_sfclay_physics=1 or 2 |
(new since V3.3) | 10 | TEMF scheme (ARW only); use sf_sfclay_physics=10 |
(new since V3.5) | 12 | GBM TKE-type scheme (ARW only); use sf_sfclay_physics=1 |
94 | Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination PBL scheme (to be removed in the future) | |
99 | MRF scheme (to be removed in the future) | |
mfshconv (max_dom) | 1 | turns on day-time EDMF for QNSE (0=off) |
bldt (max_dom) | 0 | minutes between boundary-layer physics calls (0=call every time step) |
topo_wind (max_dom) (new since V3.4) | turns on topographic surface wind correction, and requires extra input from geogrid. YSU PBL only | |
0 | off | |
1 | Jimenez method | |
2 | UW method | |
bl_mynn_tkebudget (max_dom) (new since V3.4.1) | 0 | (default) off |
1 | adds MYNN tke budget terms to output | |
bl_mynn_tkeadvect (max_dom) (new since V3.5) | .false. | (default) off; does not advect tke in MYNN scheme (default) |
.true. | do MYNN tke advection | |
0 | (default) turned off | |
scalar_pblmix (new since V3.6) | 0 | (default) off |
1 | mix scalar fields consistent with PBL option (exch_h) | |
tracer_pblmix (new since V3.6) | 0 | (default) off |
1 | mix tracer fields consistent with PBL option (exch_h) | |
sf_surface_mosaic (new since V3.6) | option to mosaic landuse categories for Noah LSM | |
0 | (default) use dominant category only | |
1 | use mosaic landuse categories | |
mosaic_lu (new since V3.4) | 1 | option to specify landuse parameters based on a mosaic approach, when using the RUC land surfce model; default is 0 (off) |
mosaic_soil (new since V3.4) | 1 | option to specify soil parameters based on a masaic approach, when using the RUC land surface model; default is 0 (off) |
mosaic_cat (new since V3.6) | 3 | (default) number of mosaic landuse categories in a grid cell |
grav_settling (max_dom) (new since V3.5.1) | gravitational settling of fog/cloud droplets (Now works for any PBL scheme, since V3.5.1) | |
0 | (default) no settling of cloud droplets | |
1 | settling from Dyunkerke 1991 (in atmosphere at at surface) | |
2 | Fogdes (vegetation and wind speed dependent; Katata et al. 2008) at surface, and Dyunkerke in the atmosphere | |
cu_physics (max_dom) | cumulus parameterization option | |
0 | (default) no cumulus parameterization | |
1 | Kain-Fritsch (new Eta) scheme | |
2 | Betts-Miller-Janjic scheme | |
(new since V3.5, replacing Grell-Devenyi scheme) | 3 | Grell-Freitas ensemble scheme |
(new to ARW since V3.3) | 4 | Old GFS Simplified Arakawa-Schubert (SAS) |
5 | New Grell scheme (G3) | |
(new since V3.3) | 6 | Tiedtke scheme (ARW only) |
(new since V3.3) | 7 | Zhang-McFarlane from CESM (works with MYJ and UW PBL) |
(new since V3.3) | 14 | New GFS SAS from YSU (ARW only) |
84 | New SAS (HWRF) | |
(option 3 before V3.5) | 93 | Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme |
99 | previous Kain-Fritsch scheme | |
cudt | 0 | minutes between cumulus physics calls; should be set to 0 when using all cu_physics except Kain-Fritsch (0 = call every time step) |
kfeta_trigger | 1 | The way to determines whether a grid point is convective; used only with cu_physics=1. = 1, default, original. |
(new since V3.3) | 2 | moisture-advection based trigger (Ma and Tan 2009; ARW only) |
3 | relative humidity-dependent | |
ishallow | 1 | shallow convection used with cu_physics=3 or 5 (default is 0 = off) |
shcu_physics (max_dom) | independent shallow cumulus option (not tied to deep convection) | |
0 | no independent shallow cumulus | |
(new since V3.3) | 2 | Park and Bretherton shallow cumulus from CAM5 |
(new since V3.5) | 3 | GRIMS scheme |
*Note: The following 5 options show recommended #'s. If you would like to use any other number, consult the code to understand what you are doing. | ||
maxiens | 1 | Grell-Devenyi and G3 only |
maxens | 3 | Grell-Devenyi only |
maxens2 | 3 | Grell-Devenyi only |
maxens3 | 16 | Grell-Devenyi only |
ensdim | 144 | Grell-Devenyi only |
cugd_avedx | 1 | (default) number of grid boxes over which subsidence is spread, for large grid distances |
3 | for small grid distances (DX < 5 km) | |
nsas_dx_factor (New since V3.6) | 0 | (default); off |
1 | nsas grid distance dependent option | |
cu_diag (max_dom) | 0 | Additional time-averaged diagnostics from cu_physics (use only with cu_physics=3,5,and 93) |
convtrans_avglen_m | 30 | averaging time for convective transport output variables (in minutes; only use with cu_physics=3,5 and 93) |
isfflx | heat and moisture fluxes from the surface for real-data cases and when a PBL is used (only works with sf_sfclay_physics=1, 5, 7, or 11) 1 = fluxes are on 0 = fluxes are off It also controls surface fluxes when diff_opt = 2 and km_opt = 3, and a PBL isn’t used 0 = constant fluxes defined by tke_drag_coefficient and tke_heat_flux 1 = use model-computed u* and heat and moisture fluxes 2 = use model-computed u* and specified heat flux by tke_heat_flux |
ifsnow | snow-cover effects (only works for sf_surface_physics=1) | |
1 | (default) with snow-cover effect | |
0 | without snow-cover effect | |
icloud (new since V3.6) | (default) cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation (only works with ra_sw_physics=1,4 and ra_lw_physics=1,4); since V3.6 this also controls the cloud fraction options | |
1 | (default) with cloud effect, and use cloud fraction option 1 (Xu-Randall mehod) | |
0 | without cloud effect | |
2 | with cloud effect, and use cloud fraction option 2 | |
cu_rad_feedback (max dom) | .true. | sub-grid cloud effect to the optical depth in radiation currently it works only for GF, G3, GD, and KF schemes; also need to set cu_diag = 1 for GF, G3, and GD schemes (default is .false. = off) |
swrad_scat | 1 | scattering tuning parameter; default 1 is 1.e-5 m-2 kg-1 (only for ra_sw_physics=1). Increase for more scattering. |
surface_input_source | where landuse and soil category data come from | |
1 | (default) WPS/geogrid, but with dominant categories recomputed in real | |
2 | GRIB data from another model (only if arrays VEGCAT/SOILCAT exist) | |
3 | use dominant land and soil categories from WPS/geogrid | |
pxlsm_smois_init (max_dom) | Pleim-Xu land-surface model soil moisture initialization option | |
0 | from analysis | |
1 | (default) from LANDUSE.TBL (SLMO, or moisture availability) | |
num_land_cat | number of land categories in input data | |
24 | (default) for USGS | |
20 | for MODIS | |
28 | for USGS if including lake category | |
21 | for MODIS if including lake category | |
40 | NLCD2006 (North America only) | |
num_soil_cat | 16 | number of soil categories in input data |
usemonalb | .true. | use monthly albedo map instead of table values (recommended for sst_update=1) |
.false. | (default) use table values | |
rdmaxalb | .true. | (default) use snow albedo from geogrid |
.false. | use snow albedo from table | |
rdlai2d (data available to use this option since V3.6) | .true. | use LAI (Leaf Area Index) from input data. If sst_update is 1, then LAI will also appear in wrflowinp file |
.false. | (default) use LAI from table | |
seaice_threshold | 100. (default value of 100 since V3.5.1; was 271 in earlier versions) |
If skin temp (TSK) is less than this value, water points are changed to sea ice. If water point + 5-layer slab scheme, set to land point and permanent ice; if water point + Noah scheme, set to land point, permanent ice, set temps from 2 m to surface, and set smois and sh2o. The default value was changed to 100. From 271. in 3.5.1 to avoid mixed-up use with fractional seaice input. Used by sf_surface_physics = 1,2,3,4,8 |
sst_update | option to use time-varying SST, seaice, vegetation fraction, and albedo during a model simulation (set before running real.exe) | |
0 | (default) no SST update | |
1 | real.exe will create wrflowinp file(s) at the same time interval as the available input data. These files contain SST, XICE, ALBEDO, and VEGFRA. Also set auxinput4_inname = "wrflowinp_d |
tmn_update | 1 | update deep layer soil temperature, useful for long simulations (multi-year runs; default is 0 = off) |
lagday | 150 | days over which tnm (deep layer soil temp) is computed using skin temperature |
sst_skin | 1 | calculate skin SST, useful for long simulations (multi-year runs; default is 0 = off) |
bucket_mm | bucket reset values for water accumulation (unit in mm), useful for long simulations (multi-year runs) | |
-1 | (default) inactive | |
bucket_j | bucket reset value for energy accumulations (unit in Joules); useful for long simulations (multi-year runs) | |
-1 | (default) inactive | |
slope_rad (max_dom) | 1 | use slope-dependent radiation; for ra_sw_physics |
0 | (default) off | |
topo_shading (max_dom) | 1 | applies neighboring-point shadow effects for ra_sw_physics |
0 | (default) off | |
shadlen | 25000 | maximum length of orographic shadow (in meters); use with topo_shading=1 |
sf_ocean_physics (replacing omlcall beginning with V3.5) |
activate ocean model | |
0 | off | |
1 | activate a simple ocean mixed layer (oml) model | |
(new since V3.5) | 2 | activate a 3D PWP ocean model |
omdt | 1. | 3D PWP time step (minutes). It can be set t the same as the WRF time step in corresponding nested grids, but omdt should be no less than 1.0 minute. |
oml_hml0 (for sf_ocean_physics=1) |
³ 0 | initial ocean mixed layer depth value (m); constant everywhere (50 is default) |
< 0 | use input | |
oml_gamma (for sf_ocean_physics=1) |
0.14 | (K m-1) lapse rate in deep water (below the mixed layer) for oml |
ocean_levels (for sf_ocean_physics=2) |
30 | number of vertical levels in 3D ocean model |
isftcflx | alternative Ck (exchange coefficient for temp and moisture), Cd (drag coefficient for momentum) formulation for tropical storm application | |
0 | (default) off for Ck | |
1 | Donelan Cd + constant Z0q for Ck | |
2 | Donelan Cd + Garratt Ck | |
fractional_seaice | 1 | treats seaice as a fractional field; works with sf_sfclay_physics = 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7 Also set seaice_threshold=0. |
0 | (default) either ice or no ice flag | |
seaice_albedo_opt (new since V3.4) | option to set albedo over sea ice | |
0 | seaice albedo is a constant value from namelist option seaice_albedo_default | |
1 | seaice albedo is a function of air temp, skin temp, and snow | |
2 | seaice albedo read in from input variable ALBSI | |
seaice_albedo_default | 0.65 (changed from 0.8) |
default value of seaice albedo for seaice_albedo_opt=0 |
seaice_snowdepth_opt (new since V3.5) | method for treating snow depth on sea ice | |
0 | snow depth on sea ice is bounded by seaice_snowdepth_min and seaice_snowdepth_max | |
1 | snow depth on sea ice read in from input array SNOWSI (bounded by seaice_snowdepth_min and seaice_snodepth_max) |
seaice_snowdepth_max | 1.e10 | maximum allowed accumulation of snow (m) on sea ice |
seaice_snowdepth_min | 0.001 | minimum snow depth (m) on sea ice |
seaice_thickness_opt | option for treating seaice thickness | |
0 | seaice thickness is uniform value taken from namelist variable seaice_thickness_default | |
1 | seaice_thickness is read in from input variable ICEDEPTH | |
seaice_thickness_default | 3.0 | default value of seaice thickness for seaice_thickness_opt=0 |
prec_acc_dt (max_dom) | 0. | bucket reset time interval between outputs for cumulus or grid-scale precipitation (in minutes). If set >0, this will output 3 new 2d fields: prec_acc_c, prec_acc_nc, and snow_acc_nc (descriptions of these can be found in the Registry.EM_COMMON file) |
traj_opt (new since V3.5) | 1 | activate forward trajectories (default 0) |
num_traj | 0 | number of trajectories to be released |
* The following are options for the lake model | ||
sf_lake_physics (max_dom) (new since V3.6) | 1 | lake model on (default is 0 = off) |
lakedepth_default (max_dom) | 50 | (default) lake depth (in meters). If there is no lake depth information in the input data, then lake depth is assumed to be 50m) |
lake_min_elev (max_dom) | 5 | (default) minimum elevation of lakes; may be used to determine whether a water point is a lake in the absence of a lake category. If the landuse type includes 'lake' (i.e., Modis_lake andn USGS_LAKE); this variable is of no effects |
use_lakedepth | 1 | (default) option to use lake depth data. Lake depth data is available beginning in the V3.6 geogrid program. If the lake depth data was not processed, but this switch is set to 1, the program will stop and tell the user to go back to geogrid program. |
lightning_option (max_dom) (new since V3.5) | Lightning parameterization option to allow flash rate prediction without chemistry. Requires do_radar_ref on. | |
0 | off |
1 | PR92 based on maximum w, redistributes flashes within dBZ > 20 (for convection resolved runs) | |
2 | PR92 based on 20 dBZ top, redistributes flashes within dBZ > 20 (for convection resolved runs) | |
(New since V3.6.1) | 3 | Predicting the potential for lightning activity (based on Yair et al., 2010) |
11 | PR92 based on level of neutral buoyancy from convective parameterization (for scale where a CPS is used, intended for use at 10 < dx < 50 km | |
lightning_dt (max_dom) (new since V3.5) | 0. | time interval (seconds) for calling lightning parameterization. Default uses model time step |
lightning_start_seconds (max_dom) (new since V3.5) | 0. | start time for calling lightning parameterization. Recommends at least 10 minutes for spin-up |
flashrate_factor (max_dom) (new since V3.5) | 1.0 | Factor to adjust the predicted number of flashes. Recommends 1.0 for lightning_option = 11 between dx=10 and 50 km. Manual tuning recommended for all other options independently for each nest. |
cellcount_method (max_dom) | method for counting storm cells. Used by CRM options (lightning_options=1,2) | |
0 | model determines method used |
1 | tile-wide, appropriate for large domains | |
2 | domain-wide, appropriate for sing-storm domains | |
cldtop_adjustment (max_dom) | 0. | adjustment from LNB in km. Used by lightning_option=11. Default is 0, but recommends 2 km |
iccg_method (max_dom) | IC:CG partitioning method (IC: intra-cloud; CG: cloud-to-ground) |
0 | Default method depending on lightning option, currently all options use iccg_method=2 by default | |
1 | Constant everywhere, set with namelist options iccg_prescribed (num|den)#, default is 0./1. (all CG) | |
2 | Coarsely prescribed 1995-1999 NLDN/OTD climatology based on Boccippio et al. (2001) |
3 | Parameterization by Price and Rind (1993) based on cold-cloud depth | |
4 | Gridded input via arrays iccg_in_(num|den) from wrfinput for monthly mapped ratios. Points with 0/0 values use ratio defined by iccg_prescribed_(num|den) |
iccg_prescribed_num (max_dom) | 0. | Numerator of user-specified prescribed IC:CG |
iccg_prescribed_den (max_dom) | 1. | Denominator of user-specified prescribed IC:CG |
For Wind Turbine Drag Parameterization | ||
windfarm_opt (new since V3.3) | 1 | simulates the effets of wind turbines in the atmospheric evolution (default is 0 = off) |
windfarm_ij (new since V3.3) | whether to use lat-lon or i-j coordinate as wind turbine locations | |
0 | (default) the coordinates of the turbines are defined in terms of lat-lon | |
1 | the coordinates of the turbines are defined in terms of grid points |
For Stochastic Kinetic-Energy Backscatter Scheme (SKEB; used to perturb a forecast) | ||
stoch_force_opt (max_dom) (new since V3.3) | 1 | Stochastic kinetic-energy backscatter scheme (SKEB) turned on (0=off) |
stoch_vertstruc_opt (max_dom) | 0 | constant vertical structure of random pattern generator |
1 | random phase vertical structure of random pattern generator | |
tot_backscat_psi | 1.0E-5 | controls amplitude of rotational wind perturbations |
tot_backscat_t | 1.0E-6 | controls amplitude of potential temperature perturbations |
nens | 1 | an integer that controls random number stream, which will then change the run. When running an ensemble, this can be ensemble member number, so that each ensemble member gets a different random number stream, hence a different perturbed run. |
new since V3.6: | ||
ztau_psi | 10800.0 | (default) decorrelation time of noise for psi perturb |
ztau_t | 10800.0 | (default) decorrelation time of noise for theta perturb |
rexponent_psi | -1.83 | (default) spectral slope of forcing for psi |
rexponent_t | -1.83 | (default) spectral slope of forcing for theta |
zsigma_eps | 0.833 | (default) variance of noise for psi perturb |
zsigma_eta | 0.833 | (default) variance of noise for theta perturb |
kminforc | 1 | (default) minimum forcing wavenumber in longitude for psi perturb |
lminforc | 1 | (default) minimum forcing wavenumber in latitude for psi perturb |
kiminforct | 1 | (default) minimum forcing wavenumber in longitude for theta perturb |
lminforct | 1 | (default) minimum forcing wavenumber in latitude for theta perturb |
kmaxforc | 1000000 | (default) maximum forcing wavenumber in longitude for psi perturb |
lmaxforc | 1000000 | (default) maximum forcing wavenumber in latitude for psi perturb |
kmaxforct | 1000000 | (default) maximum forcing wavenumber in longitude for theta perturb |
lmaxforct | 1000000 | (default) maximum forcing wavenumber in latitude for theta perturb |
&noah_mp | options for the Noah-MP land surface model ; see: | |
dveg | dynamic vegetation option | |
1 | off [LAI (Leaf Area Index) from table; FVEG (veg fraction) = shdfac (model variable for veg fraction)] | |
2 | on | |
3 | off (LAI from table; FVEG calculated) | |
4 | (default) off (LAI from table; FVEG = maximum veg. fraction) | |
opt_crs | stomatal resistance option | |
1 | (default) Ball-Berry | |
2 | Jarvis | |
opt_sfc | surface layer drag coefficient calculation | |
1 | (default) Monin-Obukhov | |
2 | original Noah | |
3 | MYJ consistent | |
4 | YSU consistent | |
opt_btr | soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance | |
1 | Noah | |
2 | CLM | |
3 | SSiB | |
opt_run | 1 | (default) TOPMODEL with groundwater |
2 | TOPMODEL with equilibrium water table | |
3 | original surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage) | |
4 | BATS (Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme) surface and subsurface runoff (free drainage) | |
opt_frz | supercooled liquid water option | |
1 | (default) no iteration | |
2 | Koren's iteration | |
opt_inf | soil permeability option | |
1 | (default) linear effect, more permeable | |
2 | non-linear effect, less permeable | |
opt_rad | radiative transfer option | |
1 | modified two-stream | |
2 | two-stream applied to grid cell | |
3 | (default) two-stream applied to vegetated fraction | |
opt_alb | ground surface albedo option | |
1 | BATS | |
2 | (default) CLASS (Canadian Land Surface Scheme) | |
opt_snf | precipitation partitioning between snow and rain | |
1 | (default) Jordan (1991) | |
2 | BATS; snow when SFCTMP < TFRZ+2.2 | |
3 | show when SFCTMP < TFRZ | |
opt_tbot | soil temp lower boundary condition | |
1 | zero heat flux | |
2 | (default) TBOT at 8 m from input file | |
opt_stc | snow/soil temperature time scheme | |
1 | (default) semi-implicit | |
2 | fully-implicit | |
&fdda | options for grid, obs and spectral nudging | |
(For Grid Nudging) | ||
grid_fdda (max_dom) | 0 | (default) off |
1 | grid analysis nudging on | |
2 | spectral analysis nudging option | |
gfdda_inname | "wrffdda_d |
name of fdda input file that will be produced when running real |
gfdda_interval_m (max_dom) | 360 | time interval (in mins) between analysis times |
gfdda_end_h (max_dom) | 6 | time (hr) to stop nudging after the start of the forecast |
io_form_gfdda | analysis data format | |
2 | netCDF format | |
4 | PHD5 format | |
5 | GRIB1 format | |
10 | GRIB2 format | |
11 | pnetCDF format | |
fgdt (max_dom) | 0 | calculation frequency (in mins) for anlaysis nudging; 0=every time step (which is recommended) |
if_no_pbl_nudging_uv (max_dom) | 0 | (default) nudging in the PBL |
1 | no nudging of u and v in the PBL | |
if_no_pbl_nudging_t (max_dom) | 0 | (default) nudging in the PBL |
1 | no nudging of temp in the PBL | |
if_no_pbl_nudging_q (max_dom) | 0 | (default) nudging in the PBL |
1 | no nudging of qvapor in the PBL | |
if_zfac_uv (max_dom) | 0 | (default) nudge u and v in all layers |
1 | limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_uv | |
k_zfac_uv | 10 | model level below which nudging is switched off for u and v |
if_zfac_t (max_dom) | 0 | (default) nudge temp in all layers |
1 | limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_t | |
k_zfac_t | 10 | model level below which nudging is switched off for temp |
if_zfac_q (max_dom) | 0 | (default) nudge qvapor in all layers |
1 | limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_q | |
k_zfac_q | 10 | model level below which nudging is switched off for qvapor |
guv (max_dom) | 0.0003 | nudging coefficient for u and v (s-1) |
gt (max_dom) | 0.0003 | nudging coefficient for temp (s-1) |
gq (max_dom) | 0.0003 | nudging coefficient for qvaopr (s-1) |
if_ramping | 0 | (default) nudging ends as a step function |
1 | ramping nudging down at the end of the period | |
dtramp_min | 60. | time (min) for ramping function; 60.0 = ramping starts at last analysis time, -60.0 = ramping ends at last analysis time |
grid_sfdda (max_dom) | 1 | surface grid-nudging on (default is 0=off) |
sgfdda_inname | "wrfsfdda_d |
defined name for surface nuding input file (from program obsgrid) |
sgfdda_interval_m (max_dom) | 360 | time interval (in mins) between surface analsysis times |
sgfdda_end_h (max_dom) | 6 | time (in hours) to stop surface nudging after start of the forecast |
io_form_sgfdda | 2 | surface analysis format (2=netCDF) |
guv_sfc (max_dom) | 0.0003 | nudging coefficient for u and v (s-1) |
gt_sfc (max_dom) | 0.0003 | nudging coefficient for temp (s-1) |
gq_sfc (max_dom) | 0.0003 | nudging coefficient for qvapor (s-1) |
rinblw | 250. | radius of influence used to determine the confidence (or weights) for the analysis, which is based on the distance between the grid point to the nearest obs. The analysis without nearby observation is used at a reduced weight. |
(For Spectral Nudging) | ||
fgdtzero (max_dom) | 1 | nudging tendencies are set to zero in between fdda calls |
0 | (default) not active | |
if_no_pbl_nudging_ph (max_dom) | 1 | no nudging of ph in the PBL |
0 | (default) nudging of ph in the PBL | |
if_zfac_ph (max_dom) | 0 | (default) nudge ph in all layers |
1 | limit nudging to levels above k_zfac_ph | |
k_zfac_ph | 10 | model level below which nudging is switched off for water ph |
gph (max_dom) | 0.0003 | nudging coefficient for ph (s-1) |
dk_zfac_uv (max_dom) | 1 | depth in k between k_zfac_uv to dk_zfac_uv where nuding increases linearly to full strength |
dk_zfac_t (max_dom) | 1 | depth in k between k_zfac_t to dk_zfac_t where nuding increases linearly to full strength |
dk_zfac_ph (max_dom) | 1 | depth in k between k_zfac_ph to dk_zfac_ph where nuding increases linearly to full strength |
xwavenum | 3 | top wave number to nudge in x-direction (0 is default) |
ywavenum | 3 | top wave number to nudge in y-direction (0 is default) |
(For Obs Nudging) | ||
obs_nudge_opt (max_dom) | 1 | obs-nudging fdda on for each domain (default is 0=off); also must set auxinput11_interval and auxinput11_end_h under &time_control |
max_obs | 150000 | max number of observations used on a domain during any given time windown (default is 0) |
fdda_start (max_dom) | 0. | obs nudging start time (min) |
fdda_end (max_dom) | 180. | obs nudging end time (min) |
obs_nudge_wind (max_dom) | 1 | nudge wind on |
0 | (default) off | |
obs_coef_wind (max_dom) | 6.e-4 | nudging coefficient for wind (s-1) |
obs_nudge_temp (max_dom) | 1 | nudge temperature on |
0 | (default) off | |
obs_coef_temp (max_dom) | 6.e-4 | nudging coefficient for temp (s-1) |
obs_nudge_mois (max_dom) | 1 | nudge water vapor mixing ratio |
0 | (default) off | |
obs_coef_mois (max_dom) | 6.e-4 | nudging coefficient for water vapor mixing ratio (s-1) |
obs_coef_pstr | 0. | nudging coefficient for surface pressure (s-1) (not used) |
obs_rinxy | 200. | horizontal radius of influence (km; 200 is a reasonable value, but should be adjusted, based on data density) |
obs_rinsig | 0.1 | vertical radius of influence in eta (0.1 is a reasonable value, but should be adjusted, based on data density) |
obs_twindo (max_dom) | 0.666667 | half-period time window over which an observation will be used for nudging (hrs) |
obs_npfi | 10 | frequency in coarse grid timesteps for diagnostic prints |
obs_ionf (max_dom) | 1 | frequency in coarse grid timesteps for obs input and err calc |
obs_idynin | 1 | for dynamic initialization using a ramp-down function to gradually turn off the FDDA before the pure forecast (default is 0=off) |
obs_dtramp | 40. | time period (mins) over which the nudging is ramped down from one to zero |
obs_prt_max | 1000 | maximum allowed obs entries in diagnostic printout |
obs_prt_freq (max_dom) | 1000 | frequency in obs index for diagnostic printout |
obs_ipf_in4dob | .true. | print obs input diagnostics (default is .false.=off) |
obs_ipf_errob | .true. | print obs error diagnostics (default is .false.=off) |
obs_ipf_nudob | .true. | print obs nudge diagnostics (default is .false.=off) |
obs_ipf_init | .true. | (default) enable obs printed warning messages |
obs_no_pbl_nudge_uv (max_dom) | 1 | no wind-nudging within the PBL |
0 | (default) wind-nudging within the PBL | |
obs_no_pbl_nudge_t (max_dom) | 1 | no temperature-nudging within the PBL |
0 | (default) temperature-nudging within the PBL | |
obs_no_pbl_nudge_q (max_dom) | 1 | no moisture-nudging within the PBL |
0 | (default) no moisture-nudging within the PBL | |
obs_nudgezfullr1_uv | 50 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 1, winds |
obs_nudgezrampr1_uv | 50 | vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, winds |
obs_nudgezfullr2_uv | 50 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, winds |
obs_nudgezrampr2_uv | 50 | vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, winds |
obs_nudgezfullr4_uv | -5000 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, winds |
obs_nudgezrampr4_uv | 50 | Vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, winds |
obs_nudgezfullr1_t | 50 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature |
obs_nudgezrampr1_t | 50 | Vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature |
obs_nudgezfullr2_t | 50 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature |
obs_nudgezrampr2_t | 50 | Vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature |
obs_nudgezfullr4_t | -5000 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature |
obs_nudgezrampr4_t | 50 | Vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature |
obs_nudgezfullr1_q | 50 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature |
obs_nudgezrampr1_q | 50 | Vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 1, temperature |
obs_nudgezfullr2_q | 50 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature |
obs_nudgezrampr2_q | 50 | Vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 2, temperature |
obs_nudgezfullr4_q | -5000 | Vertical influence full weight height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature |
obs_nudgezrampr4_q | 50 | Vertical influence ramp-to-zero height for LML obs, regime 4, temperature |
obs_nudgefullmin | 50 | minimum depth (m) through which vertical influence function remains 1.0 |
obs_nudgezrampmin | 50 | minimum depth (m) through which vert infl fcn decreases from 1 to 0 |
obs_nudgezmax | 3000 | max depth (m) in which vert infl function is non-zero |
obs_sfcfact | 1.0 | scale factor applied to time window for surface obs |
obs_sfcfacr | 1.0 | scale factor applied to horiz radius of influence for surface obs |
obs_dpsmx | 7.5 | max pressure change (cb) allowed within horiz radius of influence |
obs_sfc_scheme_horiz | horizontal spreading scheme for surface obs | |
0 | (default) WRF scheme | |
1 | original MM5 scheme | |
obs_sfc_scheme_vert | vertical spreading scheme for surface obs | |
0 | (default) regime vif scheme | |
1 | original scheme (simple scheme) | |
obs_max_sndng_gap | 20 | max allowed pressure gap between soundings for interpolation (cb) |
obs_scl_neg_qv_innov (new since V3.6) | 0 | 0: default behavior 1: prevent nudging toward negative Qv |
&dynamics | Diffusion, damping options, advection options | |
rk_ord | time-integration scheme option | |
2 | Runge-Kutta 2nd order | |
3 | (default/recommended) Runge-Kutta 3rd order | |
diff_opt (max_dom) | turbulence and mixing option | |
0 | no turbulence or explicit spatial numerical filters (km_opt is ignored) | |
1 | (default) evaluates 2nd order diffusion term on coordinate surfaces, uses kvdif for vertical diffusion unless PBL option is used, may be used with km_opt = 1 (recommended for real-data case) and 4 | |
2 | evaluates mixing terms in physical space (stress form) (x,y,z); turbulence parameterization is chosen by specifying km_opt | |
km_opt (max_dom) | eddy coefficient option | |
1 | (default) constant (use khdif and kvdif) | |
2 | 1.5 order TKE closure (3D) ** Not recommended for DX > 2 km | |
3 | Smagorinsky first order closure (3D) **Not recommended for DX > 2 km | |
4 | horizontal Smagorinsky first order closure (recommended for real-data case) | |
diff_6th_opt (max_dom) | 6th-order numerical diffusion | |
0 | (default) no 6th-order diffusion | |
1 | 6th-order numerical diffusion | |
2 | 6th-order numerical diffusion, but prohibit up-gradient diffusion | |
diff_6th_factor | 0.12 | 6th-order numerical diffusion non-dimensional rate (max value 1.0 corresponds to complete removal of 2dx wave in one timestep) |
damp_opt | upper-level damping flag | |
0 | (default) no damping | |
1 | with diffusive damping; maybe used for real-data cases (dampcoef nondimensional ~ 0.01 to 0.1) | |
2 | with Rayleigh damping (dampcoef inverse time scale [1/s], e.g. 0.003) | |
3 | with Rayleigh damping (dampcoef inverse time scale [1/s], e.g. 0.2; for real-data cases) | |
zdamp (max_dom) | 5000 | damping depth (m) from model top |
dampcoef (max_dom) | 0. | damping coefficient (see damp_opt) |
w_damping | vertical velocity damping flag (for operational use) | |
0 | (default) no damping | |
1 | with damping | |
base_pres | 100000 | base state surface pressure (Pa); real only., not recommended to change. |
base_temp | 290. | base state temperature (K); real only |
base_lapse | 50. | real-data ONLY, lapse rate (K), not recommended to change |
iso_temp | 200. (default value changed to 200 in V3.5) |
isothermal temperature in statosphere; enables model to be extended to 5 mb; real only. Default value changed to 200 since V3.5 |
base_pres_strat (New since V3.6.1) | 5500. | real data, em ONLY, base state pressure (Pa) at bottom of the stratosphere, US Standard atmosphere 55 hPa |
use_baseparm_fr_nml | .false. | for backward compatibility; to use with old wrfinput file produced prior to V3.4 |
use_input_w (new since V3.3.1) | . false. | whether to use vertical velocity from input file |
khdif (max_dom) | 0. | horizontal diffusion constant (m2/s) |
kvdif (max_dom) | 0. | vertical diffusion constant (m2/s) |
smdiv (max_dom) | 0.1 | divergence damping (0.1 is typical) |
emdiv (max_dom) | 0.01 | external-mode filter coef for mass coordinate model (0.01 is typical for real-data cases) |
epssm (max_dom) | 0.1 | time off-centering for vertical sound waves |
non-hydrostatic (max_dom) | .true. | (default) running the model in non-hydrostatic mode |
.false. | running the model in hydrostatic mode | |
pert_coriolis (max_dom) | .false. | coriolis only acts on wind perturbation (only for idealized) |
top_lid (max_dom) | .false. | zero vertical motion at top of domain (only for idealized) |
mix_full_fields | .false. | used with diff_opt = 2; value of .true. is recommended, except for highly idealized numerical tests; damp_opt must not be =1 if .true. is chosen; .false. means subtract 1D base-state profile before mixing (only for idealized) |
mix_isotropic (max_dom) | 0 | (default) anistropic vertical/horizontal diffusion |
1 | isotropic; for km_opt = 2, 3 | |
mix_upper_bound (max_dom) | 0.1 | non-dimensional upper limit for diffusion coefficients; for km_opt = 2, 3 |
h_mom_adv_order (max_dom) | 5 | horizontal momentum advection order; 5 (default) = 5th, etc. |
v_mom_adv_order (max_dom) | 3 | vertical momentum advection order; 3 (default) = 3rd, etc. |
h_sca_adv_order (max_dom) | 5 | horizontal scalar advection order; 5 (default) = 5th, etc |
v_sca_adv_order (max_dom) | 3 | vertical scalar advection order; 3 (default) = 3rd, etc. |
time_step_sound (max_dom) | 4 | number of sound steps per timestep (if using a time_step much larger than 6*DX (in km), increase number of sound steps (default is 0) |
moist_adv_opt (max_dom) | advection options for moisture | |
0 | simple | |
1 | (default) positive-definite | |
2 | monotonic | |
3 | 5th-order WENO (Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory) | |
(new since V3.4) | 4 | 5th-order WENO with positive definite |
scalar_adv_opt (max_dom) | advection options for scalars | |
0 | simple | |
1 | (default) positive-definite | |
2 | monotonic | |
3 | 5th-order WENO | |
4 | 5th-order WENO with positive definite | |
tke_adv_opt (max_dom) | advection options for TKE | |
0 | simple | |
1 | (default) positive-definite | |
2 | monotonic | |
3 | 5th-order WENO | |
4 | 5th-order WENO with positive definite | |
chem_adv_opt (max_dom) | advection options for chem variables | |
0 | simple | |
1 | (default) positive definite | |
2 | monotonic | |
3 | 5th-order WENO | |
4 | 5th-order WENO with positive definite | |
tracer_adv_opt (max_dom) | advection options for tracer variables | |
0 | simple | |
1 | (default) positive definite | |
2 | monotonic | |
3 | 5th-order WENO | |
4 | 5th-order WENO with positive definite | |
momentum_adv_opt | advection options for momentum | |
1 | (default) standard | |
(new since V3.4) | 3 | 5th-order WENO |
tke_drag_coefficient (max_dom) | 0 | surface drag coefficient (Cd, dimensionless) for diff_opt = 2 only |
tke_heat_flux (max_dom) | 0 | surface thermal flux (H/rho*cp), K ms-1, for diff_opt = 2 only |
fft_filter_lat | 45. | the latitude above which the polar filter is turned on for global model |
gwd_opt | 1 | gravity wave drag option; use when grid size > 10 km (default is 0=off) |
do_avgflx_em (max_dom) | 1 | outputs time-averaged mass-coupled advective velocities (default is 0 = off) |
do_avgflx_cugd (max_dom) | 1 | outputs time_averaged convective mass-fluxes from the Grell-Devenyi ensemble scheme (default is 0 = off; only takes effect if do_avgflx_em =1, and cu_physics = 93 |
sfs_opt (max_dom) | nonlinear backscatter and anisotrophy (NBA) | |
0 | (default) off | |
1 | NBA, using diagnostic stress terms (km_opt = 2, 3 for scalars) | |
2 | NBA, using tke-based stress terms (km_opt = 2, 3 needed) | |
m_opt (max_dom) | 1 | adds output of Mij stress terms when NBA is not used (default is 0 = off) |
tracer_opt (max_dom) | 2 | activates 8 pre-defined tracers in the Registry (default is 0 = off) |
rad_nudge | 1 | option to nudge toward initial sounding in idealized TC case (default is 0 = off) |
&bdy_control | boundary condition control | |
spec_bdy_width | 5 | total number of rows for specified boundary value nudging (real only) |
spec_zone | 1 | number of points in specified zone (specified b.c. option; real only) |
relax_zone | 4 | number of points in relaxation zone (spec b.c. option; real only) |
specified | .true. | specified boundary condition; only can be used for domain 1 (default is .false.; real only) |
spec_exp | 0. | exponential multiplier for relaxation zone ramp for specified = .true.; default is 0. = linear ramp; 0.33 = ~3*DX exp decay factor (real only) |
periodic_x (max_dom) | .true. | periodic boundary conditions in x-direction (default is .false.) |
symmetric_xs (max_dom) | .true. | symmetric boundary conditions at x start (west; default is .false.) |
symmetric_xe (max_dom) | .true. | symmetric boundary conditions at x end (east; default is .false.) |
open _xs (max_dom) | .true. | open boundary conditions at x start (west; default is .false.) |
open _xe (max_dom) | .true. | open boundary conditions at x end (east; default is .false.) |
periodic_y (max_dom) | .true. | periodic boundary conditions in y-direction (default is .false.) |
symmetric_ys (max_dom) | .true. | symmetric boundary conditions at y start (south; default is .false.) |
symmetric_ye (max_dom) | .true. | symmetric boundary conditions at y end (north; default is .false.) |
open_ys (max_dom) | .true. | open boundary conditions at y start (south; default is .false.) |
open_ye (max_dom) | .true. | open boundary conditions at y end (north; default is .false.) |
nested (max_dom) | .false., .true., .true. | nested boundary conditions (must be set to .true for nests) |
polar (max_dom) | .true. | polar boundary condition (v=0 at polarward-most v-point) for global application (default is .false.) |
constant_bc | .true. | constant boundary condition used with DFI (default is .false.) |
perturb_bdy (new since V3.5) | perturb lateral boundary conditions | |
0 | no boundary perturbation | |
1 | use SKEBS pattern for boundary perturbation | |
2 | use other user-provided pattern for boundary perturbation | |
have_bcs_moist (new since V3.5.1) | .false. | do not use microphysics variables in boundary file in model run after ndown (default) |
.true. | use microphysics variables in boundary file | |
have_bcs_scalar (new since V3.5.1) | .false. | do not use scalar variables in boundary file in model run after ndown (default) |
.true. | use scalar variables in boundary file | |
&namelist_quilt | options for asynchronized I/O for MPI applications | |
nio_tasks_per_group | 0 | (default) no quilting |
>0 | # of processors used for IO quilting per IO group | |
nio_groups | 1 | default; may be set to higher value for nesting IO or history and restart IO |
&grib2 | ||
background_proc_id | 255 | (default); background generating process identifier, typically defined by the originating center to identify the background data that was used in creating the data; this is octet 13 of Section 4 in the grib2 message |
forecast_proc_id | 255 | (default) analysis or generating forecast process identifier, typically defined by the originating center to identify the forecast process that was used to generate the data; this is octet 14 of Section 4 in the grib2 message |
production_status | 255 | (default) production status of processed data in the grib2 message; see Code Table 1.3 of the grib2 manual; this is octect 20 of Section 1 in the grib2 record. |
compression | the compression method to encode the output grib2 message; only jpeg2000 and PNG are supported. | |
40 | (default) for jpeg2000 | |
41 | PNG | |
&dfi_control | digital filter options control (does not yet support nesting) | |
dfi_opt | 0 | (default) no digital filter initialization |
1 | digital filter launch (DFL) | |
2 | diabatic DFI (DDFI) | |
3 | (recommended) twice DFI (TDFI) | |
dfi_nfilter | 0 | uniform filter |
1 | Lanczos filter | |
2 | Hamming filter | |
3 | Blackman filter | |
4 | Kaiser filter | |
5 | Potter filter | |
6 | Dolph window filter | |
7 | (default; recommended) Dolph filter | |
8 | recursive high-order filter | |
dfi_write_filtered_input | .true. | whether to write wrfinput file with filtered model state before beginning forecast |
dfi_write_dfi_history | .false. | whether to write wrfout files during filtering integration |
dfi_cutoff_seconds | 3600 | cutoff period (s) for the filter; should not be longer than the filter window |
dfi_time_dim | 1000 | maximum number of time steps for filtering period; this value can be larger than necessary |
for a model that starts from 2001061112, the below setup specifies 1 hour backward integration | ||
dfi_bckstop_year | 2001 | 4-digit year of stop time for backward DFI integration |
dfi_bckstop_month | 06 | 2-digit month of stop time for backward DFI integration |
dfi_bckstop_day | 11 | 2-digit day of stop time for backward DFI integration |
dfi_bckstop_hour | 11 | 2-digit hour of stop time for backward DFI integration |
dfi_bckstop_minute | 00 | 2-digit minute of stop time for backward DFI integration |
dfi_bckstop_second | 00 | 2-digit second of stop time for backward DFI integration |
for a model that starts at 2001061112, the below setup specifies 30 minutes of forward integration | ||
dfi_fwdstop_year | 2001 | 4-digit year of stop time for forward DFI integration |
dfi_fwdstop_month | 06 | 2-digit month of stop time for forward DFI integration |
dfi_fwdstop_day | 11 | 2-digit day of stop time for forward DFI integration |
dfi_fwdstop_hour | 12 | 2-digit hour of stop time for forward DFI integration |
dfi_fwdstop_minute | 30 | 2-digit minute of stop time for forward DFI integration |
dfi_fwdstop_second | 00 | 2-digit second of stop time for forward DFI integration |
dfi_radar | 0 | DFI radar data assimilation switch |
&scm | for the single-column model (SCM) option only | |
scm_force | 0 | (default) single column forcing turned off |
1 | single column forcing on | |
scm_force_dx | 4000. | DX for SCM forcing (m) |
num_force_layers | 8 | number of SCM input forcing layers |
scm_lu_index | 2 | SCM landuse category (2 = dryland, cropland, and pasture; others can be found in the LANDUSE.TBL) |
scm_isltyp | 4 | SCM soil category (4 = silt loam; others can be found in the SOILPARM.TBL) |
scm_vegfra | 0.5 | SCM vegetation fraction |
scm_canwat | 0.0 | SCM canopy water (kg m-2) |
scm_lat | 36.605 | SCM latitude |
scm_lon | -97.485 | SCM longitude |
scm_th_adv | .true. | turn on theta advection in SCM |
scm_wind_adv | .true. | turn on wind advection in SCM |
scm_qv_adv | .true. | turn on moisture advection in SCM |
scm_vert_adv | .true. | turn on vertical advection in SCM |
scm_ql_adv | .true. | turn on liquid advection in SCM (default is .false. = off) |
num_force_soil_layers | 5 | number of SCM soil forcing layers |
scm_soilt_force | .true. | turn on soil temperature forcing in SCM (default is .false. = off) |
scm_soilq_force | .true. | turn on soil moisture forcing in SCM (default is .false. = off) |
scm_force_th_largescale | .true. | turn on large-scale theta forcing in SCM (default is .false. = off) |
scm_force_qv_largescale | .true. | turn on large-scale qv forcing in SCM (default is .false. = off) |
scm_force_ql_largescale | .true. | turn on large-scale ql forcing in SCM (default is .false. = off) |
scm_force_wind_largescale | .true. | turn on large-scale wind forcing in SCM (default is .false. = off) |
&tc | controls for tc_em.exe only | |
insert_bogus_storm | .false. | T/F for inserting a bogus tropical storm |
remove_storm | .false. | T/F for only removing the original TC |
num_storm | 1 | number of bogus TC |
latc_loc | -999. | center latitude of the bogus TC |
lonc_loc | -999. | center longitude of the bogus TC |
vmax_meters_per_second (max_dom) | -999. | wind max of bogus storm (m s-1) |
rmax | -999. | maximum radius outward from storm center of bogus TC |
vmax_ratio (max_dom) | -999. | ratio for representative maximum winds, 0.75 for 45 km grid, and 0.9 for 15 kim grid |
rankine_lid | -999. | top pressure limit for the TC bogus scheme |
&diags (new since V3.4.1) |
output fields on pressure levels Also need to set auxhist23_outname=”wrfpress_d io_form_auxhist23 = 2, auxhist23_interval = 180, 180, frames_per_auxhist23 = 100, 100, |
p_lev_diags | 0 | 0/1 whether to output pressure level diagnostics |
num_press_levels | 4 | Number of pressure levels |
press_levels (max_plevs) | 0 | Pressure levels in Pa |
use_tot_or_hyd_p | 2 | 1: use total pressure 2: use hydrostatic pressure |
p_lev_missing | -999. | Missing value below ground |
&afwa (new since V3.6) | ||
afwa_diag_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) AFWA diagnostic opton (1 = on) |
afwa_ptype_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) precip type option (1 = on) |
afwa_vil_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) vertical int liquid option (1 = on) |
afwa_radar_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) radar option (1 = on) |
afwa_severe_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) severe weather option (1 = on) |
afwa_icing_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) icing option (1 = on) |
afwa_vis_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) visibility option (1 = on) |
afwa_cloud_opt (max_dom) | 0 | (default) cloud option (1 = on) |
afwa_ptype_ccn_tmp | 264.15 | (default) CCN temperature for precipitation type calculation |
afwa_ptype_tot_melt | 50 | (default) total melting energy for precipitation type calculation |
afwa_ccn_conc (new since V3.6.1) | 1.0E8 | (default) CCN concentration |
afwa_hail_opt (new since V3.6.1) | hail/graupel switch | |
1 | (default) hail | |
0 | graupel |