Spark Streaming源码解读之Driver中的ReceiverTracker详解


1. Driver在Executor启动Receiver方式,每个Receiver都封装成一个Task,此时一个Job中就一个Task,而Task中就一条数据,也就是Receiver数据。由此,多少个Job也就可以启动多少个Receiver.
2. ReceiverTracker在启动Receiver的时候他有ReceiverSupervisor,其实现是ReceiverSupervisorImpl, ReceiverSupervisor本身启动的时候会启动Receiver,Receiver不断的接收数据,通过BlockGenerator将数据转换成Block。定时器会不断的把Block数据通过BlockManager或者WAL进行存储,数据存储之后ReceiverSupervisorImpl会把存储后的数据的元数据Metadate汇报给ReceiverTracker,其实是汇报给ReceiverTracker中的RPC实体ReceiverTrackerEndpoint.

  1. 通过receivedBlockHandler写数据
private val receivedBlockHandler: ReceivedBlockHandler = {
  if (WriteAheadLogUtils.enableReceiverLog(env.conf)) {
    if (checkpointDirOption.isEmpty) {
      throw new SparkException(
        "Cannot enable receiver write-ahead log without checkpoint directory set. " +
          "Please use streamingContext.checkpoint() to set the checkpoint directory. " +
          "See documentation for more details.")
    new WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler(env.blockManager, receiver.streamId,
      receiver.storageLevel, env.conf, hadoopConf, checkpointDirOption.get)
  } else {
    new BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler(env.blockManager, receiver.storageLevel)
2.  PushAndReportBlock存储Block数据,且把信息汇报给Driver。
/** Store block and report it to driver */
def pushAndReportBlock(
    receivedBlock: ReceivedBlock,
    metadataOption: Option[Any],
    blockIdOption: Option[StreamBlockId]
  ) {
  val blockId = blockIdOption.getOrElse(nextBlockId)
  val time = System.currentTimeMillis
  val blockStoreResult = receivedBlockHandler.storeBlock(blockId, receivedBlock)
  logDebug(s"Pushed block $blockId in ${(System.currentTimeMillis - time)} ms")
  val numRecords = blockStoreResult.numRecords
  val blockInfo = ReceivedBlockInfo(streamId, numRecords, metadataOption, blockStoreResult)
  logDebug(s"Reported block $blockId")
3.  此时trackerEndpoint是ReceiverTrackerEndpoint
/** Remote RpcEndpointRef for the ReceiverTracker */
private val trackerEndpoint = RpcUtils.makeDriverRef("ReceiverTracker", env.conf, env.rpcEnv)
4.  ReceivedBlockInfo:封装Block的存储信息。
/** Information about blocks received by the receiver */
private[streaming] case class ReceivedBlockInfo(
    streamId: Int, //block属于哪个接收的流
    numRecords: Option[Long],//多少条记录
    metadataOption: Option[Any],//元数据信息
    blockStoreResult: ReceivedBlockStoreResult
  ) {

  require(numRecords.isEmpty || numRecords.get >= 0, "numRecords must not be negative")

  @volatile private var _isBlockIdValid = true

  def blockId: StreamBlockId = blockStoreResult.blockId

  def walRecordHandleOption: Option[WriteAheadLogRecordHandle] = {
    blockStoreResult match {
      case walStoreResult: WriteAheadLogBasedStoreResult => Some(walStoreResult.walRecordHandle)
      case _ => None

  /** Is the block ID valid, that is, is the block present in the Spark executors. */
  def isBlockIdValid(): Boolean = _isBlockIdValid

   * Set the block ID as invalid. This is useful when it is known that the block is not present
   * in the Spark executors.
  def setBlockIdInvalid(): Unit = {
    _isBlockIdValid = false
5.  ReceivedBlockStoreResult:
/** Trait that represents the metadata related to storage of blocks */
private[streaming] trait ReceivedBlockStoreResult {
  // Any implementation of this trait will store a block id
  def blockId: StreamBlockId
  // Any implementation of this trait will have to return the number of records
  def numRecords: Option[Long]

1. 下面的消息是完成Receiver和ReceiverTracker之间通信的。

 * Messages used by the NetworkReceiver and the ReceiverTracker to communicate
 * with each other.
private[streaming] sealed trait ReceiverTrackerMessage
private[streaming] case class RegisterReceiver(
    streamId: Int,
    typ: String,
    host: String,
    executorId: String,
    receiverEndpoint: RpcEndpointRef
  ) extends ReceiverTrackerMessage
private[streaming] case class AddBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo)
  extends ReceiverTrackerMessage
private[streaming] case class ReportError(streamId: Int, message: String, error: String)
private[streaming] case class DeregisterReceiver(streamId: Int, msg: String, error: String)
  extends ReceiverTrackerMessage
2.  Driver和ReceiverTrackerEndpoint之间的交流通过ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage。
 * Messages used by the driver and ReceiverTrackerEndpoint to communicate locally.
private[streaming] sealed trait ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage
3.  ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage中的子类
 * This message will trigger ReceiverTrackerEndpoint to restart a Spark job for the receiver.
private[streaming] case class RestartReceiver(receiver: Receiver[_])
  extends ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage

 * This message is sent to ReceiverTrackerEndpoint when we start to launch Spark jobs for receivers
 * at the first time.
private[streaming] case class StartAllReceivers(receiver: Seq[Receiver[_]])
  extends ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage

 * This message will trigger ReceiverTrackerEndpoint to send stop signals to all registered
 * receivers.
private[streaming] case object StopAllReceivers extends ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage

 * A message used by ReceiverTracker to ask all receiver's ids still stored in
 * ReceiverTrackerEndpoint.
private[streaming] case object AllReceiverIds extends ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage

// UpdateReceiverRateLimit实例可能会有几个,因此在程序运行的时候需要限流。
private[streaming] case class UpdateReceiverRateLimit(streamUID: Int, newRate: Long)
  extends ReceiverTrackerLocalMessage
4.  ReceiverTracker:管理Receiver的启动,Receiver的执行,回收,执行过程中接收数据的管理。DStreamGraph中会有成员记录所有的数据流来源,免得每次都去检索。
 * This class manages the execution of the receivers of ReceiverInputDStreams. Instance of
 * this class must be created after all input streams have been added and StreamingContext.start()
 * has been called because it needs the final set of input streams at the time of instantiation.
 * @param skipReceiverLaunch Do not launch the receiver. This is useful for testing.

class ReceiverTracker(ssc: StreamingContext, skipReceiverLaunch: Boolean = false) extends Logging {
private val receiverInputStreams = ssc.graph.getReceiverInputStreams()
private val receiverInputStreamIds = { }
private val receivedBlockTracker = new ReceivedBlockTracker(
private val listenerBus = ssc.scheduler.listenerBus

Spark Streaming源码解读之Driver中的ReceiverTracker详解_第1张图片

  1. ReceiverTrackerEndpoint接收消息,并回复addBlock消息。
override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
  // Remote messages
  case RegisterReceiver(streamId, typ, host, executorId, receiverEndpoint) =>
    val successful =
      registerReceiver(streamId, typ, host, executorId, receiverEndpoint, context.senderAddress)
  case AddBlock(receivedBlockInfo) =>
    if (WriteAheadLogUtils.isBatchingEnabled(ssc.conf, isDriver = true)) {
      walBatchingThreadPool.execute(new Runnable {
        override def run(): Unit = Utils.tryLogNonFatalError {
          if (active) {
          } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ReceiverTracker RpcEndpoint shut down.")
    } else {
  case DeregisterReceiver(streamId, message, error) =>
    deregisterReceiver(streamId, message, error)
  // Local messages
  case AllReceiverIds =>
    context.reply(receiverTrackingInfos.filter(_._2.state != ReceiverState.INACTIVE).keys.toSeq)
  case StopAllReceivers =>
    assert(isTrackerStopping || isTrackerStopped)
2.  addBlock源码如下:
/** Add new blocks for the given stream */
private def addBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo): Boolean = {
3.  ReceiverBlockTracker的addBlock源码如下:把具体的一个Receiver汇报上来的数据的元数据信息写入streamIdToUnallocatedBlockQueues中。
/** Add received block. This event will get written to the write ahead log (if enabled). */
def addBlock(receivedBlockInfo: ReceivedBlockInfo): Boolean = {
  try {
    val writeResult = writeToLog(BlockAdditionEvent(receivedBlockInfo))
    if (writeResult) {
      synchronized {
        getReceivedBlockQueue(receivedBlockInfo.streamId) += receivedBlockInfo
      logDebug(s"Stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} received " +
        s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId}")
    } else {
      logDebug(s"Failed to acknowledge stream ${receivedBlockInfo.streamId} receiving " +
        s"block ${receivedBlockInfo.blockStoreResult.blockId} in the Write Ahead Log.")
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) =>
      logError(s"Error adding block $receivedBlockInfo", e)


/** Get the queue of received blocks belonging to a particular stream */
private def getReceivedBlockQueue(streamId: Int): ReceivedBlockQueue = {
  streamIdToUnallocatedBlockQueues.getOrElseUpdate(streamId, new ReceivedBlockQueue)
4.  其中HashMap中第一个参数是StreamId,第二个参数ReceivedBlockQueue是StreamId对应接收到的Receiver.
private val streamIdToUnallocatedBlockQueues = new mutable.HashMap[Int, ReceivedBlockQueue]
5.  WritetToLog源码如下:
/** Write an update to the tracker to the write ahead log */
private def writeToLog(record: ReceivedBlockTrackerLogEvent): Boolean = {
  if (isWriteAheadLogEnabled) { //先判断是否可以写入到log中。
    logTrace(s"Writing record: $record")
    try {
//write方法将数据写入      writeAheadLogOption.get.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(Utils.serialize(record)),
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        logWarning(s"Exception thrown while writing record: $record to the WriteAheadLog.", e)
  } else {

1. 保持跟踪所有接收到的Block。并且根据需要把他们分配给batches.

 * Class that keep track of all the received blocks, and allocate them to batches
 * when required. All actions taken by this class can be saved to a write ahead log
 * (if a checkpoint directory has been provided), so that the state of the tracker
 * (received blocks and block-to-batch allocations) can be recovered after driver failure.
 * Note that when any instance of this class is created with a checkpoint directory,
 * it will try reading events from logs in the directory.
private[streaming] class ReceivedBlockTracker(
2.  ReceivedBlockTracker通过调用allocateBlocksToBatch方法把接收到的数据分配给当前执行的Batch Duractions作业。


 * Allocate all unallocated blocks to the given batch.
 * This event will get written to the write ahead log (if enabled).
def allocateBlocksToBatch(batchTime: Time): Unit = synchronized {
  if (lastAllocatedBatchTime == null || batchTime > lastAllocatedBatchTime) {
    val streamIdToBlocks = { streamId =>
        (streamId, getReceivedBlockQueue(streamId).dequeueAll(x => true))
    val allocatedBlocks = AllocatedBlocks(streamIdToBlocks)
    if (writeToLog(BatchAllocationEvent(batchTime, allocatedBlocks))) {
// allocatedBlocks是接收到数据
// batchTime 是时间
      timeToAllocatedBlocks.put(batchTime, allocatedBlocks)
      lastAllocatedBatchTime = batchTime
    } else {
      logInfo(s"Possibly processed batch $batchTime need to be processed again in WAL recovery")
  } else {
    // This situation occurs when:
    // 1. WAL is ended with BatchAllocationEvent, but without BatchCleanupEvent,
    // possibly processed batch job or half-processed batch job need to be processed again,
    // so the batchTime will be equal to lastAllocatedBatchTime.
    // 2. Slow checkpointing makes recovered batch time older than WAL recovered
    // lastAllocatedBatchTime.
    // This situation will only occurs in recovery time.
    logInfo(s"Possibly processed batch $batchTime need to be processed again in WAL recovery")


/** Generate jobs and perform checkpoint for the given `time`.  */
private def generateJobs(time: Time) {
  // Set the SparkEnv in this thread, so that job generation code can access the environment
  // Example: BlockRDDs are created in this thread, and it needs to access BlockManager
  // Update: This is probably redundant after threadlocal stuff in SparkEnv has been removed.
  Try {
    jobScheduler.receiverTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch(time) // allocate received blocks to batch
3.  AllocatedBlocks源码如下:
/** Class representing the blocks of all the streams allocated to a batch */
case class AllocatedBlocks(streamIdToAllocatedBlocks: Map[Int, Seq[ReceivedBlockInfo]]) {
  def getBlocksOfStream(streamId: Int): Seq[ReceivedBlockInfo] = {
    streamIdToAllocatedBlocks.getOrElse(streamId, Seq.empty)

Spark Streaming源码解读之Driver中的ReceiverTracker详解_第2张图片
4. ReceiverTracker中receive源码如下:

override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
  // Local messages
  case StartAllReceivers(receivers) =>
    val scheduledLocations = schedulingPolicy.scheduleReceivers(receivers, getExecutors)
    for (receiver <- receivers) {
      val executors = scheduledLocations(receiver.streamId)
      updateReceiverScheduledExecutors(receiver.streamId, executors)
      receiverPreferredLocations(receiver.streamId) = receiver.preferredLocation
      startReceiver(receiver, executors)
  case RestartReceiver(receiver) =>
    // Old scheduled executors minus the ones that are not active any more
    val oldScheduledExecutors = getStoredScheduledExecutors(receiver.streamId)
    val scheduledLocations = if (oldScheduledExecutors.nonEmpty) {
        // Try global scheduling again
      } else {
        val oldReceiverInfo = receiverTrackingInfos(receiver.streamId)
        // Clear "scheduledLocations" to indicate we are going to do local scheduling
        val newReceiverInfo = oldReceiverInfo.copy(
          state = ReceiverState.INACTIVE, scheduledLocations = None)
        receiverTrackingInfos(receiver.streamId) = newReceiverInfo
    // Assume there is one receiver restarting at one time, so we don't need to update
    // receiverTrackingInfos
    startReceiver(receiver, scheduledLocations)
  case c: CleanupOldBlocks => 
// ReceiverTracker可以动态的调整Receiver接收的RateLimit
  case UpdateReceiverRateLimit(streamUID, newRate) =>
    for (info <- receiverTrackingInfos.get(streamUID); eP <- info.endpoint) {
  // Remote messages
  case ReportError(streamId, message, error) =>
    reportError(streamId, message, error)
5.  在ReceiverSupervisorImpl的receive方法中就接收到了ReceiverTracker的CleanupOldBlocks消息。
/** RpcEndpointRef for receiving messages from the ReceiverTracker in the driver */
private val endpoint = env.rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(
  "Receiver-" + streamId + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis(), new ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint {
    override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv = env.rpcEnv

    override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
      case StopReceiver =>
        logInfo("Received stop signal")
        ReceiverSupervisorImpl.this.stop("Stopped by driver", None)
      case CleanupOldBlocks(threshTime) =>
        logDebug("Received delete old batch signal")
//根据时间就clean Old Block
      case UpdateRateLimit(eps) =>
        logInfo(s"Received a new rate limit: $eps.")
        registeredBlockGenerators.foreach { bg =>
6.  RateLimiter中的updateRate源码如下:
   * Set the rate limit to `newRate`. The new rate will not exceed the maximum rate configured by
   * {{{spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate}}}, even if `newRate` is higher than that.
   * @param newRate A new rate in events per second. It has no effect if it's 0 or negative.
  private[receiver] def updateRate(newRate: Long): Unit =
    if (newRate > 0) {
      if (maxRateLimit > 0) {
      } else {
7.  其中setRate源码如下:
 * Updates the stable rate of this {@code RateLimiter}, that is, the
 * {@code permitsPerSecond} argument provided in the factory method that
 * constructed the {@code RateLimiter}. Currently throttled threads will not
 * be awakened as a result of this invocation, thus they do not observe the new rate;
 * only subsequent requests will.

Note though that, since each request repays (by waiting, if necessary) the cost * of the previous request, this means that the very next request * after an invocation to {@code setRate} will not be affected by the new rate; * it will pay the cost of the previous request, which is in terms of the previous rate. * *

The behavior of the {@code RateLimiter} is not modified in any other way, * e.g. if the {@code RateLimiter} was configured with a warmup period of 20 seconds, * it still has a warmup period of 20 seconds after this method invocation. * * @param permitsPerSecond the new stable rate of this {@code RateLimiter}. */ public final void setRate(double permitsPerSecond) { Preconditions.checkArgument(permitsPerSecond > 0.0 && !Double.isNaN(permitsPerSecond), "rate must be positive"); synchronized (mutex) { resync(readSafeMicros()); double stableIntervalMicros = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMicros(1L) / permitsPerSecond; this.stableIntervalMicros = stableIntervalMicros; doSetRate(permitsPerSecond, stableIntervalMicros); } }

1. stopReceivers源码如下:

  /** Send stop signal to the receivers. */
  private def stopReceivers() {
{ _.send(StopReceiver) }
    logInfo("Sent stop signal to all " + receiverTrackingInfos.size + " receivers")
2.  在ReceiverSupervisorImpl中receive接收到了此消息。
/** RpcEndpointRef for receiving messages from the ReceiverTracker in the driver */
private val endpoint = env.rpcEnv.setupEndpoint(
  "Receiver-" + streamId + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis(), new ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint {
    override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv = env.rpcEnv

    override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
      case StopReceiver =>
        logInfo("Received stop signal")
        ReceiverSupervisorImpl.this.stop("Stopped by driver", None)
      case CleanupOldBlocks(threshTime) =>
        logDebug("Received delete old batch signal")
      case UpdateRateLimit(eps) =>
        logInfo(s"Received a new rate limit: $eps.")
        registeredBlockGenerators.foreach { bg =>
3.  stop函数在ReceiverSupervisor中实现的。
/** Mark the supervisor and the receiver for stopping */
def stop(message: String, error: Option[Throwable]) {
  stoppingError = error.orNull
  stopReceiver(message, error)
  onStop(message, error)
4.  stopReceiver源码如下:
/** Stop receiver */
def stopReceiver(message: String, error: Option[Throwable]): Unit = synchronized {
  try {
    logInfo("Stopping receiver with message: " + message + ": " + error.getOrElse(""))
    receiverState match {
      case Initialized =>
        logWarning("Skip stopping receiver because it has not yet stared")
      case Started =>
        receiverState = Stopped
        logInfo("Called receiver onStop")
        onReceiverStop(message, error)
      case Stopped =>
        logWarning("Receiver has been stopped")
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(t) =>
      logError("Error stopping receiver " + streamId + t.getStackTraceString)
5.  最终调用onStop方法
 * This method is called by the system when the receiver is stopped. All resources
 * (threads, buffers, etc.) setup in `onStart()` must be cleaned up in this method.
def onStop()
6.  onReceiverStop方法在子类ReceiverSupervisorImpl中会有具体实现。
override protected def onReceiverStop(message: String, error: Option[Throwable]) {
  logInfo("Deregistering receiver " + streamId)
  val errorString ="")
  trackerEndpoint.askWithRetry[Boolean](DeregisterReceiver(streamId, message, errorString))
  logInfo("Stopped receiver " + streamId)
7.  onStop方法在ReceiverSupervisorImpl中实现如下:
override protected def onStop(message: String, error: Option[Throwable]) {
  registeredBlockGenerators.foreach { _.stop() }

Spark Streaming源码解读之Driver中的ReceiverTracker详解_第3张图片

Receiver接收到数据之后合并存储数据后,ReceiverSupervisorImpl会把数据汇报给ReceiverTracker, ReceiverTracker接收到元数据,其内部汇报的是RPC通信体,接收到数据之后,内部有ReceivedBlockTracker会管理数据的分配,JobGenerator会将每个Batch,每次工作的时候会根据元数据信息从ReceiverTracker中获取相应的元数据信息生成RDD。
ReceiverBlockTracker中 allocateBlocksToBatch专门管理Block元数据信息,作为一个内部的管理对象。


private type ReceivedBlockQueue = mutable.Queue[ReceivedBlockInfo]

// streamIdToUnallocatedBlockQueues里面封装的是所有汇报上来的数据,但是没有被分配的数据。
private val streamIdToUnallocatedBlockQueues = new mutable.HashMap[Int, ReceivedBlockQueue]
private val timeToAllocatedBlocks = new mutable.HashMap[Time, AllocatedBlocks]
private val writeAheadLogOption = createWriteAheadLog()

private var lastAllocatedBatchTime: Time = null


/** Get the blocks allocated to the given batch. */
def getBlocksOfBatch(batchTime: Time): Map[Int, Seq[ReceivedBlockInfo]] = synchronized {
  timeToAllocatedBlocks.get(batchTime).map { _.streamIdToAllocatedBlocks }.getOrElse(Map.empty)


 * Clean up block information of old batches. If waitForCompletion is true, this method
 * returns only after the files are cleaned up.
def cleanupOldBatches(cleanupThreshTime: Time, waitForCompletion: Boolean): Unit = synchronized {
  require(cleanupThreshTime.milliseconds < clock.getTimeMillis())
  val timesToCleanup = timeToAllocatedBlocks.keys.filter { _ < cleanupThreshTime }.toSeq
  logInfo("Deleting batches " + timesToCleanup)
  if (writeToLog(BatchCleanupEvent(timesToCleanup))) {
    timeToAllocatedBlocks --= timesToCleanup
    writeAheadLogOption.foreach(_.clean(cleanupThreshTime.milliseconds, waitForCompletion))
  } else {
    logWarning("Failed to acknowledge batch clean up in the Write Ahead Log.")
