
本文为挪威科技大学(作者:Zenebe Hailu Taye)的硕士论文,共86页。



Now a day, many cities and towns aregrowing rapidly in Ethiopia. Among the fast growing towns and cities,Shashemene is probably the prominent one. This is due to its strategic positionlocated along the ancient long distance trade routes. The city is expandingrapidly with increasing number of industries and service sectors such ashotels, restaurants, small and micro enterprises. As town grows, so does theamount of waste production specially the solid hazard waste. It is inevitablethat waste production and management problems increases with rapid urban growthresulting in pressure on sanitary related problems in the city. Because ofImproper waste management practices and limited public and community trucks andcontainers, people are being forced to dispose their wastes in any open fields.Poor sanitary situation has become a common characteristics of many villages inthe city. This necessitates the applications of Geo-information systems onlandfill site suitability assessment as a solution to address the problem andeffectively manage the wastes in the city. Although the city has already onesolid waste disposal site located in South Western part of the city, it notbeen scientifically chosen and no technological applications have been made inselection of the disposal site. Factor maps such as Land use, slope, road map,social service maps, water well and stream data have been used on this thesis.Once all necessary arrangements are made, Geodatabase have been created to holdall feature classes and raster data during the analysis process. DifferentGeoprocessing tools and spatial analysis operation were carried out in a modelbuilder created for this particular thesis. All factor maps having constraintare made restricted and the rest are given a suitability scale from the highestfour to the lowest one suitability scale. The weights, which have been appliedagainst each factor maps, were based on reviewing literatures, personalexperiences and judgement and consultation of experts in the area. Finally, a weightedoverlay tool from spatial analysis tools have been used and factor maps areinserted in accordance of their weighing. As a result, highly suitable areasfor a landfill development cover very small area in southeastern, northeasternand southwestern borders of the city, constituting approximately 1.1% of thetotal area of the city while unsuitable areas cover the central and wider areaof the city of Shashemene, constituting approximately half of the city’s arealcoverage. Most parts of South central and northern parts of the city wherethere exist built up and services facilities are shown as unsuitable for alandfill site development.

  1. 引言
  2. 相关文献回顾
  3. 研究范围描述
  4. 数据准备与组织
  5. 数据分析、结果与讨论
  6. 结论与建议

